Mitrović, Stefan

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  • Mitrović, Stefan (15)

Author's Bibliography

Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder

Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena

(Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi, 2024)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards and guidelines for design and production. The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers, reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP elements under sustained load are opened questions. The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print, the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.
PB  - Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi
T2  - Journal of Applied Engineering Science
T1  - Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder
EP  - 260
IS  - 2
SP  - 253
VL  - 22
DO  - 10.5937/jaes0-50408
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards and guidelines for design and production. The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers, reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP elements under sustained load are opened questions. The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print, the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.",
publisher = "Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi",
journal = "Journal of Applied Engineering Science",
title = "Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder",
pages = "260-253",
number = "2",
volume = "22",
doi = "10.5937/jaes0-50408"
Mitrović, S., Vidović, M., Ignjatović, I.,& Dragaš, J.. (2024). Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder. in Journal of Applied Engineering Science
Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi., 22(2), 253-260.
Mitrović S, Vidović M, Ignjatović I, Dragaš J. Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder. in Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2024;22(2):253-260.
doi:10.5937/jaes0-50408 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, "Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 22, no. 2 (2024):253-260, . .

3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?

Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena; Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Građevinska industrija ima značajan uticaj na bruto domaći proizvod svake zemlje kako kroz direktnu građevinsku aktivnost, tako i kroz povezane industrije poput mašinstva, elektrotehnike, proizvodnje materijala i slično. Građevinska industrija je kroz vekove podložna stalnim promenama i inovacijama u skladu sa razvojem nauke i tehnologije. Pored toga, građevinarstvo ima spor porast produktivnosti u poređenju sa ostalim granama industrije. Jedan od mogućih pravaca razvoja produktivnosti ove oblasti jeste primena tehnologije 3D štampe betona. Digitalizacija procesa izgradnje objekata značajno smanjuje potrebno vreme za izgradnju, rastur materijala i greške koje se javljaju prilikom izvođenja. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljena je tehnologija 3D štampe betona i sam 3D štampani beton kao inovativna metoda i materijal u savremenom građevinarstvu. Prikazan je dosadašnji razvoj u ovoj oblasti sa navedenim prednostima i izazovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje u Republici Srbiji. U okviru zaključaka odgovoreno je na postavljeno pitanje: da li će u skorije vreme tehnologija 3D štampe betona postati široko rasprostranjena u savremenom konstrukterstvu?
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine
T1  - 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?
EP  - 30
SP  - 16
DO  - 10.46793/DIIMK24.016II
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena and Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Građevinska industrija ima značajan uticaj na bruto domaći proizvod svake zemlje kako kroz direktnu građevinsku aktivnost, tako i kroz povezane industrije poput mašinstva, elektrotehnike, proizvodnje materijala i slično. Građevinska industrija je kroz vekove podložna stalnim promenama i inovacijama u skladu sa razvojem nauke i tehnologije. Pored toga, građevinarstvo ima spor porast produktivnosti u poređenju sa ostalim granama industrije. Jedan od mogućih pravaca razvoja produktivnosti ove oblasti jeste primena tehnologije 3D štampe betona. Digitalizacija procesa izgradnje objekata značajno smanjuje potrebno vreme za izgradnju, rastur materijala i greške koje se javljaju prilikom izvođenja. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljena je tehnologija 3D štampe betona i sam 3D štampani beton kao inovativna metoda i materijal u savremenom građevinarstvu. Prikazan je dosadašnji razvoj u ovoj oblasti sa navedenim prednostima i izazovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje u Republici Srbiji. U okviru zaključaka odgovoreno je na postavljeno pitanje: da li će u skorije vreme tehnologija 3D štampe betona postati široko rasprostranjena u savremenom konstrukterstvu?",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine",
title = "3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?",
pages = "30-16",
doi = "10.46793/DIIMK24.016II"
Ignjatović, I., Dragaš, J., Mitrović, S.,& Vidović, M.. (2024). 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?. in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 16-30.
Ignjatović I, Dragaš J, Mitrović S, Vidović M. 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?. in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine. 2024;:16-30.
doi:10.46793/DIIMK24.016II .
Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, "3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?" in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine (2024):16-30, . .

Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder

Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena


AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant
development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction
industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of
construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new
technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards
and guidelines for design and production.
The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour
of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers,
reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in
the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP
elements under sustained load are opened questions.
The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss
girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print,
the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss
girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point
bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two
bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure
of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the
compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords
were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.
C3  - Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024
T1  - Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder
EP  - 523
SP  - 517
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant
development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction
industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of
construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new
technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards
and guidelines for design and production.
The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour
of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers,
reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in
the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP
elements under sustained load are opened questions.
The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss
girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print,
the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss
girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point
bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two
bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure
of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the
compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords
were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.",
journal = "Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024",
title = "Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder",
pages = "523-517",
url = ""
Mitrović, S., Vidović, M., Ignjatović, I.,& Dragaš, J.. (2024). Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024, 517-523.
Mitrović S, Vidović M, Ignjatović I, Dragaš J. Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024. 2024;:517-523. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, "Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder" in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024 (2024):517-523, .

Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete

Zakić, Dimitrije; Jevtić, Dragica; Radević, Aleksandar; Vidović, Milica; Mitrović, Stefan


AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
AU  - Jevtić, Dragica
AU  - Radević, Aleksandar
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This paper deals primarily with research and testing of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) made with or without the addition of steel fibers. Two stages of research are presented and discussed in detail: first - UHPC based mostly on local component materials and produced in the form of a premix with a commercial name ForteCrete150®, and second – modified UHPC, made with a partial cement substitution by limestone filler, as a more eco-friendly and sustainable solution. The obtained results indicate that there is a great potential for application of ultra-high performance concrete, especially in the form of premix that can be prepared on-site. The addition of limestone filler (and potentially other types of mineral additives) as SCM, could generally contribute to improvement of a negative agenda surrounding the cementitious composites.
C3  - 30th Slovenian Colloquim on Concrete - multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars, Trzin, 7. 11. 2023
T1  - Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete
EP  - 80
SP  - 72
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zakić, Dimitrije and Jevtić, Dragica and Radević, Aleksandar and Vidović, Milica and Mitrović, Stefan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This paper deals primarily with research and testing of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) made with or without the addition of steel fibers. Two stages of research are presented and discussed in detail: first - UHPC based mostly on local component materials and produced in the form of a premix with a commercial name ForteCrete150®, and second – modified UHPC, made with a partial cement substitution by limestone filler, as a more eco-friendly and sustainable solution. The obtained results indicate that there is a great potential for application of ultra-high performance concrete, especially in the form of premix that can be prepared on-site. The addition of limestone filler (and potentially other types of mineral additives) as SCM, could generally contribute to improvement of a negative agenda surrounding the cementitious composites.",
journal = "30th Slovenian Colloquim on Concrete - multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars, Trzin, 7. 11. 2023",
title = "Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete",
pages = "80-72",
url = ""
Zakić, D., Jevtić, D., Radević, A., Vidović, M.,& Mitrović, S.. (2023). Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete. in 30th Slovenian Colloquim on Concrete - multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars, Trzin, 7. 11. 2023, 72-80.
Zakić D, Jevtić D, Radević A, Vidović M, Mitrović S. Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete. in 30th Slovenian Colloquim on Concrete - multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars, Trzin, 7. 11. 2023. 2023;:72-80. .
Zakić, Dimitrije, Jevtić, Dragica, Radević, Aleksandar, Vidović, Milica, Mitrović, Stefan, "Research, testing and application potential of steel fiber reinforced ultra-high performance concrete" in 30th Slovenian Colloquim on Concrete - multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars, Trzin, 7. 11. 2023 (2023):72-80, .

Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine

Mitrović, Stefan; Mašović, Snežana

(Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via-Vita", 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Zaštita životne sredine nesumnjivo postaje primarni zadatak čovečanstva u 21. veku. Razvoj tehnologije i tehnike doneo je mnoge lagodnosti ljudima, ali istovremeno je negativno uticao na njihovu okolinu. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljen je uticaj mostovskih konstrukcija na životnu sredinu. Pregledom literature, utvrđeni su određeni negativni efekti kroz različite faze projekta, od izvođenja do sanacija konstrukcija mostova. Pokazani su rezultati primene koncepta Ocene životnog ciklusa (Life Cycle Assessment - LCA) u projektovanju mostova na određenim primerima. Studijom slučaja je prikazana mogućnost upotrebe integralnih mostova u smanjenju zagađenja životne sredine. U zaključnim razmatranjima, predstavljen je model uvođenja zahteva životne sredine u proces projektovanja i izvođenja.
PB  - Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via-Vita"
T2  - Put i saobraćaj
T1  - Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine
EP  - 17
IS  - 2
SP  - 9
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.31075/PIS.69.02.02
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Zaštita životne sredine nesumnjivo postaje primarni zadatak čovečanstva u 21. veku. Razvoj tehnologije i tehnike doneo je mnoge lagodnosti ljudima, ali istovremeno je negativno uticao na njihovu okolinu. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljen je uticaj mostovskih konstrukcija na životnu sredinu. Pregledom literature, utvrđeni su određeni negativni efekti kroz različite faze projekta, od izvođenja do sanacija konstrukcija mostova. Pokazani su rezultati primene koncepta Ocene životnog ciklusa (Life Cycle Assessment - LCA) u projektovanju mostova na određenim primerima. Studijom slučaja je prikazana mogućnost upotrebe integralnih mostova u smanjenju zagađenja životne sredine. U zaključnim razmatranjima, predstavljen je model uvođenja zahteva životne sredine u proces projektovanja i izvođenja.",
publisher = "Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via-Vita"",
journal = "Put i saobraćaj",
title = "Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine",
pages = "17-9",
number = "2",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.31075/PIS.69.02.02"
Mitrović, S.,& Mašović, S.. (2023). Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine. in Put i saobraćaj
Srpsko društvo za puteve "Via-Vita"., 69(2), 9-17.
Mitrović S, Mašović S. Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine. in Put i saobraćaj. 2023;69(2):9-17.
doi:10.31075/PIS.69.02.02 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Mašović, Snežana, "Projektovanje mostova prema zahtevima životne sredine" in Put i saobraćaj, 69, no. 2 (2023):9-17, . .

Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia

Mitrović, Stefan; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - 3D concrete printing technology represents a novel method for construction of concrete structures.
By utilizing computer systems and robotic technology, it enables optimization and automation in
construction industry. This paper provides an overview of the principles of 3D concrete printing,
giving information on advantages, obstacles, and directions for future development. The previous
applications of this technology are presented through several completed objects. Additionally, the
paper describes the current state of scientific research in the field of 3D concrete printing
technology in Serbia.
PB  - Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources
C3  - Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia
SP  - 295
VL  - 300
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "3D concrete printing technology represents a novel method for construction of concrete structures.
By utilizing computer systems and robotic technology, it enables optimization and automation in
construction industry. This paper provides an overview of the principles of 3D concrete printing,
giving information on advantages, obstacles, and directions for future development. The previous
applications of this technology are presented through several completed objects. Additionally, the
paper describes the current state of scientific research in the field of 3D concrete printing
technology in Serbia.",
publisher = "Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
journal = "Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia",
pages = "295",
volume = "300",
url = ""
Mitrović, S.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia. in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources., 300, 295.
Mitrović S, Ignjatović I. Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia. in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2023;300:295. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia" in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, 300 (2023):295, .

Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation

Mitrović, Stefan; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - At the end of the last century, 3D printing of concrete became an innovative method for producing
concrete structures. The beginning of the application of 3D printing in the concrete construction industry is referred to the Contour Crafting printing method. In addition to Contour Crafting, other methods such as Fused Deposition Modeling, Shotcrete 3D Printing, and ink printing method, developed and utilized
by D-Shape, have been applied in this field. Through the use of these technologies, numerous structures
have been successfully created, including one-story and multi-story houses, residential buildings,
pedestrian bridges, as well as individual elements like columns, walls, facade panels and outdoor
furniture. However, the wider implementation of this technology has revealed various challenges, such
as the lack of regulations and standards for the production and testing of these concrete materials as well
as the structural analysis of 3D printed structures.
The topic of this research is the investigation of the hardened properties of 3D printed concrete. The
focus is on the physical and mechanical properties such as the bulk density of concrete, compressive
strength, flexural strength and interlayer bond strength. This paper gives an overview of previous
research on these properties, while the experimental part gives insight into the results of own research.
Two types of specimen processing were used: full-notch removal (series 1) and printed samples (series
2). Additionally, samples with four or six layers were analyzed.
The obtained values for bulk density were 1964.46 kg/m³ for full-notch removal samples and 1859.62
kg/m³ for printed samples. The compressive strength was 25 MPa for perpendicular and lateral
directions, while the bending strength was 5.57 MPa. A significant influence of layering on fracture
patterns and results was observed during the bond strength testing. The obtained values ranged from
1.59 to 2.91 MPa, the lowest value was obtained in the axial tension test, while the highest value was
achieved in the shear test. The highest uniformity of results was achieved for series 1 samples tested in
axial tension and splitting tests.
PB  - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
T1  - Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation
EP  - 1064
SP  - 1052
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "At the end of the last century, 3D printing of concrete became an innovative method for producing
concrete structures. The beginning of the application of 3D printing in the concrete construction industry is referred to the Contour Crafting printing method. In addition to Contour Crafting, other methods such as Fused Deposition Modeling, Shotcrete 3D Printing, and ink printing method, developed and utilized
by D-Shape, have been applied in this field. Through the use of these technologies, numerous structures
have been successfully created, including one-story and multi-story houses, residential buildings,
pedestrian bridges, as well as individual elements like columns, walls, facade panels and outdoor
furniture. However, the wider implementation of this technology has revealed various challenges, such
as the lack of regulations and standards for the production and testing of these concrete materials as well
as the structural analysis of 3D printed structures.
The topic of this research is the investigation of the hardened properties of 3D printed concrete. The
focus is on the physical and mechanical properties such as the bulk density of concrete, compressive
strength, flexural strength and interlayer bond strength. This paper gives an overview of previous
research on these properties, while the experimental part gives insight into the results of own research.
Two types of specimen processing were used: full-notch removal (series 1) and printed samples (series
2). Additionally, samples with four or six layers were analyzed.
The obtained values for bulk density were 1964.46 kg/m³ for full-notch removal samples and 1859.62
kg/m³ for printed samples. The compressive strength was 25 MPa for perpendicular and lateral
directions, while the bending strength was 5.57 MPa. A significant influence of layering on fracture
patterns and results was observed during the bond strength testing. The obtained values ranged from
1.59 to 2.91 MPa, the lowest value was obtained in the axial tension test, while the highest value was
achieved in the shear test. The highest uniformity of results was achieved for series 1 samples tested in
axial tension and splitting tests.",
publisher = "Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
title = "Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation",
pages = "1064-1052",
url = ""
Mitrović, S.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation. in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers., 1052-1064.
Mitrović S, Ignjatović I. Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation. in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers. 2023;:1052-1064. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation" in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (2023):1052-1064, .

Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla

Mitrović, Stefan; Mašović, Snežana

(Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U okviru rada razmatran je betonski integralni nadputnjak raspona 30 metara na magistralnom putu koji je fundiran na šipovima. Analiziran je uticaj krutosti tla na vrednosti statičkih uticaja merodavnih za dimenzionisanje elemenata konstrukcije nadputnjaka i vrednost napona u šipovima konstrukcije. Korišćena su tri slučaja tla čija krutost je određena shodno karakteristikama slojeva. Za potrebe analize korišćen je numerički model nadputnjaka napravljen u softverskom paketu CSiBridge v20 gde je tlo modelirano u formi "opruga" (fleksibilnih oslonaca) postavljenih po visini šipa čija krutost odgovara krutosti sloja tla kroz koji prolazi šip.
PB  - Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Tehnika
T1  - Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla
EP  - 34
IS  - 1
SP  - 27
VL  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/tehnika2201027M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U okviru rada razmatran je betonski integralni nadputnjak raspona 30 metara na magistralnom putu koji je fundiran na šipovima. Analiziran je uticaj krutosti tla na vrednosti statičkih uticaja merodavnih za dimenzionisanje elemenata konstrukcije nadputnjaka i vrednost napona u šipovima konstrukcije. Korišćena su tri slučaja tla čija krutost je određena shodno karakteristikama slojeva. Za potrebe analize korišćen je numerički model nadputnjaka napravljen u softverskom paketu CSiBridge v20 gde je tlo modelirano u formi "opruga" (fleksibilnih oslonaca) postavljenih po visini šipa čija krutost odgovara krutosti sloja tla kroz koji prolazi šip.",
publisher = "Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Tehnika",
title = "Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla",
pages = "34-27",
number = "1",
volume = "77",
doi = "10.5937/tehnika2201027M"
Mitrović, S.,& Mašović, S.. (2022). Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla. in Tehnika
Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd., 77(1), 27-34.
Mitrović S, Mašović S. Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla. in Tehnika. 2022;77(1):27-34.
doi:10.5937/tehnika2201027M .
Mitrović, Stefan, Mašović, Snežana, "Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla" in Tehnika, 77, no. 1 (2022):27-34, . .

Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla

Mitrović, Stefan; Mašović, Snežana

(Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U okviru rada razmatran je betonski integralni nadputnjak raspona 30 metara na magistralnom putu koji je fundiran na šipovima. Analiziran je uticaj krutosti tla na vrednosti statičkih uticaja merodavnih za dimenzionisanje elemenata konstrukcije nadputnjaka i vrednost napona u šipovima konstrukcije. Korišćena su tri slučaja tla čija krutost je određena shodno karakteristikama slojeva. Za potrebe analize korišćen je numerički model nadputnjaka napravljen u softverskom paketu CSiBridge v20 gde je tlo modelirano u formi "opruga" (fleksibilnih oslonaca) postavljenih po visini šipa čija krutost odgovara krutosti sloja tla kroz koji prolazi šip.
PB  - Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije
T2  - Tehnika
T1  - Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla
EP  - 34
IS  - 1
SP  - 27
VL  - 77
DO  - 10.5937/tehnika2201027M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U okviru rada razmatran je betonski integralni nadputnjak raspona 30 metara na magistralnom putu koji je fundiran na šipovima. Analiziran je uticaj krutosti tla na vrednosti statičkih uticaja merodavnih za dimenzionisanje elemenata konstrukcije nadputnjaka i vrednost napona u šipovima konstrukcije. Korišćena su tri slučaja tla čija krutost je određena shodno karakteristikama slojeva. Za potrebe analize korišćen je numerički model nadputnjaka napravljen u softverskom paketu CSiBridge v20 gde je tlo modelirano u formi "opruga" (fleksibilnih oslonaca) postavljenih po visini šipa čija krutost odgovara krutosti sloja tla kroz koji prolazi šip.",
publisher = "Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije",
journal = "Tehnika",
title = "Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla",
pages = "34-27",
number = "1",
volume = "77",
doi = "10.5937/tehnika2201027M"
Mitrović, S.,& Mašović, S.. (2022). Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla. in Tehnika
Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije., 77(1), 27-34.
Mitrović S, Mašović S. Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla. in Tehnika. 2022;77(1):27-34.
doi:10.5937/tehnika2201027M .
Mitrović, Stefan, Mašović, Snežana, "Uporedna analiza betonskog integralnog nadputnjaka pri različitim karakteristikama tla" in Tehnika, 77, no. 1 (2022):27-34, . .

Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology

Mitrović, Stefan; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), 2022)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is an experimental investigation of fresh concrete properties of the mixture designed for 3D printing. Different mixtures with and without chemical additions (superplasticizer and hydration controller) with variable water-binder factor were considered. Density, time setting and workability flow/slump tests were determined in the fresh state. Ultimate capacities for compressive and flexural strength were analysed on cube and prism specimens at different age. The effect of chemical additions on properties was shown in the conclusion of this paper. The mixture with the waterbinder ratio 0.45 and amount of 13.8% of hydration controller had obtained the optimal properties for 3D printing.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)
PB  - Udruženje savremene industrije glinenih proizvoda Srbije
C3  - XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija
T1  - Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology
EP  - 488
SP  - 479
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is an experimental investigation of fresh concrete properties of the mixture designed for 3D printing. Different mixtures with and without chemical additions (superplasticizer and hydration controller) with variable water-binder factor were considered. Density, time setting and workability flow/slump tests were determined in the fresh state. Ultimate capacities for compressive and flexural strength were analysed on cube and prism specimens at different age. The effect of chemical additions on properties was shown in the conclusion of this paper. The mixture with the waterbinder ratio 0.45 and amount of 13.8% of hydration controller had obtained the optimal properties for 3D printing.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), Udruženje savremene industrije glinenih proizvoda Srbije",
journal = "XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija",
title = "Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology",
pages = "488-479",
url = ""
Mitrović, S., Dragaš, J., Carević, V., Vidović, M.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2022). Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology. in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)., 479-488.
Mitrović S, Dragaš J, Carević V, Vidović M, Ignjatović I. Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology. in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija. 2022;:479-488. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology" in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija (2022):479-488, .

Structural application of 3D concrete printing

Ignjatović, Ivan; Mitrović, Stefan; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran

(Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - 3D concrete printing technology enabled a new progress in industrialization, optimization and automatization of processes in contemporary construction works. This paper shows the commonly used methods of concrete 3D printing. Advantages, disadvantages and perspectives for further development of this technology are emphasized. Structural applications as an example of using this technology are shown. The analysis of existing knowledge about the influence of deterioration mechanisms on printed concrete was made. Evaluation of 3D concrete printing technology in terms of different aspect of sustainability has been done.
PB  - Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 16th International Congress Proceeding
T1  - Structural application of 3D concrete printing
EP  - 469
SP  - 458
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan and Mitrović, Stefan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran",
year = "2022",
abstract = "3D concrete printing technology enabled a new progress in industrialization, optimization and automatization of processes in contemporary construction works. This paper shows the commonly used methods of concrete 3D printing. Advantages, disadvantages and perspectives for further development of this technology are emphasized. Structural applications as an example of using this technology are shown. The analysis of existing knowledge about the influence of deterioration mechanisms on printed concrete was made. Evaluation of 3D concrete printing technology in terms of different aspect of sustainability has been done.",
publisher = "Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "16th International Congress Proceeding",
title = "Structural application of 3D concrete printing",
pages = "469-458",
url = ""
Ignjatović, I., Mitrović, S., Dragaš, J.,& Carević, V.. (2022). Structural application of 3D concrete printing. in 16th International Congress Proceeding
Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia., 458-469.
Ignjatović I, Mitrović S, Dragaš J, Carević V. Structural application of 3D concrete printing. in 16th International Congress Proceeding. 2022;:458-469. .
Ignjatović, Ivan, Mitrović, Stefan, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, "Structural application of 3D concrete printing" in 16th International Congress Proceeding (2022):458-469, .

Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC)

