Stevanović, Boško

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  • Stevanović, Boško (64)

Author's Bibliography

Ojačanje drvenih nosača u zoni redukcije visine preseka pomoću GFRP šipki

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško



Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2023). Ojačanje drvenih nosača u zoni redukcije visine preseka pomoću GFRP šipki. .
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Ojačanje drvenih nosača u zoni redukcije visine preseka pomoću GFRP šipki. 2023;. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Ojačanje drvenih nosača u zoni redukcije visine preseka pomoću GFRP šipki" (2023), .

Palace of Golubac Fortress

Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan; Todorović, Dragoljub

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2023)

AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Todorović, Dragoljub
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The Golubac Fortress was built at the very entrance of the Iron Gates gorge, at the point where the Danube is the widest in its course and transitions into the narrow passage of the Carpathian Mountains. The fortress represented an important medieval military border stronghold, strategically constructed due to the military significance of the location. Because of its position, during the 14th and 15th centuries, bordering countries, Hungary and Serbia, and later the Ottoman Empire, fought to conquer the Golubac Fortress in order to gain control and power over the state border.
There are no exact records of who and when initially built the Golubac Fortress. The first mention in written sources is from the year 1335, in a Hungarian charter from 1337, which states that the nobleman Nikola Banfi resided in Golubac in 1335. Until the dissolution of the Dušan’s Empire, Golubac Fortress status remains unchanged according to historical sources, and it remains in Hungarian possession.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the town of Golubac was in very poor condition, neglected and inaccessible. Reconstruction of the entire Golubac Fortress began in 2011. The reconstruction was officially completed in 2019. However, some minor reconstruction and revitalization work is still ongoing today.
The foundation of the Golubac Fortress was adapted to the terrain's configuration and consists of 9 towers connected by the ramparts and the Palace. As part of the restoration efforts, all the towers, ramparts, and the Palace were reconstructed.
The paper depicts the reconstruction of the entire Palace, including its foundations and a new roof structure made of glued laminated timber.
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - Proceedings from the 20th International Symposium of MASE
T1  - Palace of Golubac Fortress
EP  - 862
SP  - 855
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan and Todorović, Dragoljub",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The Golubac Fortress was built at the very entrance of the Iron Gates gorge, at the point where the Danube is the widest in its course and transitions into the narrow passage of the Carpathian Mountains. The fortress represented an important medieval military border stronghold, strategically constructed due to the military significance of the location. Because of its position, during the 14th and 15th centuries, bordering countries, Hungary and Serbia, and later the Ottoman Empire, fought to conquer the Golubac Fortress in order to gain control and power over the state border.
There are no exact records of who and when initially built the Golubac Fortress. The first mention in written sources is from the year 1335, in a Hungarian charter from 1337, which states that the nobleman Nikola Banfi resided in Golubac in 1335. Until the dissolution of the Dušan’s Empire, Golubac Fortress status remains unchanged according to historical sources, and it remains in Hungarian possession.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the town of Golubac was in very poor condition, neglected and inaccessible. Reconstruction of the entire Golubac Fortress began in 2011. The reconstruction was officially completed in 2019. However, some minor reconstruction and revitalization work is still ongoing today.
The foundation of the Golubac Fortress was adapted to the terrain's configuration and consists of 9 towers connected by the ramparts and the Palace. As part of the restoration efforts, all the towers, ramparts, and the Palace were reconstructed.
The paper depicts the reconstruction of the entire Palace, including its foundations and a new roof structure made of glued laminated timber.",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "Proceedings from the 20th International Symposium of MASE",
title = "Palace of Golubac Fortress",
pages = "862-855",
url = ""
Stevanović, B., Glišović, I.,& Todorović, D.. (2023). Palace of Golubac Fortress. in Proceedings from the 20th International Symposium of MASE
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers., 855-862.
Stevanović B, Glišović I, Todorović D. Palace of Golubac Fortress. in Proceedings from the 20th International Symposium of MASE. 2023;:855-862. .
Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, Todorović, Dragoljub, "Palace of Golubac Fortress" in Proceedings from the 20th International Symposium of MASE (2023):855-862, .

Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima

Glišović, Ivan; Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Полимери ојачани влакнима (Fiber reinforced polymers - FRP) се користе као ојачање за елементе дрвених конструкција у циљу повећања крутости и/или носивости, као и за контролу отварања и пропагације пукотина. FRP ојачање се може применити на новопројектованим елементима или при санацији оштећених елемената конструкције. У оквиру рада даје се детаљан преглед сазнања у вези са дрвеним конструкцијама ојачаним FRP материјалима. Најпре су представљени саставни делови FRP композита, а затим је размотрена типична примена FRP ојачања у оквиру дрвених конструкција. На крају, као илустрација, приказани су резултати сопствених експерименталних истраживања спроведених на лепљеним ламелираним дрвеним носачима који су ојачани глобално тракама на бази карбонских влакана или локално шипкама на бази стаклених влакана.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet
T2  - Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu: monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova
T1  - Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Glišović, Ivan and Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Полимери ојачани влакнима (Fiber reinforced polymers - FRP) се користе као ојачање за елементе дрвених конструкција у циљу повећања крутости и/или носивости, као и за контролу отварања и пропагације пукотина. FRP ојачање се може применити на новопројектованим елементима или при санацији оштећених елемената конструкције. У оквиру рада даје се детаљан преглед сазнања у вези са дрвеним конструкцијама ојачаним FRP материјалима. Најпре су представљени саставни делови FRP композита, а затим је размотрена типична примена FRP ојачања у оквиру дрвених конструкција. На крају, као илустрација, приказани су резултати сопствених експерименталних истраживања спроведених на лепљеним ламелираним дрвеним носачима који су ојачани глобално тракама на бази карбонских влакана или локално шипкама на бази стаклених влакана.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu: monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova",
booktitle = "Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima",
url = ""
Glišović, I., Todorović, M.,& Stevanović, B.. (2022). Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima. in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu: monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Građevinski fakultet..
Glišović I, Todorović M, Stevanović B. Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima. in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu: monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova. 2022;. .
Glišović, Ivan, Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, "Ojačanje drvenih konstrukcija FRP kompozitnim materijalima" in Materijali i konstrukcije u savremenom građevinarstvu: monografija posvećena 85-om rođendanu profesora Mihaila Muravljova (2022), .

Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu

Stevanović, Boško; Muravljov, Mihailo; Glišović, Ivan; Ostojić, Drago

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Muravljov, Mihailo
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Ostojić, Drago
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Armiranobetonski dimnjak u Toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu je, sagrađen oko 1975. godine. Predmetni dimnjak u odnosu na površinu trotoara izvedenog oko njega ima visinu od 96,00m. U unutrašnjosti dimnjaka, bez dodira sa armiranobetonskom konstrukcijom, izvedena je vertikalna dimovodna cev. Vizuelno-makroskopskim pregledom dimnjaka uočena su brojna oštećenja betona, korozija armature i čeličnih konzola koje nose dimovodnu cev. Ova oštećenja
nastala su od sumporne kiselina koja se stvarala sjedinjavanjem sumpordioksida i kondenzovane vodene pare unutar dimnjaka. U radu je prikazano stanje dimnjaka pre sanacije, mere koje su propisane za sanaciju, kao i karakteristični detalji sa izvođenja radova na sanaciji.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog 16. Kongresa DGKS
T1  - Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu
EP  - 397
SP  - 388
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Boško and Muravljov, Mihailo and Glišović, Ivan and Ostojić, Drago",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Armiranobetonski dimnjak u Toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu je, sagrađen oko 1975. godine. Predmetni dimnjak u odnosu na površinu trotoara izvedenog oko njega ima visinu od 96,00m. U unutrašnjosti dimnjaka, bez dodira sa armiranobetonskom konstrukcijom, izvedena je vertikalna dimovodna cev. Vizuelno-makroskopskim pregledom dimnjaka uočena su brojna oštećenja betona, korozija armature i čeličnih konzola koje nose dimovodnu cev. Ova oštećenja
nastala su od sumporne kiselina koja se stvarala sjedinjavanjem sumpordioksida i kondenzovane vodene pare unutar dimnjaka. U radu je prikazano stanje dimnjaka pre sanacije, mere koje su propisane za sanaciju, kao i karakteristični detalji sa izvođenja radova na sanaciji.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog 16. Kongresa DGKS",
title = "Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu",
pages = "397-388",
url = ""
Stevanović, B., Muravljov, M., Glišović, I.,& Ostojić, D.. (2022). Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog 16. Kongresa DGKS
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 388-397.
Stevanović B, Muravljov M, Glišović I, Ostojić D. Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu. in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog 16. Kongresa DGKS. 2022;:388-397. .
Stevanović, Boško, Muravljov, Mihailo, Glišović, Ivan, Ostojić, Drago, "Sanacija AB dimnjaka u toplani Konjarnik u Beogradu" in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog 16. Kongresa DGKS (2022):388-397, .

Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško

(Springer Nature, 2022)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - End-notched timber beams can have a significant decrease in load-carrying capacity as a consequence of stress concentration due to height reduction at the supports. To prevent crack opening and its propagation at the notches, these beams are usually reinforced. In this paper, extensive experimental research on end-notched glulam beams reinforcement with glass fibre reinforced polymer - GFRP bars is presented. Bending tests on unreinforced and reinforced end-notched glulam beams were carried out until the point of failure. Behaviour of tested beams is described through load–deflection diagrams, failure modes and ultimate loads. In addition, different reinforcement schemes of notches were analysed in order to determine an optimal configuration under the aspect of load-carrying capacity improvement in relation to the unreinforced beams. The effectiveness of GFRP bars as a reinforcement of end-notched glulam beams was evident from significantly increased ultimate load and deformability. The design procedures for unreinforced end-notched beams according to Eurocode 5 and reinforced end-notched beams according to German national annex of Eurocode 5 were analysed through comparison with the experimental results. Recommendations for the design of GFRP reinforcement are given.
PB  - Springer Nature
T2  - European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
T1  - Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars
DO  - 10.1007/s00107-022-01822-6
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2022",
abstract = "End-notched timber beams can have a significant decrease in load-carrying capacity as a consequence of stress concentration due to height reduction at the supports. To prevent crack opening and its propagation at the notches, these beams are usually reinforced. In this paper, extensive experimental research on end-notched glulam beams reinforcement with glass fibre reinforced polymer - GFRP bars is presented. Bending tests on unreinforced and reinforced end-notched glulam beams were carried out until the point of failure. Behaviour of tested beams is described through load–deflection diagrams, failure modes and ultimate loads. In addition, different reinforcement schemes of notches were analysed in order to determine an optimal configuration under the aspect of load-carrying capacity improvement in relation to the unreinforced beams. The effectiveness of GFRP bars as a reinforcement of end-notched glulam beams was evident from significantly increased ultimate load and deformability. The design procedures for unreinforced end-notched beams according to Eurocode 5 and reinforced end-notched beams according to German national annex of Eurocode 5 were analysed through comparison with the experimental results. Recommendations for the design of GFRP reinforcement are given.",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
journal = "European Journal of Wood and Wood Products",
title = "Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars",
doi = "10.1007/s00107-022-01822-6"
Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2022). Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars. in European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
Springer Nature..
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars. in European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2022;.
doi:10.1007/s00107-022-01822-6 .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Experimental investigation of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars" in European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (2022), . .

Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik"

Milosavljević, Branko; Ostojić, Drago; Stevanović, Boško; Vukićević, Mirjana

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Milosavljević, Branko
AU  - Ostojić, Drago
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Vukićević, Mirjana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U radu je prikazana sanacija temelja spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik", koja je imala za cilj da
se zaustavi neravnomerno sleganje postojećeg temelja i dalje naginjanje vrha stuba spomenika u
stranu. Sanacija je izvršena izvođenjem bušenih šipova. U okviru rada prikazano je i spcifično
rešenje oslanjanja figure na vrhu stuba spomenika, dizajnirano tako da, uz zadovoljenje nosivosti
i stabilnosti, omogući brzu i efikasnu montažu.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 16. kongres, 28-30. septembar 2022, Aranđelovac
T1  - Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik"
EP  - 405
SP  - 398
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milosavljević, Branko and Ostojić, Drago and Stevanović, Boško and Vukićević, Mirjana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U radu je prikazana sanacija temelja spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik", koja je imala za cilj da
se zaustavi neravnomerno sleganje postojećeg temelja i dalje naginjanje vrha stuba spomenika u
stranu. Sanacija je izvršena izvođenjem bušenih šipova. U okviru rada prikazano je i spcifično
rešenje oslanjanja figure na vrhu stuba spomenika, dizajnirano tako da, uz zadovoljenje nosivosti
i stabilnosti, omogući brzu i efikasnu montažu.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 16. kongres, 28-30. septembar 2022, Aranđelovac",
title = "Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik"",
pages = "405-398",
url = ""
Milosavljević, B., Ostojić, D., Stevanović, B.,& Vukićević, M.. (2022). Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik". in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 16. kongres, 28-30. septembar 2022, Aranđelovac
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 398-405.
Milosavljević B, Ostojić D, Stevanović B, Vukićević M. Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik". in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 16. kongres, 28-30. septembar 2022, Aranđelovac. 2022;:398-405. .
Milosavljević, Branko, Ostojić, Drago, Stevanović, Boško, Vukićević, Mirjana, "Sanacija temelja i oslonca figure spomenika "Beogradski Pobednik"" in Zbornik radova sa nacionalnog kongresa DGKS / Društvо građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 16. kongres, 28-30. septembar 2022, Aranđelovac (2022):398-405, .

Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars

Aškrabić, Marina; Vyšvařil, Martin; Zakić, Dimitrije; Savić, Aleksandar R.; Stevanović, Boško

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Aškrabić, Marina
AU  - Vyšvařil, Martin
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
AU  - Savić, Aleksandar R.
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The application of locally available component materials (lime putty and zeolitic rock as pozzolanic admixture) in two types of rendering mortars (designed for inner and outer render layer), was assessed through TG/DTA, XRD and MIP analysis and by testing the compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, water transport behavior and open porosity of mortars cured under two different regimes.Higher levels of lime replacement with fine natural zeolite (40% and 50% by mass), for both render layers,led to 1.5 to 2.5 times higher values of compressive strength when cured in humid conditions. The changes in zeolite content led to different pore size distributions of mortars and influenced their water transport behavior and open porosity. Overall, mortars with 40% and 20% of zeolite addition for the inner and outer layer (by mass), respectively, showed the best agreement of properties, when cured in humid conditions.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Construction and Building Materials
T1  - Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars
VL  - 270
DO  - 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121363
ER  - 
author = "Aškrabić, Marina and Vyšvařil, Martin and Zakić, Dimitrije and Savić, Aleksandar R. and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The application of locally available component materials (lime putty and zeolitic rock as pozzolanic admixture) in two types of rendering mortars (designed for inner and outer render layer), was assessed through TG/DTA, XRD and MIP analysis and by testing the compressive strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, water transport behavior and open porosity of mortars cured under two different regimes.Higher levels of lime replacement with fine natural zeolite (40% and 50% by mass), for both render layers,led to 1.5 to 2.5 times higher values of compressive strength when cured in humid conditions. The changes in zeolite content led to different pore size distributions of mortars and influenced their water transport behavior and open porosity. Overall, mortars with 40% and 20% of zeolite addition for the inner and outer layer (by mass), respectively, showed the best agreement of properties, when cured in humid conditions.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Construction and Building Materials",
title = "Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars",
volume = "270",
doi = "10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121363"
Aškrabić, M., Vyšvařil, M., Zakić, D., Savić, A. R.,& Stevanović, B.. (2021). Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars. in Construction and Building Materials
Elsevier., 270.
Aškrabić M, Vyšvařil M, Zakić D, Savić AR, Stevanović B. Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars. in Construction and Building Materials. 2021;270.
doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121363 .
Aškrabić, Marina, Vyšvařil, Martin, Zakić, Dimitrije, Savić, Aleksandar R., Stevanović, Boško, "Effects of natural zeolite addition on the properties of lime putty-based rendering mortars" in Construction and Building Materials, 270 (2021), . .

Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško; Stevanović, Tijana

(Centro UC de Innovacion en Madera, 2021)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Stevanović, Tijana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Load carrying capacity of end-notched timber beams can be significantly decreased depending on the geometry of notches. Concentration of tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses at the notch corner can cause crack opening. Since uncontrollable crack growth leads to premature failure of notched timber elements, reinforcement is advisable. This paper presents a finite element based numerical analysis of bending behaviour of endnotched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer) bars developed in commercial software
Abaqus. Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) is employed to simulate the crack growth phenomenon. Verification of the proposed model is done through comparison with experimental research. Fairly good agreement between numerical and experimental results proved that the developed model is successful in predicting the behaviour of reinforced notched timber beams. The presented model can be used for further parametric analyses and serve as a basis for investigation of other types and positions of reinforcement, while being a useful tool for development of appropriate analytical design methods for reinforced end-notched timber elements.
PB  - Centro UC de Innovacion en Madera
C3  - Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021
T1  - Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško and Stevanović, Tijana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Load carrying capacity of end-notched timber beams can be significantly decreased depending on the geometry of notches. Concentration of tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses at the notch corner can cause crack opening. Since uncontrollable crack growth leads to premature failure of notched timber elements, reinforcement is advisable. This paper presents a finite element based numerical analysis of bending behaviour of endnotched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer) bars developed in commercial software
Abaqus. Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) is employed to simulate the crack growth phenomenon. Verification of the proposed model is done through comparison with experimental research. Fairly good agreement between numerical and experimental results proved that the developed model is successful in predicting the behaviour of reinforced notched timber beams. The presented model can be used for further parametric analyses and serve as a basis for investigation of other types and positions of reinforcement, while being a useful tool for development of appropriate analytical design methods for reinforced end-notched timber elements.",
publisher = "Centro UC de Innovacion en Madera",
journal = "Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021",
title = "Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I., Stevanović, B.,& Stevanović, T.. (2021). Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars. in Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021
Centro UC de Innovacion en Madera..
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B, Stevanović T. Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars. in Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021. 2021;. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, Stevanović, Tijana, "Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with GFRP bars" in Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021 (2021), .

Design of frp strengthened masonry structures

Glišović, Ivan; Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Masonry structures are prone to different types of damages caused by overloading, design or
construction errors, durability problems, accidental loading. Depending on the extent of
damages, failure of masonry structures can occur as a consequence. This indicates a need to
develop efficient and affordable strategies for strengthening masonry structures, thus achieving
improvement of their mechanical characteristics and providing greater reliability. Considering
advantages and disadvantages when choosing materials for reinforcement, Fibre Reinforced
Polymers (FRP) have proven to be very efficient and easily applicable solution. In this paper,
design guidelines and numerical example for strengthening masonry walls with FRP materials
for in-plane loading are presented.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
C3  - Proceedings of The International Symposium ASES2020
T1  - Design of frp strengthened masonry structures
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Glišović, Ivan and Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Masonry structures are prone to different types of damages caused by overloading, design or
construction errors, durability problems, accidental loading. Depending on the extent of
damages, failure of masonry structures can occur as a consequence. This indicates a need to
develop efficient and affordable strategies for strengthening masonry structures, thus achieving
improvement of their mechanical characteristics and providing greater reliability. Considering
advantages and disadvantages when choosing materials for reinforcement, Fibre Reinforced
Polymers (FRP) have proven to be very efficient and easily applicable solution. In this paper,
design guidelines and numerical example for strengthening masonry walls with FRP materials
for in-plane loading are presented.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Proceedings of The International Symposium ASES2020",
title = "Design of frp strengthened masonry structures",
url = ""
Glišović, I., Todorović, M.,& Stevanović, B.. (2021). Design of frp strengthened masonry structures. in Proceedings of The International Symposium ASES2020
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet..
Glišović I, Todorović M, Stevanović B. Design of frp strengthened masonry structures. in Proceedings of The International Symposium ASES2020. 2021;. .
Glišović, Ivan, Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, "Design of frp strengthened masonry structures" in Proceedings of The International Symposium ASES2020 (2021), .

Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško

(Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno ispitivanje mogućnosti sanacije oštećenih lepljenih lamliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću šipki na bazi polimera ojačanih staklenim vlaknima (glass fibre reinforced polymer - GFRP). Pet greda klase čvrstoće GL22h su ispitane do loma i nakon toga sanirane. Grede su ponovo ispitane kako bi se ocenili efekti sanacione intervencije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je lom neoštećenih greda krte prirode, i da je posledica otvaranja pukotina i njihove propagacije. Prekoračenje čvrstoće na zatezanje upravno na vlakna i čvrstoće na smicanje je uzrokovalo otvaranje pukotina na mestima redukcije visine preseka. Sanacijom pomoću GFRP šipki je moguće postići, pa čak i premašiti, originalnu nosivost greda. Mehanizam loma nakon intervencije se promenio iz krtog u znatno duktilniji lom usled savijanja u slučaju većine greda, dokazujući uspešnost sanacije. Ovo ispitivanje daje uvid u mogućnosti rehabilitacije i sanacije postojećih konstrukcija pomoću naprednih materijala poput GFRP šipki.
PB  - Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije
T2  - Građevinski kalendar
T1  - Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki
VL  - 51
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno ispitivanje mogućnosti sanacije oštećenih lepljenih lamliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću šipki na bazi polimera ojačanih staklenim vlaknima (glass fibre reinforced polymer - GFRP). Pet greda klase čvrstoće GL22h su ispitane do loma i nakon toga sanirane. Grede su ponovo ispitane kako bi se ocenili efekti sanacione intervencije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je lom neoštećenih greda krte prirode, i da je posledica otvaranja pukotina i njihove propagacije. Prekoračenje čvrstoće na zatezanje upravno na vlakna i čvrstoće na smicanje je uzrokovalo otvaranje pukotina na mestima redukcije visine preseka. Sanacijom pomoću GFRP šipki je moguće postići, pa čak i premašiti, originalnu nosivost greda. Mehanizam loma nakon intervencije se promenio iz krtog u znatno duktilniji lom usled savijanja u slučaju većine greda, dokazujući uspešnost sanacije. Ovo ispitivanje daje uvid u mogućnosti rehabilitacije i sanacije postojećih konstrukcija pomoću naprednih materijala poput GFRP šipki.",
publisher = "Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije",
journal = "Građevinski kalendar",
title = "Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki",
volume = "51",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2020). Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki. in Građevinski kalendar
Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije., 51.
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki. in Građevinski kalendar. 2020;51. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Sanacija oštećenja lepljenih lameliranih drvenih greda sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca pomoću GFRP šipki" in Građevinski kalendar, 51 (2020), .

Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products

Stevanović, Tijana; Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan


AU  - Stevanović, Tijana
AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Sustainable design, alongside environmental awareness, is increasingly becoming a requirement
for building construction. Since the construction industry represents one of the biggest sectorial
emitters of greenhouse gases, causing anthropogenic climate change, application of sustainable
and/or natural materials for buildings is advisable as a significant mitigation measure. In
comparison to traditional energy-intensive construction materials, such as steel and concrete,
wood-based materials consume less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gasses and pollutants
over their life cycle. Building with timber has multiple advantages when environment is
concerned: regionally available resource, renewability, smaller carbon footprint, lighter
structures, prefabrication, faster erection on site, recycling possibilities etc.
Considering the aforementioned, it is very important to spur innovation, research and
development of wood as a construction material. Increased interest in green buildings has
influenced an increase in use of wood materials and more developments in the wood products
sector. Major emerging products from the timber industries include GLULAM, NLT, DLT,
massive veneer panels and CLT, with CLT being the one studied the most. Introduction of
CLT, with its structural capability and improved properties, provided the necessary stiffness
and made it feasible to use wood in construction of mid-rise and tall buildings (>10 storeys),
industrial structures, and bridges.
Since the world’s population is increasing and urban areas are growing denser, there is a
constant need for high-rise buildings, and taking into account that environmental awareness
requires the use of eco-friendly materials, design and construction of high-rise wooden
buildings inevitably becomes a necessity for the modern age.
C3  - Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020
T1  - Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Tijana and Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Sustainable design, alongside environmental awareness, is increasingly becoming a requirement
for building construction. Since the construction industry represents one of the biggest sectorial
emitters of greenhouse gases, causing anthropogenic climate change, application of sustainable
and/or natural materials for buildings is advisable as a significant mitigation measure. In
comparison to traditional energy-intensive construction materials, such as steel and concrete,
wood-based materials consume less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gasses and pollutants
over their life cycle. Building with timber has multiple advantages when environment is
concerned: regionally available resource, renewability, smaller carbon footprint, lighter
structures, prefabrication, faster erection on site, recycling possibilities etc.
Considering the aforementioned, it is very important to spur innovation, research and
development of wood as a construction material. Increased interest in green buildings has
influenced an increase in use of wood materials and more developments in the wood products
sector. Major emerging products from the timber industries include GLULAM, NLT, DLT,
massive veneer panels and CLT, with CLT being the one studied the most. Introduction of
CLT, with its structural capability and improved properties, provided the necessary stiffness
and made it feasible to use wood in construction of mid-rise and tall buildings (>10 storeys),
industrial structures, and bridges.
Since the world’s population is increasing and urban areas are growing denser, there is a
constant need for high-rise buildings, and taking into account that environmental awareness
requires the use of eco-friendly materials, design and construction of high-rise wooden
buildings inevitably becomes a necessity for the modern age.",
journal = "Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020",
title = "Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products",
url = ""
Stevanović, T., Todorović, M., Stevanović, B.,& Glišović, I.. (2020). Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products. in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020
Stevanović T, Todorović M, Stevanović B, Glišović I. Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products. in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020. 2020;. .
Stevanović, Tijana, Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, "Building with wood in 21st century: Contemporary building wood products" in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020 (2020), .

Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac

Stevanović, Boško; Muravljov, Mihailo; Ostojić, Drago; Glišović, Ivan; Todorović, Marija


AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Muravljov, Mihailo
AU  - Ostojić, Drago
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Todorović, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In this paper damages and rehabilitation of bridge across Lepenica River in Kragujevac are
presented. The bridge is reinforced concrete tied-arch structure. Main girders (two arches) have
a span of 31.5 m and they are supported by massive riverside columns. Bridge deck is
composed of a deck slab and secondary longitudinal and transverse girders. The transverse
elements are overhanging beams, with the slab on the overhangs representing footpaths. The
bridge was built in 1923. Due to inadequate maintenance and exposure to adverse climatic
conditions, damages of deck, secondary longitudinal and transverse beams, main supports
(arches, tie beams, hangers), bearings and expansion joints have occurred. In order to ensure
lasting stability, safety and functionality, certain repair interventions had to be undertaken. In
the previous period, various bridge repairs have been performed, the last one being in 1998.
The main damages of structural elements were concrete protective layer degradation, corroded
reinforcement and occasional cracks. The damaged concrete surface was completely removed,
until healthy parts were reached. The concrete was sandblasted and the reinforcement was
cleaned of corrosion. The reinforcement was protected using the appropriate material, with
bonding coating and repair mortar applied afterwards. Footpath decks have been significantly
damaged, and there were even "caverns" where the concrete was completely destroyed. Repair
was done by completely removing the existing slabs and replacing them with new ones.
Due to moisture and reinforcement corrosion, the joints between the hangers and the tie beams
were particularly vulnerable. During the previous repairs, steel frames were attached around the
tie beams and connected to the hangers. The most serious damages occurred on the bottom of
individual frames. Damages were manifested as separation of parts of the steel elements, which
significantly reduced the cross-sections. All steel frames were sandblasted and cleaned from
corrosion. For steel frames requiring more serious repair, new steel profiles were mounted.
Afterwards, the frames were protected by appropriate anti-corrosion coatings.
The extent of damages to the expansion joints required their replacement.
C3  - Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020
T1  - Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Boško and Muravljov, Mihailo and Ostojić, Drago and Glišović, Ivan and Todorović, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In this paper damages and rehabilitation of bridge across Lepenica River in Kragujevac are
presented. The bridge is reinforced concrete tied-arch structure. Main girders (two arches) have
a span of 31.5 m and they are supported by massive riverside columns. Bridge deck is
composed of a deck slab and secondary longitudinal and transverse girders. The transverse
elements are overhanging beams, with the slab on the overhangs representing footpaths. The
bridge was built in 1923. Due to inadequate maintenance and exposure to adverse climatic
conditions, damages of deck, secondary longitudinal and transverse beams, main supports
(arches, tie beams, hangers), bearings and expansion joints have occurred. In order to ensure
lasting stability, safety and functionality, certain repair interventions had to be undertaken. In
the previous period, various bridge repairs have been performed, the last one being in 1998.
The main damages of structural elements were concrete protective layer degradation, corroded
reinforcement and occasional cracks. The damaged concrete surface was completely removed,
until healthy parts were reached. The concrete was sandblasted and the reinforcement was
cleaned of corrosion. The reinforcement was protected using the appropriate material, with
bonding coating and repair mortar applied afterwards. Footpath decks have been significantly
damaged, and there were even "caverns" where the concrete was completely destroyed. Repair
was done by completely removing the existing slabs and replacing them with new ones.
Due to moisture and reinforcement corrosion, the joints between the hangers and the tie beams
were particularly vulnerable. During the previous repairs, steel frames were attached around the
tie beams and connected to the hangers. The most serious damages occurred on the bottom of
individual frames. Damages were manifested as separation of parts of the steel elements, which
significantly reduced the cross-sections. All steel frames were sandblasted and cleaned from
corrosion. For steel frames requiring more serious repair, new steel profiles were mounted.
Afterwards, the frames were protected by appropriate anti-corrosion coatings.
The extent of damages to the expansion joints required their replacement.",
journal = "Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020",
title = "Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac",
url = ""
Stevanović, B., Muravljov, M., Ostojić, D., Glišović, I.,& Todorović, M.. (2020). Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac. in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020
Stevanović B, Muravljov M, Ostojić D, Glišović I, Todorović M. Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac. in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020. 2020;. .
Stevanović, Boško, Muravljov, Mihailo, Ostojić, Drago, Glišović, Ivan, Todorović, Marija, "Rehabilitation of arch bridge across Lepenica river in Kragujevac" in Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference Civil Engineering Scienece & Practice - GNP2020 (2020), .

Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure

Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan; Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Tijana

(Universidade do Minho, 2019-09)

AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Tijana
PY  - 2019-09
UR  -
AB  - In this paper damages and repair interventions of the indoor swimming pool structure in
Kruševac, Serbia are presented. The facility is composed of main part and annexes, built in
reinforced concrete and timber. The roof structure is made of glulam Gerber beams over two
spans 35 + 15 m, supported by interior timber columns. The annex load-carrying structure
consists of glulam beams, supported by reinforced concrete structure and timber columns.
The pool was built in 1982, and due to inadequate maintenance and exposure to adverse climatic
influences, significant damages to roof cladding, secondary structural elements and
main girders occurred. In the past, due to wood degradation and other damages, some repair
interventions were undertaken. These interventions did not have the expected positive outcomes
and resulted in closing of the pool for public.
The repair interventions included replacement of the entire roof cladding, replacement and
repair of damaged timber elements, repair and reinforcement of steel connection elements.
Firstly, structural rehabilitation was performed to reduce stresses and deformations in certain
parts of the structure. The glulam girders were supported by new steel columns, which
almost completely relieved the existing timber columns. In addition, new steel columns were
added to the annexes. Cracks in timber elements were injected with two-component epoxy resin
of appropriate viscosity and mechanical properties. The epoxy resin was also used as a filling
at the places where rot was removed within the beams and columns in the support zones.
Larger rot damages on the lateral sides of the beams were repaired by removing damaged
laminations, and then gluing new ones using resorcinol glue. All steel elements that had significant
corrosion were replaced, and others were cleaned of rust and re-protected.
As a conclusion, guidelines are given for monitoring and maintaining the facility during further
PB  - Universidade do Minho
C3  - Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019
T1  - Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan and Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Tijana",
year = "2019-09",
abstract = "In this paper damages and repair interventions of the indoor swimming pool structure in
Kruševac, Serbia are presented. The facility is composed of main part and annexes, built in
reinforced concrete and timber. The roof structure is made of glulam Gerber beams over two
spans 35 + 15 m, supported by interior timber columns. The annex load-carrying structure
consists of glulam beams, supported by reinforced concrete structure and timber columns.
The pool was built in 1982, and due to inadequate maintenance and exposure to adverse climatic
influences, significant damages to roof cladding, secondary structural elements and
main girders occurred. In the past, due to wood degradation and other damages, some repair
interventions were undertaken. These interventions did not have the expected positive outcomes
and resulted in closing of the pool for public.
The repair interventions included replacement of the entire roof cladding, replacement and
repair of damaged timber elements, repair and reinforcement of steel connection elements.
Firstly, structural rehabilitation was performed to reduce stresses and deformations in certain
parts of the structure. The glulam girders were supported by new steel columns, which
almost completely relieved the existing timber columns. In addition, new steel columns were
added to the annexes. Cracks in timber elements were injected with two-component epoxy resin
of appropriate viscosity and mechanical properties. The epoxy resin was also used as a filling
at the places where rot was removed within the beams and columns in the support zones.
Larger rot damages on the lateral sides of the beams were repaired by removing damaged
laminations, and then gluing new ones using resorcinol glue. All steel elements that had significant
corrosion were replaced, and others were cleaned of rust and re-protected.
As a conclusion, guidelines are given for monitoring and maintaining the facility during further
publisher = "Universidade do Minho",
journal = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019",
title = "Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure",
url = ""
Stevanović, B., Glišović, I., Todorović, M.,& Stevanović, T.. (2019-09). Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019
Universidade do Minho..
Stevanović B, Glišović I, Todorović M, Stevanović T. Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019. 2019;. .
Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Tijana, "Repair of the indoor swimming pool timber structure" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019 (2019-09), .

Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings

Aškrabić, Marina; Stevanović, Boško; Zakić, Dimitrije; Savić, Aleksandar R.; Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana

(Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, 2019, 2019)

AU  - Aškrabić, Marina
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
AU  - Savić, Aleksandar R.
AU  - Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Since lime renders have slow development of strength, especially in conditions of increased humidity, different types of additions were often used trough history, in order to improve their resistance and durability. This paper presents the effects of locally produced fine crushed tile aggregate addition on physical and mechanical properties of lime-based coating, representing final outer layer of traditional renders, both in normal and increased humidity conditions. This aggregate has been used as partial replacement of natural river aggregate, with granulation 0/0,5 mm in amount of 25, 50, 75 and 100% by volume. Flexural and compressive strength, capillary water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of elasticity and open porosity were tested on prismatic samples at the ages of 14, 28 and 60 days. Results show the positive effects of crushed ceramic addition at all ages, especially for the samples cured in humid conditions.
PB  - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, 2019
C3  - V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 - Proceedings
T1  - Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Aškrabić, Marina and Stevanović, Boško and Zakić, Dimitrije and Savić, Aleksandar R. and Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Since lime renders have slow development of strength, especially in conditions of increased humidity, different types of additions were often used trough history, in order to improve their resistance and durability. This paper presents the effects of locally produced fine crushed tile aggregate addition on physical and mechanical properties of lime-based coating, representing final outer layer of traditional renders, both in normal and increased humidity conditions. This aggregate has been used as partial replacement of natural river aggregate, with granulation 0/0,5 mm in amount of 25, 50, 75 and 100% by volume. Flexural and compressive strength, capillary water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of elasticity and open porosity were tested on prismatic samples at the ages of 14, 28 and 60 days. Results show the positive effects of crushed ceramic addition at all ages, especially for the samples cured in humid conditions.",
publisher = "Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, 2019",
journal = "V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 - Proceedings",
title = "Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings",
url = ""
Aškrabić, M., Stevanović, B., Zakić, D., Savić, A. R.,& Topličić-Ćurčić, G.. (2019). Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings. in V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 - Proceedings
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, 2019..
Aškrabić M, Stevanović B, Zakić D, Savić AR, Topličić-Ćurčić G. Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings. in V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 - Proceedings. 2019;. .
Aškrabić, Marina, Stevanović, Boško, Zakić, Dimitrije, Savić, Aleksandar R., Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana, "Effects of fine crushed ceramic waste addition to lime-based coating for restoration of historical buildings" in V International Symposium for Students of Doctoral Studies in the Fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection PhIDAC 2019 - Proceedings (2019), .

Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško

(Slovak Forest Products Research Institute, 2019)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams and their bending behaviour after repairing with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars is presented. Altogether five glulam beams (100 x 220 x 4000 mm) made of spruce timber classified in the strength class C22 were tested. Experiment showed that originally, the beams failed in a brittle manner due to crack opening and its propagation. Cracks in the notch details were a result of excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. Repairing the beams with GFRP bars after their failure completely restored and notably improved their load carrying capacity (average increase of 194%). Failure mechanism after repair changed from the original brittle tensile failure to more ductile failure in bending for most beams, proving the successfulness of the intervention. This study gives an insight in rehabilitation and repair possibilities of existing structures using advanced materials like GFRP bars.
PB  - Slovak Forest Products Research Institute
T2  - Wood Research
T1  - Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars
IS  - 6
VL  - 64
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In this paper, an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams and their bending behaviour after repairing with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars is presented. Altogether five glulam beams (100 x 220 x 4000 mm) made of spruce timber classified in the strength class C22 were tested. Experiment showed that originally, the beams failed in a brittle manner due to crack opening and its propagation. Cracks in the notch details were a result of excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. Repairing the beams with GFRP bars after their failure completely restored and notably improved their load carrying capacity (average increase of 194%). Failure mechanism after repair changed from the original brittle tensile failure to more ductile failure in bending for most beams, proving the successfulness of the intervention. This study gives an insight in rehabilitation and repair possibilities of existing structures using advanced materials like GFRP bars.",
publisher = "Slovak Forest Products Research Institute",
journal = "Wood Research",
title = "Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars",
number = "6",
volume = "64",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2019). Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars. in Wood Research
Slovak Forest Products Research Institute., 64(6).
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars. in Wood Research. 2019;64(6). .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Experimental Investigation of Cracked End-notched Glulam Beams Repaired with GFRP bars" in Wood Research, 64, no. 6 (2019), .

Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2019)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Load carrying capacity of solid timber and glued laminated timber (glulam) beams is significantly decreased if there are notches made at the supports. Sudden change in cross-section height (notch) results in deviation of stresses leading to concentration of tension perpendicular to grain and shear stress in a notch corner, which causes crack opening and its growth. With load increasing, uncontrollable crack growth due to low resistance in shear and tension perpendicular to grain of wood, as well as brittle failure mechanisms as a result of these actions, can lead to failure of a beam. Therefore, notches should generally be avoided, and when unavoidable, notches should be reinforced. This paper presents a finite element based numerical investigation of bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with traditional screws for timber. Commercial software Abaqus was used for modelling of reinforced end-notched glulam beams subjected to bending. Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) was employed to simulate the crack growth phenomenon. Cohesive behaviour in the fracture region was defined through appropriate traction-separation law, while failure of elements was characterized by a progressive degradation of material stiffness which is driven by a damage process. Verification of the proposed model was performed through comparison with experimental tests. Good agreement was found between numerical and experimental results, proving that the developed model is successful in predicting the behaviour of reinforced notched timber elements. The numerical modelling, as well as the experimental research, can help in better understanding of the crack initiation and crack growth phenomenon in reinforced end-notched timber beams. Also, effectiveness of screws as reinforcement od end-notched glulam beams has been proven. Initial cracking of the notch corner cannot be prevented by the reinforcement. However, by placing screws uncontrollable crack growth was limited and load-carrying capacity and deformability of beams were increased.
The presented model can be used for further parametric analyses, which would include varying the loading configuration, geometry, material properties and types and positions of reinforcement. In addition, results obtained from FEM modelling can be useful in developing appropriate analytical design models for reinforced end-notched timber elements.
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - Proceedings from the 18th International Symposium of MASE
T1  - Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Load carrying capacity of solid timber and glued laminated timber (glulam) beams is significantly decreased if there are notches made at the supports. Sudden change in cross-section height (notch) results in deviation of stresses leading to concentration of tension perpendicular to grain and shear stress in a notch corner, which causes crack opening and its growth. With load increasing, uncontrollable crack growth due to low resistance in shear and tension perpendicular to grain of wood, as well as brittle failure mechanisms as a result of these actions, can lead to failure of a beam. Therefore, notches should generally be avoided, and when unavoidable, notches should be reinforced. This paper presents a finite element based numerical investigation of bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with traditional screws for timber. Commercial software Abaqus was used for modelling of reinforced end-notched glulam beams subjected to bending. Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) was employed to simulate the crack growth phenomenon. Cohesive behaviour in the fracture region was defined through appropriate traction-separation law, while failure of elements was characterized by a progressive degradation of material stiffness which is driven by a damage process. Verification of the proposed model was performed through comparison with experimental tests. Good agreement was found between numerical and experimental results, proving that the developed model is successful in predicting the behaviour of reinforced notched timber elements. The numerical modelling, as well as the experimental research, can help in better understanding of the crack initiation and crack growth phenomenon in reinforced end-notched timber beams. Also, effectiveness of screws as reinforcement od end-notched glulam beams has been proven. Initial cracking of the notch corner cannot be prevented by the reinforcement. However, by placing screws uncontrollable crack growth was limited and load-carrying capacity and deformability of beams were increased.
The presented model can be used for further parametric analyses, which would include varying the loading configuration, geometry, material properties and types and positions of reinforcement. In addition, results obtained from FEM modelling can be useful in developing appropriate analytical design models for reinforced end-notched timber elements.",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "Proceedings from the 18th International Symposium of MASE",
title = "Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2019). Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws. in Proceedings from the 18th International Symposium of MASE
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers..
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws. in Proceedings from the 18th International Symposium of MASE. 2019;. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Numerical modelling of end-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws" in Proceedings from the 18th International Symposium of MASE (2019), .

Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata

Aškrabić, Marina; Stevanović, Boško; Zakić, Dimitrije; Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana; Savić, Aleksandar R.


AU  - Aškrabić, Marina
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
AU  - Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana
AU  - Savić, Aleksandar R.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Malteri na bazi kreča korišćeni su prilikom zidanja i malterisanja velikog broja istorijskih objekata od 6000. godina pre nove ere, pa sve do kraja XIX veka. Otkriće hidaruličkih veziva u XIX veku omogućilo je proizvodnju novih maltera viših mehaničkih karakteristika sa većom brzinom očvršćavanja. Tokom prve polovine XX veka ovi malteri su u potpunosti zamenili krečne maltere, pa su primenjivani  i prilikom izvođenja sanacija na istorijskim objektima. Usled razlika u mehaničkim karakteristikama, vodopropustljivosti i paropropustljivosti primena maltera na bazi cementa dovela je do oštećenja postojećih materijala. Iz tog razloga se u drugoj polovini XX veka prvi put uvodi pojam kompatibilnosti postojećih materijala i materijala koji se koriste prilikom sanacija i restauracija istorijskih objekata. Aktuelna istraživanja kreću se u pravcu detaljnih ispitivanja uzoraka maltera uzetih sa objekata od interesa kao i u definisanju receptura i ispitivanju svojstava novih maltera koji bi mogli biti korišćeni prilikom restaruacija istorijskih objekata. U radu je dat pregled objavljenih rezultata ispitivanja iz obe navedene oblasti. Opisan je i uticaj pojedinačnih komponentnih materijala na svojstva krečnih maltera.
T2  - Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije
T1  - Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata
EP  - 310
SP  - 285
VL  - 50
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Aškrabić, Marina and Stevanović, Boško and Zakić, Dimitrije and Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana and Savić, Aleksandar R.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Malteri na bazi kreča korišćeni su prilikom zidanja i malterisanja velikog broja istorijskih objekata od 6000. godina pre nove ere, pa sve do kraja XIX veka. Otkriće hidaruličkih veziva u XIX veku omogućilo je proizvodnju novih maltera viših mehaničkih karakteristika sa većom brzinom očvršćavanja. Tokom prve polovine XX veka ovi malteri su u potpunosti zamenili krečne maltere, pa su primenjivani  i prilikom izvođenja sanacija na istorijskim objektima. Usled razlika u mehaničkim karakteristikama, vodopropustljivosti i paropropustljivosti primena maltera na bazi cementa dovela je do oštećenja postojećih materijala. Iz tog razloga se u drugoj polovini XX veka prvi put uvodi pojam kompatibilnosti postojećih materijala i materijala koji se koriste prilikom sanacija i restauracija istorijskih objekata. Aktuelna istraživanja kreću se u pravcu detaljnih ispitivanja uzoraka maltera uzetih sa objekata od interesa kao i u definisanju receptura i ispitivanju svojstava novih maltera koji bi mogli biti korišćeni prilikom restaruacija istorijskih objekata. U radu je dat pregled objavljenih rezultata ispitivanja iz obe navedene oblasti. Opisan je i uticaj pojedinačnih komponentnih materijala na svojstva krečnih maltera.",
journal = "Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije",
title = "Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata",
pages = "310-285",
volume = "50",
url = ""
Aškrabić, M., Stevanović, B., Zakić, D., Topličić-Ćurčić, G.,& Savić, A. R.. (2018). Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata. in Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, 50, 285-310.
Aškrabić M, Stevanović B, Zakić D, Topličić-Ćurčić G, Savić AR. Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata. in Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije. 2018;50:285-310. .
Aškrabić, Marina, Stevanović, Boško, Zakić, Dimitrije, Topličić-Ćurčić, Gordana, Savić, Aleksandar R., "Pravci istraživanja maltera na bazi kreča za restauraciju istorijskih objekata" in Građevinski kalendar, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, 50 (2018):285-310, .

Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Boško

(World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2018)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Notches made at the ends of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams significantly decrease load carrying capacity of a structural member. This paper presents an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams, and their bending behaviour after they were repaired using screws. The beams originally failed due to crack opening and their propagation. Cracks that appeared in the notch details resulted from excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. This study showed that repairing the beams at the notched ends post failure can completely restore and even improve their load carrying capacity and successfully tie together the upper and lower parts of the beam separated due to horizontal crack that propagated from the notches towards the middle. Most repaired beams failed in bending while exhibiting ductile behaviour. However, there was no substantial improvement of bending stiffness. This research gives an insight in rehabilitation and repair possibilities of existing structures and it can be a basis for further investigation of strengthening techniques for end-notched solid timber and glulam beams.
PB  - World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE)
C3  - WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering
T1  - Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Notches made at the ends of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams significantly decrease load carrying capacity of a structural member. This paper presents an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams, and their bending behaviour after they were repaired using screws. The beams originally failed due to crack opening and their propagation. Cracks that appeared in the notch details resulted from excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. This study showed that repairing the beams at the notched ends post failure can completely restore and even improve their load carrying capacity and successfully tie together the upper and lower parts of the beam separated due to horizontal crack that propagated from the notches towards the middle. Most repaired beams failed in bending while exhibiting ductile behaviour. However, there was no substantial improvement of bending stiffness. This research gives an insight in rehabilitation and repair possibilities of existing structures and it can be a basis for further investigation of strengthening techniques for end-notched solid timber and glulam beams.",
publisher = "World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE)",
journal = "WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering",
title = "Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, B.. (2018). Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws. in WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE)..
Todorović M, Glišović I, Stevanović B. Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws. in WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering. 2018;. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Boško, "Experimental investigation of cracked notched glulam beams repaired with screws" in WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering (2018), .

Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation

Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan

(Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Novi Sad
C3  - Zbornik radova / Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2018, Andrevlje, 31. maj i 1. jun 2018. = Proceedings, Conference Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 2018
T1  - Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation
EP  - 47
SP  - 27
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova / Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2018, Andrevlje, 31. maj i 1. jun 2018. = Proceedings, Conference Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 2018",
title = "Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation",
pages = "47-27",
url = ""
Stevanović, B.,& Glišović, I.. (2018). Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation. in Zbornik radova / Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2018, Andrevlje, 31. maj i 1. jun 2018. = Proceedings, Conference Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 2018
Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Novi Sad., 27-47.
Stevanović B, Glišović I. Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation. in Zbornik radova / Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2018, Andrevlje, 31. maj i 1. jun 2018. = Proceedings, Conference Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 2018. 2018;:27-47. .
Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, "Design and construction of historic masonry structures rehabilitation" in Zbornik radova / Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa 2018, Andrevlje, 31. maj i 1. jun 2018. = Proceedings, Conference Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 2018 (2018):27-47, .

End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws

Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Tijana

(Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Tijana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd
C3  - ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
T1  - End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws
EP  - 572
SP  - 563
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Tijana",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor",
title = "End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws",
pages = "572-563",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Stevanović, B., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, T.. (2018). End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor
Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Beograd., 563-572.
Todorović M, Stevanović B, Glišović I, Stevanović T. End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor. 2018;:563-572. .
Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Tijana, "End-notched glulam beams reinforced with screws" in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 15th Congress, September 6-8th, 2018, Zlatibor (2018):563-572, .

Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams

Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan; Stevanović, Tijana

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Stevanović, Tijana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Notches made at the ends of timber beams significantly decrease load carrying capacity of a structural member. This paper presents an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams, with and without reinforcement. Screws for timber were used as reinforcement, positioned at angles of 90° and 45° to the longitudinal beam axis. The unreinforced beams failed due to crack opening and its propagation in a brittle manner. Cracks that appeared in the notch details resulted from combined excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. This study shows that reinforcing the beams at the notched ends can improve their load carrying capacity and deformability. However, applied screws did not help the beams achieve ductile failure in bending. The shear failure was dominant failure mechanism for reinforced beams. In addition, analytical calculations were performed in accordance with Eurocode 5 so as to compare the results with experimental research.
AB  - Redukcija visine drvenih nosača kod oslonaca znatno umanjuje kapacitet nosivosti elementa. U ovom radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno ispitivanje lepljenih lameliranih drvenih nosača sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca opterećenih na savijanje, sa i bez ojačanja. Kao ojačanje upotrebljeni su zavrtnji za drvo, postavljeni pod uglomod 90° i 45° u odnosu na podužnu osu nosača. Neojačni nosači su doživeli krti lom usled otvaranja pukotine i njene propagacije. Ove pukotine su rezultat prekoračenja čvrstoće drveta na zatezanje upravno na vlakna i čvrstoće drveta na smicanje. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da se upotrebom zavrtanja može povećati kapacitet nosivosti i deformabilnosti posmatranih nosača. Međutim, primena zavrtanja kao ojačanja nije dovela do promene oblika loma iz krtog u duktilni lom usled savijanja. Lom usled smicanja je bio dominantan oblik loma kod ojačanih nosača. Takođe, analitički proračun je izvršen prema Evrokodu 5 kako bi se rezultati uporedili sa eksperimentalnim ispitivanjem.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
T1  - Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams
T1  - Eksperimentalno ispitivanje ojačanih lepljeno lameliranih drvenih nosača sa redukovanom visinom preseka
EP  - 36
IS  - 4
SP  - 23
VL  - 61
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK1804023T
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan and Stevanović, Tijana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Notches made at the ends of timber beams significantly decrease load carrying capacity of a structural member. This paper presents an experimental research on bending behaviour of end-notched glulam beams, with and without reinforcement. Screws for timber were used as reinforcement, positioned at angles of 90° and 45° to the longitudinal beam axis. The unreinforced beams failed due to crack opening and its propagation in a brittle manner. Cracks that appeared in the notch details resulted from combined excessive tensile stresses perpendicular to grain and shear stresses. This study shows that reinforcing the beams at the notched ends can improve their load carrying capacity and deformability. However, applied screws did not help the beams achieve ductile failure in bending. The shear failure was dominant failure mechanism for reinforced beams. In addition, analytical calculations were performed in accordance with Eurocode 5 so as to compare the results with experimental research., Redukcija visine drvenih nosača kod oslonaca znatno umanjuje kapacitet nosivosti elementa. U ovom radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno ispitivanje lepljenih lameliranih drvenih nosača sa redukovanom visinom preseka kod oslonaca opterećenih na savijanje, sa i bez ojačanja. Kao ojačanje upotrebljeni su zavrtnji za drvo, postavljeni pod uglomod 90° i 45° u odnosu na podužnu osu nosača. Neojačni nosači su doživeli krti lom usled otvaranja pukotine i njene propagacije. Ove pukotine su rezultat prekoračenja čvrstoće drveta na zatezanje upravno na vlakna i čvrstoće drveta na smicanje. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da se upotrebom zavrtanja može povećati kapacitet nosivosti i deformabilnosti posmatranih nosača. Međutim, primena zavrtanja kao ojačanja nije dovela do promene oblika loma iz krtog u duktilni lom usled savijanja. Lom usled smicanja je bio dominantan oblik loma kod ojačanih nosača. Takođe, analitički proračun je izvršen prema Evrokodu 5 kako bi se rezultati uporedili sa eksperimentalnim ispitivanjem.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije",
title = "Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams, Eksperimentalno ispitivanje ojačanih lepljeno lameliranih drvenih nosača sa redukovanom visinom preseka",
pages = "36-23",
number = "4",
volume = "61",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK1804023T"
Todorović, M., Stevanović, B., Glišović, I.,& Stevanović, T.. (2018). Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd., 61(4), 23-36.
Todorović M, Stevanović B, Glišović I, Stevanović T. Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije. 2018;61(4):23-36.
doi:10.5937/GRMK1804023T .
Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, Stevanović, Tijana, "Experimental testing of reinforced end-notched glulam beams" in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, 61, no. 4 (2018):23-36, . .

Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams

Todorović, Marija; Glišović, Ivan; Filipović, Aljoša; Stevanović, Boško

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje, 2017)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje
C3  - Proceedings / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Zbornik na trudovi / Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017
T1  - Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams
EP  - 1064
SP  - 1055
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Glišović, Ivan and Filipović, Aljoša and Stevanović, Boško",
year = "2017",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje",
journal = "Proceedings / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Zbornik na trudovi / Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017",
title = "Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams",
pages = "1064-1055",
url = ""
Todorović, M., Glišović, I., Filipović, A.,& Stevanović, B.. (2017). Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams. in Proceedings / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Zbornik na trudovi / Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Skopje., 1055-1064.
Todorović M, Glišović I, Filipović A, Stevanović B. Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams. in Proceedings / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Zbornik na trudovi / Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017. 2017;:1055-1064. .
Todorović, Marija, Glišović, Ivan, Filipović, Aljoša, Stevanović, Boško, "Numerical modelling of notched glulam beams" in Proceedings / Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 17th International Symposium, Ohrid, Macedonia 4-7 October 2017 = Zbornik na trudovi / Društvo na gradežnite konstruktori na Makedonija, 17-ti Megunaroden simpozium, Ohrid, 4-7 oktomvri 2017 (2017):1055-1064, .

Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars

Todorović, Marija; Stevanović, Boško; Glišović, Ivan

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Glišović, Ivan
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The growing need for the reinforcement of timber beams (required due to deterioration or damage to the material or change of use) has led to the development of new methods of reinforcement with modern materials. In the recent years the use of fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) as reinforcement materials for structures has been made possible thanks to the increased availability and lower costs. This paper presents FRP bars as products for strengthening timber structures. Strengthening timber with glass, carbon and basalt FRP can provide better features of timber beams, such as improved load capacity, rigidity and ductility. Also, the paper describes the theoretical model developed in order to predict the flexural capacity and flexural stiffness of timber beams reinforced with FRP bars.
AB  - Potreba da se ojačaju drvene konstrukcije usled oštećenja ili promene namene objekata dovela je do razvoja savremenih metoda ojačanja i upotrebe novih materijala u tu svrhu. Poslednjih godina, upotreba polimera ojačanih vlaknima (FRP) u oblasti sanacija i ojačanja građevinskih konstrukcija omogućena je zahvaljujući povećanoj dostupnosti i sve nižoj ceni. U radu se razmatra mogućnost primene FRP šipki kao materijala za ojačanje drvenih nosača. Ojačanjem drveta kompozitima na bazi karbonskih, staklenih ili bazaltnih vlakana mogu se obezbediti bolje karakteristike, kao što su poboljšana nosivost, krutost i duktilnost. Takođe, u radu je opisan i proračunski model razvijen za predviđanje nosivosti i krutosti drvenih nosača ojačanih FRP šipkama.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
T1  - Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars
T1  - Ojačanje drvenih greda primenom FRP šipki
EP  - 64
IS  - 1
SP  - 47
VL  - 60
DO  - 10.5937/grmk1701047T
ER  - 
author = "Todorović, Marija and Stevanović, Boško and Glišović, Ivan",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The growing need for the reinforcement of timber beams (required due to deterioration or damage to the material or change of use) has led to the development of new methods of reinforcement with modern materials. In the recent years the use of fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) as reinforcement materials for structures has been made possible thanks to the increased availability and lower costs. This paper presents FRP bars as products for strengthening timber structures. Strengthening timber with glass, carbon and basalt FRP can provide better features of timber beams, such as improved load capacity, rigidity and ductility. Also, the paper describes the theoretical model developed in order to predict the flexural capacity and flexural stiffness of timber beams reinforced with FRP bars., Potreba da se ojačaju drvene konstrukcije usled oštećenja ili promene namene objekata dovela je do razvoja savremenih metoda ojačanja i upotrebe novih materijala u tu svrhu. Poslednjih godina, upotreba polimera ojačanih vlaknima (FRP) u oblasti sanacija i ojačanja građevinskih konstrukcija omogućena je zahvaljujući povećanoj dostupnosti i sve nižoj ceni. U radu se razmatra mogućnost primene FRP šipki kao materijala za ojačanje drvenih nosača. Ojačanjem drveta kompozitima na bazi karbonskih, staklenih ili bazaltnih vlakana mogu se obezbediti bolje karakteristike, kao što su poboljšana nosivost, krutost i duktilnost. Takođe, u radu je opisan i proračunski model razvijen za predviđanje nosivosti i krutosti drvenih nosača ojačanih FRP šipkama.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije",
title = "Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars, Ojačanje drvenih greda primenom FRP šipki",
pages = "64-47",
number = "1",
volume = "60",
doi = "10.5937/grmk1701047T"
Todorović, M., Stevanović, B.,& Glišović, I.. (2017). Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Beograd., 60(1), 47-64.
Todorović M, Stevanović B, Glišović I. Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars. in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije. 2017;60(1):47-64.
doi:10.5937/grmk1701047T .
Todorović, Marija, Stevanović, Boško, Glišović, Ivan, "Strengthening of timber beams using FRP bars" in Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, 60, no. 1 (2017):47-64, . .

Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates

Glišović, Ivan; Pavlović, Marko; Stevanović, Boško; Todorović, Marija

(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2017)

AU  - Glišović, Ivan
AU  - Pavlović, Marko
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Todorović, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents an analysis of bending behaviour of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates, based on finite element numerical modelling. Nonlinear 3-dimensional model was developed and validated by experimental tests carried out on unreinforced beams and beams reinforced with two different reinforcement arrangements. Suitable constitutive relationships for each material were utilised in the model, as well as anisotropic plasticity theory for timber in compression. Adhesive bond between CFRP plate and timber was modelled as a perfect connection. Beam failure in the model was defined by maximum stress criterion. The predicted behaviour of beams has shown good agreement with the experimental results in relation to load-deflection relationship, ultimate load, elastic stiffness and strain profile distribution. The non-linear behaviour of reinforced beams before failure was also achieved in the numerical analysis, confirming the finite element model to be accurate past the linear-elastic range. Experimentally tested reinforced beams usually failed in tensile zone after compressive plasticization of top lamination, which was also simulated in the numerical model. The results proved that the load carrying capacity, stiffness and ductility of glulam beams were successfully increased by addition of CFRP plate at tension side of the section.
PB  - Taylor and Francis Ltd.
T2  - Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
T1  - Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates
EP  - 879
IS  - 7
SP  - 868
VL  - 23
DO  - 10.3846/13923730.2017.1341953
ER  - 
author = "Glišović, Ivan and Pavlović, Marko and Stevanović, Boško and Todorović, Marija",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper presents an analysis of bending behaviour of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates, based on finite element numerical modelling. Nonlinear 3-dimensional model was developed and validated by experimental tests carried out on unreinforced beams and beams reinforced with two different reinforcement arrangements. Suitable constitutive relationships for each material were utilised in the model, as well as anisotropic plasticity theory for timber in compression. Adhesive bond between CFRP plate and timber was modelled as a perfect connection. Beam failure in the model was defined by maximum stress criterion. The predicted behaviour of beams has shown good agreement with the experimental results in relation to load-deflection relationship, ultimate load, elastic stiffness and strain profile distribution. The non-linear behaviour of reinforced beams before failure was also achieved in the numerical analysis, confirming the finite element model to be accurate past the linear-elastic range. Experimentally tested reinforced beams usually failed in tensile zone after compressive plasticization of top lamination, which was also simulated in the numerical model. The results proved that the load carrying capacity, stiffness and ductility of glulam beams were successfully increased by addition of CFRP plate at tension side of the section.",
publisher = "Taylor and Francis Ltd.",
journal = "Journal of Civil Engineering and Management",
title = "Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates",
pages = "879-868",
number = "7",
volume = "23",
doi = "10.3846/13923730.2017.1341953"
Glišović, I., Pavlović, M., Stevanović, B.,& Todorović, M.. (2017). Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates. in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
Taylor and Francis Ltd.., 23(7), 868-879.
Glišović I, Pavlović M, Stevanović B, Todorović M. Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates. in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2017;23(7):868-879.
doi:10.3846/13923730.2017.1341953 .
Glišović, Ivan, Pavlović, Marko, Stevanović, Boško, Todorović, Marija, "Numerical analysis of glulam beams reinforced with cfrp plates" in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 23, no. 7 (2017):868-879, . .

Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11

Muravljov, Mihailo; Stevanović, Boško; Todorović, Marija

(MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2017)

AU  - Muravljov, Mihailo
AU  - Stevanović, Boško
AU  - Todorović, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Tower 11 of Smederevo фortress. The tower is tilted for about 1.8 m towards its outer edge, that is, towards the surrounding vertical walls that it was connected to. As a part of the structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Tower 11, it is planned to improve the soil properties with jet grouting columns and to secure tower’s foundations, as well as to rehabilitate its parts above the ground. After completion of these works, conservation and restoration of the tower can begin.
PB  - MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
C3  - Proceedings of 17th International Symposium of MASE
T1  - Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11
EP  - 1037
SP  - 1029
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Muravljov, Mihailo and Stevanović, Boško and Todorović, Marija",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper presents the structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Tower 11 of Smederevo фortress. The tower is tilted for about 1.8 m towards its outer edge, that is, towards the surrounding vertical walls that it was connected to. As a part of the structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Tower 11, it is planned to improve the soil properties with jet grouting columns and to secure tower’s foundations, as well as to rehabilitate its parts above the ground. After completion of these works, conservation and restoration of the tower can begin.",
publisher = "MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia",
journal = "Proceedings of 17th International Symposium of MASE",
title = "Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11",
pages = "1037-1029",
url = ""
Muravljov, M., Stevanović, B.,& Todorović, M.. (2017). Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11. in Proceedings of 17th International Symposium of MASE
MASE - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia., 1029-1037.
Muravljov M, Stevanović B, Todorović M. Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11. in Proceedings of 17th International Symposium of MASE. 2017;:1029-1037. .
Muravljov, Mihailo, Stevanović, Boško, Todorović, Marija, "Structural rehabilitation and stabilization of Smederevo fortress Tower 11" in Proceedings of 17th International Symposium of MASE (2017):1029-1037, .