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dc.creatorJovanović, Miodrag B.
dc.description.abstractKnjiga „Regulacija reka - rečna hidraulika i morfologija“ namenjena je studentima redovnih i doktorskih studija na Građevinskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Na oko 400 stranica, sa velikim brojem fotografija i dijagrama i sa 77 numerička primera, knjiga je podeljenja na 14 poglavlja, od kojih se privh sedam odnosi na rečnu hidrauliku, obuhvatajući: geomorfološke uticaje na rečni tok, elemente teorije graničnog sloja, linijske otpore u koritu sa nepokretnim i pokretnim dnom, nanosne formacije, ustaljeno i neustaljeno tečenje i razne tipove sekundarnih strujanja. Šest poglavlja je posvećeno rečnom nanosu: njegovom poreklu i fizičkim svojstvima, uslovima pokretanja, kategorijama vučenog i suspendovanog nanosa, problemima procene opšte i lokalne deformacije rečnog korita i s tim u vezi, korišćenja fizičkih modela. Posebno poglavlje je posvećeno morfološkoj analizi prirodnih vodoka, koja obuhvata teoriju režima, hipoteze ekstremnih uslova, statističku obradu podataka o rečnom koritu, kao i primenu morfoloških analiza u rešavanju inženjerskih zadataka, kao što je izbor regulacionih elemenata i predviđanje efekata regulacionih radova.
dc.description.abstractThe book "River Engineering - river hydraulics and morphology" is intended for students of regular and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade. On about 400 pages, with a large number of photographs and diagrams, and with 77 numerical examples, the book is divided into 14 chapters, of which seven are related to river hydraulics, including: geomorphological influences on the river flow, elements of boundary layer theory, flow resistance in bed with fixed and moving bottom, alluvial formations, steady and unsteady flow, and various types of secondary flows. Six chapters are devoted to the river sediments: their origin and physical properties, incipient motion, categories of bedload and suspended load, problems of estimating general and local deformation of the river bed, and in this connection, the use of physical models. A special chapter is devoted to the river morphological analysis, which includes the regime theory, hypotheses of extreme conditions, statistical processing of the river channel data, as well as the application of morphological analysis in solving engineering tasks, such as tracing of the new river channel, and the prediction of the effects of river training works.
dc.subjectregulacija rekasr
dc.subjectrečna hidraulikasr
dc.subjectrečna morfologijasr
dc.subjectriver engineering
dc.subjectriver hydraulics
dc.subjectriver morphology
dc.titleRegulacija reka - rečna hidraulika i morfologijasr



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