Ignjatović, Ivan

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Ignjatović, Ivan (81)
  • Игњатовић, Иван (3)
Utilization of by-products and recycled waste materials in concrete composites in the scope of sustainable construction development in Serbia: investigation and environmental assessment of possible applications Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200092 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering)
Istraživanje savremenih betonskih kompozita na bazi domaćih sirovina, sa posebnim osvrtom na mogućnosti primene betona sa recikliranim agregatom u betonskim konstrukcijama COST Action TU1301
ClaCoLaSI - Clausal Complements between Language Structure and Identity: Documenting, Visualizing, and Theorizing Variation in Shtokavian (Non-)Finite Embedded Clauses Swiss National Science Foundation, SCOPES programme 152408
Czech Science Foundation 18-12289Y Czech Science Foundation 8J18AT009
Czech Science Foundation 8X17060 Czech Science Foundation DS-2016-0060
Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), grant “Optimization of interface behavior for innovative hybrid concrete structures” (project number 16814) European Social Fund TAMOP 4.2.4. A/2-11-1-2012-0001
European Union Hybrid Solution for Improved Green Concrete Performance – HyCRETE
AQUASENSE - Innovative Network for Training in wAter and Food QUality monitoring using Autonomous SENSors and IntelligEnt Data Gathering and Analysis Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200093 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Subotica)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200150 (University of Arts, Faculty of Music Arts) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200169 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry)
Integrisani informaciono upravljački sistem za regulaciju saobraćaja na putevima i autoputevima Innovative electronic components and systems based on inorganic and organic technologies embedded in consumer goods and products
Geopolymers - technology for converting the industrial waste into functional materials Research on condition assessment and improvement methods of civil engineering structures in view of their serviceability, load-bearing capacity, cost effectiveness and maintenance
Projekat Ministarstvu prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije TR-36048 „Istraživanje stanja i metoda unapređenja građevinskih konstrukcija sa aspekta upotrebljivosti, ekonomičnosti i održavanja” State of Hungary
Utilization of by-products and recycled waste materials in concrete composites in the scope of sustainable construction development in Serbia: investigation and environmental assessment of possible applications (RS-36017)

Author's Bibliography

Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder

Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena

(Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi, 2024)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3530
AB  - In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards and guidelines for design and production. The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers, reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP elements under sustained load are opened questions. The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print, the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.
PB  - Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi
T2  - Journal of Applied Engineering Science
T1  - Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder
EP  - 260
IS  - 2
SP  - 253
VL  - 22
DO  - 10.5937/jaes0-50408
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards and guidelines for design and production. The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers, reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP elements under sustained load are opened questions. The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print, the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.",
publisher = "Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi",
journal = "Journal of Applied Engineering Science",
title = "Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder",
pages = "260-253",
number = "2",
volume = "22",
doi = "10.5937/jaes0-50408"
Mitrović, S., Vidović, M., Ignjatović, I.,& Dragaš, J.. (2024). Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder. in Journal of Applied Engineering Science
Institut za istraživanja i projektovanja u privredi., 22(2), 253-260.
Mitrović S, Vidović M, Ignjatović I, Dragaš J. Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder. in Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2024;22(2):253-260.
doi:10.5937/jaes0-50408 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, "Experimental testing of 3d printed concrete truss girder" in Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 22, no. 2 (2024):253-260,
https://doi.org/10.5937/jaes0-50408 . .

3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?

Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena; Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3529
AB  - Građevinska industrija ima značajan uticaj na bruto domaći proizvod svake zemlje kako kroz direktnu građevinsku aktivnost, tako i kroz povezane industrije poput mašinstva, elektrotehnike, proizvodnje materijala i slično. Građevinska industrija je kroz vekove podložna stalnim promenama i inovacijama u skladu sa razvojem nauke i tehnologije. Pored toga, građevinarstvo ima spor porast produktivnosti u poređenju sa ostalim granama industrije. Jedan od mogućih pravaca razvoja produktivnosti ove oblasti jeste primena tehnologije 3D štampe betona. Digitalizacija procesa izgradnje objekata značajno smanjuje potrebno vreme za izgradnju, rastur materijala i greške koje se javljaju prilikom izvođenja. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljena je tehnologija 3D štampe betona i sam 3D štampani beton kao inovativna metoda i materijal u savremenom građevinarstvu. Prikazan je dosadašnji razvoj u ovoj oblasti sa navedenim prednostima i izazovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje u Republici Srbiji. U okviru zaključaka odgovoreno je na postavljeno pitanje: da li će u skorije vreme tehnologija 3D štampe betona postati široko rasprostranjena u savremenom konstrukterstvu?
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine
T1  - 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?
EP  - 30
SP  - 16
DO  - 10.46793/DIIMK24.016II
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena and Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Građevinska industrija ima značajan uticaj na bruto domaći proizvod svake zemlje kako kroz direktnu građevinsku aktivnost, tako i kroz povezane industrije poput mašinstva, elektrotehnike, proizvodnje materijala i slično. Građevinska industrija je kroz vekove podložna stalnim promenama i inovacijama u skladu sa razvojem nauke i tehnologije. Pored toga, građevinarstvo ima spor porast produktivnosti u poređenju sa ostalim granama industrije. Jedan od mogućih pravaca razvoja produktivnosti ove oblasti jeste primena tehnologije 3D štampe betona. Digitalizacija procesa izgradnje objekata značajno smanjuje potrebno vreme za izgradnju, rastur materijala i greške koje se javljaju prilikom izvođenja. U okviru ovoga rada predstavljena je tehnologija 3D štampe betona i sam 3D štampani beton kao inovativna metoda i materijal u savremenom građevinarstvu. Prikazan je dosadašnji razvoj u ovoj oblasti sa navedenim prednostima i izazovima, sa posebnim osvrtom na stanje u Republici Srbiji. U okviru zaključaka odgovoreno je na postavljeno pitanje: da li će u skorije vreme tehnologija 3D štampe betona postati široko rasprostranjena u savremenom konstrukterstvu?",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine",
title = "3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?",
pages = "30-16",
doi = "10.46793/DIIMK24.016II"
Ignjatović, I., Dragaš, J., Mitrović, S.,& Vidović, M.. (2024). 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?. in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije, Institut IMS i Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 16-30.
Ignjatović I, Dragaš J, Mitrović S, Vidović M. 3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?. in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine. 2024;:16-30.
doi:10.46793/DIIMK24.016II .
Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, "3D štampani betoni u Srbiji – realnost ili daleka budućnost?" in Zbornik radova Naučno-stručni skup ''Aktuelni trendovi u oblasti građevinskih materijala i konstrukcija'', Beograd, 10. maj 2024. godine (2024):16-30,
https://doi.org/10.46793/DIIMK24.016II . .

Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder

Mitrović, Stefan; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan; Dragaš, Jelena


AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3482
AB  - In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant
development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction
industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of
construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new
technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards
and guidelines for design and production.
The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour
of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers,
reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in
the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP
elements under sustained load are opened questions.
The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss
girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print,
the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss
girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point
bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two
bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure
of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the
compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords
were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.
C3  - Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024
T1  - Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder
EP  - 523
SP  - 517
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3482
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In the last few decades, the technology of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has had a significant
development. This technology has a great potential to improve efficiency in the construction
industry. It can provide safer site working conditions, material savings, a reduction of
construction time, and a high versatility of architectural and structural design. However, this new
technology is still not fully investigated. The wider application is limited by the lack of standards
and guidelines for design and production.
The literature review showed that, there are only a few studies investigating structural behaviour
of 3DCP structures and elements. Beams and walls with and without addition of fibers,
reinforcement or cables under ultimate loads were tested. The incorporation of reinforcement in
the printing process, connections between printed pieces and long-term behaviour of 3DCP
elements under sustained load are opened questions.
The topic of this research was an experimental testing of 3DCP truss girder. Printing of truss
girder was done using a commercial, ready-to-use premix Sikacrete® 751 3D. In order to print,
the printer head was moved in the Z direction to alternately place two desired path layers. A truss
girder with dimensions of 87x29x12 cm, without reinforcement, was subjected to a four-point
bending test up to failure. During this testing strains in two diagonals, deflection of the two
bottom joints, and ultimate force were measured. Ultimate force was 30 kN and the brittle failure
of tensioned bottom chord occurred. The force in tensioned diagonal was 13.45 kN and in the
compressed one 36.77 kN. Additionally, three samples obtained from the top and bottom chords
were tested on axial tension. The tension capacity of samples was 25.12 kN.",
journal = "Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024",
title = "Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder",
pages = "523-517",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3482"
Mitrović, S., Vidović, M., Ignjatović, I.,& Dragaš, J.. (2024). Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024, 517-523.
Mitrović S, Vidović M, Ignjatović I, Dragaš J. Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder. in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024. 2024;:517-523.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3482 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, Dragaš, Jelena, "Experimental testing of 3D printed concrete truss girder" in Proceedings of The 9th International Conference ''Civil Engineering Science & Practice'' GNP 2024, Kolašin, Montenegro, 5-9 March, 2024 (2024):517-523,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3482 .

Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams

Luković, Mladena; Budnik, Bartosz; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), 2023)

AU  - Luković, Mladena
AU  - Budnik, Bartosz
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3230
AB  - Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is an innovative type of fibre-reinforced cement-based composite that has superior tensile properties. Because of this, it holds the potential to enhance the shear capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams, if applied properly. This paper presents the general and distinctive properties of SHCC as well as a literature review of topics related to the contribution of SHCC layers to the shear resistance of RC beams with and without shear reinforcement. Based on the analysed results, it is concluded that the main characteristics of SHCC are its microcracking behaviour, high ductility, and increased tensile strength (between 2 and 8 MPa) at large deformations. When used in structural elements, SHCC develops multiple parallel cracks compared to concentrated cracks in conventionally reinforced concrete. The biggest disadvantage of SHCC is its significant drying shrinkage. Although showing high variability, using SHCC as laminates with a thickness of 10 mm improves the shear capacity of hybrid RC beams, but debonding of interfaces in a hybrid system occurs in some cases.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
T2  - Building Materials and Structures
T1  - Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams
EP  - 155
IS  - 3
SP  - 145
VL  - 66
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK2300006L
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Mladena and Budnik, Bartosz and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is an innovative type of fibre-reinforced cement-based composite that has superior tensile properties. Because of this, it holds the potential to enhance the shear capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams, if applied properly. This paper presents the general and distinctive properties of SHCC as well as a literature review of topics related to the contribution of SHCC layers to the shear resistance of RC beams with and without shear reinforcement. Based on the analysed results, it is concluded that the main characteristics of SHCC are its microcracking behaviour, high ductility, and increased tensile strength (between 2 and 8 MPa) at large deformations. When used in structural elements, SHCC develops multiple parallel cracks compared to concentrated cracks in conventionally reinforced concrete. The biggest disadvantage of SHCC is its significant drying shrinkage. Although showing high variability, using SHCC as laminates with a thickness of 10 mm improves the shear capacity of hybrid RC beams, but debonding of interfaces in a hybrid system occurs in some cases.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "Building Materials and Structures",
title = "Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams",
pages = "155-145",
number = "3",
volume = "66",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK2300006L"
Luković, M., Budnik, B., Dragaš, J., Carević, V.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams. in Building Materials and Structures
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)., 66(3), 145-155.
Luković M, Budnik B, Dragaš J, Carević V, Ignjatović I. Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams. in Building Materials and Structures. 2023;66(3):145-155.
doi:10.5937/GRMK2300006L .
Luković, Mladena, Budnik, Bartosz, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams" in Building Materials and Structures, 66, no. 3 (2023):145-155,
https://doi.org/10.5937/GRMK2300006L . .

Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia

Mitrović, Stefan; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3238
AB  - 3D concrete printing technology represents a novel method for construction of concrete structures.
By utilizing computer systems and robotic technology, it enables optimization and automation in
construction industry. This paper provides an overview of the principles of 3D concrete printing,
giving information on advantages, obstacles, and directions for future development. The previous
applications of this technology are presented through several completed objects. Additionally, the
paper describes the current state of scientific research in the field of 3D concrete printing
technology in Serbia.
PB  - Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources
C3  - Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
T1  - Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia
SP  - 295
VL  - 300
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3238
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "3D concrete printing technology represents a novel method for construction of concrete structures.
By utilizing computer systems and robotic technology, it enables optimization and automation in
construction industry. This paper provides an overview of the principles of 3D concrete printing,
giving information on advantages, obstacles, and directions for future development. The previous
applications of this technology are presented through several completed objects. Additionally, the
paper describes the current state of scientific research in the field of 3D concrete printing
technology in Serbia.",
publisher = "Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
journal = "Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources",
title = "Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia",
pages = "295",
volume = "300",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3238"
Mitrović, S.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia. in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources
Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources., 300, 295.
Mitrović S, Ignjatović I. Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia. in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources. 2023;300:295.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3238 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Application of 3D Concrete Printing Technology in Serbia" in Proceedings 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, 300 (2023):295,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3238 .

Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams

Luković, Mladena; Budnik, Bartosz; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, 2023)

AU  - Luković, Mladena
AU  - Budnik, Bartosz
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3160
AB  - Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is an innovative type of fibrereinforced
cement-based composite that has superior tensile properties. Because 
of this, it holds the potential to enhance the shear capacity of reinforced concrete 
(RC) beams, if applied properly. This paper presents the general and distinctive 
properties of SHCC as well as a literature review of topics related to the contribution 
of SHCC layers to the shear resistance of RC beams with and without shear 
reinforcement. Based on the analysed results, it is concluded that the main 
characteristics of SHCC are its microcracking behaviour, high ductility, and 
increased tensile strength (between 2 and 8 MPa) at large deformations. When used 
in structural elements, SHCC develops multiple parallel cracks compared to 
concentrated cracks in conventionally reinforced concrete. The biggest 
disadvantage of SHCC is its significant drying shrinkage. Although showing high 
variability, using SHCC as laminates with a thickness of 10 mm improves the shear 
capacity of hybrid RC beams, but debonding of interfaces in a hybrid system occurrs 
in some cases.
PB  - Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
PB  - Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia
PB  - Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Building materials and structures
T1  - Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams
IS  - Article 2300006L in press
VL  - 66
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK2300006L
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Mladena and Budnik, Bartosz and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is an innovative type of fibrereinforced
cement-based composite that has superior tensile properties. Because 
of this, it holds the potential to enhance the shear capacity of reinforced concrete 
(RC) beams, if applied properly. This paper presents the general and distinctive 
properties of SHCC as well as a literature review of topics related to the contribution 
of SHCC layers to the shear resistance of RC beams with and without shear 
reinforcement. Based on the analysed results, it is concluded that the main 
characteristics of SHCC are its microcracking behaviour, high ductility, and 
increased tensile strength (between 2 and 8 MPa) at large deformations. When used 
in structural elements, SHCC develops multiple parallel cracks compared to 
concentrated cracks in conventionally reinforced concrete. The biggest 
disadvantage of SHCC is its significant drying shrinkage. Although showing high 
variability, using SHCC as laminates with a thickness of 10 mm improves the shear 
capacity of hybrid RC beams, but debonding of interfaces in a hybrid system occurrs 
in some cases.",
publisher = "Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia, Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Building materials and structures",
title = "Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams",
number = "Article 2300006L in press",
volume = "66",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK2300006L"
Luković, M., Budnik, B., Dragaš, J., Carević, V.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams. in Building materials and structures
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade., 66(Article 2300006L in press).
Luković M, Budnik B, Dragaš J, Carević V, Ignjatović I. Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams. in Building materials and structures. 2023;66(Article 2300006L in press).
doi:10.5937/GRMK2300006L .
Luković, Mladena, Budnik, Bartosz, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Contribution of strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) to shear resistance in hybrid reinforced concrete beams" in Building materials and structures, 66, no. Article 2300006L in press (2023),
https://doi.org/10.5937/GRMK2300006L . .

Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation

Mitrović, Stefan; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3200
AB  - At the end of the last century, 3D printing of concrete became an innovative method for producing
concrete structures. The beginning of the application of 3D printing in the concrete construction industry is referred to the Contour Crafting printing method. In addition to Contour Crafting, other methods such as Fused Deposition Modeling, Shotcrete 3D Printing, and ink printing method, developed and utilized
by D-Shape, have been applied in this field. Through the use of these technologies, numerous structures
have been successfully created, including one-story and multi-story houses, residential buildings,
pedestrian bridges, as well as individual elements like columns, walls, facade panels and outdoor
furniture. However, the wider implementation of this technology has revealed various challenges, such
as the lack of regulations and standards for the production and testing of these concrete materials as well
as the structural analysis of 3D printed structures.
The topic of this research is the investigation of the hardened properties of 3D printed concrete. The
focus is on the physical and mechanical properties such as the bulk density of concrete, compressive
strength, flexural strength and interlayer bond strength. This paper gives an overview of previous
research on these properties, while the experimental part gives insight into the results of own research.
Two types of specimen processing were used: full-notch removal (series 1) and printed samples (series
2). Additionally, samples with four or six layers were analyzed.
The obtained values for bulk density were 1964.46 kg/m³ for full-notch removal samples and 1859.62
kg/m³ for printed samples. The compressive strength was 25 MPa for perpendicular and lateral
directions, while the bending strength was 5.57 MPa. A significant influence of layering on fracture
patterns and results was observed during the bond strength testing. The obtained values ranged from
1.59 to 2.91 MPa, the lowest value was obtained in the axial tension test, while the highest value was
achieved in the shear test. The highest uniformity of results was achieved for series 1 samples tested in
axial tension and splitting tests.
PB  - Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
C3  - Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
T1  - Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation
EP  - 1064
SP  - 1052
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3200
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "At the end of the last century, 3D printing of concrete became an innovative method for producing
concrete structures. The beginning of the application of 3D printing in the concrete construction industry is referred to the Contour Crafting printing method. In addition to Contour Crafting, other methods such as Fused Deposition Modeling, Shotcrete 3D Printing, and ink printing method, developed and utilized
by D-Shape, have been applied in this field. Through the use of these technologies, numerous structures
have been successfully created, including one-story and multi-story houses, residential buildings,
pedestrian bridges, as well as individual elements like columns, walls, facade panels and outdoor
furniture. However, the wider implementation of this technology has revealed various challenges, such
as the lack of regulations and standards for the production and testing of these concrete materials as well
as the structural analysis of 3D printed structures.
The topic of this research is the investigation of the hardened properties of 3D printed concrete. The
focus is on the physical and mechanical properties such as the bulk density of concrete, compressive
strength, flexural strength and interlayer bond strength. This paper gives an overview of previous
research on these properties, while the experimental part gives insight into the results of own research.
Two types of specimen processing were used: full-notch removal (series 1) and printed samples (series
2). Additionally, samples with four or six layers were analyzed.
The obtained values for bulk density were 1964.46 kg/m³ for full-notch removal samples and 1859.62
kg/m³ for printed samples. The compressive strength was 25 MPa for perpendicular and lateral
directions, while the bending strength was 5.57 MPa. A significant influence of layering on fracture
patterns and results was observed during the bond strength testing. The obtained values ranged from
1.59 to 2.91 MPa, the lowest value was obtained in the axial tension test, while the highest value was
achieved in the shear test. The highest uniformity of results was achieved for series 1 samples tested in
axial tension and splitting tests.",
publisher = "Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
journal = "Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers",
title = "Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation",
pages = "1064-1052",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3200"
Mitrović, S.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation. in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers
Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers., 1052-1064.
Mitrović S, Ignjatović I. Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation. in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers. 2023;:1052-1064.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3200 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete - experimental investigation" in Proceedings 20th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (2023):1052-1064,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3200 .

Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete

Carević, Vedran; Radević, Aleksandar; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Springer, Cham, 2023)

AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Radević, Aleksandar
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3117
AB  - The use of fly ash (FA) for the production of new concrete seems to be a promising solution for “greening” of construction industry. However, re-placement of cement with supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash influences concrete performance especially in terms of durability. One of major durability problems worldwide is carbonation-induced corrosion, given that a large number of infrastructural objects are exposed to a CO2-rich environment. The objective of this research was to analyse the influence of cement substitution level on accelerated and natural carbonation of concrete. Experimental program considered testing of 10 concrete mixtures selected in two groups – with water to binder ratio of 0,5 (400 kg/m3 of binders) and 0,6 (300 kg/m3 of binders), while in each group the cement substitution ratio was varied from 0% to 50%.  Carbonation depth was measured after 14, 21 and 28 days of exposure to 2% CO2 in carbonation chamber, while the twin samples were exposed to natural carbonation. It was shown that accelerated carbonation depths were similar in both groups for mixtures up to 30% of FA, but they were doubled and tripled for larger replacement levels. Using the previously modified fib carbonation model for service life design, the prediction of natural carbonation was made. A reliability of proposed modification was assessed by comparison between pre-dicted and measured values of natural carbonation after 19 and 34 months of exposure.
PB  - Springer, Cham
C3  - International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures
T1  - Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete
EP  - 1152
SP  - 1141
VL  - 44
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_106
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Vedran and Radević, Aleksandar and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The use of fly ash (FA) for the production of new concrete seems to be a promising solution for “greening” of construction industry. However, re-placement of cement with supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash influences concrete performance especially in terms of durability. One of major durability problems worldwide is carbonation-induced corrosion, given that a large number of infrastructural objects are exposed to a CO2-rich environment. The objective of this research was to analyse the influence of cement substitution level on accelerated and natural carbonation of concrete. Experimental program considered testing of 10 concrete mixtures selected in two groups – with water to binder ratio of 0,5 (400 kg/m3 of binders) and 0,6 (300 kg/m3 of binders), while in each group the cement substitution ratio was varied from 0% to 50%.  Carbonation depth was measured after 14, 21 and 28 days of exposure to 2% CO2 in carbonation chamber, while the twin samples were exposed to natural carbonation. It was shown that accelerated carbonation depths were similar in both groups for mixtures up to 30% of FA, but they were doubled and tripled for larger replacement levels. Using the previously modified fib carbonation model for service life design, the prediction of natural carbonation was made. A reliability of proposed modification was assessed by comparison between pre-dicted and measured values of natural carbonation after 19 and 34 months of exposure.",
publisher = "Springer, Cham",
journal = "International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures",
title = "Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete",
pages = "1152-1141",
volume = "44",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_106"
Carević, V., Radević, A.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2023). Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete. in International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures
Springer, Cham., 44, 1141-1152.
Carević V, Radević A, Ignjatović I. Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete. in International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures. 2023;44:1141-1152.
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_106 .
Carević, Vedran, Radević, Aleksandar, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Influence of Fly Ash as Cement Substitution on Accelerated and Natural Carbonation of Concrete" in International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures, 44 (2023):1141-1152,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33187-9_106 . .

Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams

Dragaš, Jelena; Marinković, Snežana; Ignjatović, Ivan; Tošić, Nikola; Koković, Veljko


AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Marinković, Snežana
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Tošić, Nikola
AU  - Koković, Veljko
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2927
AB  - Large number of studies analyzed physical and mechanical properties of high-volume fly ash concrete, but only a few discussed its structural behavior. Material properties are an important input parameter for structural analysis, but they are insufficient for reliable conclusions to be made. This study analyses flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams made with 63% of low-calcium class F fly ash in total cementitious materials mass, using experimental method and analyzing current code predictions (EN 1992-1-1). The analysis was done by comparing beams made with two longitudinal reinforcement ratios, made with traditional cement concrete (OPC) and high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC), both corresponding to concrete class C30/37. Beams were tested in a four-point bending test measuring vertical displacement, crack development, concrete strains and longitudinal reinforcement strains. According to this research, the flexural performance of HVFAC beams is similar to flexural performance of corresponding OPC beams in terms of ultimate bending capacity. The significant difference was noticed regarding cracking extent that was higher in HVFAC beams. Available ultimate bending moments code predictions can be applied on HVFAC beams with similar precision and variation of results, like for OPC beams. However, this cannot be concluded for parameters depending on the cracking behaviour, like cracking moments or deflections. Results and analysis presented in this study indicate that HVFAC can be used in structural elements subjected dominantly to bending, like beams and slabs. More research regarding structural behavior of HVFAC using full-scale long-term tests is needed to develop larger database for reliability analysis.
T2  - Engineering Structures
T1  - Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams
VL  - 277
DO  - 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115446
ER  - 
author = "Dragaš, Jelena and Marinković, Snežana and Ignjatović, Ivan and Tošić, Nikola and Koković, Veljko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Large number of studies analyzed physical and mechanical properties of high-volume fly ash concrete, but only a few discussed its structural behavior. Material properties are an important input parameter for structural analysis, but they are insufficient for reliable conclusions to be made. This study analyses flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams made with 63% of low-calcium class F fly ash in total cementitious materials mass, using experimental method and analyzing current code predictions (EN 1992-1-1). The analysis was done by comparing beams made with two longitudinal reinforcement ratios, made with traditional cement concrete (OPC) and high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC), both corresponding to concrete class C30/37. Beams were tested in a four-point bending test measuring vertical displacement, crack development, concrete strains and longitudinal reinforcement strains. According to this research, the flexural performance of HVFAC beams is similar to flexural performance of corresponding OPC beams in terms of ultimate bending capacity. The significant difference was noticed regarding cracking extent that was higher in HVFAC beams. Available ultimate bending moments code predictions can be applied on HVFAC beams with similar precision and variation of results, like for OPC beams. However, this cannot be concluded for parameters depending on the cracking behaviour, like cracking moments or deflections. Results and analysis presented in this study indicate that HVFAC can be used in structural elements subjected dominantly to bending, like beams and slabs. More research regarding structural behavior of HVFAC using full-scale long-term tests is needed to develop larger database for reliability analysis.",
journal = "Engineering Structures",
title = "Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams",
volume = "277",
doi = "10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115446"
Dragaš, J., Marinković, S., Ignjatović, I., Tošić, N.,& Koković, V.. (2023). Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams. in Engineering Structures, 277.
Dragaš J, Marinković S, Ignjatović I, Tošić N, Koković V. Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams. in Engineering Structures. 2023;277.
doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115446 .
Dragaš, Jelena, Marinković, Snežana, Ignjatović, Ivan, Tošić, Nikola, Koković, Veljko, "Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams" in Engineering Structures, 277 (2023),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115446 . .

Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements

Vanoutrive, Hanne; Van den Heede, Philip; Alderete, Natalia; Andrade, Carmen; Bansal, Tushar; Camoer, Aires; Cizer, Ozlem; De Belie, Nele; Ducman, Vilma; Etxeberria, Miren; Frederickx, Lander; Grengg, Cyrill; Ignjatović, Ivan; Ling, Tung-Chai; Liu, Zhiyuan; Garcia-Lodeiro, Ines; Lothenbach, Barbara; Medina Martinez, Cesar; Sanchez-Montero, Javier; Olonade, Kolawole; Palomo, Angel; Tri Phung, Quoc; Rebolledo, Nuria; Sakoparnig, Marlene; Siderris, Kosmas; Thiel, Charlotte; Visalakshi, Talakokula; Vollpracht, Anya; von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie; Wei, Jinxin; Wu, Bei; Zajac, Maciej; Zhao, Zengfeng; Gruyaert, Elke

(Springer, 2022)

