Jakovljević, Isidora

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  • Jakovljević, Isidora (25)

Author's Bibliography

Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles

Spremić, Milan; Jakovljević, Isidora; Filipović, Aljoša

(Association of Civil Engineers of Serbia, 2024)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3536
AB  - The steel structures of canopies, public garage columns, street lighting, power lines and other street furniture are constantly exposed to weather effects in their service life. The steel structure of street furniture is often exposed to the effects of de-icing salts from the roads. The paper analyses the effects of the urban environment on the durability of steel structures. The macroscopic visual inspection included 181 steel billboard poles on the territory of the City of Belgrade. The analysis of the surface treatment, the condition of the structure and its location provided conclusions regarding the durability of steel structures in urban environments. The environmental corrosivity on the territory of the City of Belgrade has been analysed. The analysis included the bearing steel structure of poles and the joint between the steel structure and foundations.
AB  - Čeličnu konstrukciju nadstrešnica, stubova javnih garaža, ulične rasvete, dalekovoda i drugog urbanog mobilijara karakteriše stalna izloženost atmosferskim uticajima tokom životnog veka. Čelična konstrukcija urbanog mobilijara je neretko izložena i uticaju soli za održavanje saobraćajnica. U radu je analiziran uticaj gradske sredine na trajnost čelične konstrukcije. Stručnim vizuelno-makroskopskim pregledom obuhvaćen je 181 stub čelične konstrukcije za nošenje reklamnih medija na teritoriji grada Beograda. Analizirajući vrstu antikorozione zaštite, stanje konstrukcije i lokaciju konstrukcije izvedeni su zaključci o trajnosti čelične konstrukcije u urbanoj sredini. Analiziran je i stepen korozivnosti sredine na teritoriji grada Beograda. Analiza je obuhvatila noseću čeličnu konstrukciju stubova i detalj veze čelične konstrukcije i temelja.
PB  - Association of Civil Engineers of Serbia
C3  - Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities, Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21 June 2024
T1  - Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles
T1  - Uticaj sredine na trajnost čelične konstrukcije – Studija slučaja stubova reklamnih medija
EP  - 225
SP  - 218
DO  - 10.46793/SGISXIII.21MS
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Jakovljević, Isidora and Filipović, Aljoša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The steel structures of canopies, public garage columns, street lighting, power lines and other street furniture are constantly exposed to weather effects in their service life. The steel structure of street furniture is often exposed to the effects of de-icing salts from the roads. The paper analyses the effects of the urban environment on the durability of steel structures. The macroscopic visual inspection included 181 steel billboard poles on the territory of the City of Belgrade. The analysis of the surface treatment, the condition of the structure and its location provided conclusions regarding the durability of steel structures in urban environments. The environmental corrosivity on the territory of the City of Belgrade has been analysed. The analysis included the bearing steel structure of poles and the joint between the steel structure and foundations., Čeličnu konstrukciju nadstrešnica, stubova javnih garaža, ulične rasvete, dalekovoda i drugog urbanog mobilijara karakteriše stalna izloženost atmosferskim uticajima tokom životnog veka. Čelična konstrukcija urbanog mobilijara je neretko izložena i uticaju soli za održavanje saobraćajnica. U radu je analiziran uticaj gradske sredine na trajnost čelične konstrukcije. Stručnim vizuelno-makroskopskim pregledom obuhvaćen je 181 stub čelične konstrukcije za nošenje reklamnih medija na teritoriji grada Beograda. Analizirajući vrstu antikorozione zaštite, stanje konstrukcije i lokaciju konstrukcije izvedeni su zaključci o trajnosti čelične konstrukcije u urbanoj sredini. Analiziran je i stepen korozivnosti sredine na teritoriji grada Beograda. Analiza je obuhvatila noseću čeličnu konstrukciju stubova i detalj veze čelične konstrukcije i temelja.",
publisher = "Association of Civil Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities, Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21 June 2024",
title = "Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles, Uticaj sredine na trajnost čelične konstrukcije – Studija slučaja stubova reklamnih medija",
pages = "225-218",
doi = "10.46793/SGISXIII.21MS"
Spremić, M., Jakovljević, I.,& Filipović, A.. (2024). Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles. in Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities, Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21 June 2024
Association of Civil Engineers of Serbia., 218-225.
Spremić M, Jakovljević I, Filipović A. Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles. in Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities, Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21 June 2024. 2024;:218-225.
doi:10.46793/SGISXIII.21MS .
Spremić, Milan, Jakovljević, Isidora, Filipović, Aljoša, "Environmental effects on the durability of steel structure – A case study of advertising billboard poles" in Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Civil Engineering Facilities, Vrnjačka Banja, 19-21 June 2024 (2024):218-225,
https://doi.org/10.46793/SGISXIII.21MS . .

Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(Society of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad, 2024)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3521
AB  - The construction industry significantly impacts the environment, causing about 15% of energy-related CO2 emissions. Following the Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Green Deal, the construction sector is under challenges to lower environmental impact and transform towards sustainability. Reuse of structures over several life cycles leads to the reduction of CO2 emissions, demand for raw resources and the amount of generated waste. However, the total share of fully demountable building structures which could be entirely reused is still smaller than 1%. The reusability potential of steel-concrete composite structures has been extensively studied in recent years, developing various types of demountable shear connections for connecting steel beams and concrete slabs. This paper provides a state-of-the-art overview of demountable steel-concrete composite structures, discussing the major problems of these systems and potential solutions. A case study of demountable practices in Belgrade is presented, analysing the multi-storey car park buildings from the 1970s. Several types of demountable shear connectors are compared and demountable connection with bolts and headed studs created at the University of Belgrade is presented. The design of reusable steel-concrete composite beams is evaluated, as well as the serviceability issues of demountable beams with the proposed shear connection with bolts and headed studs. It the end, future prospects and research directions in this field are outlined.
AB  - Negativan uticaj građevinske industrije na životnu sredinu je značajan i ogleda se u 15% ukupnih emisija CO2. U skladu sa Akcionim planom za cirkularnu ekonomiju u okviru Evropskog zelenog dogovora, građevinski sektor je pred izazovom da smanji uticaj na životnu sredinu i da se okrene ka održivom razvoju. Ponovna upotreba konstrukcija tokom više životnih ciklusa dovodi do smanjenja emisija CO2, potrošnje sirovina i resursa, i količine generisanog otpada. Međutim, ukupan udeo demontažnih zgrada koje se u potpunosti mogu iznova upotrebiti i dalje je manji od 1%. Mogućnosti ponovne upotrebe spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona intenzivno su ispitivane prethodnih godina, a različiti tipovi demontažnih smičućih spojeva na kontaktu čelične grede i betonske ploče su predlagani. Kroz ovaj rad dat je pregled trenutnog stanja u oblasti demontažnih spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona, sa diskusijom glavnih problema ovakvih sistema i njihovih potencijalna rešenja. Predstavljeni su primeri demontažne prakse u Beogradu, analizirajući višespratne objekte parking garaža iz sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Upoređeno je nekoliko različitih tipova demontažnih spojnih sredstava i predstavljen je demontažni spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima, osmišljen na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Prikazan je postupak proračuna demontažnih greda od čelika i betona, kao i problemi graničnog stanja upotrebljivosti greda sa predloženim demontažnim spojem sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima. Na kraju, istaknute se buduće smernice i pravci istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.
PB  - Society of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad
C3  - Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice, Ruma, 6-7th June 2024
T1  - Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures
T1  - Na putu cirkularnog građenja: Drugi životni ciklus spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona
EP  - 175
SP  - 160
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3521
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The construction industry significantly impacts the environment, causing about 15% of energy-related CO2 emissions. Following the Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Green Deal, the construction sector is under challenges to lower environmental impact and transform towards sustainability. Reuse of structures over several life cycles leads to the reduction of CO2 emissions, demand for raw resources and the amount of generated waste. However, the total share of fully demountable building structures which could be entirely reused is still smaller than 1%. The reusability potential of steel-concrete composite structures has been extensively studied in recent years, developing various types of demountable shear connections for connecting steel beams and concrete slabs. This paper provides a state-of-the-art overview of demountable steel-concrete composite structures, discussing the major problems of these systems and potential solutions. A case study of demountable practices in Belgrade is presented, analysing the multi-storey car park buildings from the 1970s. Several types of demountable shear connectors are compared and demountable connection with bolts and headed studs created at the University of Belgrade is presented. The design of reusable steel-concrete composite beams is evaluated, as well as the serviceability issues of demountable beams with the proposed shear connection with bolts and headed studs. It the end, future prospects and research directions in this field are outlined., Negativan uticaj građevinske industrije na životnu sredinu je značajan i ogleda se u 15% ukupnih emisija CO2. U skladu sa Akcionim planom za cirkularnu ekonomiju u okviru Evropskog zelenog dogovora, građevinski sektor je pred izazovom da smanji uticaj na životnu sredinu i da se okrene ka održivom razvoju. Ponovna upotreba konstrukcija tokom više životnih ciklusa dovodi do smanjenja emisija CO2, potrošnje sirovina i resursa, i količine generisanog otpada. Međutim, ukupan udeo demontažnih zgrada koje se u potpunosti mogu iznova upotrebiti i dalje je manji od 1%. Mogućnosti ponovne upotrebe spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona intenzivno su ispitivane prethodnih godina, a različiti tipovi demontažnih smičućih spojeva na kontaktu čelične grede i betonske ploče su predlagani. Kroz ovaj rad dat je pregled trenutnog stanja u oblasti demontažnih spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona, sa diskusijom glavnih problema ovakvih sistema i njihovih potencijalna rešenja. Predstavljeni su primeri demontažne prakse u Beogradu, analizirajući višespratne objekte parking garaža iz sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Upoređeno je nekoliko različitih tipova demontažnih spojnih sredstava i predstavljen je demontažni spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima, osmišljen na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Prikazan je postupak proračuna demontažnih greda od čelika i betona, kao i problemi graničnog stanja upotrebljivosti greda sa predloženim demontažnim spojem sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima. Na kraju, istaknute se buduće smernice i pravci istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.",
publisher = "Society of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad",
journal = "Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice, Ruma, 6-7th June 2024",
title = "Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures, Na putu cirkularnog građenja: Drugi životni ciklus spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona",
pages = "175-160",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3521"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2024). Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures. in Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice, Ruma, 6-7th June 2024
Society of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad., 160-175.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures. in Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice, Ruma, 6-7th June 2024. 2024;:160-175.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3521 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Towards circular construction: The second life cycle of steel-concrete composite structures" in Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice, Ruma, 6-7th June 2024 (2024):160-175,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3521 .

Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors

Jakovljević, Isidora; Gluhović, Nina; Spremić, Milan; Rajnović, Dušan

(University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2024)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Rajnović, Dušan
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3469
AB  - Ground floors of industrial buildings, fully supported on the ground or piles, are usually made
of several concrete segments connected through free-movement construction joints. These joints
should provide shear load transfer of the slab and minimise its vertical displacements while
allowing slab horizontal movement to prevent damage due to concrete dry shrinkage. The
construction joint “Dilat 08”, consisting of round steel dowels and steel formwork, was
experimentally tested in a laboratory environment to determine its behaviour to shear load. The
experimental double-shear setup consisted of three slabs connecting through the “Dilat 08” join
system, with two side slabs fully supported on the base and the middle slab on which the vertical
loading was applied. Specimens were formed with a gap of 10 mm between adjacent slabs to
simulate the construction joint opening. Two construction joint orientations were investigated
introducing the vertical load to the slab with a steel plate on the edge and to the slab with an
angle profile on the edge. Experimental testing of both specimens resulted in construction joint
failure due to concrete cracking around steel dowels, near the edges of the middle slab. The
investigation confirmed that the joint orientation affects the joint shear response, demonstrating
larger joint resistance when the steel plate is installed in the slab subjected to failure. Although
contributing to the joint bending stiffness before formwork installation on the site, the horizontal
leg of the angle profile decreases the joint resistance. Experimentally obtained joint resistance
was compared to the design values of resistance according to Technical Report 34 and EN 1992-
4, highlighting a considerable difference between the two analytical approaches. The comparison
between the “Dilat 08” and three types of free-movement joints available on the construction
market showed that “Dilat 08” features larger resistance according to Technical Report 34, but
it also weighs more.
PB  - University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering
C3  - Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024
T1  - Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors
EP  - 224
SP  - 217
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3469
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Gluhović, Nina and Spremić, Milan and Rajnović, Dušan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Ground floors of industrial buildings, fully supported on the ground or piles, are usually made
of several concrete segments connected through free-movement construction joints. These joints
should provide shear load transfer of the slab and minimise its vertical displacements while
allowing slab horizontal movement to prevent damage due to concrete dry shrinkage. The
construction joint “Dilat 08”, consisting of round steel dowels and steel formwork, was
experimentally tested in a laboratory environment to determine its behaviour to shear load. The
experimental double-shear setup consisted of three slabs connecting through the “Dilat 08” join
system, with two side slabs fully supported on the base and the middle slab on which the vertical
loading was applied. Specimens were formed with a gap of 10 mm between adjacent slabs to
simulate the construction joint opening. Two construction joint orientations were investigated
introducing the vertical load to the slab with a steel plate on the edge and to the slab with an
angle profile on the edge. Experimental testing of both specimens resulted in construction joint
failure due to concrete cracking around steel dowels, near the edges of the middle slab. The
investigation confirmed that the joint orientation affects the joint shear response, demonstrating
larger joint resistance when the steel plate is installed in the slab subjected to failure. Although
contributing to the joint bending stiffness before formwork installation on the site, the horizontal
leg of the angle profile decreases the joint resistance. Experimentally obtained joint resistance
was compared to the design values of resistance according to Technical Report 34 and EN 1992-
4, highlighting a considerable difference between the two analytical approaches. The comparison
between the “Dilat 08” and three types of free-movement joints available on the construction
market showed that “Dilat 08” features larger resistance according to Technical Report 34, but
it also weighs more.",
publisher = "University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering",
journal = "Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024",
title = "Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors",
pages = "224-217",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3469"
Jakovljević, I., Gluhović, N., Spremić, M.,& Rajnović, D.. (2024). Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering., 217-224.
Jakovljević I, Gluhović N, Spremić M, Rajnović D. Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024. 2024;:217-224.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3469 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Gluhović, Nina, Spremić, Milan, Rajnović, Dušan, "Experimental investigation of the construction joint in concrete ground floors" in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024 (2024):217-224,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3469 .

Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure

Spremić, Milan; Dobrić, Jelena; Jakovljević, Isidora; Dinčić, Nemanja

(University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2024)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Dinčić, Nemanja
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3468
AB  - When analysing the fire resistance of the steel structure of the stadium roof in the event of a fire,
the specific features of the stadium building must be taken into consideration. The stadium stands
are open units of the building that are directly connected to the surrounding area. The clear height
between the stadium roof and the stands is commonly large. However, the clear height between
relatively small parts of the roof, directly above the top of the stands, could be smaller, potentially
making this part of the roof the most vulnerable. On the stands of the stadium, it is prohibited to
bring items that contain combustible material. In addition, the structure of the stadium, benches
or chairs must be made of non-combustible material. Therefore, a fire that could compromise the
steel structure of the stadium roof can only come from the stadium premises on the stands or
under the stands. The fire scenarios on the stadium roof are not described in detail in the literature
compared to indoor (covered) sports arenas. To assess the fire resistance of the roof structure, it
is necessary to check all possible and potentially dangerous scenarios. The subject of the analysis
presented in this paper is the roof steel structure of the stadium in Loznica, Serbia, which was
built in the period 2021–2023. The study considers the following fire scenarios and their effects
on the roof steel structure: (i) a local fire on the stands, and (ii) a fire in the stadium premises
affecting the external members. The fire in stadium premises was analysed using the analytical
expressions provided in Annex B of EN 1991-1-2 and EN 1993-1-2, as well as through CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis of fire propagation. The calculation was performed
for the domains of temperature, time and resistance, depending on the applied fire load analysis.
Results showed that the steel structure of the stadium roof in Loznica meets the load-bearing
codified criteria for the fire effects, with the exception of only one main roof truss. To address
this issue, it was decided to install fire-resistant glass in the TV studio on the building's third
floor to separate this area from the stands and prevent fire effects on the critical main roof truss.
PB  - University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering
C3  - Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024
T1  - Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure
EP  - 542
SP  - 535
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3468
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Dobrić, Jelena and Jakovljević, Isidora and Dinčić, Nemanja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "When analysing the fire resistance of the steel structure of the stadium roof in the event of a fire,
the specific features of the stadium building must be taken into consideration. The stadium stands
are open units of the building that are directly connected to the surrounding area. The clear height
between the stadium roof and the stands is commonly large. However, the clear height between
relatively small parts of the roof, directly above the top of the stands, could be smaller, potentially
making this part of the roof the most vulnerable. On the stands of the stadium, it is prohibited to
bring items that contain combustible material. In addition, the structure of the stadium, benches
or chairs must be made of non-combustible material. Therefore, a fire that could compromise the
steel structure of the stadium roof can only come from the stadium premises on the stands or
under the stands. The fire scenarios on the stadium roof are not described in detail in the literature
compared to indoor (covered) sports arenas. To assess the fire resistance of the roof structure, it
is necessary to check all possible and potentially dangerous scenarios. The subject of the analysis
presented in this paper is the roof steel structure of the stadium in Loznica, Serbia, which was
built in the period 2021–2023. The study considers the following fire scenarios and their effects
on the roof steel structure: (i) a local fire on the stands, and (ii) a fire in the stadium premises
affecting the external members. The fire in stadium premises was analysed using the analytical
expressions provided in Annex B of EN 1991-1-2 and EN 1993-1-2, as well as through CFD
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis of fire propagation. The calculation was performed
for the domains of temperature, time and resistance, depending on the applied fire load analysis.
Results showed that the steel structure of the stadium roof in Loznica meets the load-bearing
codified criteria for the fire effects, with the exception of only one main roof truss. To address
this issue, it was decided to install fire-resistant glass in the TV studio on the building's third
floor to separate this area from the stands and prevent fire effects on the critical main roof truss.",
publisher = "University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering",
journal = "Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024",
title = "Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure",
pages = "542-535",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3468"
Spremić, M., Dobrić, J., Jakovljević, I.,& Dinčić, N.. (2024). Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024
University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering., 535-542.
Spremić M, Dobrić J, Jakovljević I, Dinčić N. Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024. 2024;:535-542.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3468 .
Spremić, Milan, Dobrić, Jelena, Jakovljević, Isidora, Dinčić, Nemanja, "Structural fire resistance design of the football stadium roof steel structure" in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference "Civil Engineering – Science and Practice", Kolašin, 5-9th March 2024 (2024):535-542,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3468 .

Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(Elsevier, 2024)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3459
AB  - Headed stud shear connectors are commonly implemented in steel-concrete composite floors for connecting the concrete slab to the steel beam and providing composite action between those two elements. The orientation of profiled sheeting is usually transverse or parallel to the supporting beam, and for those cases, design codes provide specific detailing requests and relations for obtaining headed stud resistance. Nevertheless, design codes do not recognise specific configurations when the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam is in the range between 0° and 90°, which is characteristic of irregular-shaped floor structures. Due to the lack of design recommendations for headed stud resistance in these cases, investigations of the effect of the rib-to-beam angle on headed stud shear performance were conducted and presented in this paper. Experimental work included push-out tests conducted on specimens with rib-to-beam angles of 45° and 60°, as well as control specimens with ribs transverse to the beam. The influence of varied rib-to-beam angles on shear connector properties such as shear resistance, stiffness, ductility, and failure mode was discussed. According to experimental research, finite element models of push-out tests were created and verified. The parametric numerical analysis covered key parameters such as concrete class, headed stud height and diameter, and rib-to-beam angle. According to the results, an analytical relation for obtaining headed stud resistance in profiled steel sheeting with a rib-to-beam angle between 30° and 90° was proposed.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Engineering Structures
T1  - Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab
SP  - 117574
VL  - 303
DO  - 10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117574
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Headed stud shear connectors are commonly implemented in steel-concrete composite floors for connecting the concrete slab to the steel beam and providing composite action between those two elements. The orientation of profiled sheeting is usually transverse or parallel to the supporting beam, and for those cases, design codes provide specific detailing requests and relations for obtaining headed stud resistance. Nevertheless, design codes do not recognise specific configurations when the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam is in the range between 0° and 90°, which is characteristic of irregular-shaped floor structures. Due to the lack of design recommendations for headed stud resistance in these cases, investigations of the effect of the rib-to-beam angle on headed stud shear performance were conducted and presented in this paper. Experimental work included push-out tests conducted on specimens with rib-to-beam angles of 45° and 60°, as well as control specimens with ribs transverse to the beam. The influence of varied rib-to-beam angles on shear connector properties such as shear resistance, stiffness, ductility, and failure mode was discussed. According to experimental research, finite element models of push-out tests were created and verified. The parametric numerical analysis covered key parameters such as concrete class, headed stud height and diameter, and rib-to-beam angle. According to the results, an analytical relation for obtaining headed stud resistance in profiled steel sheeting with a rib-to-beam angle between 30° and 90° was proposed.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Engineering Structures",
title = "Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab",
pages = "117574",
volume = "303",
doi = "10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117574"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2024). Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab. in Engineering Structures
Elsevier., 303, 117574.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab. in Engineering Structures. 2024;303:117574.
doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117574 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Effect of rib-to-beam angle on the shear resistance of headed studs in composite slab" in Engineering Structures, 303 (2024):117574,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117574 . .

Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction, 2023)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3256
AB  - Following the trend of sustainable development and structure reuse, many novel solutions related to demountable shear connectors for application in steel-concrete composite beams have been proposed in recent years. This paper provides a further contribution to the research field by proposing a demountable connection with bolts and welded headed studs. The transfer of shear force between a steel flange and a composite concrete slab cast in an open trough profiled steel sheeting is indirect, passing through a steel plate or angles. The proposed solution enables convenient dismantling and reuse of both the composite slab and the steel profile. The experimental investigation included push-out tests, performed to assess the connection shear behaviour, determine resistance and ductility, and identify failure modes. Various configurations of the demountable connection were analysed, including connections with continuous and discontinuous slabs over the support. The response of the suggested demountable solution was compared to the corresponding non-demountable shear connection with headed studs. According to experimental investigation, finite element models were developed, and their accuracy was validated by comparing numerical predictions with experimental results. Parametric studies were conducted using numerical models to evaluate the effects of key parameters on the connection performance, such as plate and angle thickness, stirrup reinforcement position, and transverse distance between a headed stud and slab edge. Directions for design were proposed taking into account the results obtained.
PB  - The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction
T2  - Advanced Steel Construction
T1  - Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs
EP  - 352
IS  - 4
SP  - 341
VL  - 19
DO  - 10.18057/IJASC.2023.19.4.3
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Following the trend of sustainable development and structure reuse, many novel solutions related to demountable shear connectors for application in steel-concrete composite beams have been proposed in recent years. This paper provides a further contribution to the research field by proposing a demountable connection with bolts and welded headed studs. The transfer of shear force between a steel flange and a composite concrete slab cast in an open trough profiled steel sheeting is indirect, passing through a steel plate or angles. The proposed solution enables convenient dismantling and reuse of both the composite slab and the steel profile. The experimental investigation included push-out tests, performed to assess the connection shear behaviour, determine resistance and ductility, and identify failure modes. Various configurations of the demountable connection were analysed, including connections with continuous and discontinuous slabs over the support. The response of the suggested demountable solution was compared to the corresponding non-demountable shear connection with headed studs. According to experimental investigation, finite element models were developed, and their accuracy was validated by comparing numerical predictions with experimental results. Parametric studies were conducted using numerical models to evaluate the effects of key parameters on the connection performance, such as plate and angle thickness, stirrup reinforcement position, and transverse distance between a headed stud and slab edge. Directions for design were proposed taking into account the results obtained.",
publisher = "The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction",
journal = "Advanced Steel Construction",
title = "Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs",
pages = "352-341",
number = "4",
volume = "19",
doi = "10.18057/IJASC.2023.19.4.3"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2023). Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs. in Advanced Steel Construction
The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction., 19(4), 341-352.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs. in Advanced Steel Construction. 2023;19(4):341-352.
doi:10.18057/IJASC.2023.19.4.3 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Shear behaviour of demountable connections with bolts and headed studs" in Advanced Steel Construction, 19, no. 4 (2023):341-352,
https://doi.org/10.18057/IJASC.2023.19.4.3 . .

Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje, 2023)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3183
AB  - Push-out tests are commonly used to investigate the shear performance of mechanical connectors
applicable in steel-concrete composite beams. These tests can be complemented by numerical finite element simulations to reduce the need for extensive experimental testing. After validation against experimental results, numerical models could be used for additional analysis and parametric studies. The development of finite element models of push-out tests requires special attention to be put on modelling concrete behaviour, especially if concrete failure is the dominant failure mode. The concrete damage plasticity (CDP) models, combining plasticity and damage mechanics to represent the nonlinear behaviour of concrete, are commonly applied. This paper summarises and presents four different CDP models that have been successfully used by researchers in finite element simulations of push-out tests. The applicability of different models has been discussed in the specific case of shear connection with headed studs in profiled steel sheeting with a varied angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam. Results of comparative analysis are presented, indicating a significant influence of the applied CDP model on the response of push-out specimen. The best match between experimental and numerical results is accomplished by implementing the material model proposed by Pavlović with calibrated input parameters. Nevertheless, the applicability of each CDP model depends on the specific problem that is being analysed and therefore should be carefully approached.
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje
C3  - Proceedings of The 20th Inernational Symposium of MASE, Skopje, 28-29th September 2023
T1  - Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations
EP  - 381
SP  - 372
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3183
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Push-out tests are commonly used to investigate the shear performance of mechanical connectors
applicable in steel-concrete composite beams. These tests can be complemented by numerical finite element simulations to reduce the need for extensive experimental testing. After validation against experimental results, numerical models could be used for additional analysis and parametric studies. The development of finite element models of push-out tests requires special attention to be put on modelling concrete behaviour, especially if concrete failure is the dominant failure mode. The concrete damage plasticity (CDP) models, combining plasticity and damage mechanics to represent the nonlinear behaviour of concrete, are commonly applied. This paper summarises and presents four different CDP models that have been successfully used by researchers in finite element simulations of push-out tests. The applicability of different models has been discussed in the specific case of shear connection with headed studs in profiled steel sheeting with a varied angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam. Results of comparative analysis are presented, indicating a significant influence of the applied CDP model on the response of push-out specimen. The best match between experimental and numerical results is accomplished by implementing the material model proposed by Pavlović with calibrated input parameters. Nevertheless, the applicability of each CDP model depends on the specific problem that is being analysed and therefore should be carefully approached.",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje",
journal = "Proceedings of The 20th Inernational Symposium of MASE, Skopje, 28-29th September 2023",
title = "Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations",
pages = "381-372",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3183"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2023). Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations. in Proceedings of The 20th Inernational Symposium of MASE, Skopje, 28-29th September 2023
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje., 372-381.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations. in Proceedings of The 20th Inernational Symposium of MASE, Skopje, 28-29th September 2023. 2023;:372-381.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3183 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Concrete modeling in finite element push-out test simulations" in Proceedings of The 20th Inernational Symposium of MASE, Skopje, 28-29th September 2023 (2023):372-381,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3183 .

Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Fric, Nenad; Marković, Zlatko

(Ernst & Sohn GmbH, 2023)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Fric, Nenad
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3154
AB  - Implementation of demountable beams in steel-concrete composite floors enables
structure reuse during several life cycles, consequently leading to savings in material
consumption and reduction of emissions, providing overall ecological benefits.
The behaviour of the innovative demountable beam with a shear connection consisting
of headed studs and bolts is analysed in this paper. The proposed beam is
formed of a steel profile and a steel-concrete composite slab cast in open trough
profiled steel sheeting. Headed studs, welded to the additional steel angles, are
placed in sheeting ribs, whereas bolts are installed between ribs, connecting the
steel angles and profile flange. A numerical FE model of a full-scale steel-concrete
composite beam has been developed to analyse the beam behaviour under service
loads. Experimental results of push-out tests have been used to describe the loadslip
behaviour of headed studs, whereas bolt response has been simulated according
to the experimental investigations of lap joints with preloaded bolts and oversize
holes. The parametric study has been conducted by varying the bolt diameter, grade
and bolt hole size. The results have validated the applicability of the proposed system,
confirming the fulfilment of serviceability limit state requirements.
PB  - Ernst & Sohn GmbH
C3  - ce/papers
T1  - Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs
EP  - 89
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 84
VL  - 6
DO  - 10.1002/cepa.2399
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Fric, Nenad and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Implementation of demountable beams in steel-concrete composite floors enables
structure reuse during several life cycles, consequently leading to savings in material
consumption and reduction of emissions, providing overall ecological benefits.
The behaviour of the innovative demountable beam with a shear connection consisting
of headed studs and bolts is analysed in this paper. The proposed beam is
formed of a steel profile and a steel-concrete composite slab cast in open trough
profiled steel sheeting. Headed studs, welded to the additional steel angles, are
placed in sheeting ribs, whereas bolts are installed between ribs, connecting the
steel angles and profile flange. A numerical FE model of a full-scale steel-concrete
composite beam has been developed to analyse the beam behaviour under service
loads. Experimental results of push-out tests have been used to describe the loadslip
behaviour of headed studs, whereas bolt response has been simulated according
to the experimental investigations of lap joints with preloaded bolts and oversize
holes. The parametric study has been conducted by varying the bolt diameter, grade
and bolt hole size. The results have validated the applicability of the proposed system,
confirming the fulfilment of serviceability limit state requirements.",
publisher = "Ernst & Sohn GmbH",
journal = "ce/papers",
title = "Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs",
pages = "89-84",
number = "3-4",
volume = "6",
doi = "10.1002/cepa.2399"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M., Fric, N.,& Marković, Z.. (2023). Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs. in ce/papers
Ernst & Sohn GmbH., 6(3-4), 84-89.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Fric N, Marković Z. Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs. in ce/papers. 2023;6(3-4):84-89.
doi:10.1002/cepa.2399 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Fric, Nenad, Marković, Zlatko, "Behaviour of demountable steel-concrete composite beams with bolts and headed studs" in ce/papers, 6, no. 3-4 (2023):84-89,
https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.2399 . .

Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure

Spremić, Milan; Dinčić, Nemanja; Jakovljević, Isidora; Gluhović, Nina; Dobrić, Jelena

(University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2022)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Dinčić, Nemanja
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3199
AB  - Three advanced fire models for structural design are defined in Eurocode: one-zone model, two-zone model and model based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This paper describes the effects on structures exposed to fire, based on the CFD model. The advanced computational fluid dynamics model was used to define the thermal action and temperature of the structural steel elements on the analysed case study object, open multi-storey car park Obilićev Venac in Belgrade. The support structure of the car park is a typical composite floor structure with steel columns. Distance between the columns and the floor beams corresponds to the dimension of one parking slot. The maximum temperature values of steel structural elements that occur during a fire are investigated. Based on the results of the tests available in the literature, CFD fire load models were created. Two different fire loads are used in numerical simulations. The first one is the fire load model based on combustible materials, which simulate the typical modern small car weighing up to one tonne. In the second case, the fire loads model was described with the Heat Release Rate (HRR) curve. Two of the referenced HRR curves defined by the French CTICM and Netherlands TNO Institute are used in CFD models. The discussion in this paper is limited to fire cases with one burning car. The parametric study considered the dimensions and positions of the burner element in the model. The effects of the natural ventilation in the open car park during the fire were also investigated. 
The presented results are from the Research project “Advanced structures design – fire safety guideline for V4” funded by the Višegrad fund. A joint effort of colleagues from Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Serbia, produced the project report, which described five different case studies.
PB  - University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering
C3  - GNP 2022 Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference Civil Engineering Science & Practice, Kolašin, 8-12th March 2022
T1  - Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure
EP  - 380
SP  - 373
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3199
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Dinčić, Nemanja and Jakovljević, Isidora and Gluhović, Nina and Dobrić, Jelena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Three advanced fire models for structural design are defined in Eurocode: one-zone model, two-zone model and model based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This paper describes the effects on structures exposed to fire, based on the CFD model. The advanced computational fluid dynamics model was used to define the thermal action and temperature of the structural steel elements on the analysed case study object, open multi-storey car park Obilićev Venac in Belgrade. The support structure of the car park is a typical composite floor structure with steel columns. Distance between the columns and the floor beams corresponds to the dimension of one parking slot. The maximum temperature values of steel structural elements that occur during a fire are investigated. Based on the results of the tests available in the literature, CFD fire load models were created. Two different fire loads are used in numerical simulations. The first one is the fire load model based on combustible materials, which simulate the typical modern small car weighing up to one tonne. In the second case, the fire loads model was described with the Heat Release Rate (HRR) curve. Two of the referenced HRR curves defined by the French CTICM and Netherlands TNO Institute are used in CFD models. The discussion in this paper is limited to fire cases with one burning car. The parametric study considered the dimensions and positions of the burner element in the model. The effects of the natural ventilation in the open car park during the fire were also investigated. 
The presented results are from the Research project “Advanced structures design – fire safety guideline for V4” funded by the Višegrad fund. A joint effort of colleagues from Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Serbia, produced the project report, which described five different case studies.",
publisher = "University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering",
journal = "GNP 2022 Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference Civil Engineering Science & Practice, Kolašin, 8-12th March 2022",
title = "Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure",
pages = "380-373",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3199"
Spremić, M., Dinčić, N., Jakovljević, I., Gluhović, N.,& Dobrić, J.. (2022). Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure. in GNP 2022 Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference Civil Engineering Science & Practice, Kolašin, 8-12th March 2022
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering., 373-380.
Spremić M, Dinčić N, Jakovljević I, Gluhović N, Dobrić J. Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure. in GNP 2022 Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference Civil Engineering Science & Practice, Kolašin, 8-12th March 2022. 2022;:373-380.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3199 .
Spremić, Milan, Dinčić, Nemanja, Jakovljević, Isidora, Gluhović, Nina, Dobrić, Jelena, "Fire load for performance fire design of car park steel structure" in GNP 2022 Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference Civil Engineering Science & Practice, Kolašin, 8-12th March 2022 (2022):373-380,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3199 .

Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko


AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3018
T1  - Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom
T1  - Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom [Novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano)]
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3018
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2022",
title = "Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom, Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom [Novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano)]",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3018"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2022). Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom. .
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3018 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom" (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3018 .

Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(Taylor and Francis, 2022)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2022
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2787
AB  - Multi-storey car park buildings with steel–concrete composite floor structures are widespread in construction due to the distinct benefits of the implemented structural system. Although there are various possibilities for accomplishing composite action between a steel beam and a concrete slab, some solutions, such as friction-grip bolts commonly applied in the 1970s, did not show good durability. An example is the multi-storey car park building “Obilićev venac” in Belgrade. This case study presents two methods for life extension of the car park building structure. Both approaches focus on applying welded headed studs with the primary intention of providing a durable shear connection. While the first method has been applied during the structure’s reconstruction, the second method is proposed as a novel solution for implementation in steel–concrete composite floors. The application of the proposed connection is discussed and the results of the experimental and numerical research conducted are presented.
PB  - Taylor and Francis
T2  - Structural Engineering International
T1  - Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings
EP  - 324
IS  - 2
SP  - 314
VL  - 33
DO  - doi.org/10.1080/10168664.2022.2073318
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2022, 2023",
abstract = "Multi-storey car park buildings with steel–concrete composite floor structures are widespread in construction due to the distinct benefits of the implemented structural system. Although there are various possibilities for accomplishing composite action between a steel beam and a concrete slab, some solutions, such as friction-grip bolts commonly applied in the 1970s, did not show good durability. An example is the multi-storey car park building “Obilićev venac” in Belgrade. This case study presents two methods for life extension of the car park building structure. Both approaches focus on applying welded headed studs with the primary intention of providing a durable shear connection. While the first method has been applied during the structure’s reconstruction, the second method is proposed as a novel solution for implementation in steel–concrete composite floors. The application of the proposed connection is discussed and the results of the experimental and numerical research conducted are presented.",
publisher = "Taylor and Francis",
journal = "Structural Engineering International",
title = "Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings",
pages = "324-314",
number = "2",
volume = "33",
doi = "doi.org/10.1080/10168664.2022.2073318"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2022). Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings. in Structural Engineering International
Taylor and Francis., 33(2), 314-324.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings. in Structural Engineering International. 2022;33(2):314-324.
doi:doi.org/10.1080/10168664.2022.2073318 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Methods for Life Extension of Multi-Storey Car Park Buildings" in Structural Engineering International, 33, no. 2 (2022):314-324,
https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1080/10168664.2022.2073318 . .

Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Gluhović, Nina; Marković, Zlatko

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2789
AB  - Headed studs are the most commonly used mechanical shear connectors in composite steel-concrete beams. The behaviour of headed studs differs whether they are applied in solid concrete slabs or composite steel-concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting. Although design codes provide calculation models for shear resistance of headed studs in profiled steel sheeting, certain weaknesses are attributed to design procedures given in EN 1994-1-1. Alternative design models have been proposed by several researchers. In this paper, novel models are presented and compared through the example of headed studs in different types of profiled steel sheeting.
AB  - Moždanici sa glavom su najčešće primenjivana mehanička spojna sredstava u spregnutim gredama od čelika i betona. Ponašanje moždanika razlikuje se u zavisnosti od toga da li se primenjuju u punim betonskim pločama ili u spregnutim pločama na profilisanom limu. Iako su proračunski modeli za nosivost moždanika u profilisanom limu dati u standardima za projektovanje, važećim proračunskim procedurama datim u EN 1994-1-1 pripisuju se izvesni nedostaci. Iz tog razloga nekoliko istraživača je predložilo alternativne proračunske modele. U radu su prikazani predloženi modeli proračuna i data je uporedna analiza nosivosti moždanika sa glavom u različitim tipovima profilisanog lima.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress
T1  - Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments
EP  - 561
SP  - 552
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2789
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Gluhović, Nina and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Headed studs are the most commonly used mechanical shear connectors in composite steel-concrete beams. The behaviour of headed studs differs whether they are applied in solid concrete slabs or composite steel-concrete slabs with profiled steel sheeting. Although design codes provide calculation models for shear resistance of headed studs in profiled steel sheeting, certain weaknesses are attributed to design procedures given in EN 1994-1-1. Alternative design models have been proposed by several researchers. In this paper, novel models are presented and compared through the example of headed studs in different types of profiled steel sheeting., Moždanici sa glavom su najčešće primenjivana mehanička spojna sredstava u spregnutim gredama od čelika i betona. Ponašanje moždanika razlikuje se u zavisnosti od toga da li se primenjuju u punim betonskim pločama ili u spregnutim pločama na profilisanom limu. Iako su proračunski modeli za nosivost moždanika u profilisanom limu dati u standardima za projektovanje, važećim proračunskim procedurama datim u EN 1994-1-1 pripisuju se izvesni nedostaci. Iz tog razloga nekoliko istraživača je predložilo alternativne proračunske modele. U radu su prikazani predloženi modeli proračuna i data je uporedna analiza nosivosti moždanika sa glavom u različitim tipovima profilisanog lima.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress",
title = "Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments",
pages = "561-552",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2789"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M., Gluhović, N.,& Marković, Z.. (2022). Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments. in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 552-561.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Gluhović N, Marković Z. Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments. in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress. 2022;:552-561.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2789 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Gluhović, Nina, Marković, Zlatko, "Headed studs in profiled steel sheeting: Overview and comments" in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress (2022):552-561,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2789 .

Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko; Gluhović, Nina

(Ernst & Sohn GmbH, 2022)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2786
AB  - For obtaining shear resistance of a welded headed stud in profiled steel sheeting, EN 1994-1-1:2004 defines reduction factors that should be multiplied with the resistance of a headed stud in a solid concrete slab. Two reduction factors are prescribed, for sheeting ribs that are parallel and transverse to the supporting beam. However, the design code does not recognise cases when the angle between ribs and the beam is in the range between 0° and 90°. This research is focused on the specific case in the steel-concrete composite beam design when the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam is 45°. The experimental investigation has been conducted through push-out tests, comparing the response of the connection with a rib-to-beam angle of 45° and the connection with ribs transverse to the supporting beam. In addition, numerical models based on finite element analysis have been made and validated against experimental data. According to the obtained results, similar failure mechanisms manifested through concrete pull-out failure and separation of the concrete cone are observed in shear connections with rib-to-beam angles of 45° and 90°. An increase in the connection resistance is noticed with the decrease of a rib-to-beam angle.
PB  - Ernst & Sohn GmbH
C3  - ce/papers
T1  - Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams
EP  - 799
IS  - 4
SP  - 795
VL  - 5
DO  - doi/10.1002/cepa.1821
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko and Gluhović, Nina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "For obtaining shear resistance of a welded headed stud in profiled steel sheeting, EN 1994-1-1:2004 defines reduction factors that should be multiplied with the resistance of a headed stud in a solid concrete slab. Two reduction factors are prescribed, for sheeting ribs that are parallel and transverse to the supporting beam. However, the design code does not recognise cases when the angle between ribs and the beam is in the range between 0° and 90°. This research is focused on the specific case in the steel-concrete composite beam design when the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam is 45°. The experimental investigation has been conducted through push-out tests, comparing the response of the connection with a rib-to-beam angle of 45° and the connection with ribs transverse to the supporting beam. In addition, numerical models based on finite element analysis have been made and validated against experimental data. According to the obtained results, similar failure mechanisms manifested through concrete pull-out failure and separation of the concrete cone are observed in shear connections with rib-to-beam angles of 45° and 90°. An increase in the connection resistance is noticed with the decrease of a rib-to-beam angle.",
publisher = "Ernst & Sohn GmbH",
journal = "ce/papers",
title = "Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams",
pages = "799-795",
number = "4",
volume = "5",
doi = "doi/10.1002/cepa.1821"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M., Marković, Z.,& Gluhović, N.. (2022). Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. in ce/papers
Ernst & Sohn GmbH., 5(4), 795-799.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z, Gluhović N. Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. in ce/papers. 2022;5(4):795-799.
doi:doi/10.1002/cepa.1821 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, Gluhović, Nina, "Different Profiled Sheeting Configurations in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams" in ce/papers, 5, no. 4 (2022):795-799,
https://doi.org/doi/10.1002/cepa.1821 . .

Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre

Spremić, Milan; Jakovljević, Isidora; Dinčić, Nemanja

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Dinčić, Nemanja
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2788
AB  - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre in Belgrade, a cultural good of the Republic of Serbia, includes works on the facility, ensuring that the congress centre's construction meets all modern requirements for fire protection. The paper presents the design fires used to conduct fire resistance design of the steel structure of the roof and facade. By applying analytical procedures defined in Eurocodes for structures and performing advanced CFD analysis, it has been shown that most of the purlins in Building A of the Sava Centre satisfy the required 60 minutes of fire resistance. This paper also presents the calculation of the fire loads applied in design fires.
AB  - Rekonstrukcija Sava Centra u Beogradu, kulturnog dobra Republike Srbije, podrazumeva radove na objektu, koji moraju da obezbede da konstrukcija kongresnog centra ispunjava sve savremene zahteve protivpožarne zaštite. U radu su prikazni proračunski požari korišćeni za dokaz otpornosti na dejstvo požara čelične konstrukcije krova i fasade. Primenom analitičkih postupaka definisanih u Evrokodovima za konstrukcije i napredne CFD analize pokazano je da veći deo rožnjača u bloka A Sava Centra zadovoljava nosivost pri dejstvu požara u trajanju od 60 minuta. Sračunavanje požarnih opterećenja pri definisanju proračunskih požara takođe je prikazano u ovom radu.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress
T1  - Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre
EP  - 283
SP  - 274
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2788
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Jakovljević, Isidora and Dinčić, Nemanja",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Reconstruction of the Sava Centre in Belgrade, a cultural good of the Republic of Serbia, includes works on the facility, ensuring that the congress centre's construction meets all modern requirements for fire protection. The paper presents the design fires used to conduct fire resistance design of the steel structure of the roof and facade. By applying analytical procedures defined in Eurocodes for structures and performing advanced CFD analysis, it has been shown that most of the purlins in Building A of the Sava Centre satisfy the required 60 minutes of fire resistance. This paper also presents the calculation of the fire loads applied in design fires., Rekonstrukcija Sava Centra u Beogradu, kulturnog dobra Republike Srbije, podrazumeva radove na objektu, koji moraju da obezbede da konstrukcija kongresnog centra ispunjava sve savremene zahteve protivpožarne zaštite. U radu su prikazni proračunski požari korišćeni za dokaz otpornosti na dejstvo požara čelične konstrukcije krova i fasade. Primenom analitičkih postupaka definisanih u Evrokodovima za konstrukcije i napredne CFD analize pokazano je da veći deo rožnjača u bloka A Sava Centra zadovoljava nosivost pri dejstvu požara u trajanju od 60 minuta. Sračunavanje požarnih opterećenja pri definisanju proračunskih požara takođe je prikazano u ovom radu.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress",
title = "Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre",
pages = "283-274",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2788"
Spremić, M., Jakovljević, I.,& Dinčić, N.. (2022). Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre. in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 274-283.
Spremić M, Jakovljević I, Dinčić N. Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre. in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress. 2022;:274-283.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2788 .
Spremić, Milan, Jakovljević, Isidora, Dinčić, Nemanja, "Design fire load of the roof and facade steel structure - Reconstruction of the Sava Centre" in International Congress Proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16. Congress (2022):274-283,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2788 .

Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures

Jakovljević, Isidora


AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2959
AB  - The reuse of constructional elements or entire structures is an important approach in the construction industry that follows the concept of sustainable development. Steel-concrete composite structures enable the efficient use of material and savings in material consumption. However, widespread steel-concrete composite beams with welded headed stud shear connectors do not have the demountability feature and therefore cannot be entirely reused. In the past few decades, much research in the field of steel-concrete composite structures has been focused on the development and investigations of demountable floor systems. A further contribution to that field is provided in this thesis. A novel demountable shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs is proposed. The suggested connection is applicable in composite concrete slabs cast in open trough profiled steel sheeting. Welded headed studs are installed in sheeting ribs, whereas bolts are placed between ribs. Implementation of the additional plate or angles between the beam flange and the concrete slab is required. During the building deconstruction, bolts are removed and the composite concrete slab is easily separated from the steel beam with the possibility of being installed again. Destruction methods are avoided and the entire floor structure including concrete slabs and steel beams may be reused in another location in the same configuration as during the first life cycle.
The aim of the study is to promote the novel demountable connection with welded headed studs and bolts. The objectives of the research are to describe the demountable connection response to the shear load at the point of resistance and ductility, to identify failure mechanisms and propose instructions for the design. The developed demountable connection is examined by static push-out tests, conducting experimental and numerical investigations. The experimental work covers 20 push-out test specimens divided into eight series. Different configurations of the demountable steel-concrete connections are experimentally investigated: connections with continuous and discontinuous slabs over the supporting beam, connections with and without stirrup reinforcement around headed studs, connections with the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam of 45°, 60° and 90°. The resistance, ductility and stiffness of demountable connections are compared with corresponding non-demountable connections with welded headed studs. According to the experimental research, the appropriate numerical finite element models are developed and used for a detailed analysis of the connection response and further parametric studies. A range of parameters that might influence the connection response is covered by parametric studies, including the headed stud diameter and height, bolt grade and diameter, concrete class, plate and angle thickness, the distance between the headed stud and slab edge, stirrup reinforcement diameter and position, the angle between sheeting ribs and the beam. The key influential parameters are identified and their effects on the connection performance are quantified. According to the wide set of the obtained data, conclusions regarding the connection response are drawn. Design recommendations for demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs are proposed.
AB  - Princip ponovne upotrebe konstruktivnih elemenata ili cele konstrukcije u građevinarstvu u skladu je sa konceptom održivog razvoja. Spregnute konstrukcije od čelika i betona omogućavaju efikasnu upotrebu materijala i uštede u potrošnji. Međutim, spregnute grede od čelika i betona sa zavarenim moždanicima sa glavom koje su u širokoj primeni, nisu demontažne i ne mogu se ponovo upotrebiti. U prethodnih nekoliko decenija, mnoga istraživanja u oblasti spregnutih konstrukcija bavila su se razvojem i ispitivanjem demontažnih međuspratnih konstrukcija. Doprinos navedenoj oblasti dat je kroz ovu disertaciju. Predložen je novi demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom, kao rešenje primenljivo u spregnutim pločama sa trapeznim profilisanim limom. Postavljanje moždanika predviđeno je u rebrima profilisanog lima, dok se zavrtnjevi postavljaju između, u prevojima lima. Neophodna je primena dodatnog čeličnog lima ili ugaonika na kontaktu između nožice čelične grede i betonske ploče. Tokom demontaže, zavrtnjevi se uklanjaju i spregnuta ploča se jednostavno razdvaja od čeličnog profila, uz mogućnost ponovnog korišćenja. Na ovaj način, destruktivne metode su izbegnute i kompletna međuspratna kontrukcija se može ponovo upotrebiti na drugoj lokaciji u istom obliku kao prilikom prvog životnog ciklusa.
Cilj naučnog istraživanja je realizacija inovativnog demontažnog smičućeg spoja sa moždanicima sa glavom i zavrtnjevima. Cilj je opisati ponašanje demontažnog spoja pri dejstvu smičućeg opterećenja u pogledu nosivosti i deformabilnosti, identifikovati mehanizme loma i dati proračunske preporuke. Demontažni smičući spoj je ispitivan putem testova smicanja primenom eksperimentalnih i numeričkih metoda. Eksperimentalno ispitivanje obuhvata 20 testova smicanja podeljenih u osam serija. Ispitivane su različite konfiguracije demontažnog spoja: spojevi sa kontinualnom i diskontinualnom pločom iznad oslonačke grede, spojevi sa i bez uzengija postavljenih oko moždanika, spojevi sa uglovima između rebara profilisanog lima i ose nosača od 45°, 60° i 90°. Nosivost, duktilnost i krutost demontažnih spojeva upoređene su sa odgovarajućim standardnim spojevima sa zavarenim moždanicima sa glavom. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata, formirani su odgovarajući numerički modeli, koji su potom korišćeni za detaljnu analizu ponašanja spoja i dalju parametarsku analizu. Parametarskom analizom obuhvaćeni su različiti parametri koji bi mogli uticati na ponašanje spoja, uključujući: prečnik i visinu moždanika, prečnik i klasu čvrstoće zavrtnja, klasu betona, debljinu lima i ugaonika, rastojanje između moždanika i ivice betonske ploče, prečnik i poziciju uzengija, ugao između rebara profilisanog lima i ose nosača. Identifikovani su ključni uticajni parametri i njihov efekat je kvantifikovan. Na osnovu širokog skupa dobijenih rezultata, doneti su zaključci po pitanju ponašanja smičućeg spoja. Takođe, date su preporuke za projekotovanje demontažnog spoja sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom.
T2  - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering
T1  - Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures
T1  - Demontažni smičući spojevi ostvareni zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom kod spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2959
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The reuse of constructional elements or entire structures is an important approach in the construction industry that follows the concept of sustainable development. Steel-concrete composite structures enable the efficient use of material and savings in material consumption. However, widespread steel-concrete composite beams with welded headed stud shear connectors do not have the demountability feature and therefore cannot be entirely reused. In the past few decades, much research in the field of steel-concrete composite structures has been focused on the development and investigations of demountable floor systems. A further contribution to that field is provided in this thesis. A novel demountable shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs is proposed. The suggested connection is applicable in composite concrete slabs cast in open trough profiled steel sheeting. Welded headed studs are installed in sheeting ribs, whereas bolts are placed between ribs. Implementation of the additional plate or angles between the beam flange and the concrete slab is required. During the building deconstruction, bolts are removed and the composite concrete slab is easily separated from the steel beam with the possibility of being installed again. Destruction methods are avoided and the entire floor structure including concrete slabs and steel beams may be reused in another location in the same configuration as during the first life cycle.
The aim of the study is to promote the novel demountable connection with welded headed studs and bolts. The objectives of the research are to describe the demountable connection response to the shear load at the point of resistance and ductility, to identify failure mechanisms and propose instructions for the design. The developed demountable connection is examined by static push-out tests, conducting experimental and numerical investigations. The experimental work covers 20 push-out test specimens divided into eight series. Different configurations of the demountable steel-concrete connections are experimentally investigated: connections with continuous and discontinuous slabs over the supporting beam, connections with and without stirrup reinforcement around headed studs, connections with the angle between profiled sheeting ribs and the beam of 45°, 60° and 90°. The resistance, ductility and stiffness of demountable connections are compared with corresponding non-demountable connections with welded headed studs. According to the experimental research, the appropriate numerical finite element models are developed and used for a detailed analysis of the connection response and further parametric studies. A range of parameters that might influence the connection response is covered by parametric studies, including the headed stud diameter and height, bolt grade and diameter, concrete class, plate and angle thickness, the distance between the headed stud and slab edge, stirrup reinforcement diameter and position, the angle between sheeting ribs and the beam. The key influential parameters are identified and their effects on the connection performance are quantified. According to the wide set of the obtained data, conclusions regarding the connection response are drawn. Design recommendations for demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs are proposed., Princip ponovne upotrebe konstruktivnih elemenata ili cele konstrukcije u građevinarstvu u skladu je sa konceptom održivog razvoja. Spregnute konstrukcije od čelika i betona omogućavaju efikasnu upotrebu materijala i uštede u potrošnji. Međutim, spregnute grede od čelika i betona sa zavarenim moždanicima sa glavom koje su u širokoj primeni, nisu demontažne i ne mogu se ponovo upotrebiti. U prethodnih nekoliko decenija, mnoga istraživanja u oblasti spregnutih konstrukcija bavila su se razvojem i ispitivanjem demontažnih međuspratnih konstrukcija. Doprinos navedenoj oblasti dat je kroz ovu disertaciju. Predložen je novi demontažni smičući spoj sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom, kao rešenje primenljivo u spregnutim pločama sa trapeznim profilisanim limom. Postavljanje moždanika predviđeno je u rebrima profilisanog lima, dok se zavrtnjevi postavljaju između, u prevojima lima. Neophodna je primena dodatnog čeličnog lima ili ugaonika na kontaktu između nožice čelične grede i betonske ploče. Tokom demontaže, zavrtnjevi se uklanjaju i spregnuta ploča se jednostavno razdvaja od čeličnog profila, uz mogućnost ponovnog korišćenja. Na ovaj način, destruktivne metode su izbegnute i kompletna međuspratna kontrukcija se može ponovo upotrebiti na drugoj lokaciji u istom obliku kao prilikom prvog životnog ciklusa.
Cilj naučnog istraživanja je realizacija inovativnog demontažnog smičućeg spoja sa moždanicima sa glavom i zavrtnjevima. Cilj je opisati ponašanje demontažnog spoja pri dejstvu smičućeg opterećenja u pogledu nosivosti i deformabilnosti, identifikovati mehanizme loma i dati proračunske preporuke. Demontažni smičući spoj je ispitivan putem testova smicanja primenom eksperimentalnih i numeričkih metoda. Eksperimentalno ispitivanje obuhvata 20 testova smicanja podeljenih u osam serija. Ispitivane su različite konfiguracije demontažnog spoja: spojevi sa kontinualnom i diskontinualnom pločom iznad oslonačke grede, spojevi sa i bez uzengija postavljenih oko moždanika, spojevi sa uglovima između rebara profilisanog lima i ose nosača od 45°, 60° i 90°. Nosivost, duktilnost i krutost demontažnih spojeva upoređene su sa odgovarajućim standardnim spojevima sa zavarenim moždanicima sa glavom. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata, formirani su odgovarajući numerički modeli, koji su potom korišćeni za detaljnu analizu ponašanja spoja i dalju parametarsku analizu. Parametarskom analizom obuhvaćeni su različiti parametri koji bi mogli uticati na ponašanje spoja, uključujući: prečnik i visinu moždanika, prečnik i klasu čvrstoće zavrtnja, klasu betona, debljinu lima i ugaonika, rastojanje između moždanika i ivice betonske ploče, prečnik i poziciju uzengija, ugao između rebara profilisanog lima i ose nosača. Identifikovani su ključni uticajni parametri i njihov efekat je kvantifikovan. Na osnovu širokog skupa dobijenih rezultata, doneti su zaključci po pitanju ponašanja smičućeg spoja. Takođe, date su preporuke za projekotovanje demontažnog spoja sa zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom.",
journal = "University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering",
title = "Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures, Demontažni smičući spojevi ostvareni zavrtnjevima i moždanicima sa glavom kod spregnutih konstrukcija od čelika i betona",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2959"
Jakovljević, I.. (2022). Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures. in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Jakovljević I. Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures. in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2959 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, "Demountable shear connections with bolts and welded headed studs in steel-concrete composite structures" in University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2959 .

