Petronijević, Mira

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  • Petronijević, Mira (71)

Author's Bibliography

Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect

Petronijević, Mira; Marjanović, Miroslav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Стандард ЕN 1998-2 за прорачун мостова на сеизмичка дејства прописује две нелинеарне методе за анализу и пројектовање мостова отпорних на земљотресе: (а) нелинеарна динамичка анализа (NRHA) и (б) нелинеарна статичка pushover анализа (SPA). SPA је постала доминантна метода за процену структурних перформанси мостова при земљотресу због једноставности и мањег утрошка времена у поређењу са NRHA. Пошто узима у обзир само један, доминантни тон осциловања, SPA се показала недовољно поузданом за анализу  мостова код којих виши тонови осциловања имају значајну улогу. Код таквих мостова примењује се мултимодална pushover анализа (МPА). У овом раду дат је кратак приказ МPА анализе, као и резултат процене сеизмичке отпорности једног армиранобетонског (АБ) моста, чији су стубови фундирани на флексибилним плитким темељима, применом  N2 методе.  Анализиран је утицај избора референтне тачке за праћење циљног померања, утицај броја тонова, као и утицај тла на одговор конструкције. Коришћен је комерцијални софтверски пакет SAP2000.
AB  - Standard EN 1998-2, for the seismic design of bridges, prescribes two nonlinear methods for the analysis and design of earthquake resistant bridges: (a) nonlinear response-history analysis (NRHA) and (b) nonlinear static pushover analysis (SPA). The SPA became a dominant method for evaluating structural performance of bridges during the earthquake, due to lower computation costs and less time-consuming in comparison with NRHA. As only one (dominant) tone of oscillation is taken into account, SPA has proven insufficiently reliable for the analysis of bridges in which higher modes have a significant role. In those cases, multi modal pushover analysis (MPA) is applied. In the paper, a brief overview of MPA is presented, as well as  the seismic resistance of a RC bridge, whose columns are founded on the shallow foundations obtained by using N2 method. A critical review of the influence of reference point selection, the number of modes and the effects of soil foundation on the response of the structure is presented. Commercial SAP2000 software package was used for numerical analysis.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet
T2  - Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu - Monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova
T1  - Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect
EP  - 105
SP  - 93
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Marjanović, Miroslav",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Стандард ЕN 1998-2 за прорачун мостова на сеизмичка дејства прописује две нелинеарне методе за анализу и пројектовање мостова отпорних на земљотресе: (а) нелинеарна динамичка анализа (NRHA) и (б) нелинеарна статичка pushover анализа (SPA). SPA је постала доминантна метода за процену структурних перформанси мостова при земљотресу због једноставности и мањег утрошка времена у поређењу са NRHA. Пошто узима у обзир само један, доминантни тон осциловања, SPA се показала недовољно поузданом за анализу  мостова код којих виши тонови осциловања имају значајну улогу. Код таквих мостова примењује се мултимодална pushover анализа (МPА). У овом раду дат је кратак приказ МPА анализе, као и резултат процене сеизмичке отпорности једног армиранобетонског (АБ) моста, чији су стубови фундирани на флексибилним плитким темељима, применом  N2 методе.  Анализиран је утицај избора референтне тачке за праћење циљног померања, утицај броја тонова, као и утицај тла на одговор конструкције. Коришћен је комерцијални софтверски пакет SAP2000., Standard EN 1998-2, for the seismic design of bridges, prescribes two nonlinear methods for the analysis and design of earthquake resistant bridges: (a) nonlinear response-history analysis (NRHA) and (b) nonlinear static pushover analysis (SPA). The SPA became a dominant method for evaluating structural performance of bridges during the earthquake, due to lower computation costs and less time-consuming in comparison with NRHA. As only one (dominant) tone of oscillation is taken into account, SPA has proven insufficiently reliable for the analysis of bridges in which higher modes have a significant role. In those cases, multi modal pushover analysis (MPA) is applied. In the paper, a brief overview of MPA is presented, as well as  the seismic resistance of a RC bridge, whose columns are founded on the shallow foundations obtained by using N2 method. A critical review of the influence of reference point selection, the number of modes and the effects of soil foundation on the response of the structure is presented. Commercial SAP2000 software package was used for numerical analysis.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu - Monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova",
booktitle = "Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect",
pages = "105-93",
url = ""
Petronijević, M.,& Marjanović, M.. (2022). Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect. in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu - Monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet., 93-105.
Petronijević M, Marjanović M. Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect. in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu - Monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova. 2022;:93-105. .
Petronijević, Mira, Marjanović, Miroslav, "Multi Modal Pushover Analysis of Bridge Structure considering SSI Effect" in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu - Monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova (2022):93-105, .

Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira

(University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2021)

AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the usage of open source hardware and software for measuring mechanical vibrations. The process of constructing the vibration measurement system including the Arduino UNO R3 ATmega328P microcontroller and Analog Devices ADXL335 accelerometer is described. The program for data acquisition is written in C++. The program for signal processing is written in Python. Vibrations are measured on the steel beam with overhangs. The obtained results are compared with the results measured with the MGCplus data acquisition system and Silicon Design 2240-002 accelerometer.
PB  - University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering
C3  - ASES International Symposium
T1  - Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations
EP  - 500
SP  - 491
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper presents the usage of open source hardware and software for measuring mechanical vibrations. The process of constructing the vibration measurement system including the Arduino UNO R3 ATmega328P microcontroller and Analog Devices ADXL335 accelerometer is described. The program for data acquisition is written in C++. The program for signal processing is written in Python. Vibrations are measured on the steel beam with overhangs. The obtained results are compared with the results measured with the MGCplus data acquisition system and Silicon Design 2240-002 accelerometer.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering",
journal = "ASES International Symposium",
title = "Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations",
pages = "500-491",
url = ""
Radišić, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2021). Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations. in ASES International Symposium
University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering., 491-500.
Radišić M, Petronijević M. Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations. in ASES International Symposium. 2021;:491-500. .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, "Application of Arduino Platform for Measuring Mechanical Vibrations" in ASES International Symposium (2021):491-500, .

Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira; Müller, Gerhard

(EASD Procedia, 2020)

AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Müller, Gerhard
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - A semi-analytical method deals with vertical vibrations of a massive, flexible rectangular foundation smoothly jointed to an elastic, homogeneous halfspace is presented. The method is based on the solution in frequency domain that represents a combination of the Integral Transform Method (ITM) used for the soil and the Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM) used for the foundation. The coupling of the foundation and the soil is established using the modal superposition technique. The influence of the foundation mass and the foundation stiffness on the response of the system is analyzed. The accuracy of the results obtained by using the proposed technique is also discussed.
PB  - EASD Procedia
C3  - XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2020
T1  - Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace
EP  - 2867
SP  - 2857
DO  - 10.47964/1120.9234.19268
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira and Müller, Gerhard",
year = "2020",
abstract = "A semi-analytical method deals with vertical vibrations of a massive, flexible rectangular foundation smoothly jointed to an elastic, homogeneous halfspace is presented. The method is based on the solution in frequency domain that represents a combination of the Integral Transform Method (ITM) used for the soil and the Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM) used for the foundation. The coupling of the foundation and the soil is established using the modal superposition technique. The influence of the foundation mass and the foundation stiffness on the response of the system is analyzed. The accuracy of the results obtained by using the proposed technique is also discussed.",
publisher = "EASD Procedia",
journal = "XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2020",
title = "Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace",
pages = "2867-2857",
doi = "10.47964/1120.9234.19268"
Radišić, M., Petronijević, M.,& Müller, G.. (2020). Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace. in XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2020
EASD Procedia., 2857-2867.
Radišić M, Petronijević M, Müller G. Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace. in XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2020. 2020;:2857-2867.
doi:10.47964/1120.9234.19268 .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, Müller, Gerhard, "Vibrations of rectangular flexible foundation on halfspace" in XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2020 (2020):2857-2867, . .

Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures

Marjanović, Miroslav; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Petronijević, Mira

(University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, 2019)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In the paper, an overview of the development of the dynamic-stiffness-method-based computational model for the free vibration analysis of plates has been presented. Starting from several formulations of the so-called dynamic stiffness elements, formulated at the Institute for Numerical Analysis and Design of Structures (INP) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade in the last decade, a novel software framework FREEVIB has been developed and validated. FREEVIB is object-oriented software in Python environment, designed to predict free vibration characteristics in a wide range of possible structural problems (stepped, stiffened and folded plate structures, implying isotropic or orthotropic material formulations). The presented methodology still serves as a strong basis for further improvements through the extensive research efforts of authors, their collaborators and students.
PB  - University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje
T2  - Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering
T1  - Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures
EP  - 74
IS  - 2
SP  - 69
VL  - 8
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In the paper, an overview of the development of the dynamic-stiffness-method-based computational model for the free vibration analysis of plates has been presented. Starting from several formulations of the so-called dynamic stiffness elements, formulated at the Institute for Numerical Analysis and Design of Structures (INP) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade in the last decade, a novel software framework FREEVIB has been developed and validated. FREEVIB is object-oriented software in Python environment, designed to predict free vibration characteristics in a wide range of possible structural problems (stepped, stiffened and folded plate structures, implying isotropic or orthotropic material formulations). The presented methodology still serves as a strong basis for further improvements through the extensive research efforts of authors, their collaborators and students.",
publisher = "University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje",
journal = "Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering",
title = "Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures",
pages = "74-69",
number = "2",
volume = "8",
url = ""
Marjanović, M., Nefovska-Danilović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2019). Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures. in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje., 8(2), 69-74.
Marjanović M, Nefovska-Danilović M, Petronijević M. Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures. in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering. 2019;8(2):69-74. .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Petronijević, Mira, "Development of dynamic stiffness method for free vibration analysis of plate structures" in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering, 8, no. 2 (2019):69-74, .

Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode

Marjanović, Miroslav; Petronijević, Mira

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2019)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Guyed masts are slender tall structures widely used to support different kinds of antennas in telecommunications. They consist of a vertical tall mast laterally supported at several levels along its height by sets of inclined pre-tensioned guys. The analysis and design of guyed masts is complex and requires special knowledge and experience because of: (1) non-linear behavior of guys, (2) the wind and ice loads, which accurate estimation is often difficult, and (3) the dynamic fluctuations of the wind load, to which the guyed mast is extremely sensitive. A dynamic stochastic analysis of guyed masts is complex and time consuming, so methods based on equivalent static analysis are usually used.
One relatively reliable simplified procedure, based on static patch wind loads, has been developed and adopted in Eurocode 3: Part 3-1: Towers, masts and chimneys. This procedure was applied to calculate member forces in 125m high anemometer guyed mast in the Alibunar municipality. The considered mast is spatial lattice structure with triangular cross sections and diagonal infill, composed of circular elements. The triangular cross sections and the pipe circular elements of mast structure were chosen in preliminary design to reduce the exposure of the structure to the wind load. The spatial stability of the mast is provided by 48 guys, attached to the mast at 11 different levels and anchored in 12 RC anchor blocks radially arranged around the central mast. Geometrically nonlinear analysis was performed using SAP2000 and obtained results are presented.
The ULS and stability check of 125m high anemometer guyed mast was performed using the procedure based on static patch wind loads adopted in Eurocode 3: Part 3-1. Geometrically nonlinear analysis was carried out using SAP2000. Loadings were calculated for the fundamental wind velocity vb,0 = 32 m/s, terrain type II, the ice thickness of 10mm and ice density ice = 900kg/m3. 
The maximum forces in the mast legs were obtained for loading case 2: G + P + 1.2W.  The variation of internal forces occurs at the heights where the cables are connected. In these zones, the forces in the leg elements vary slightly, indicating the correct choice of cable positions. The most stressed elements satisfied ultimate limit state (ULS) and stability checks.
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - 18th International Symposium of MASE
T1  - Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode
EP  - 1099
SP  - 1090
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Guyed masts are slender tall structures widely used to support different kinds of antennas in telecommunications. They consist of a vertical tall mast laterally supported at several levels along its height by sets of inclined pre-tensioned guys. The analysis and design of guyed masts is complex and requires special knowledge and experience because of: (1) non-linear behavior of guys, (2) the wind and ice loads, which accurate estimation is often difficult, and (3) the dynamic fluctuations of the wind load, to which the guyed mast is extremely sensitive. A dynamic stochastic analysis of guyed masts is complex and time consuming, so methods based on equivalent static analysis are usually used.
One relatively reliable simplified procedure, based on static patch wind loads, has been developed and adopted in Eurocode 3: Part 3-1: Towers, masts and chimneys. This procedure was applied to calculate member forces in 125m high anemometer guyed mast in the Alibunar municipality. The considered mast is spatial lattice structure with triangular cross sections and diagonal infill, composed of circular elements. The triangular cross sections and the pipe circular elements of mast structure were chosen in preliminary design to reduce the exposure of the structure to the wind load. The spatial stability of the mast is provided by 48 guys, attached to the mast at 11 different levels and anchored in 12 RC anchor blocks radially arranged around the central mast. Geometrically nonlinear analysis was performed using SAP2000 and obtained results are presented.
The ULS and stability check of 125m high anemometer guyed mast was performed using the procedure based on static patch wind loads adopted in Eurocode 3: Part 3-1. Geometrically nonlinear analysis was carried out using SAP2000. Loadings were calculated for the fundamental wind velocity vb,0 = 32 m/s, terrain type II, the ice thickness of 10mm and ice density ice = 900kg/m3. 
The maximum forces in the mast legs were obtained for loading case 2: G + P + 1.2W.  The variation of internal forces occurs at the heights where the cables are connected. In these zones, the forces in the leg elements vary slightly, indicating the correct choice of cable positions. The most stressed elements satisfied ultimate limit state (ULS) and stability checks.",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "18th International Symposium of MASE",
title = "Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode",
pages = "1099-1090",
url = ""
Marjanović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2019). Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode. in 18th International Symposium of MASE
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers., 1090-1099.
Marjanović M, Petronijević M. Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode. in 18th International Symposium of MASE. 2019;:1090-1099. .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Petronijević, Mira, "Design of 120m guyed steel mast in Alibunar according to Eurocode" in 18th International Symposium of MASE (2019):1090-1099, .

Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira; Müller, Gerhard


AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Müller, Gerhard
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents a novel method, ITM- DSM, for the soil-foundation interaction problems analysis. It is a semi-numerical method based on the coupling of the Integral Transform Method (ITM) and the Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM). The stiffness matrix of the soil-foundation system is obtained using the substructure technique. The ITM is used to obtain the solution of the wave propagation in the soil, while the DSM is used to calculate the dynamic stiffness matrix of the foundation. Both methods are operating in the frequency domain what makes them suitable for coupling. The number of numerical operations in the frequency domain is reduced by the application of the modal superposition technique. The analysis of vertical vibrations of flexible foundations resting on the viscoelastic half-space is presented. The formulation of the method could be generalized for horizontal and rocking vibrations. It could be also reduced to the problem of flexible strip foundations of infinite length.
T2  - Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE)
T1  - Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace
IS  - 2
VL  - 8
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira and Müller, Gerhard",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper presents a novel method, ITM- DSM, for the soil-foundation interaction problems analysis. It is a semi-numerical method based on the coupling of the Integral Transform Method (ITM) and the Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM). The stiffness matrix of the soil-foundation system is obtained using the substructure technique. The ITM is used to obtain the solution of the wave propagation in the soil, while the DSM is used to calculate the dynamic stiffness matrix of the foundation. Both methods are operating in the frequency domain what makes them suitable for coupling. The number of numerical operations in the frequency domain is reduced by the application of the modal superposition technique. The analysis of vertical vibrations of flexible foundations resting on the viscoelastic half-space is presented. The formulation of the method could be generalized for horizontal and rocking vibrations. It could be also reduced to the problem of flexible strip foundations of infinite length.",
journal = "Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE)",
title = "Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace",
number = "2",
volume = "8",
url = ""
Radišić, M., Petronijević, M.,& Müller, G.. (2019). Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace. in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE), 8(2).
Radišić M, Petronijević M, Müller G. Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace. in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE). 2019;8(2). .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, Müller, Gerhard, "Vertical Vibrations of Rectangular Flexible Foundation on Viscoelastic Halfspace" in Scientific Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE), 8, no. 2 (2019), .

Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira

(Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Тема овог рада је анализа вертикалних вибрација флексибилног тракастог темеља фундираног на површини еластичног, хомогеног полупростора. Претпоставка је да се темељ у попречном пресеку понаша као Ојлер-Бернулијева греда и да између темеља и тла не постоје клизања, нити дисконтинуитет у пољу померања. Проблем је решен у фреквентном домену применом методе подструктура. Темељ је анализиран применом Методе динамичке крутости, док је у анализи тла примењена Метода интегралне трансформације. Ефекат интеракције између темеља и тла решен је примeном модалне матрице крутости тла. Применом наведеног поступка, одређена је динамичка крутост у тежишту темеља. Приказани су резултати параметарске анализе у којој је варирана флексибилност темеља и функција оптерећења темеља. Показано је да конвергенција резултата зависи од типа проблема који се анализира.
AB  - This paper deals with vertical vibrations of а flexible strip foundation resting on the surface of an elastic, homogeneous halfspace. The assumption is that the foundation acts as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, cross- section wise, and there is no sliding, nor discontinuities in terms of displacements between the foundation and the soil. Problem is solved in the frequency domain using the substructure method. The foundation is analyzed using the Dynamic Stiffness Method, while the soil is analysed using the Integral Transform Method. The interaction effect between the foundation and the soil is solved by applying a modal soil stiffness matrix. Using the procedure described above, the dynamic stiffness, relative to the centre of flexible foundation, is calculated. The parametric analysis that considers the variation of the stiffness of the foundation and the loading function is presented. It is shown that the convergence of the results depends on the type of the problem that is analyzed.
PB  - Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije
PB  - Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Crnoj Gori
PB  - Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Teorija građevinskih konstrukcija - Monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Miodraga Sekulovića
T1  - Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru
T1  - Dynamic Flexibility of Strip Foundation on Halfspace
EP  - 64
SP  - 55
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Тема овог рада је анализа вертикалних вибрација флексибилног тракастог темеља фундираног на површини еластичног, хомогеног полупростора. Претпоставка је да се темељ у попречном пресеку понаша као Ојлер-Бернулијева греда и да између темеља и тла не постоје клизања, нити дисконтинуитет у пољу померања. Проблем је решен у фреквентном домену применом методе подструктура. Темељ је анализиран применом Методе динамичке крутости, док је у анализи тла примењена Метода интегралне трансформације. Ефекат интеракције између темеља и тла решен је примeном модалне матрице крутости тла. Применом наведеног поступка, одређена је динамичка крутост у тежишту темеља. Приказани су резултати параметарске анализе у којој је варирана флексибилност темеља и функција оптерећења темеља. Показано је да конвергенција резултата зависи од типа проблема који се анализира., This paper deals with vertical vibrations of а flexible strip foundation resting on the surface of an elastic, homogeneous halfspace. The assumption is that the foundation acts as an Euler-Bernoulli beam, cross- section wise, and there is no sliding, nor discontinuities in terms of displacements between the foundation and the soil. Problem is solved in the frequency domain using the substructure method. The foundation is analyzed using the Dynamic Stiffness Method, while the soil is analysed using the Integral Transform Method. The interaction effect between the foundation and the soil is solved by applying a modal soil stiffness matrix. Using the procedure described above, the dynamic stiffness, relative to the centre of flexible foundation, is calculated. The parametric analysis that considers the variation of the stiffness of the foundation and the loading function is presented. It is shown that the convergence of the results depends on the type of the problem that is analyzed.",
publisher = "Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije, Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Crnoj Gori, Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Teorija građevinskih konstrukcija - Monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Miodraga Sekulovića",
booktitle = "Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru, Dynamic Flexibility of Strip Foundation on Halfspace",
pages = "64-55",
url = ""
Radišić, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2019). Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru. in Teorija građevinskih konstrukcija - Monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Miodraga Sekulovića
Akademija inženjerskih nauka Srbije., 55-64.
Radišić M, Petronijević M. Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru. in Teorija građevinskih konstrukcija - Monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Miodraga Sekulovića. 2019;:55-64. .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, "Dinamička fleksibilnost trakastog temelja na poluprostoru" in Teorija građevinskih konstrukcija - Monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Miodraga Sekulovića (2019):55-64, .

Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira; Damnjanović, Emilija


AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Damnjanović, Emilija
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper deals with the analysis of the dynamic response of the flexible strip foundation resting on the surface of the soil. Plane strain steady state analysis is considered. The cross section of the foundation behaves as an Euler-Bernoulli beam. There is no sliding between the foundation and the soil. The problem is solved using sub-structuring technique, considering two sub-structures: 
the foundation and the soil. The foundation is modeled using the Dynamic stiffness method (DSM) and the soil using the Integral transform method (ITM). Both DSM and ITM are based on Fourier transforms, operating in space-frequency or wavenumber-frequency domain. The coupling of the sub-structures is obtained using modal superposition approach. Vertical and 
horizontal response of the strip foundation is calculated for different soil/foundation stiffness ratio and for different frequencies.  Presented results show the influence of the excitation frequency and foundation stiffness on displacement field of the foundation.
C3  - 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics
T1  - Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space
SP  - 116
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira and Damnjanović, Emilija",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper deals with the analysis of the dynamic response of the flexible strip foundation resting on the surface of the soil. Plane strain steady state analysis is considered. The cross section of the foundation behaves as an Euler-Bernoulli beam. There is no sliding between the foundation and the soil. The problem is solved using sub-structuring technique, considering two sub-structures: 
the foundation and the soil. The foundation is modeled using the Dynamic stiffness method (DSM) and the soil using the Integral transform method (ITM). Both DSM and ITM are based on Fourier transforms, operating in space-frequency or wavenumber-frequency domain. The coupling of the sub-structures is obtained using modal superposition approach. Vertical and 
horizontal response of the strip foundation is calculated for different soil/foundation stiffness ratio and for different frequencies.  Presented results show the influence of the excitation frequency and foundation stiffness on displacement field of the foundation.",
journal = "7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics",
title = "Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space",
pages = "116",
url = ""
Radišić, M., Petronijević, M.,& Damnjanović, E.. (2019). Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space. in 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, 116.
Radišić M, Petronijević M, Damnjanović E. Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space. in 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics. 2019;:116. .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, Damnjanović, Emilija, "Vibrations of Massless Flexible Strip on Visco-Elastic Half-Space" in 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (2019):116, .

Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova

Petronijević, Mira; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Radišić, Marko; Jočković, Miloš

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Jočković, Miloš
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu dat je kratak prikaz nekih od najznačajnijih rezultata učesnika projekta TR36046: „Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova“, Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Opisan je način nastanka i prostiranja vibracija, kao i način procene dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude sa osvrtom na nemačke i britanske standarde. Predstavljeni su empirijski i numerički modeli za analizu vibracija od saobraćaja na osnovu izvršenih merenja.
AB  - This paper presents some of the most important results of the project TR36046: “Investigation of vibration effects on humans and buildings in the aim of the sustainable development of cities” financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The paper describes the vibrations generation and propagation as well as the estimation of the effects of vibrations on objects and people with a reference to German and British standards. Empirical and numerical models for the traffic induced vibrations analysis based on the performed measurements were presented.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor
T1  - Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova
T1  - Development of sustainable cities: effect of traffic induced vibrations on buildings and humans
EP  - 556
SP  - 547
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Radišić, Marko and Jočković, Miloš",
year = "2018",
abstract = "U ovom radu dat je kratak prikaz nekih od najznačajnijih rezultata učesnika projekta TR36046: „Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova“, Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Opisan je način nastanka i prostiranja vibracija, kao i način procene dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude sa osvrtom na nemačke i britanske standarde. Predstavljeni su empirijski i numerički modeli za analizu vibracija od saobraćaja na osnovu izvršenih merenja., This paper presents some of the most important results of the project TR36046: “Investigation of vibration effects on humans and buildings in the aim of the sustainable development of cities” financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The paper describes the vibrations generation and propagation as well as the estimation of the effects of vibrations on objects and people with a reference to German and British standards. Empirical and numerical models for the traffic induced vibrations analysis based on the performed measurements were presented.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor",
title = "Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova, Development of sustainable cities: effect of traffic induced vibrations on buildings and humans",
pages = "556-547",
url = ""
Petronijević, M., Nefovska-Danilović, M., Radišić, M.,& Jočković, M.. (2018). Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 547-556.
Petronijević M, Nefovska-Danilović M, Radišić M, Jočković M. Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor. 2018;:547-556. .
Petronijević, Mira, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Radišić, Marko, Jočković, Miloš, "Istraživanje dejstva vibracija na ljude i objekte u cilju održivog razvoja gradova" in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor (2018):547-556, .

Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements

Penava, Davorin; Kraus, Ivan; Petronijević, Mira; Schmid, Günther


AU  - Penava, Davorin
AU  - Kraus, Ivan
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Schmid, Günther
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - In this paper general equation system for linear dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) in frequency domain is presented. The main objective of the paper is to provide and investigate a possibility to use spectral elements in SSI domain. Spectral elements reduce considerably number of unknowns and in some cases, e.g. in frame structures coupled with analytically obtained impedance functions of sub-grade, produce no modelling errors. Results for two different shallow-founded beam structures with identical foundations excited by harmonic free-field motions are presented.
T2  - Tehnički vjesnik
T1  - Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements
EP  - 747
IS  - 3
SP  - 738
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.17559/TV-20160302114117
ER  - 
author = "Penava, Davorin and Kraus, Ivan and Petronijević, Mira and Schmid, Günther",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In this paper general equation system for linear dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) in frequency domain is presented. The main objective of the paper is to provide and investigate a possibility to use spectral elements in SSI domain. Spectral elements reduce considerably number of unknowns and in some cases, e.g. in frame structures coupled with analytically obtained impedance functions of sub-grade, produce no modelling errors. Results for two different shallow-founded beam structures with identical foundations excited by harmonic free-field motions are presented.",
journal = "Tehnički vjesnik",
title = "Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements",
pages = "747-738",
number = "3",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.17559/TV-20160302114117"
Penava, D., Kraus, I., Petronijević, M.,& Schmid, G.. (2018). Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements. in Tehnički vjesnik, 25(3), 738-747.
Penava D, Kraus I, Petronijević M, Schmid G. Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements. in Tehnički vjesnik. 2018;25(3):738-747.
doi:10.17559/TV-20160302114117 .
Penava, Davorin, Kraus, Ivan, Petronijević, Mira, Schmid, Günther, "Dynamic Soil-Structure Analysis of Tower-Like Structures Using Spectral Elements" in Tehnički vjesnik, 25, no. 3 (2018):738-747, . .

Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method

Petronijević, Mira; Marjanović, Miroslav; Radeka, Petar

(Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Radeka, Petar
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the behavior of a eight-storey RC building of type: (1) spatial frame and (2) spatial frame with shear walls, according to EN1998-1, using N2 method. The analysis was carried out using standard pushover analysis and multi-modal pushover analysis, using ETABS software. The obtained target displacements, appearance and arrangement of plastic hinges and interstory drifts were compared for the design earthquake, and certain conclusions were carried out.
PB  - Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Zbornik radova / Šesto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija = Conference Proceedings / Sixth International Conference Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Kraljevo, 13.-15. jun 2018. godin
T1  - Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method
EP  - 395
SP  - 387
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Marjanović, Miroslav and Radeka, Petar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the behavior of a eight-storey RC building of type: (1) spatial frame and (2) spatial frame with shear walls, according to EN1998-1, using N2 method. The analysis was carried out using standard pushover analysis and multi-modal pushover analysis, using ETABS software. The obtained target displacements, appearance and arrangement of plastic hinges and interstory drifts were compared for the design earthquake, and certain conclusions were carried out.",
publisher = "Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik radova / Šesto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija = Conference Proceedings / Sixth International Conference Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Kraljevo, 13.-15. jun 2018. godin",
title = "Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method",
pages = "395-387",
url = ""
Petronijević, M., Marjanović, M.,& Radeka, P.. (2018). Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method. in Zbornik radova / Šesto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija = Conference Proceedings / Sixth International Conference Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Kraljevo, 13.-15. jun 2018. godin
Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, Beograd., 387-395.
Petronijević M, Marjanović M, Radeka P. Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method. in Zbornik radova / Šesto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija = Conference Proceedings / Sixth International Conference Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Kraljevo, 13.-15. jun 2018. godin. 2018;:387-395. .
Petronijević, Mira, Marjanović, Miroslav, Radeka, Petar, "Seismic Assessment of RC Buildings using N2 Method" in Zbornik radova / Šesto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija = Conference Proceedings / Sixth International Conference Seismic Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Kraljevo, 13.-15. jun 2018. godin (2018):387-395, .

Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects

Marjanović, Miroslav; Petronijević, Mira

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - This paper deals with the effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the displacement capacity of multi-span RC bridge founded on shallow foundations. Modal pushover analyses are carried out in transverse direction. Target displacement of the monitoring point is calculated using N2 method The SSI is considered through boundary springs according to NEHPR Two different soil properties are considered according to EN1998-1. Analyses are carried out using SAP2OOO, considering fixed- and flexible-base models. The obtained results are discussed.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor
T1  - Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects
EP  - 175
SP  - 166
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2018",
abstract = "This paper deals with the effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the displacement capacity of multi-span RC bridge founded on shallow foundations. Modal pushover analyses are carried out in transverse direction. Target displacement of the monitoring point is calculated using N2 method The SSI is considered through boundary springs according to NEHPR Two different soil properties are considered according to EN1998-1. Analyses are carried out using SAP2OOO, considering fixed- and flexible-base models. The obtained results are discussed.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor",
title = "Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects",
pages = "175-166",
url = ""
Marjanović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2018). Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 166-175.
Marjanović M, Petronijević M. Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor. 2018;:166-175. .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Petronijević, Mira, "Pushover analysis of bridges including soil-structure interaction effects" in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 15. kongres, 6-8. septembar 2018, Zlatibor (2018):166-175, .

Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge

Petronijević, Mira; Marjanović, Miroslav; Milojević, Dušan


AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Milojević, Dušan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Contemporary structural design implies nonlinear behavior of ductile members for design seismic action. Therefore, the application of nonlinear analysis in the aseismic design of structures is required. Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis has become a very popular tool for the seismic assessment of structural performance during a particular earthquake due to the lower computational cost and less time consuming in comparison to the nonlinear time-history analysis. The standard pushover analysis (SPA) has been extended to the modal pushover analysis (MPA) of buildings in order to consider higher modes effects. Since the higher modes usually play an important role in the seismic bridge analysis, the MPA has been adopted for the seismic assessment of bridges. In the paper, the MPA of the Nišava Bridge structure (233.2m long 7-span continuous bridge, curved in plan with R=540m and prestressed 13.75m wide bridge deck) has been performed in transverse direction, for two levels of excitation which are 2 and 3 times higher than the design level (a g =0.1g). For the horizontal component of the seismic action, elastic response spectrum, Type 2 for soil type B, according to EN1998-1 has been selected. Analyses considering different levels of excitation and different monitoring points are carried out using the SAP2000 commercial software package. The seismic demands of the structure (peak displacements of the deck in transverse direction), subjected to the monotonically increasing lateral forces have been calculated, considering five dominant transverse modes. Hinge distribution within the structure has been determined, too, for the target displacement obtained from the MPA. The overall performance of the bridge was very satisfactory. Neither local nor global failure was predicted, even under seismic actions that three times exceed the design level. The performed analysis showed that the fundamental transverse mode shape contributes to the final response significantly. The influence of higher modes is more pronounced for higher level of excitation.
C3  - 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
T1  - Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge
EP  - 10
SP  - 1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Marjanović, Miroslav and Milojević, Dušan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Contemporary structural design implies nonlinear behavior of ductile members for design seismic action. Therefore, the application of nonlinear analysis in the aseismic design of structures is required. Nonlinear static (pushover) analysis has become a very popular tool for the seismic assessment of structural performance during a particular earthquake due to the lower computational cost and less time consuming in comparison to the nonlinear time-history analysis. The standard pushover analysis (SPA) has been extended to the modal pushover analysis (MPA) of buildings in order to consider higher modes effects. Since the higher modes usually play an important role in the seismic bridge analysis, the MPA has been adopted for the seismic assessment of bridges. In the paper, the MPA of the Nišava Bridge structure (233.2m long 7-span continuous bridge, curved in plan with R=540m and prestressed 13.75m wide bridge deck) has been performed in transverse direction, for two levels of excitation which are 2 and 3 times higher than the design level (a g =0.1g). For the horizontal component of the seismic action, elastic response spectrum, Type 2 for soil type B, according to EN1998-1 has been selected. Analyses considering different levels of excitation and different monitoring points are carried out using the SAP2000 commercial software package. The seismic demands of the structure (peak displacements of the deck in transverse direction), subjected to the monotonically increasing lateral forces have been calculated, considering five dominant transverse modes. Hinge distribution within the structure has been determined, too, for the target displacement obtained from the MPA. The overall performance of the bridge was very satisfactory. Neither local nor global failure was predicted, even under seismic actions that three times exceed the design level. The performed analysis showed that the fundamental transverse mode shape contributes to the final response significantly. The influence of higher modes is more pronounced for higher level of excitation.",
journal = "16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece",
title = "Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge",
pages = "10-1",
url = ""
Petronijević, M., Marjanović, M.,& Milojević, D.. (2018). Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge. in 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-10.
Petronijević M, Marjanović M, Milojević D. Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge. in 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece. 2018;:1-10. .
Petronijević, Mira, Marjanović, Miroslav, Milojević, Dušan, "Pushover analysis for seismic assessment of RC Nišava Bridge" in 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (2018):1-10, .

Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija

Petronijević, Mira; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Radišić, Marko; Kovačević, Dragan

(Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao, 2017)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Kovačević, Dragan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao
T2  - Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
T1  - Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija
EP  - 130
SP  - 67
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Radišić, Marko and Kovačević, Dragan",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao",
journal = "Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju",
booktitle = "Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija",
pages = "130-67",
url = ""
Petronijević, M., Nefovska-Danilović, M., Radišić, M.,& Kovačević, D.. (2017). Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao., 67-130.
Petronijević M, Nefovska-Danilović M, Radišić M, Kovačević D. Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju. 2017;:67-130. .
Petronijević, Mira, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Radišić, Marko, Kovačević, Dragan, "Numerički modeli za predviđanje vibracija" in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju (2017):67-130, .

Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory

Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Kolarević, Nevenka; Marjanović, Miroslav; Petronijević, Mira

(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)

AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Kolarević, Nevenka
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - A procedure for developing the dynamic stiffness matrix of a completely free laminated composite plate based on the first-order (FSDT) and higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) is presented. The proposed method allows the computational analysis of free transverse vibrations of the individual rectangular laminated composite plates, as well as the composite plate assemblies, without any restrictions regarding the boundary conditions or frequency limitations. The general solution of the governing differential equations of the HSDT and FSDT is established using the superposition method. Continuous boundary conditions are discretized by using the projection method. The dynamic stiffness matrices of plate elements are then formulated from the assembly of the four dynamic stiffness matrices (four symmetry contributions). The validation of the theory and its application are provided in the Part II of this two-part paper.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
T2  - Composite Structures
T1  - Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory
EP  - 744
SP  - 728
VL  - 159
DO  - 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.022
ER  - 
author = "Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Kolarević, Nevenka and Marjanović, Miroslav and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2017",
abstract = "A procedure for developing the dynamic stiffness matrix of a completely free laminated composite plate based on the first-order (FSDT) and higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) is presented. The proposed method allows the computational analysis of free transverse vibrations of the individual rectangular laminated composite plates, as well as the composite plate assemblies, without any restrictions regarding the boundary conditions or frequency limitations. The general solution of the governing differential equations of the HSDT and FSDT is established using the superposition method. Continuous boundary conditions are discretized by using the projection method. The dynamic stiffness matrices of plate elements are then formulated from the assembly of the four dynamic stiffness matrices (four symmetry contributions). The validation of the theory and its application are provided in the Part II of this two-part paper.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "Composite Structures",
title = "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory",
pages = "744-728",
volume = "159",
doi = "10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.022"
Nefovska-Danilović, M., Kolarević, N., Marjanović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2017). Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory. in Composite Structures
Elsevier Ltd., 159, 728-744.
Nefovska-Danilović M, Kolarević N, Marjanović M, Petronijević M. Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory. in Composite Structures. 2017;159:728-744.
doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.022 .
Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Kolarević, Nevenka, Marjanović, Miroslav, Petronijević, Mira, "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part I: Theory" in Composite Structures, 159 (2017):728-744, . .

Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples

Marjanović, Miroslav; Kolarević, Nevenka; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Petronijević, Mira

(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Kolarević, Nevenka
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The dynamic stiffness elements based on the HSDT and FSDT (and the corresponding dynamic stiffness matrices of a laminated composite plate) have been implemented into the original MATLAB code, and a variety of numerical investigations is performed in this paper. The obtained results are validated against the exact and numerical solutions or the experimental data from the literature. In the absence of the analytical solutions, the numerical solutions obtained by using the Abaqus software are used. Excellent agreement is achieved against the existing exact solutions. After the detail convergence study considering both low and high modes of vibration, the effects of the plate side-to-thickness and orthotropy ratios, as well as the influence of boundary conditions, have been discussed by comparing the proposed models with the exact Levy-type solutions from the literature. A variety of new results for non-special boundary conditions is provided. Two additional examples of a completely free laminated composite plate undergoing free vibrations are provided and the results are validated against the experiment. Finally, the analyses considering the Z-and U-shaped composite plate assemblies with various boundary conditions are provided as a benchmark for future research.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
T2  - Composite Structures
T1  - Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples
EP  - 196
SP  - 183
VL  - 159
DO  - 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.023
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Kolarević, Nevenka and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The dynamic stiffness elements based on the HSDT and FSDT (and the corresponding dynamic stiffness matrices of a laminated composite plate) have been implemented into the original MATLAB code, and a variety of numerical investigations is performed in this paper. The obtained results are validated against the exact and numerical solutions or the experimental data from the literature. In the absence of the analytical solutions, the numerical solutions obtained by using the Abaqus software are used. Excellent agreement is achieved against the existing exact solutions. After the detail convergence study considering both low and high modes of vibration, the effects of the plate side-to-thickness and orthotropy ratios, as well as the influence of boundary conditions, have been discussed by comparing the proposed models with the exact Levy-type solutions from the literature. A variety of new results for non-special boundary conditions is provided. Two additional examples of a completely free laminated composite plate undergoing free vibrations are provided and the results are validated against the experiment. Finally, the analyses considering the Z-and U-shaped composite plate assemblies with various boundary conditions are provided as a benchmark for future research.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "Composite Structures",
title = "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples",
pages = "196-183",
volume = "159",
doi = "10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.023"
Marjanović, M., Kolarević, N., Nefovska-Danilović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2017). Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples. in Composite Structures
Elsevier Ltd., 159, 183-196.
Marjanović M, Kolarević N, Nefovska-Danilović M, Petronijević M. Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples. in Composite Structures. 2017;159:183-196.
doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.09.023 .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Kolarević, Nevenka, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Petronijević, Mira, "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for a free vibration analysis of composite plate assemblies - Part II: Numerical examples" in Composite Structures, 159 (2017):183-196, . .

Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates

Damnjanović, Emilija; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Petronijević, Mira; Marjanović, Miroslav

(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)

AU  - Damnjanović, Emilija
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Composite laminates are nowadays extensively applied in many engineering disciplines. Free vibration characteristics of such structures are not always easy to predict by using conventional finite element method (FEM). As an alternative, the dynamic stiffness method (DSM) can be applied to predict free vibration characteristics of composite plate assemblies, especially in mid and high frequency ranges. Key feature of the DSM is the dynamic stiffness element (DSE) and its dynamic stiffness matrix, derived from the exact solution of the governing equations of motion in the frequency domain. Consequently, the structural discretization is influenced only by the change in the geometrical and/or material properties of the structure. The number of unknowns is significantly decreased in comparison with the FEM, without losing the accuracy and reliability of the results. In the paper, the DSE based on the higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) is applied to study free vibration analysis of composite stiffened plates. The numerical analysis has been carried out through an illustrative example in order to check the accuracy of the proposed method. The influence of side-to-thickness ratio on the free vibration characteristics of stiffened plate has been studied numerically. The results are validated using the available analytical data as well as with the FEM solutions.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd
C3  - X International Conference On Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017)
T1  - Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates
EP  - 229
SP  - 224
VL  - 199
DO  - 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.005
ER  - 
author = "Damnjanović, Emilija and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Petronijević, Mira and Marjanović, Miroslav",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Composite laminates are nowadays extensively applied in many engineering disciplines. Free vibration characteristics of such structures are not always easy to predict by using conventional finite element method (FEM). As an alternative, the dynamic stiffness method (DSM) can be applied to predict free vibration characteristics of composite plate assemblies, especially in mid and high frequency ranges. Key feature of the DSM is the dynamic stiffness element (DSE) and its dynamic stiffness matrix, derived from the exact solution of the governing equations of motion in the frequency domain. Consequently, the structural discretization is influenced only by the change in the geometrical and/or material properties of the structure. The number of unknowns is significantly decreased in comparison with the FEM, without losing the accuracy and reliability of the results. In the paper, the DSE based on the higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) is applied to study free vibration analysis of composite stiffened plates. The numerical analysis has been carried out through an illustrative example in order to check the accuracy of the proposed method. The influence of side-to-thickness ratio on the free vibration characteristics of stiffened plate has been studied numerically. The results are validated using the available analytical data as well as with the FEM solutions.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
journal = "X International Conference On Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017)",
title = "Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates",
pages = "229-224",
volume = "199",
doi = "10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.005"
Damnjanović, E., Nefovska-Danilović, M., Petronijević, M.,& Marjanović, M.. (2017). Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates. in X International Conference On Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017)
Elsevier Ltd., 199, 224-229.
Damnjanović E, Nefovska-Danilović M, Petronijević M, Marjanović M. Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates. in X International Conference On Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017). 2017;199:224-229.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.005 .
Damnjanović, Emilija, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Petronijević, Mira, Marjanović, Miroslav, "Application of the dynamic stiffness method in the vibration analysis of stiffened composite plates" in X International Conference On Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017), 199 (2017):224-229, . .

Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model

Milojević, Dušan; Marjanović, Miroslav; Petronijević, Mira

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje, 2017)

AU  - Milojević, Dušan
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje
C3  - Proceedings = Zbornik na trudovi / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017
T1  - Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model
EP  - 464
SP  - 454
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milojević, Dušan and Marjanović, Miroslav and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2017",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje",
journal = "Proceedings = Zbornik na trudovi / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017",
title = "Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model",
pages = "464-454",
url = ""
Milojević, D., Marjanović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2017). Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model. in Proceedings = Zbornik na trudovi / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje., 454-464.
Milojević D, Marjanović M, Petronijević M. Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model. in Proceedings = Zbornik na trudovi / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017. 2017;:454-464. .
Milojević, Dušan, Marjanović, Miroslav, Petronijević, Mira, "Dynamic Analysis of RC Bridge: Beam versus Shell Deck Model" in Proceedings = Zbornik na trudovi / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017 (2017):454-464, .

Modeliranje sile točka

Jočković, Miloš; Šarkić-Glumac, Anina; Petronijević, Mira

(Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao, 2017)

AU  - Jočković, Miloš
AU  - Šarkić-Glumac, Anina
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao
T2  - Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
T1  - Modeliranje sile točka
EP  - 144
SP  - 131
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jočković, Miloš and Šarkić-Glumac, Anina and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao",
journal = "Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju",
booktitle = "Modeliranje sile točka",
pages = "144-131",
url = ""
Jočković, M., Šarkić-Glumac, A.,& Petronijević, M.. (2017). Modeliranje sile točka. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao., 131-144.
Jočković M, Šarkić-Glumac A, Petronijević M. Modeliranje sile točka. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju. 2017;:131-144. .
Jočković, Miloš, Šarkić-Glumac, Anina, Petronijević, Mira, "Modeliranje sile točka" in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju (2017):131-144, .

Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace

Radišić, Marko; Petronijević, Mira; Müller, Gerhard


AU  - Radišić, Marko
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Müller, Gerhard
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The dynamic response of rigid and flexible foundations on the soil has been subject of extensive study in the past decades. A hybrid method using a combined finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) is the most common method used for solving this problem. The objective of this paper is to present an effective frequency domain method to obtain the dynamic response of a flexible strip foundation resting on a viscoelastic halfspace. The foundation is treated with the spectral element method (SEM), while the soil is modelled using the integral transform method (ITM). Both SEM and ITM are based on the analytical solution of the Lame-equations in the frequency domain and therefore are suitable for combining. The solution is obtained in the transformed space-frequency or wavenumber-frequency domain using the Fourier transformation. The study is performed as a 2D plane-strain analysis, assuming that the foundation cross-section behaves as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and that there is no sliding between the foundation and the soil, nor discontinuities in terms of the displacement field. The vertical displacements field of the foundation is described by a set of modal functions corresponding to free vibration mode shapes of a SEM Euler-Bernoulli beam element. The coupling between the foundation and the soil is achieved using the modal soil impedance functions, which are determined by using the ITM. The displacements of the coupled foundation-soil system are solved by the modal superposition method. The accuracy of the proposed method is assessed by comparing the obtained results with the results obtained by a commercial software package SASSI2000. The comparison shows that the presented method is accurate and less costly in terms of computational effort, especially in the high frequency range. The presented method can be easily extended to provide the solution of the response of a flexible strip on a layered halfspace due to a horizontal and vertical excitation.
T2  - Procedia Engineering
T1  - Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace
EP  - 2425
SP  - 2420
VL  - 199
DO  - 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.314
ER  - 
author = "Radišić, Marko and Petronijević, Mira and Müller, Gerhard",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The dynamic response of rigid and flexible foundations on the soil has been subject of extensive study in the past decades. A hybrid method using a combined finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) is the most common method used for solving this problem. The objective of this paper is to present an effective frequency domain method to obtain the dynamic response of a flexible strip foundation resting on a viscoelastic halfspace. The foundation is treated with the spectral element method (SEM), while the soil is modelled using the integral transform method (ITM). Both SEM and ITM are based on the analytical solution of the Lame-equations in the frequency domain and therefore are suitable for combining. The solution is obtained in the transformed space-frequency or wavenumber-frequency domain using the Fourier transformation. The study is performed as a 2D plane-strain analysis, assuming that the foundation cross-section behaves as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and that there is no sliding between the foundation and the soil, nor discontinuities in terms of the displacement field. The vertical displacements field of the foundation is described by a set of modal functions corresponding to free vibration mode shapes of a SEM Euler-Bernoulli beam element. The coupling between the foundation and the soil is achieved using the modal soil impedance functions, which are determined by using the ITM. The displacements of the coupled foundation-soil system are solved by the modal superposition method. The accuracy of the proposed method is assessed by comparing the obtained results with the results obtained by a commercial software package SASSI2000. The comparison shows that the presented method is accurate and less costly in terms of computational effort, especially in the high frequency range. The presented method can be easily extended to provide the solution of the response of a flexible strip on a layered halfspace due to a horizontal and vertical excitation.",
journal = "Procedia Engineering",
title = "Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace",
pages = "2425-2420",
volume = "199",
doi = "10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.314"
Radišić, M., Petronijević, M.,& Müller, G.. (2017). Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace. in Procedia Engineering, 199, 2420-2425.
Radišić M, Petronijević M, Müller G. Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace. in Procedia Engineering. 2017;199:2420-2425.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.314 .
Radišić, Marko, Petronijević, Mira, Müller, Gerhard, "Vibrations of Flexible Strip on Viscoelastic Halfspace" in Procedia Engineering, 199 (2017):2420-2425, . .

Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija

Petronijević, Mira; Radišić, Marko

(Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao, 2017)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Radišić, Marko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao
T2  - Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
T1  - Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija
EP  - 65
SP  - 53
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Radišić, Marko",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao",
journal = "Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju",
booktitle = "Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija",
pages = "65-53",
url = ""
Petronijević, M.,& Radišić, M.. (2017). Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju
Beograd: Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beograd, Akademska misao., 53-65.
Petronijević M, Radišić M. Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija. in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju. 2017;:53-65. .
Petronijević, Mira, Radišić, Marko, "Empirijski modeli za predviđanje vibracija" in Vibracije od saobraćaja : nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i lju (2017):53-65, .

Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude

Petronijević, Mira; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija


AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
T2  - Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude
T1  - Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija",
year = "2017",
journal = "Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude",
booktitle = "Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude",
url = ""
Petronijević, M.,& Nefovska-Danilović, M.. (2017). Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude. in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude.
Petronijević M, Nefovska-Danilović M. Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude. in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude. 2017;. .
Petronijević, Mira, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, "Procena dejstva vibracija na objekte i ljude" in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude (2017), .

Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude

Petronijević, Mira; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija

(Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2017)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
T2  - Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude
T1  - Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu",
journal = "Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude",
booktitle = "Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude",
url = ""
Petronijević, M.,& Nefovska-Danilović, M.. (2017). Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude. in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude
Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu..
Petronijević M, Nefovska-Danilović M. Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude. in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude. 2017;. .
Petronijević, Mira, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, "Nastanak i dejstvo vibracija od saobraćaja na objekte i ljude" in Vibracije od saobraćaja: nastanak, merenje, predviđanje i procena njihovog dejstva na objekte i ljude (2017), .

Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions

Marjanović, Miroslav; Kolarević, Nevenka; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Petronijević, Mira

(Građevinski fakultet Subotica, Subotica, 2016)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Kolarević, Nevenka
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Petronijević, Mira
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, two shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for the free vibration analysis of rectangular, transversely isotropic, single- and multi-layer plates having arbitrary boundary conditions are presented. Dynamic stifness matrices are developed for the Reddy’s higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) and the Mindlin-Reissner’s first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The dynamic stiffness matrices contain both the stiffness and mass properties of the plate and can be assembled similarly as in the conventional finite element method. The influence of faceto-core thickness ratio and face-to-core module ratio of sandwich plate, as well as the influence of the shear deformation on the free vibration characteristics of sandwich plates have been analysed. The results obtained by proposed HSDT and FSDT dynamic stiffness element are validated against the results obtained using the conventional finite element analysis (ABAQUS), as well as the results obtained by 4-node layered rectangular finite element. The proposed model allows accurate prediction of free vibration response of rectangular layered plate assemblies with arbitrary boundary conditions.
PB  - Građevinski fakultet Subotica, Subotica
C3  - Zbornik radova 4. međunarodne konferencije Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu 2016
T1  - Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions
T1  - Granična čvrstoća pritisnutih podužno ukrućenih pločastih nosača
EP  - 298
SP  - 279
VL  - 32
DO  - 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2016.027
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Kolarević, Nevenka and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Petronijević, Mira",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In this paper, two shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for the free vibration analysis of rectangular, transversely isotropic, single- and multi-layer plates having arbitrary boundary conditions are presented. Dynamic stifness matrices are developed for the Reddy’s higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) and the Mindlin-Reissner’s first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The dynamic stiffness matrices contain both the stiffness and mass properties of the plate and can be assembled similarly as in the conventional finite element method. The influence of faceto-core thickness ratio and face-to-core module ratio of sandwich plate, as well as the influence of the shear deformation on the free vibration characteristics of sandwich plates have been analysed. The results obtained by proposed HSDT and FSDT dynamic stiffness element are validated against the results obtained using the conventional finite element analysis (ABAQUS), as well as the results obtained by 4-node layered rectangular finite element. The proposed model allows accurate prediction of free vibration response of rectangular layered plate assemblies with arbitrary boundary conditions.",
publisher = "Građevinski fakultet Subotica, Subotica",
journal = "Zbornik radova 4. međunarodne konferencije Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu 2016",
title = "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions, Granična čvrstoća pritisnutih podužno ukrućenih pločastih nosača",
pages = "298-279",
volume = "32",
doi = "10.14415/konferencijaGFS2016.027"
Marjanović, M., Kolarević, N., Nefovska-Danilović, M.,& Petronijević, M.. (2016). Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions. in Zbornik radova 4. međunarodne konferencije Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu 2016
Građevinski fakultet Subotica, Subotica., 32, 279-298.
Marjanović M, Kolarević N, Nefovska-Danilović M, Petronijević M. Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions. in Zbornik radova 4. međunarodne konferencije Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu 2016. 2016;32:279-298.
doi:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2016.027 .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Kolarević, Nevenka, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Petronijević, Mira, "Shear deformable dynamic stiffness elements for free vibration analysis of rectangular isotropic multilayer plates with arbitrary boundary conditions" in Zbornik radova 4. međunarodne konferencije Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu 2016, 32 (2016):279-298, . .

Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena

Petronijević, Mira; Nefovska-Danilović, Marija; Kolarević, Nevenka; Marjanović, Miroslav; Jočković, Miloš

(Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Petronijević, Mira
AU  - Nefovska-Danilović, Marija
AU  - Kolarević, Nevenka
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Jočković, Miloš
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In the paper, verification of the model based on the DSM for free vibration analysis of rectangular plate
assemblies according to the shear-deformable plate theories is presented. Plates and plate assemblies
having constant and non-uniform thickness, different boundary conditions, as well as stiffened plates,
have been analyzed. Parametric study has been performed and some conclusions have been derived.
PB  - Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore, Građevinski fakultet
T2  - Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija : monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Đorđa Vuksanovića
T1  - Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena
EP  - 100
SP  - 91
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petronijević, Mira and Nefovska-Danilović, Marija and Kolarević, Nevenka and Marjanović, Miroslav and Jočković, Miloš",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In the paper, verification of the model based on the DSM for free vibration analysis of rectangular plate
assemblies according to the shear-deformable plate theories is presented. Plates and plate assemblies
having constant and non-uniform thickness, different boundary conditions, as well as stiffened plates,
have been analyzed. Parametric study has been performed and some conclusions have been derived.",
publisher = "Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, Podgorica: Univerzitet Crne Gore, Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija : monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Đorđa Vuksanovića",
booktitle = "Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena",
pages = "100-91",
url = ""
Petronijević, M., Nefovska-Danilović, M., Kolarević, N., Marjanović, M.,& Jočković, M.. (2016). Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena. in Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija : monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Đorđa Vuksanovića
Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet., 91-100.
Petronijević M, Nefovska-Danilović M, Kolarević N, Marjanović M, Jočković M. Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena. in Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija : monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Đorđa Vuksanovića. 2016;:91-100. .
Petronijević, Mira, Nefovska-Danilović, Marija, Kolarević, Nevenka, Marjanović, Miroslav, Jočković, Miloš, "Metoda dinamičke krutosti u dinamičkoj analizi ploča - deo 2: primena" in Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija : monografija posvećena uspomeni na profesora Đorđa Vuksanovića (2016):91-100, .