Prikaz rezultata 443-462 od 482

      Ugradnja optičkih vlakana kao senzora u slojevite termoplastične kompozitne materijale [1]
      Understanding interference experiments with polarized light through photon trajectories [1]
      Uniaxial compressive strength test before and after standard fire test on rock mass [1]
      Univalence and starlikeness of certain classes of analytic functions [1]
      Univalence and starlikeness of certain transforms defined by convolution of analytic functions [1]
      Univalence and starlikeness of nonlinear transform of certain class of analytic functions [1]
      Univalence of certain transform of univalent functions [1]
      Univalence of quotient of analytic functions [1]
      Univalency and convolution results associated with confluent hypergeometric functions [1]
      Unordered multiplicity lists of wide double paths [2]
      Upotreba optičkih vlakana za detekciju oštećenja kompozitnih laminata namenjenih za balističku zaštitu [1]
      Use of Husimi function in time frequency signal analysis [1]
      Using of low cost moisture sensors in laboratory experiments [1]
      Using the ELECTRE MLO Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method in Stepwise Benchmarking - Application in Higher Education. [1]
      Uticaj kvaliteta vazduha na očuvanje kulturnog nasleđa [1]
      Uticaj perioda dnevnih varijacija temperatura na dinamičke parametre termičkog omotača zgrade [1]
      Uticaj sadržaja vlage na koeficijent toplotne provodnosti betona [1]
      Variations of Concave Pyramids of Second Sort with an Even Number of Base Sides [1]
      Varijante međusobnog položaja direktrisa kosog jednogranog eliptičkog hiperboloida [1]
      Vibrations measurement using wireless sensor network [1]