The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different Grout Properties

Spremić, Milan; Gluhović, Nina; Jakovljević, Isidora; Marković, Zlatko

(Ernst&Sohn, 2021)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2488
AB  - During the assembling of a steel structure with anchors, grout should be used in connections be-
tween steel elements and a reinforced concrete support element. In horizontal and vertical joints, 
grout is used as a good construction practice for solving geometric tolerance problems. Grout can 
be used with cast-in anchors or post-installed anchors. However, the relation between anchor 
shear resistance and characteristic grout compressive strength is not described in detail in tech-
nical regulations. The behaviour of a connection considering achieved slip tolerances should 
match the boundary conditions set in the global analysis. In the support joint, grout properties 
could influence the value of the slip between a steel part and a concrete part of the joint.  Slip value 
could be significant for the relevant design cases featuring the interaction of shear force and ten-
sion force. In this paper, results of the push-out test conducted on anchors are presented. Based 
on the experimental test, the finite element analysis was performed to investigate the shear con-
nection behaviour. According to the preliminary results, it can be concluded that a grout strength 
and a grout thickness influence the connection response when serviceability loads are applied, alt-
hough they do not influence the ultimate load bearing capacity of anchors. In some cases, using 
the contemporary solutions of high strength grout materials, the slip between steel and concrete 
parts in the connection could be reduced.
PB  - Ernst&Sohn
C3  - CE/Papers
T1  - The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different  Grout Properties
EP  - 950
IS  - 2-4
SP  - 945
VL  - 4
DO  - https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.1382
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Gluhović, Nina and Jakovljević, Isidora and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "During the assembling of a steel structure with anchors, grout should be used in connections be-
tween steel elements and a reinforced concrete support element. In horizontal and vertical joints, 
grout is used as a good construction practice for solving geometric tolerance problems. Grout can 
be used with cast-in anchors or post-installed anchors. However, the relation between anchor 
shear resistance and characteristic grout compressive strength is not described in detail in tech-
nical regulations. The behaviour of a connection considering achieved slip tolerances should 
match the boundary conditions set in the global analysis. In the support joint, grout properties 
could influence the value of the slip between a steel part and a concrete part of the joint.  Slip value 
could be significant for the relevant design cases featuring the interaction of shear force and ten-
sion force. In this paper, results of the push-out test conducted on anchors are presented. Based 
on the experimental test, the finite element analysis was performed to investigate the shear con-
nection behaviour. According to the preliminary results, it can be concluded that a grout strength 
and a grout thickness influence the connection response when serviceability loads are applied, alt-
hough they do not influence the ultimate load bearing capacity of anchors. In some cases, using 
the contemporary solutions of high strength grout materials, the slip between steel and concrete 
parts in the connection could be reduced.",
publisher = "Ernst&Sohn",
journal = "CE/Papers",
title = "The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different  Grout Properties",
pages = "950-945",
number = "2-4",
volume = "4",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.1382"
Spremić, M., Gluhović, N., Jakovljević, I.,& Marković, Z.. (2021). The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different  Grout Properties. in CE/Papers
Ernst&Sohn., 4(2-4), 945-950.
Spremić M, Gluhović N, Jakovljević I, Marković Z. The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different  Grout Properties. in CE/Papers. 2021;4(2-4):945-950.
doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.1382 .
Spremić, Milan, Gluhović, Nina, Jakovljević, Isidora, Marković, Zlatko, "The Behaviour of Shear Anchors with Different  Grout Properties" in CE/Papers, 4, no. 2-4 (2021):945-950,
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.1382 . .

Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko


AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2361
AB  - In keeping with current demands for sustainable development in all segments of the industry, numerous research in the field of steel-concrete composite structures has been focused on developing demountable shear connectors. In the past years, various demountable shear connectors have been suggested, with various mechanisms for transferring shear force between a steel profile and a concrete or composite slab. In this paper, a state of the art on the topic is given, and experimental and numerical research results of push-out and beam tests are summarized.
AB  - U skladu sa zahtjevima za održivi razvoj u svim segmentima industrije, brojna su istraživanja u području spregnutih čelično-betonskih konstrukcija usmjerena na razvoj demontažnih sredstava za sprezanje. Proteklih godina predlagana su različita demontažna sredstva za sprezanje koja su različitim mehanizmima prenosila posmičnu silu između čeličnog profila i betonske ili spregnute ploče. U ovom radu prikazana su najnovija dostignuća na tu temu dajući sažetke eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata istraživanja vezano uz potisna (push-out) ispitivanja i ispitivanja na nosačima.
T2  - Građevinar
T1  - Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review
T1  - Demontažne spregnute međukatne konstrukcije od čelika i betona: pregled najnovijih izvedbi
EP  - 263
IS  - 3
SP  - 249
VL  - 73
DO  - 10.14256/JCE.2932.2020
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In keeping with current demands for sustainable development in all segments of the industry, numerous research in the field of steel-concrete composite structures has been focused on developing demountable shear connectors. In the past years, various demountable shear connectors have been suggested, with various mechanisms for transferring shear force between a steel profile and a concrete or composite slab. In this paper, a state of the art on the topic is given, and experimental and numerical research results of push-out and beam tests are summarized., U skladu sa zahtjevima za održivi razvoj u svim segmentima industrije, brojna su istraživanja u području spregnutih čelično-betonskih konstrukcija usmjerena na razvoj demontažnih sredstava za sprezanje. Proteklih godina predlagana su različita demontažna sredstva za sprezanje koja su različitim mehanizmima prenosila posmičnu silu između čeličnog profila i betonske ili spregnute ploče. U ovom radu prikazana su najnovija dostignuća na tu temu dajući sažetke eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata istraživanja vezano uz potisna (push-out) ispitivanja i ispitivanja na nosačima.",
journal = "Građevinar",
title = "Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review, Demontažne spregnute međukatne konstrukcije od čelika i betona: pregled najnovijih izvedbi",
pages = "263-249",
number = "3",
volume = "73",
doi = "10.14256/JCE.2932.2020"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2021). Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review. in Građevinar, 73(3), 249-263.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review. in Građevinar. 2021;73(3):249-263.
doi:10.14256/JCE.2932.2020 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Demountable composite steel-concrete floors: A state-of-the-art review" in Građevinar, 73, no. 3 (2021):249-263,
https://doi.org/10.14256/JCE.2932.2020 . .

Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection

Spremić, Milan; Gluhović, Nina; Jakovljević, Isidora; Marković, Zlatko

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2359
AB  - Prefabricated construction and requirements for reusing the particular structural element, request the application of a support joint realized with anchors. Besides demountability, the connection detail realized with anchors needs to satisfy all support conditions adopted during the structure design. This paper describes the behaviour of anchor shear connection. The connection slip was analysed concerning the grout material properties and the grout thickness. The parametric study was performed using Abaqus software to define the relationship between grout properties and thickness and the slip deformation for load levels corresponding to serviceability limit states.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - ASES International symposium proceedings
T1  - Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2359
ER  - 
author = "Spremić, Milan and Gluhović, Nina and Jakovljević, Isidora and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Prefabricated construction and requirements for reusing the particular structural element, request the application of a support joint realized with anchors. Besides demountability, the connection detail realized with anchors needs to satisfy all support conditions adopted during the structure design. This paper describes the behaviour of anchor shear connection. The connection slip was analysed concerning the grout material properties and the grout thickness. The parametric study was performed using Abaqus software to define the relationship between grout properties and thickness and the slip deformation for load levels corresponding to serviceability limit states.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "ASES International symposium proceedings",
title = "Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2359"
Spremić, M., Gluhović, N., Jakovljević, I.,& Marković, Z.. (2021). Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection. in ASES International symposium proceedings
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet..
Spremić M, Gluhović N, Jakovljević I, Marković Z. Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection. in ASES International symposium proceedings. 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2359 .
Spremić, Milan, Gluhović, Nina, Jakovljević, Isidora, Marković, Zlatko, "Grout effect on the behaviour of the anchor shear connection" in ASES International symposium proceedings (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2359 .

Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs

Jakovljević, Isidora; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2360
AB  - In the past decades, many novel shear connectors for implementation in steel-concrete composite beams have been investigated. In this paper, a demountable shear connection between a structural steel beam and a solid concrete deck, consisting of bolts and welded headed studs, is analysed. This system features the indirect shear force transfer through the additional element, a steel plate that is placed between a concrete deck and a top flange. Following the experimental results of previously conducted push-out tests, a numerical model has been developed. The model is used for a detailed analysis of the system behaviour as well as for the parametric study. Influence of a bolt diameter and a bolt hole diameter on shear behaviour of the connection has been discussed.
AB  - Prethodnih decenija intenzivno su ispitivana nova rešenja spojnih sredstava u smičućim spojevima spregnutih greda od čelika i betona. U ovom radu analiziran je montažno-demontažni podužni smičući spoj konstrukcionog čelika i pune armiranobetonske ploče, ostvaren pomoću zavrtnjeva i elastičnih moždanika s glavom. Ovakav spoj odlikuje se indirektnim prenosom sile smicanja kroz dodatni element, čelični lim, između betonske ploče i gornje nožice grede. Formiran je numerički model testa smicanja prema dostupnim prethodnim eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima. Model je iskorišćen za detaljnu analizu ponašanja podužnog smičućeg spoja, kao i za parametarsku analizu. Ispitivan je uticaj prečnika zavrtnja i prečnika rupe na ponašanje spoja pri smičućem opterećenju.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress, May 13-15th, 2021, Aranđelovac
T1  - Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs
EP  - 472
SP  - 463
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2360
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In the past decades, many novel shear connectors for implementation in steel-concrete composite beams have been investigated. In this paper, a demountable shear connection between a structural steel beam and a solid concrete deck, consisting of bolts and welded headed studs, is analysed. This system features the indirect shear force transfer through the additional element, a steel plate that is placed between a concrete deck and a top flange. Following the experimental results of previously conducted push-out tests, a numerical model has been developed. The model is used for a detailed analysis of the system behaviour as well as for the parametric study. Influence of a bolt diameter and a bolt hole diameter on shear behaviour of the connection has been discussed., Prethodnih decenija intenzivno su ispitivana nova rešenja spojnih sredstava u smičućim spojevima spregnutih greda od čelika i betona. U ovom radu analiziran je montažno-demontažni podužni smičući spoj konstrukcionog čelika i pune armiranobetonske ploče, ostvaren pomoću zavrtnjeva i elastičnih moždanika s glavom. Ovakav spoj odlikuje se indirektnim prenosom sile smicanja kroz dodatni element, čelični lim, između betonske ploče i gornje nožice grede. Formiran je numerički model testa smicanja prema dostupnim prethodnim eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima. Model je iskorišćen za detaljnu analizu ponašanja podužnog smičućeg spoja, kao i za parametarsku analizu. Ispitivan je uticaj prečnika zavrtnja i prečnika rupe na ponašanje spoja pri smičućem opterećenju.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress, May 13-15th, 2021, Aranđelovac",
title = "Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs",
pages = "472-463",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2360"
Jakovljević, I., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2021). Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress, May 13-15th, 2021, Aranđelovac
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 463-472.
Jakovljević I, Spremić M, Marković Z. Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress, May 13-15th, 2021, Aranđelovac. 2021;:463-472.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2360 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "Numerical study on the composite shear connection with bolts and welded headed studs" in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress, May 13-15th, 2021, Aranđelovac (2021):463-472,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2360 .

Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis

Jakovljević, Isidora; Dobrić, Jelena; Marković, Zlatko

(Beograd : Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, 2019)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1864
AB  - Even though structural elements of the elliptical hollow section (EHS) have been introduced to the construction market in the past years, the rules for their design were only partially introduced into the suitable codified procedures. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative numerical analysis of behaviour of cold-formed and hot-finished EHS columns exposed to flexural buckling under pure axial compression. Pin-ended columns of a various slenderness without lateral restrains and with incorporated geometrical imperfections are analysed. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through published experimental tensile test results, conducted in previous researches. In addition, numerical simulations of stub column behaviour are performed in order to obtain a cross-section compressive resistance. Results of the finite element analysis are compared to the design criteria defined in the draft version of Eurocode EN 1993-1-1:2015 and in North American specification for cold-formed member design AISI-S100. It is observed that North American standard provides more accurate predictions of both a cross-section resistance and a buckling column resistance. Equivalent diameter method described in Eurocode 3 led to more conservative results. According to the obtained numerical results, similar buckling behaviour is observed for both hot-finished and cold-formed columns of higher slenderness, while in the lower slenderness region, cold-formed compressed members tend to lower buckling curves. Underestimation of a column buckling resistance according to Eurocode regulations is noticed for cold-formed members of a higher slenderness.
AB  - Iako se poslednjih godina šuplji profili elipsastog poprečnog preseka (EHS) mogu naći na tržištu, pravila za njihovo dimenzionisanje su tek delimično uvedena u odgovarajuće standarde za projektovanje. Cilj ovog rada jeste da prikaže komparativnu numeričku analizu ponašanja centrično pritisnutih hladnooblikovanih i naknadno termički obrađenih EHS stubova, usled fleksionog izvijanja. Analizirani su zglobno oslonjeni stubovi različitih vitkosti bez bočnog pridržanja duž elementa, uzimajući u obzir početne geometrijske imperfekcije. Nelinearno ponašanje materijala modelirano je na osnovu publikovanih eksperimentalnih rezultata testova pri zatezanju, sprovedenih u prethodnim ispitivanjima. Takođe, izvršene su numeričke simulacije ponašanja kratkih stubova kako bi se utvrdila nosivost poprečnog preseka na pritisak. Rezultati numeričke analize sprovedene metodom konačnih elemenata upoređeni su s računskim vrednostima graničnih nosivosti u skladu s revidiranom verzijom Evrokoda EN 1993-1-1:2015 i Severnoameričkom specifikacijom za projektovanje hladnooblikovanih čeličnih elemenata AISI-S100. Uočeno je da Severnoamerički standard daje preciznije predikcije – i za nosivosti poprečnog preseka i za nosivosti stuba na fleksiono izvijanje. Metoda ekvivalentnog prečnika, opisana u Evrokodu 3, daje konzervativnije rezultate. Prema dobijenim numeričkim rezultatima, slično ponašanje pri fleksionom izvijanju uočeno je kod naknadno termički obrađenih i hladnooblikovanih stubova veće vitkosti, dok u oblasti manje vitkosti, hladnooblikovani pritisnuti elementi teže nepovoljnijim krivama izvijanja. Primećeno je da Evrokod potcenjuje nosivosti na izvijanje hladnooblikovanih stubova veće vitkosti.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije
T2  - Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
T1  - Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis
T1  - Fleksiono izvijanje naknadno termički obrađenih i hladnooblikovanih stubova elipsastog poprečnog preseka: Numerička uporedna analiza
EP  - 32
IS  - 2
SP  - 15
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK1902015J
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Dobrić, Jelena and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Even though structural elements of the elliptical hollow section (EHS) have been introduced to the construction market in the past years, the rules for their design were only partially introduced into the suitable codified procedures. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative numerical analysis of behaviour of cold-formed and hot-finished EHS columns exposed to flexural buckling under pure axial compression. Pin-ended columns of a various slenderness without lateral restrains and with incorporated geometrical imperfections are analysed. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through published experimental tensile test results, conducted in previous researches. In addition, numerical simulations of stub column behaviour are performed in order to obtain a cross-section compressive resistance. Results of the finite element analysis are compared to the design criteria defined in the draft version of Eurocode EN 1993-1-1:2015 and in North American specification for cold-formed member design AISI-S100. It is observed that North American standard provides more accurate predictions of both a cross-section resistance and a buckling column resistance. Equivalent diameter method described in Eurocode 3 led to more conservative results. According to the obtained numerical results, similar buckling behaviour is observed for both hot-finished and cold-formed columns of higher slenderness, while in the lower slenderness region, cold-formed compressed members tend to lower buckling curves. Underestimation of a column buckling resistance according to Eurocode regulations is noticed for cold-formed members of a higher slenderness., Iako se poslednjih godina šuplji profili elipsastog poprečnog preseka (EHS) mogu naći na tržištu, pravila za njihovo dimenzionisanje su tek delimično uvedena u odgovarajuće standarde za projektovanje. Cilj ovog rada jeste da prikaže komparativnu numeričku analizu ponašanja centrično pritisnutih hladnooblikovanih i naknadno termički obrađenih EHS stubova, usled fleksionog izvijanja. Analizirani su zglobno oslonjeni stubovi različitih vitkosti bez bočnog pridržanja duž elementa, uzimajući u obzir početne geometrijske imperfekcije. Nelinearno ponašanje materijala modelirano je na osnovu publikovanih eksperimentalnih rezultata testova pri zatezanju, sprovedenih u prethodnim ispitivanjima. Takođe, izvršene su numeričke simulacije ponašanja kratkih stubova kako bi se utvrdila nosivost poprečnog preseka na pritisak. Rezultati numeričke analize sprovedene metodom konačnih elemenata upoređeni su s računskim vrednostima graničnih nosivosti u skladu s revidiranom verzijom Evrokoda EN 1993-1-1:2015 i Severnoameričkom specifikacijom za projektovanje hladnooblikovanih čeličnih elemenata AISI-S100. Uočeno je da Severnoamerički standard daje preciznije predikcije – i za nosivosti poprečnog preseka i za nosivosti stuba na fleksiono izvijanje. Metoda ekvivalentnog prečnika, opisana u Evrokodu 3, daje konzervativnije rezultate. Prema dobijenim numeričkim rezultatima, slično ponašanje pri fleksionom izvijanju uočeno je kod naknadno termički obrađenih i hladnooblikovanih stubova veće vitkosti, dok u oblasti manje vitkosti, hladnooblikovani pritisnuti elementi teže nepovoljnijim krivama izvijanja. Primećeno je da Evrokod potcenjuje nosivosti na izvijanje hladnooblikovanih stubova veće vitkosti.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije",
journal = "Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije",
title = "Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis, Fleksiono izvijanje naknadno termički obrađenih i hladnooblikovanih stubova elipsastog poprečnog preseka: Numerička uporedna analiza",
pages = "32-15",
number = "2",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK1902015J"
Jakovljević, I., Dobrić, J.,& Marković, Z.. (2019). Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
Beograd : Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije., 62(2), 15-32.
Jakovljević I, Dobrić J, Marković Z. Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije. 2019;62(2):15-32.
doi:10.5937/GRMK1902015J .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Dobrić, Jelena, Marković, Zlatko, "Flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow section columns: Numerical comparative analysis" in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, 62, no. 2 (2019):15-32,
https://doi.org/10.5937/GRMK1902015J . .

Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections

Jakovljević, Isidora; Dobrić, Jelena; Marković, Zlatko

(Skopje : Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2019)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1870
AB  - Elliptical hollow sections (EHS) are new products on the construction market. Their growing implementation in steel structures led to complementing design rules in the draft version of Eurocode EN 1993-1-1:2015. In this paper bending strength of elliptical hollow sections is being discussed, analysing cold-formed and hot-finished EHS profiles under pure bending. Numerical models include short members of diverse section slenderness with applied concentrated moments at the ends about either the major or the minor axis of inertia. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through experimental tensile test results adopted from previous researches. Influence of geometrical imperfections is incorporated in the analysis, however, imperfection amplitude variation has shown an insignificant effect on bending strength. For all analysed members, it is shown that numerically obtained ultimate moments are higher than bending strengths prescribed in EN 1993-1-1:2015. Differences in responses of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS are discussed. Comments on elliptical cross-section classification according to the design standard are made, as well as comments on the defined effective cross-sectional geometrical properties. Review of the set limiting slenderness for class 3 is suggested.
PB  - Skopje : Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of MASE, 2-5th October 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia
T1  - Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections
EP  - 1070
SP  - 1061
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1870
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Dobrić, Jelena and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Elliptical hollow sections (EHS) are new products on the construction market. Their growing implementation in steel structures led to complementing design rules in the draft version of Eurocode EN 1993-1-1:2015. In this paper bending strength of elliptical hollow sections is being discussed, analysing cold-formed and hot-finished EHS profiles under pure bending. Numerical models include short members of diverse section slenderness with applied concentrated moments at the ends about either the major or the minor axis of inertia. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through experimental tensile test results adopted from previous researches. Influence of geometrical imperfections is incorporated in the analysis, however, imperfection amplitude variation has shown an insignificant effect on bending strength. For all analysed members, it is shown that numerically obtained ultimate moments are higher than bending strengths prescribed in EN 1993-1-1:2015. Differences in responses of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS are discussed. Comments on elliptical cross-section classification according to the design standard are made, as well as comments on the defined effective cross-sectional geometrical properties. Review of the set limiting slenderness for class 3 is suggested.",
publisher = "Skopje : Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of MASE, 2-5th October 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia",
title = "Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections",
pages = "1070-1061",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1870"
Jakovljević, I., Dobrić, J.,& Marković, Z.. (2019). Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections. in Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of MASE, 2-5th October 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia
Skopje : Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers., 1061-1070.
Jakovljević I, Dobrić J, Marković Z. Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections. in Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of MASE, 2-5th October 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia. 2019;:1061-1070.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1870 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Dobrić, Jelena, Marković, Zlatko, "Numerical study on bending behaviour of hot-finished and cold-formed elliptical hollow sections" in Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of MASE, 2-5th October 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia (2019):1061-1070,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1870 .

Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns

Jakovljević, Isidora; Marković, Zlatko; Dobrić, Jelena

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1627
AB  - Elliptical hollow sections (EHS) have been recently introduced to the construction market. However, in the current Eurocode standard for steel structures EN 1993-1-1, there are no design criteria defined for EHS. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative numerical analysis of behaviour of cold-formed and hot-finished EHS columns exposed to flexural buckling under pure axial compression. Pin-ended columns of various slendernesses without lateral restrains and with incorporated geometrical imperfections are analysed. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through experimental tensile test results adopted from previous researches. According to obtained numerical results, similar buckling behaviour is observed for both hot-finished and cold-formed columns of higher slenderness, while in the lower slenderness region, cold-formed compressed members tend to lower buckling curves.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
T1  - Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns
EP  - 626
SP  - 618
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1627
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Marković, Zlatko and Dobrić, Jelena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Elliptical hollow sections (EHS) have been recently introduced to the construction market. However, in the current Eurocode standard for steel structures EN 1993-1-1, there are no design criteria defined for EHS. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative numerical analysis of behaviour of cold-formed and hot-finished EHS columns exposed to flexural buckling under pure axial compression. Pin-ended columns of various slendernesses without lateral restrains and with incorporated geometrical imperfections are analysed. Material nonlinear behaviour is included through experimental tensile test results adopted from previous researches. According to obtained numerical results, similar buckling behaviour is observed for both hot-finished and cold-formed columns of higher slenderness, while in the lower slenderness region, cold-formed compressed members tend to lower buckling curves.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor",
title = "Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns",
pages = "626-618",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1627"
Jakovljević, I., Marković, Z.,& Dobrić, J.. (2018). Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 618-626.
Jakovljević I, Marković Z, Dobrić J. Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor. 2018;:618-626.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1627 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Marković, Zlatko, Dobrić, Jelena, "Numerical evaluation of flexural buckling of hot-finished and cold-formed EHS columns" in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor (2018):618-626,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1627 .

The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance

Jakovljević, Isidora; Gluhović, Nina; Spremić, Milan; Marković, Zlatko

(TU1304 COST Action, 2018)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://www.winercost.com/cost_files/WINERCOST18_Proceedings.pdf
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1863
AB  - Installation of small-scale wind turbines in urban regions can gain higher energy efficiency, considering that energy production takes place at the place of its consumption. The aim of this work is to investigate effects of installation of a small-scale horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) on a roof structure of an existing building. This paper is focused on fatigue resistance of headed studs that are preinstalled in the building roof composite steel-concrete deck to ensure shear connection and that are indirectly dynamically loaded during wind turbine operation. Turbulent wind profiles with mean wind speeds from 3 m/s up to 15 m/s are generated and applied on the model of HAWT with 5 m rotor diameter using Ashes software package. Time-dependent forces and bending moments induced by wind turbine operation are applied on the composite roof deck model. Based on the time-history of transverse force in the composite steel-concrete beam and wind speed records during a year, fatigue cumulative damage of headed studs is calculated according to Eurocode. It is obtained that installation of HAWT do not significantly affect residual life of headed studs with reference to fatigue.
PB  - TU1304 COST Action
C3  - The International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting, 21-23 March 2018, Catanzaro, Italy
T1  - The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance
EP  - 139
SP  - 133
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1863
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Gluhović, Nina and Spremić, Milan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Installation of small-scale wind turbines in urban regions can gain higher energy efficiency, considering that energy production takes place at the place of its consumption. The aim of this work is to investigate effects of installation of a small-scale horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) on a roof structure of an existing building. This paper is focused on fatigue resistance of headed studs that are preinstalled in the building roof composite steel-concrete deck to ensure shear connection and that are indirectly dynamically loaded during wind turbine operation. Turbulent wind profiles with mean wind speeds from 3 m/s up to 15 m/s are generated and applied on the model of HAWT with 5 m rotor diameter using Ashes software package. Time-dependent forces and bending moments induced by wind turbine operation are applied on the composite roof deck model. Based on the time-history of transverse force in the composite steel-concrete beam and wind speed records during a year, fatigue cumulative damage of headed studs is calculated according to Eurocode. It is obtained that installation of HAWT do not significantly affect residual life of headed studs with reference to fatigue.",
publisher = "TU1304 COST Action",
journal = "The International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting, 21-23 March 2018, Catanzaro, Italy",
title = "The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance",
pages = "139-133",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1863"
Jakovljević, I., Gluhović, N., Spremić, M.,& Marković, Z.. (2018). The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance. in The International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting, 21-23 March 2018, Catanzaro, Italy
TU1304 COST Action., 133-139.
Jakovljević I, Gluhović N, Spremić M, Marković Z. The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance. in The International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting, 21-23 March 2018, Catanzaro, Italy. 2018;:133-139.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1863 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Gluhović, Nina, Spremić, Milan, Marković, Zlatko, "The influence of a roof mounted small-scale HAWT on headed studs fatigue resistance" in The International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting, 21-23 March 2018, Catanzaro, Italy (2018):133-139,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1863 .

Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load

Jakovljević, Isidora; Kovačević, Saša; Marković, Nenad

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Kovačević, Saša
AU  - Marković, Nenad
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1653
AB  - The determination of the elastic critical load (buckling load) is an important element of the assessment of the ultimate load of plate girders. An analysis of the critical load of a plate corresponding to the web of an I-girder for different boundary conditions and the critical load of the I-girder itself is given in the paper. Conclusions regarding their correspondence are given. Also, experimentally determined ultimate loads of I-girders are compared with values according to Eurocode for the models used in this analysis.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
T1  - Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load
EP  - 617
SP  - 608
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1653
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Kovačević, Saša and Marković, Nenad",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The determination of the elastic critical load (buckling load) is an important element of the assessment of the ultimate load of plate girders. An analysis of the critical load of a plate corresponding to the web of an I-girder for different boundary conditions and the critical load of the I-girder itself is given in the paper. Conclusions regarding their correspondence are given. Also, experimentally determined ultimate loads of I-girders are compared with values according to Eurocode for the models used in this analysis.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor",
title = "Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load",
pages = "617-608",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1653"
Jakovljević, I., Kovačević, S.,& Marković, N.. (2018). Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 608-617.
Jakovljević I, Kovačević S, Marković N. Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor. 2018;:608-617.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1653 .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Kovačević, Saša, Marković, Nenad, "Buckling of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load" in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor (2018):608-617,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_1653 .

Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load

Jakovljević, Isidora; Kovačević, Saša; Marković, Nenad

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Jakovljević, Isidora
AU  - Kovačević, Saša
AU  - Marković, Nenad
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/925
AB  - The determination of the elastic critical load (buckling load) is an important element of the assessment of the ultimate load of plate girders according to Eurocode 3 for design of steel structures. An analysis of the critical load of a plate corresponding to the web of an I-girder for different boundary conditions and the critical load of the I-girder itself subjected to patch load is given in the paper. Conclusions regarding their correspondence are given. Also, experimentally determined ultimate loads of I-girders are compared with predictive values according to Eurocode 3 for the models used in this analysis. A modified procedure for the ultimate load determination is proposed by following the Eurocode 3 algorithm and changing only buckling coefficient. In order to improve the ultimate load prediction, it is suggested to calculate the buckling coefficient also as a function of patch load length.
AB  - Određivanje elastične kritične sile (sile izbočavanja) predstavlja važan element u određivanju granične nosivosti limenih nosača prema Evrokodu 3 za proračun čeličnih konstrukcija. U radu se daje analiza kritične sile izbočavanja izolovane ploče koja odgovara rebru Inosača s variranim uslovima oslanjanja i kritične sile koja odgovara samom I-nosaču, usled dejstva lokalizovanog opterećenja. Dati su zaključci o njihovoj vezi. Takođe, upoređena su eksperimentalno određena granična opterećenja I-nosača s vrednostima prema Evrokodu 3, za modele korišćene u ovoj analizi. Predložena je izmenjena procedura za određivanje granične nosivosti, koja sledi algoritam dat u Evrokodu 3, a prema kojoj se modifikuje izraz za određivanje koeficijenta izbočavanja. Kako bi se poboljšalo određivanje granične nosivosti, predloženo je računanje koeficijenata izbočavanja i u funkciji dužine lokalizovanog opterećenja.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
T1  - Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load
T1  - Elastična kritična sila ploča i limenih nosača pod dejstvom lokalizovanog opterećenja
EP  - 67
IS  - 4
SP  - 55
VL  - 61
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK1804055J
ER  - 
author = "Jakovljević, Isidora and Kovačević, Saša and Marković, Nenad",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The determination of the elastic critical load (buckling load) is an important element of the assessment of the ultimate load of plate girders according to Eurocode 3 for design of steel structures. An analysis of the critical load of a plate corresponding to the web of an I-girder for different boundary conditions and the critical load of the I-girder itself subjected to patch load is given in the paper. Conclusions regarding their correspondence are given. Also, experimentally determined ultimate loads of I-girders are compared with predictive values according to Eurocode 3 for the models used in this analysis. A modified procedure for the ultimate load determination is proposed by following the Eurocode 3 algorithm and changing only buckling coefficient. In order to improve the ultimate load prediction, it is suggested to calculate the buckling coefficient also as a function of patch load length., Određivanje elastične kritične sile (sile izbočavanja) predstavlja važan element u određivanju granične nosivosti limenih nosača prema Evrokodu 3 za proračun čeličnih konstrukcija. U radu se daje analiza kritične sile izbočavanja izolovane ploče koja odgovara rebru Inosača s variranim uslovima oslanjanja i kritične sile koja odgovara samom I-nosaču, usled dejstva lokalizovanog opterećenja. Dati su zaključci o njihovoj vezi. Takođe, upoređena su eksperimentalno određena granična opterećenja I-nosača s vrednostima prema Evrokodu 3, za modele korišćene u ovoj analizi. Predložena je izmenjena procedura za određivanje granične nosivosti, koja sledi algoritam dat u Evrokodu 3, a prema kojoj se modifikuje izraz za određivanje koeficijenta izbočavanja. Kako bi se poboljšalo određivanje granične nosivosti, predloženo je računanje koeficijenata izbočavanja i u funkciji dužine lokalizovanog opterećenja.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije",
title = "Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load, Elastična kritična sila ploča i limenih nosača pod dejstvom lokalizovanog opterećenja",
pages = "67-55",
number = "4",
volume = "61",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK1804055J"
Jakovljević, I., Kovačević, S.,& Marković, N.. (2018). Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd., 61(4), 55-67.
Jakovljević I, Kovačević S, Marković N. Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije. 2018;61(4):55-67.
doi:10.5937/GRMK1804055J .
Jakovljević, Isidora, Kovačević, Saša, Marković, Nenad, "Elastic critical load of plates and plate girders subjected to patch load" in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, 61, no. 4 (2018):55-67,
https://doi.org/10.5937/GRMK1804055J . .