Приказ резултата 655-674 од 1061

      Outlier treatment in the flood flow statistical analysis [1]
      Overland flow and pathway analysis for modelling of urban pluvial flooding [1]
      Peaks over threshold method: One stochastic model for flood volumes [1]
      Periphyton on different artificial substrata from Sava Lake as bioindicator of water quality first report [1]
      Pervious concrete pavements: The influence of solidified wastewater treatment sludge as a supplementary cementitious material on pavement porosity [1]
      Photocatalytic efficiency of ZnCr-mixed metal oxides in correlation to reaction parameters [1]
      Photodegradation of dimethenamid-p in deionised and ground water [1]
      Physical methods for waste water treatment: The use of freeze/thaw method with the assistance of microwave radiation for oily water treatment [1]
      Physics informed neural networks for 1D flood routing [1]
      PID Controllers as Data Assimilation Tool for 1D Hydrodynamic Models of Different Complexity [1]
      Pirsonov sistem raspodela i njegova primena u hidrologiji [1]
      Planiranje i razvoj integralnih vodoprivredenih sistema prema načelima ključnih direktiva o vodama EU - na primeru reke Vrbas u Republici Spskoj [1]
      Planiranje ispiranja vodovodnih mreža: okvir za optimizaciju efikasnosti učinka i troškova implementacije [1]
      Planning and Suitability Assessment of Large-scale Nature-based Solutions for Flood-risk Reduction [1]
      Plovni putevi i pristaništa kroz rešene primere [1]
      Poboljšanje digitalnog modela terena za delineaciju površinskog tečenja na urbanim slivovima [1]
      Podela vodovodne mreže na osnovne zone bilansiranja korišćenjem topoloških matrica povezanosti [1]
      Populacija cijanobakterije Planktothrix rubescens u akumulaciji Vrutci u periodu zimske cirkulacije [1]
      Poređenje metoda za proračun propagacije talasa za potrebe hidrološkog modeliranja [1]
      Possibilities for active flood control management with the application of mathematical models - the case study of reservoir Bočac on Vrbas river [1]