Mitrović, Stefan; Popović, Dragana; Tepavčević, Miroslav; Zakić, Dimitrije

(Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia, 2021)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Tepavčević, Miroslav
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the results of the authors' laboratory testing of physical,
mechanical and durability properties of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC).
The short history of development and application of UHPC concrete is presented in
the first part of this paper while the second part deals with the experimental
investigation, presenting the results of material characterization obtained from
physical-mechanical and durability tests. Based on the results shown in the paper,
the mean value of compressive strength obtained at 28 days is 114 MPa, with the
average density of 2270 kg/m3 in hardened state. The results showed that tested
UHPC belongs to the highest class of water impermeability V-III, as well as the
highest class MS0 (without visible damage) in a simulated freeze-thaw environment
and de-icing salt attack test. Also, the highest class XM3 for abrasion resistance
was achieved. Additional tests showed that the tested concrete fulfils the
requirements for the highest exposure classes XC4 and XD4, in terms of resistance
to carbonation and the penetration of chloride ions. Conclusions and
recommendations for further development and possible application of UHPC are
presented at the end of paper.
PB  - Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia
PB  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering
PB  - Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Building materials and structures
T1  - Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC)
VL  - 64
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK2102109M
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Popović, Dragana and Tepavčević, Miroslav and Zakić, Dimitrije",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper presents the results of the authors' laboratory testing of physical,
mechanical and durability properties of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC).
The short history of development and application of UHPC concrete is presented in
the first part of this paper while the second part deals with the experimental
investigation, presenting the results of material characterization obtained from
physical-mechanical and durability tests. Based on the results shown in the paper,
the mean value of compressive strength obtained at 28 days is 114 MPa, with the
average density of 2270 kg/m3 in hardened state. The results showed that tested
UHPC belongs to the highest class of water impermeability V-III, as well as the
highest class MS0 (without visible damage) in a simulated freeze-thaw environment
and de-icing salt attack test. Also, the highest class XM3 for abrasion resistance
was achieved. Additional tests showed that the tested concrete fulfils the
requirements for the highest exposure classes XC4 and XD4, in terms of resistance
to carbonation and the penetration of chloride ions. Conclusions and
recommendations for further development and possible application of UHPC are
presented at the end of paper.",
publisher = "Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Building materials and structures",
title = "Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC)",
volume = "64",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK2102109M"
Mitrović, S., Popović, D., Tepavčević, M.,& Zakić, D.. (2021). Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC). in Building materials and structures
Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia., 64.
Mitrović S, Popović D, Tepavčević M, Zakić D. Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC). in Building materials and structures. 2021;64.
doi:10.5937/GRMK2102109M .
Mitrović, Stefan, Popović, Dragana, Tepavčević, Miroslav, Zakić, Dimitrije, "Physical-mechanical properties and durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC)" in Building materials and structures, 64 (2021), . .

Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC)

Mitrović, Stefan; Popović, Dragana; Tepavčević, Miroslav; Zakić, Dimitrije


AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Tepavčević, Miroslav
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Tema rada su betoni ultra visokih čvrstoća sa dodatkom čeličnih vlakana, u stručnoj literaturi poznati kao „Ultra-High Perfomance Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete“ (UHPSFRC). U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak istorijat razvoja i primene UHPSFRC betona. Drugi deo rada predstavlja eksperimentalni deo istraživanja sa prikazom rezultata sprovedenih testova fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava. Na kraju je dat zaključak na osnovu analize rezultata ispitivanja, kao i ocena mogućnosti primene ovog kompozitnog materijala u našim uslovima.
C3  - Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS, Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
T1  - Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC)
SP  - 238
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Popović, Dragana and Tepavčević, Miroslav and Zakić, Dimitrije",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Tema rada su betoni ultra visokih čvrstoća sa dodatkom čeličnih vlakana, u stručnoj literaturi poznati kao „Ultra-High Perfomance Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete“ (UHPSFRC). U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak istorijat razvoja i primene UHPSFRC betona. Drugi deo rada predstavlja eksperimentalni deo istraživanja sa prikazom rezultata sprovedenih testova fizičko-mehaničkih svojstava. Na kraju je dat zaključak na osnovu analize rezultata ispitivanja, kao i ocena mogućnosti primene ovog kompozitnog materijala u našim uslovima.",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS, Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
title = "Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC)",
pages = "238",
url = ""
Mitrović, S., Popović, D., Tepavčević, M.,& Zakić, D.. (2021). Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC). in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS, Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 238.
Mitrović S, Popović D, Tepavčević M, Zakić D. Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC). in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS, Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije. 2021;:238. .
Mitrović, Stefan, Popović, Dragana, Tepavčević, Miroslav, Zakić, Dimitrije, "Fizičko-mehanička svojstva betona visokih čvrstoća ojačanih čeličnim vlaknima (UHPSFRC)" in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS, Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije (2021):238, .

Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge

Mitrović, Stefan; Stanić, Miloš; Mašović, Snežana

(Građevinski fakultet Subotica, 2021)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Stanić, Miloš
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Topic of this article is application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a method of
global optimization for determining characteristic dimensions of arch concrete bridge.
Implementation of genetic algorithm for designing elements of an arch bridge with assign
static scheme, span and quality of material is conducted in software Matlab. Goal of this
application is to determine dimensions of cross-section and rise of concrete arch with
minimum use of material and with carry out stress control in characteristic cross sections.
PB  - Građevinski fakultet Subotica
C3  - Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 22-23. April 2021. Subotica, SERBIA
T1  - Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge
DO  - 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2021.11
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Stanić, Miloš and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Topic of this article is application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a method of
global optimization for determining characteristic dimensions of arch concrete bridge.
Implementation of genetic algorithm for designing elements of an arch bridge with assign
static scheme, span and quality of material is conducted in software Matlab. Goal of this
application is to determine dimensions of cross-section and rise of concrete arch with
minimum use of material and with carry out stress control in characteristic cross sections.",
publisher = "Građevinski fakultet Subotica",
journal = "Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 22-23. April 2021. Subotica, SERBIA",
title = "Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge",
doi = "10.14415/konferencijaGFS2021.11"
Mitrović, S., Stanić, M.,& Mašović, S.. (2021). Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge. in Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 22-23. April 2021. Subotica, SERBIA
Građevinski fakultet Subotica..
Mitrović S, Stanić M, Mašović S. Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge. in Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 22-23. April 2021. Subotica, SERBIA. 2021;.
doi:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2021.11 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Stanić, Miloš, Mašović, Snežana, "Application of Genetic Algorithm in design of arch bridge" in Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 22-23. April 2021. Subotica, SERBIA (2021), . .

Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije

Mitrović, Stefan; Mladenovic, Goran; Hajdin, Rade; Mašović, Snežana

(Srpsko društvo za puteve, 2020)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Mladenovic, Goran
AU  - Hajdin, Rade
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U radu je dat prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. Razmatrane su dozvole za vanredni prevoz koje izdaje javno preduzeće Putevi Srbije za dva reprezentativna meseca april i septembar u 2019. godini. Analizirani su sledeći podaci: dimenzije vozila, broj osovina, ukupna masa vozila, kao i preopterećenje po osovinama. U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak pregled dosadašnje analize vanrednog prevoza u Evropi i svetu tokom prethodnih 20 godina. kao i tendencije i očekivanja u narednom periodu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja statističku obradu i analizu podataka iz razmatranih dozvola za vanredni prevoz na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na kraju su dati diskusija i zaključci na osnovu urađene analize podataka iz dozvola.
PB  - Srpsko društvo za puteve
T2  - Put i saobraćaj
T1  - Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije
EP  - 48
IS  - 3
SP  - 41
VL  - 66
DO  - 10.31075/PIS.66.03.06
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Mladenovic, Goran and Hajdin, Rade and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu je dat prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. Razmatrane su dozvole za vanredni prevoz koje izdaje javno preduzeće Putevi Srbije za dva reprezentativna meseca april i septembar u 2019. godini. Analizirani su sledeći podaci: dimenzije vozila, broj osovina, ukupna masa vozila, kao i preopterećenje po osovinama. U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak pregled dosadašnje analize vanrednog prevoza u Evropi i svetu tokom prethodnih 20 godina. kao i tendencije i očekivanja u narednom periodu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja statističku obradu i analizu podataka iz razmatranih dozvola za vanredni prevoz na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na kraju su dati diskusija i zaključci na osnovu urađene analize podataka iz dozvola.",
publisher = "Srpsko društvo za puteve",
journal = "Put i saobraćaj",
title = "Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije",
pages = "48-41",
number = "3",
volume = "66",
doi = "10.31075/PIS.66.03.06"
Mitrović, S., Mladenovic, G., Hajdin, R.,& Mašović, S.. (2020). Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. in Put i saobraćaj
Srpsko društvo za puteve., 66(3), 41-48.
Mitrović S, Mladenovic G, Hajdin R, Mašović S. Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. in Put i saobraćaj. 2020;66(3):41-48.
doi:10.31075/PIS.66.03.06 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Mladenovic, Goran, Hajdin, Rade, Mašović, Snežana, "Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije" in Put i saobraćaj, 66, no. 3 (2020):41-48, . .