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Reversible hydro power plants under the conditions of increasing the share of power plants with high variability of availability

dc.creatorDašić, Tina
dc.creatorĐorđević, Branislav
dc.description.abstractUvođenje u elektroenergetske sisteme (EES) velikih snaga intermitentnih, naglo promenljivih izvora energije, solarnih i vetroelektrana, bez odgovarajućih energetskih, ali i ekoloških analiza, stvara sve veće probleme u tim sistemima. Bez dubljih analiza se zatvaraju elektrane sa visokom pouzdanošću proizvodnje (velike TE i NE), da bi se zamenili sa navodno obnovljivim izvorima energije, koji su vrlo nepouzdani sa gledišta obezbeđivanja stabilnosti rada EES. U radu se kritički razmatraju posledice izgradnje solarnih elektrana i vetroelektrana. U nizu država to postaje ozbiljan problem, koji će se sve više zaoštravati. Mogućnosti da se problemi reše skladištenjem energije u baterijama su vrlo ograničenog dometa. Veoma često se pri planiranju solarnih i verto elektrana ne vodi računa o činjenici da se sa takvim uređajima, čija izrada zahteva potrošnju velikih količina primarne enerije, a koji se nakon nekog ograničenog vremena moraju potpuno zameniti, dovodi u pitanje atribut obnovljivosti tih intermitentnih izvora enerije. U takvim okolnostima naglo raste potreba za uvođenjem u sisteme reverzibilnih hidroelektrana (RHE) i pumpno akumulacionih postrojenja (PAP), koji su neophodni da prime na sebe zadatke bilansiranja energije u sistemu i obezbeđivanje njegove stabilnosti u novim uslovima.sr
dc.description.abstractIncreasing power of intermittent power plants (solar and wind), which have sudden and variable changes in availability, are being introduced into electric power systems without appropriate necessary energy and environmental analyses. It creates more and more problems for these systems. Without in-depth analysis, power plants with high production reliability (large thermal power plants and nuclear power plants) are being closed, in order to replace them with supposedly renewable energy sources, which are very unreliable from the point of view of ensuring the stability of the operation of the EES. The article critically examines those processes of spontaneous construction of solar power plants and wind power plants. In a number of countries, this is becoming a serious problem, which will become more and more acute. Optimism that it will be solved by energy storage in batteries is very limited. Important facts are not taken into account: (a) the production of batteries for energy storage requires the consumption of large amounts of primary energy, (b) the batteries must be completely replaced after some limited time. This often calls into question the renewable attribute of these intermittent energy sources, and significantly increases the cost of the energy thus obtained. In such circumstances, the need for the introduction of reversible hydropower plants (RHPP) and pumped storage plants (PSP) into the systems is rapidly growing, which are necessary to take on the task of balancing energy in the system and ensuring its stability in new conditions.sr
dc.publisherSrpsko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanjesr
dc.publisherAkademija inženjerskih nauka Srbijesr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultetsr
dc.sourceČasopis Vodoprivredasr
dc.subjectintermitentni izvori energijesr
dc.subjectskladištanje energijesr
dc.subjectreverzibilne hidroelektranesr
dc.subjectintermittent energy sourcessr
dc.subjectenergy storagesr
dc.subjectreversible hydropower plantssr
dc.subjectwater storagesr
dc.titleReverzibilne hidroelektrane u uslovima povećanja udela elektrana sa izrazitom promenljivošću raspoloživostisr
dc.titleReversible hydro power plants under the conditions of increasing the share of power plants with high variability of availabilitysr



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