AU  - Vanoutrive, Hanne
AU  - Van den Heede, Philip
AU  - Alderete, Natalia
AU  - Andrade, Carmen
AU  - Bansal, Tushar
AU  - Camoer, Aires
AU  - Cizer, Ozlem
AU  - De Belie, Nele
AU  - Ducman, Vilma
AU  - Etxeberria, Miren
AU  - Frederickx, Lander
AU  - Grengg, Cyrill
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Ling, Tung-Chai
AU  - Liu, Zhiyuan
AU  - Garcia-Lodeiro, Ines
AU  - Lothenbach, Barbara
AU  - Medina Martinez, Cesar
AU  - Sanchez-Montero, Javier
AU  - Olonade, Kolawole
AU  - Palomo, Angel
AU  - Tri Phung, Quoc
AU  - Rebolledo, Nuria
AU  - Sakoparnig, Marlene
AU  - Siderris, Kosmas
AU  - Thiel, Charlotte
AU  - Visalakshi, Talakokula
AU  - Vollpracht, Anya
AU  - von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie
AU  - Wei, Jinxin
AU  - Wu, Bei
AU  - Zajac, Maciej
AU  - Zhao, Zengfeng
AU  - Gruyaert, Elke
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3158
AB  - Many (inter)national standards exist to evaluate the resistance of mortar and concrete to carbonation. When a carbonation coefficient is used for performance comparison of mixtures or service life prediction, the applied boundary conditions during curing, preconditioning and carbonation play a crucial role, specifically when using latent hydraulic or pozzolanic supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). An extensive interlaboratory test (ILT) with twenty two participating laboratories was set up in the framework of RILEM TC 281-CCC ‘Carbonation of Concrete with SCMs’. The carbonation depths and coefficients determined by following several (inter)national standards for three cement types (CEM I, CEM II/B-V, CEM III/B) both on mortar and concrete scale were statistically compared. The outcomes of this study showed that the carbonation rate based on the carbonation depths after 91 days exposure, compared to 56 days or less exposure duration, best approximates the slope of the linear regression and those 91 days carbonation depths can therefore be considered as a good estimate of the potential resistance to carbonation. All standards evaluated in this study ranked the three cement types in the same order of carbonation resistance. Unfortunately, large variations within and between laboratories complicate to draw clear conclusions regarding the effect of sample pre-conditioning and carbonation exposure conditions on the carbonation performance of the specimens tested. Nevertheless, it was identified that fresh and hardened state properties alone cannot be used to infer carbonation resistance of the mortars or concretes tested. It was also found that sealed curing results in larger carbonation depths compared to water curing. However, when water curing was reduced from 28 to 3 or 7 days, higher carbonation depths compared to sealed curing were observed. This increase is more pronounced for CEM I compared to CEM III mixes. The variation between laboratories is larger than the potential effect of raising the CO2 concentration from 1 to 4%. Finally, concrete, for which the aggregate-to-cement factor was increased by 1.79 in comparison with mortar, had a carbonation coefficient 1.18 times the one of mortar.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Materials and Structures
T1  - Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements
IS  - 99
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.1617/s11527-022-01927-7
ER  - 
author = "Vanoutrive, Hanne and Van den Heede, Philip and Alderete, Natalia and Andrade, Carmen and Bansal, Tushar and Camoer, Aires and Cizer, Ozlem and De Belie, Nele and Ducman, Vilma and Etxeberria, Miren and Frederickx, Lander and Grengg, Cyrill and Ignjatović, Ivan and Ling, Tung-Chai and Liu, Zhiyuan and Garcia-Lodeiro, Ines and Lothenbach, Barbara and Medina Martinez, Cesar and Sanchez-Montero, Javier and Olonade, Kolawole and Palomo, Angel and Tri Phung, Quoc and Rebolledo, Nuria and Sakoparnig, Marlene and Siderris, Kosmas and Thiel, Charlotte and Visalakshi, Talakokula and Vollpracht, Anya and von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie and Wei, Jinxin and Wu, Bei and Zajac, Maciej and Zhao, Zengfeng and Gruyaert, Elke",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Many (inter)national standards exist to evaluate the resistance of mortar and concrete to carbonation. When a carbonation coefficient is used for performance comparison of mixtures or service life prediction, the applied boundary conditions during curing, preconditioning and carbonation play a crucial role, specifically when using latent hydraulic or pozzolanic supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). An extensive interlaboratory test (ILT) with twenty two participating laboratories was set up in the framework of RILEM TC 281-CCC ‘Carbonation of Concrete with SCMs’. The carbonation depths and coefficients determined by following several (inter)national standards for three cement types (CEM I, CEM II/B-V, CEM III/B) both on mortar and concrete scale were statistically compared. The outcomes of this study showed that the carbonation rate based on the carbonation depths after 91 days exposure, compared to 56 days or less exposure duration, best approximates the slope of the linear regression and those 91 days carbonation depths can therefore be considered as a good estimate of the potential resistance to carbonation. All standards evaluated in this study ranked the three cement types in the same order of carbonation resistance. Unfortunately, large variations within and between laboratories complicate to draw clear conclusions regarding the effect of sample pre-conditioning and carbonation exposure conditions on the carbonation performance of the specimens tested. Nevertheless, it was identified that fresh and hardened state properties alone cannot be used to infer carbonation resistance of the mortars or concretes tested. It was also found that sealed curing results in larger carbonation depths compared to water curing. However, when water curing was reduced from 28 to 3 or 7 days, higher carbonation depths compared to sealed curing were observed. This increase is more pronounced for CEM I compared to CEM III mixes. The variation between laboratories is larger than the potential effect of raising the CO2 concentration from 1 to 4%. Finally, concrete, for which the aggregate-to-cement factor was increased by 1.79 in comparison with mortar, had a carbonation coefficient 1.18 times the one of mortar.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Materials and Structures",
title = "Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements",
number = "99",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.1617/s11527-022-01927-7"
Vanoutrive, H., Van den Heede, P., Alderete, N., Andrade, C., Bansal, T., Camoer, A., Cizer, O., De Belie, N., Ducman, V., Etxeberria, M., Frederickx, L., Grengg, C., Ignjatović, I., Ling, T., Liu, Z., Garcia-Lodeiro, I., Lothenbach, B., Medina Martinez, C., Sanchez-Montero, J., Olonade, K., Palomo, A., Tri Phung, Q., Rebolledo, N., Sakoparnig, M., Siderris, K., Thiel, C., Visalakshi, T., Vollpracht, A., von Greve-Dierfeld, S., Wei, J., Wu, B., Zajac, M., Zhao, Z.,& Gruyaert, E.. (2022). Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements. in Materials and Structures
Springer., 55(99).
Vanoutrive H, Van den Heede P, Alderete N, Andrade C, Bansal T, Camoer A, Cizer O, De Belie N, Ducman V, Etxeberria M, Frederickx L, Grengg C, Ignjatović I, Ling T, Liu Z, Garcia-Lodeiro I, Lothenbach B, Medina Martinez C, Sanchez-Montero J, Olonade K, Palomo A, Tri Phung Q, Rebolledo N, Sakoparnig M, Siderris K, Thiel C, Visalakshi T, Vollpracht A, von Greve-Dierfeld S, Wei J, Wu B, Zajac M, Zhao Z, Gruyaert E. Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements. in Materials and Structures. 2022;55(99).
doi:10.1617/s11527-022-01927-7 .
Vanoutrive, Hanne, Van den Heede, Philip, Alderete, Natalia, Andrade, Carmen, Bansal, Tushar, Camoer, Aires, Cizer, Ozlem, De Belie, Nele, Ducman, Vilma, Etxeberria, Miren, Frederickx, Lander, Grengg, Cyrill, Ignjatović, Ivan, Ling, Tung-Chai, Liu, Zhiyuan, Garcia-Lodeiro, Ines, Lothenbach, Barbara, Medina Martinez, Cesar, Sanchez-Montero, Javier, Olonade, Kolawole, Palomo, Angel, Tri Phung, Quoc, Rebolledo, Nuria, Sakoparnig, Marlene, Siderris, Kosmas, Thiel, Charlotte, Visalakshi, Talakokula, Vollpracht, Anya, von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie, Wei, Jinxin, Wu, Bei, Zajac, Maciej, Zhao, Zengfeng, Gruyaert, Elke, "Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements" in Materials and Structures, 55, no. 99 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-022-01927-7 . .

Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology

Mitrović, Stefan; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran; Vidović, Milica; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), 2022)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Vidović, Milica
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2773
AB  - The aim of this paper is an experimental investigation of fresh concrete properties of the mixture designed for 3D printing. Different mixtures with and without chemical additions (superplasticizer and hydration controller) with variable water-binder factor were considered. Density, time setting and workability flow/slump tests were determined in the fresh state. Ultimate capacities for compressive and flexural strength were analysed on cube and prism specimens at different age. The effect of chemical additions on properties was shown in the conclusion of this paper. The mixture with the waterbinder ratio 0.45 and amount of 13.8% of hydration controller had obtained the optimal properties for 3D printing.
PB  - Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)
PB  - Udruženje savremene industrije glinenih proizvoda Srbije
C3  - XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija
T1  - Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology
EP  - 488
SP  - 479
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2773
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran and Vidović, Milica and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is an experimental investigation of fresh concrete properties of the mixture designed for 3D printing. Different mixtures with and without chemical additions (superplasticizer and hydration controller) with variable water-binder factor were considered. Density, time setting and workability flow/slump tests were determined in the fresh state. Ultimate capacities for compressive and flexural strength were analysed on cube and prism specimens at different age. The effect of chemical additions on properties was shown in the conclusion of this paper. The mixture with the waterbinder ratio 0.45 and amount of 13.8% of hydration controller had obtained the optimal properties for 3D printing.",
publisher = "Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK), Udruženje savremene industrije glinenih proizvoda Srbije",
journal = "XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija",
title = "Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology",
pages = "488-479",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2773"
Mitrović, S., Dragaš, J., Carević, V., Vidović, M.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2022). Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology. in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija
Društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija Srbije (DIMK)., 479-488.
Mitrović S, Dragaš J, Carević V, Vidović M, Ignjatović I. Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology. in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija. 2022;:479-488.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2773 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, Vidović, Milica, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Experimental investigation of basic concrete properties for 3D printing technology" in XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodni simpozijum o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija (2022):479-488,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2773 .

Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application

Ignjatović, Ivan

(Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada. - Novi Sad i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, 2022)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3156
AB  - Concept and procedure of service
life design of reinforced concrete structures is
presented in the paper. The aim of this concept
based on probability is to bring the durability design
at the same level with the design to ultimate
limit state or serviceability limit state. The design
follows the three-step procedure – diagnosis of
the deterioration mechanism that would have the
greatest impact on structure, definition of the limit
state for design and verification of a limit state.
All the parameters of the model, both on the load
side (the environmental actions) and on the resistance
side (the resistance of the concrete against
the considered environmental actions) must be
statistically described and quantified, to enable
verification of considered limit states with probabilistic
methods. Concept of service life design is
demonstrated with selected deterioration mechanism
– carbonation of concrete and selected limit
state- depassivation of reinforcement. All parameters
are described and their impact is assessed.
Numerical examples, i.e. several case studies are
presented in the second part of the paper. There
are two situations – service life design of a new
structures and assessment of the rest of service
life of existing structure.
PB  - Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada. - Novi Sad i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju
C3  - Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa
T1  - Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application
EP  - 20
SP  - 7
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3156
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Concept and procedure of service
life design of reinforced concrete structures is
presented in the paper. The aim of this concept
based on probability is to bring the durability design
at the same level with the design to ultimate
limit state or serviceability limit state. The design
follows the three-step procedure – diagnosis of
the deterioration mechanism that would have the
greatest impact on structure, definition of the limit
state for design and verification of a limit state.
All the parameters of the model, both on the load
side (the environmental actions) and on the resistance
side (the resistance of the concrete against
the considered environmental actions) must be
statistically described and quantified, to enable
verification of considered limit states with probabilistic
methods. Concept of service life design is
demonstrated with selected deterioration mechanism
– carbonation of concrete and selected limit
state- depassivation of reinforcement. All parameters
are described and their impact is assessed.
Numerical examples, i.e. several case studies are
presented in the second part of the paper. There
are two situations – service life design of a new
structures and assessment of the rest of service
life of existing structure.",
publisher = "Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada. - Novi Sad i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju",
journal = "Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa",
title = "Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application",
pages = "20-7",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3156"
Ignjatović, I.. (2022). Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application. in Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa
Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada. - Novi Sad i Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju., 7-20.
Ignjatović I. Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application. in Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa. 2022;:7-20.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3156 .
Ignjatović, Ivan, "Service life design of concrete structures according to FIB model code – concept and practical application" in Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa (2022):7-20,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3156 .

Structural application of 3D concrete printing

Ignjatović, Ivan; Mitrović, Stefan; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran

(Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 2022)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2723
AB  - 3D concrete printing technology enabled a new progress in industrialization, optimization and automatization of processes in contemporary construction works. This paper shows the commonly used methods of concrete 3D printing. Advantages, disadvantages and perspectives for further development of this technology are emphasized. Structural applications as an example of using this technology are shown. The analysis of existing knowledge about the influence of deterioration mechanisms on printed concrete was made. Evaluation of 3D concrete printing technology in terms of different aspect of sustainability has been done.
PB  - Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia
C3  - 16th International Congress Proceeding
T1  - Structural application of 3D concrete printing
EP  - 469
SP  - 458
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2723
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan and Mitrović, Stefan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran",
year = "2022",
abstract = "3D concrete printing technology enabled a new progress in industrialization, optimization and automatization of processes in contemporary construction works. This paper shows the commonly used methods of concrete 3D printing. Advantages, disadvantages and perspectives for further development of this technology are emphasized. Structural applications as an example of using this technology are shown. The analysis of existing knowledge about the influence of deterioration mechanisms on printed concrete was made. Evaluation of 3D concrete printing technology in terms of different aspect of sustainability has been done.",
publisher = "Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "16th International Congress Proceeding",
title = "Structural application of 3D concrete printing",
pages = "469-458",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2723"
Ignjatović, I., Mitrović, S., Dragaš, J.,& Carević, V.. (2022). Structural application of 3D concrete printing. in 16th International Congress Proceeding
Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia., 458-469.
Ignjatović I, Mitrović S, Dragaš J, Carević V. Structural application of 3D concrete printing. in 16th International Congress Proceeding. 2022;:458-469.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2723 .
Ignjatović, Ivan, Mitrović, Stefan, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, "Structural application of 3D concrete printing" in 16th International Congress Proceeding (2022):458-469,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2723 .

The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars

Ildiko, Merta; Poletanović, Bojan; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan; Komljenović, Miroslav

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Ildiko, Merta
AU  - Poletanović, Bojan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Komljenović, Miroslav
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2663
AB  - The physical and mechanical properties of hemp-fibre-reinforced alkali-activated (AA) mortars under accelerated carbonation were evaluated. Two matrices of different physical and chemical properties, i.e., a low Ca-containing and less dense one with fly ash (FA) and a high Ca-containing and denser one with FA and granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), were reinforced with fibres (10 mm, 0.5 vol% and 1.0 vol%). Under accelerated carbonation, due to the pore refinement resulting from alkali and alkaline earth salt precipitation, AA hemp fibre mortars markedly (20%) decreased their water absorption. FA-based hemp mortars increased significantly their compressive and flexural strength (40% and 34%, respectively), whereas in the denser FA/GBFS matrix (due to the hindered CO2 penetration, i.e., lower chemical reaction between CO2 and pore solution and gel products), only a slight variation (±10%) occurred. Under accelerated carbonation, embrittlement of the fibre/matrix interface and of the whole composite occurred, accompanied by increased stiffness, decreased deformation capacity and loss of the energy absorption capacity under flexure. FA-based matrices exhibited more pronounced embrittlement than the denser FA/GBFS matrices. A combination of FA/GBFS-based mortar reinforced with 0.5 vol% fibre dosage ensured an optimal fibre/matrix interface and stress transfer, mitigating the embrittlement of the material under accelerated carbonation.
T2  - Polymers
T1  - The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars
SP  - 1799
VL  - 14
DO  - 10.3390/polym14091799
ER  - 
author = "Ildiko, Merta and Poletanović, Bojan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan and Komljenović, Miroslav",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The physical and mechanical properties of hemp-fibre-reinforced alkali-activated (AA) mortars under accelerated carbonation were evaluated. Two matrices of different physical and chemical properties, i.e., a low Ca-containing and less dense one with fly ash (FA) and a high Ca-containing and denser one with FA and granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), were reinforced with fibres (10 mm, 0.5 vol% and 1.0 vol%). Under accelerated carbonation, due to the pore refinement resulting from alkali and alkaline earth salt precipitation, AA hemp fibre mortars markedly (20%) decreased their water absorption. FA-based hemp mortars increased significantly their compressive and flexural strength (40% and 34%, respectively), whereas in the denser FA/GBFS matrix (due to the hindered CO2 penetration, i.e., lower chemical reaction between CO2 and pore solution and gel products), only a slight variation (±10%) occurred. Under accelerated carbonation, embrittlement of the fibre/matrix interface and of the whole composite occurred, accompanied by increased stiffness, decreased deformation capacity and loss of the energy absorption capacity under flexure. FA-based matrices exhibited more pronounced embrittlement than the denser FA/GBFS matrices. A combination of FA/GBFS-based mortar reinforced with 0.5 vol% fibre dosage ensured an optimal fibre/matrix interface and stress transfer, mitigating the embrittlement of the material under accelerated carbonation.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Polymers",
title = "The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars",
pages = "1799",
volume = "14",
doi = "10.3390/polym14091799"
Ildiko, M., Poletanović, B., Dragaš, J., Carević, V., Ignjatović, I.,& Komljenović, M.. (2022). The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars. in Polymers
MDPI., 14, 1799.
Ildiko M, Poletanović B, Dragaš J, Carević V, Ignjatović I, Komljenović M. The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars. in Polymers. 2022;14:1799.
doi:10.3390/polym14091799 .
Ildiko, Merta, Poletanović, Bojan, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, Komljenović, Miroslav, "The Influence of Accelerated Carbonation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hemp-Fibre-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Fly Ash and Fly Ash/Slag Mortars" in Polymers, 14 (2022):1799,
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14091799 . .

Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade

Marinković, Snežana; Ignjatović, Ivan; Tošić, Nikola; Dragaš, Jelena; Carević, Vedran

(Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, 2021)

AU  - Marinković, Snežana
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Tošić, Nikola
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Carević, Vedran
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2436
AB  - During the last decade, a comprehensive experimental and numerical research on various sustainable concrete options for application in concrete structures was performed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. Several types of green concrete mix designs were investigated: recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC), alkali activated fly ash concrete (AAFAC) as well as their combinations. Numerous tests on material physical, mechanical and durability related properties were conducted as well as sustainability assessments of the structural use of such concretes. Structural behavior under short and long-term loading was investigated on full-scale reinforced concrete beams and recommendations for the design of structural members including strength, serviceability and durability were proposed. The work carried out by the group formed a significant part of the basis for RAC provisions in the new Eurocode 2-revision and the fib Model Code 2020.
PB  - Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad
C3  - 15th international scientific conference INDIS, planning, design, construction and building renewal
T1  - Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade
EP  - 31
SP  - 2
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2436
ER  - 
author = "Marinković, Snežana and Ignjatović, Ivan and Tošić, Nikola and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran",
year = "2021",
abstract = "During the last decade, a comprehensive experimental and numerical research on various sustainable concrete options for application in concrete structures was performed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. Several types of green concrete mix designs were investigated: recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC), alkali activated fly ash concrete (AAFAC) as well as their combinations. Numerous tests on material physical, mechanical and durability related properties were conducted as well as sustainability assessments of the structural use of such concretes. Structural behavior under short and long-term loading was investigated on full-scale reinforced concrete beams and recommendations for the design of structural members including strength, serviceability and durability were proposed. The work carried out by the group formed a significant part of the basis for RAC provisions in the new Eurocode 2-revision and the fib Model Code 2020.",
publisher = "Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad",
journal = "15th international scientific conference INDIS, planning, design, construction and building renewal",
title = "Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade",
pages = "31-2",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2436"
Marinković, S., Ignjatović, I., Tošić, N., Dragaš, J.,& Carević, V.. (2021). Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade. in 15th international scientific conference INDIS, planning, design, construction and building renewal
Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad., 2-31.
Marinković S, Ignjatović I, Tošić N, Dragaš J, Carević V. Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade. in 15th international scientific conference INDIS, planning, design, construction and building renewal. 2021;:2-31.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2436 .
Marinković, Snežana, Ignjatović, Ivan, Tošić, Nikola, Dragaš, Jelena, Carević, Vedran, "Sustainable solutions for structural concrete – research conducted by Belgrade’s concrete structures research group over the last decade" in 15th international scientific conference INDIS, planning, design, construction and building renewal (2021):2-31,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2436 .

Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan

(Fib, 2021)

AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2374
AB  - The use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for the production of new concrete can be a promising eco-efficient solution. However, replacement of natural aggregate (NA) with RCA influences concrete’s durability performance. One of major durability problems worldwide is carbonation-induced corrosion, given that a large number of infrastructural objects are exposed to a CO2-rich environment. There are many factors that affect carbonation process, but possibly the most important one is the appearance of cracks in reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Currently, the cracks have not yet been considered as a parameter in carbonation model which is used for defining the service life of RC structures. The objective of this research was to analyse the influence of cracked concrete cover as a good reinforcement protection. In order to ensure a sustainable application of recycle aggregate concrete (RAC), an analysis was performed on RAC with 100% replacement of coarse NA with RCA. The analysis was carried out using own experimental results and the application of existing fib Model Code 2010 carbonation depth prediction model derived for NA concrete. For that purpose, prismatic RC samples without cracks and with different crack width (0.05 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm) were made and subjected to accelerated carbonation. The compressive and tensile stress influence on carbonation resistance was evaluated as well as reinforcing bar corrosion at crack position. The conducted analysis showed that even with low crack widths (0.05 mm) the maximum carbonation depth was significantly higher compared with the uncracked samples. The results showed that compressive stress increase had no significant difference in the carbonation depth of samples.
PB  - Fib
C3  - Proceedings for the 2021 fib Symposium Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance
T1  - Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
EP  - 431
SP  - 422
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2374
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) for the production of new concrete can be a promising eco-efficient solution. However, replacement of natural aggregate (NA) with RCA influences concrete’s durability performance. One of major durability problems worldwide is carbonation-induced corrosion, given that a large number of infrastructural objects are exposed to a CO2-rich environment. There are many factors that affect carbonation process, but possibly the most important one is the appearance of cracks in reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Currently, the cracks have not yet been considered as a parameter in carbonation model which is used for defining the service life of RC structures. The objective of this research was to analyse the influence of cracked concrete cover as a good reinforcement protection. In order to ensure a sustainable application of recycle aggregate concrete (RAC), an analysis was performed on RAC with 100% replacement of coarse NA with RCA. The analysis was carried out using own experimental results and the application of existing fib Model Code 2010 carbonation depth prediction model derived for NA concrete. For that purpose, prismatic RC samples without cracks and with different crack width (0.05 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm) were made and subjected to accelerated carbonation. The compressive and tensile stress influence on carbonation resistance was evaluated as well as reinforcing bar corrosion at crack position. The conducted analysis showed that even with low crack widths (0.05 mm) the maximum carbonation depth was significantly higher compared with the uncracked samples. The results showed that compressive stress increase had no significant difference in the carbonation depth of samples.",
publisher = "Fib",
journal = "Proceedings for the 2021 fib Symposium Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance",
title = "Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete",
pages = "431-422",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2374"
Carević, V.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2021). Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete. in Proceedings for the 2021 fib Symposium Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance
Fib., 422-431.
Carević V, Ignjatović I. Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete. in Proceedings for the 2021 fib Symposium Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance. 2021;:422-431.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2374 .
Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Influence of Cracks on the Carbonation Resistance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete" in Proceedings for the 2021 fib Symposium Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance (2021):422-431,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2374 .

Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag

Tanasijević, Gordana; Provis, John; Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan; Komljenović, Miroslav

(Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), 2021)

AU  - Tanasijević, Gordana
AU  - Provis, John
AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Komljenović, Miroslav
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2270
AB  - In this paper the effect of accelerated carbonation process on the effectiveness of immobilization of cesium (simulated radioactive and toxic waste) in the alkali-activated blast furnace slag (AABFS) matrix was studied. Blast furnace slag (BFS) was contaminated with 2% and 5% Cs (with respect to the dry BFS mass) and alkali-activated with sodium silicate solution, while the AABFS samples were cured sealed in plastic envelopes for 24 h at 95oC. First series of AABFS samples were exposed to accelerated carbonation (open curing), while the second (reference) series of 
 ABFS samples left to aging (also sealed) at room temperature until testing. Thereafter AABFS samples were subjected to a short-term (five-day) leaching tests according to the ANSI/ANS-16.1-2003 standard. The strength of AABFS mortars were tested according to the SRPS EN 196-1 standard, while the carbonation was confirmed by phenolphthalein test and SEM analysis. The diffusion coefficient (D) and non-dimensional leachability index (L) of cesium leached from ABFS were calculated according to the ANSI/ANS-16.1–2003 standard. A correlation between the accelerated carbonation process and the effectiveness of immobilization of cesium in AABFS was established.
PB  - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG)
C3  - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future
T1  - Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag
EP  - 311
SP  - 303
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2270
ER  - 
author = "Tanasijević, Gordana and Provis, John and Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan and Komljenović, Miroslav",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In this paper the effect of accelerated carbonation process on the effectiveness of immobilization of cesium (simulated radioactive and toxic waste) in the alkali-activated blast furnace slag (AABFS) matrix was studied. Blast furnace slag (BFS) was contaminated with 2% and 5% Cs (with respect to the dry BFS mass) and alkali-activated with sodium silicate solution, while the AABFS samples were cured sealed in plastic envelopes for 24 h at 95oC. First series of AABFS samples were exposed to accelerated carbonation (open curing), while the second (reference) series of 
 ABFS samples left to aging (also sealed) at room temperature until testing. Thereafter AABFS samples were subjected to a short-term (five-day) leaching tests according to the ANSI/ANS-16.1-2003 standard. The strength of AABFS mortars were tested according to the SRPS EN 196-1 standard, while the carbonation was confirmed by phenolphthalein test and SEM analysis. The diffusion coefficient (D) and non-dimensional leachability index (L) of cesium leached from ABFS were calculated according to the ANSI/ANS-16.1–2003 standard. A correlation between the accelerated carbonation process and the effectiveness of immobilization of cesium in AABFS was established.",
publisher = "Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG)",
journal = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future",
title = "Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag",
pages = "311-303",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2270"
Tanasijević, G., Provis, J., Carević, V., Ignjatović, I.,& Komljenović, M.. (2021). Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future
Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG)., 303-311.
Tanasijević G, Provis J, Carević V, Ignjatović I, Komljenović M. Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future. 2021;:303-311.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2270 .
Tanasijević, Gordana, Provis, John, Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, Komljenović, Miroslav, "Effect of accelerated carbonation on the efficiency of immobilization of Cs in the alkaliactivated blast furnace slag" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future (2021):303-311,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2270 .

Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама

Маринковић, Снежана; Savić, Aleksandar R.; Тешић, Ксенија; Драгаш, Јелена; Игњатовић, Иван


AU  - Маринковић, Снежана
AU  - Savić, Aleksandar R.
AU  - Тешић, Ксенија
AU  - Драгаш, Јелена
AU  - Игњатовић, Иван
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3217
T1  - Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3217
ER  - 
author = "Маринковић, Снежана and Savić, Aleksandar R. and Тешић, Ксенија and Драгаш, Јелена and Игњатовић, Иван",
year = "2020",
title = "Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3217"
Маринковић, С., Savić, A. R., Тешић, К., Драгаш, Ј.,& Игњатовић, И.. (2020). Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама. .
Маринковић С, Savić AR, Тешић К, Драгаш Ј, Игњатовић И. Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама. 2020;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3217 .
Маринковић, Снежана, Savić, Aleksandar R., Тешић, Ксенија, Драгаш, Јелена, Игњатовић, Иван, "Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама" (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3217 .

Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC

von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie; Lothenbach, Barbara; Vollpracht, Anya; Wu, Bei; Huet, Bruno; Andrade, Carmen; Medina Martinez, Cesar; Thiel, Charlotte; Gruyaert, Elke; Vanoutrive, Hanne; F. Sae ´z del Bosque, Isabel; Ignjatović, Ivan; Elsen, Jan; L. Provis, John; Scrivener, Karen; Thienel, Karl-Christian; Sideris, Kosmas; Zajac, Maciej; Alderete, Natalia; Cizer, Ozlem; Van den Heede, Philip; Douglas Hooton, Robert; Kamali-Bernard, Siham; A. Bernal, Susan; Zhao, Zengfeng; Shi, Zhenguo; De Belie, Nele

(Springer, 2020)

AU  - von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie
AU  - Lothenbach, Barbara
AU  - Vollpracht, Anya
AU  - Wu, Bei
AU  - Huet, Bruno
AU  - Andrade, Carmen
AU  - Medina Martinez, Cesar
AU  - Thiel, Charlotte
AU  - Gruyaert, Elke
AU  - Vanoutrive, Hanne
AU  - F. Sae ´z del Bosque, Isabel
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Elsen, Jan
AU  - L. Provis, John
AU  - Scrivener, Karen
AU  - Thienel, Karl-Christian
AU  - Sideris, Kosmas
AU  - Zajac, Maciej
AU  - Alderete, Natalia
AU  - Cizer, Ozlem
AU  - Van den Heede, Philip
AU  - Douglas Hooton, Robert
AU  - Kamali-Bernard, Siham
AU  - A. Bernal, Susan
AU  - Zhao, Zengfeng
AU  - Shi, Zhenguo
AU  - De Belie, Nele
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3159
AB  - Blended cements, where Portland cement clinker is partially replaced by supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), provide the most feasible route for reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with concrete production. However, lowering the clinker content can lead to an increasing risk of neutralisation of the concrete pore solution and potential reinforcement corrosion due to carbonation.carbonation of concrete with SCMs differs from carbonation of concrete solely based on Portland cement (PC). This is a consequence of the differences in the hydrate phase assemblage and pore solution chemistry, as well as the pore structure and transport properties, when varying the binder composition, age and curing conditions of the concretes. The carbonation mechanism and kinetics also depend on the saturation degree of the concrete and CO2 partial pressure which in turn depends on exposure conditions (e.g. relative humidity, volume, and duration of water
in contact with the concrete surface and temperature
conditions). This in turn influence the microstructural
changes identified upon carbonation. This literature
review, prepared by members of RILEM technical
committee 281-CCC carbonation of concrete with
supplementary cementitious materials, working
groups 1 and 2, elucidates the effect of numerous
SCM characteristics, exposure environments and
curing conditions on the carbonation mechanism,
kinetics and structural alterations in cementitious
systems containing SCMs.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Materials and Structures
T1  - Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC
IS  - 136
VL  - 53
DO  - 10.1617/s11527-020-01558-w
ER  - 
author = "von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie and Lothenbach, Barbara and Vollpracht, Anya and Wu, Bei and Huet, Bruno and Andrade, Carmen and Medina Martinez, Cesar and Thiel, Charlotte and Gruyaert, Elke and Vanoutrive, Hanne and F. Sae ´z del Bosque, Isabel and Ignjatović, Ivan and Elsen, Jan and L. Provis, John and Scrivener, Karen and Thienel, Karl-Christian and Sideris, Kosmas and Zajac, Maciej and Alderete, Natalia and Cizer, Ozlem and Van den Heede, Philip and Douglas Hooton, Robert and Kamali-Bernard, Siham and A. Bernal, Susan and Zhao, Zengfeng and Shi, Zhenguo and De Belie, Nele",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Blended cements, where Portland cement clinker is partially replaced by supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), provide the most feasible route for reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with concrete production. However, lowering the clinker content can lead to an increasing risk of neutralisation of the concrete pore solution and potential reinforcement corrosion due to carbonation.carbonation of concrete with SCMs differs from carbonation of concrete solely based on Portland cement (PC). This is a consequence of the differences in the hydrate phase assemblage and pore solution chemistry, as well as the pore structure and transport properties, when varying the binder composition, age and curing conditions of the concretes. The carbonation mechanism and kinetics also depend on the saturation degree of the concrete and CO2 partial pressure which in turn depends on exposure conditions (e.g. relative humidity, volume, and duration of water
in contact with the concrete surface and temperature
conditions). This in turn influence the microstructural
changes identified upon carbonation. This literature
review, prepared by members of RILEM technical
committee 281-CCC carbonation of concrete with
supplementary cementitious materials, working
groups 1 and 2, elucidates the effect of numerous
SCM characteristics, exposure environments and
curing conditions on the carbonation mechanism,
kinetics and structural alterations in cementitious
systems containing SCMs.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Materials and Structures",
title = "Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC",
number = "136",
volume = "53",
doi = "10.1617/s11527-020-01558-w"
von Greve-Dierfeld, S., Lothenbach, B., Vollpracht, A., Wu, B., Huet, B., Andrade, C., Medina Martinez, C., Thiel, C., Gruyaert, E., Vanoutrive, H., F. Sae ´z del Bosque, I., Ignjatović, I., Elsen, J., L. Provis, J., Scrivener, K., Thienel, K., Sideris, K., Zajac, M., Alderete, N., Cizer, O., Van den Heede, P., Douglas Hooton, R., Kamali-Bernard, S., A. Bernal, S., Zhao, Z., Shi, Z.,& De Belie, N.. (2020). Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC. in Materials and Structures
Springer., 53(136).
von Greve-Dierfeld S, Lothenbach B, Vollpracht A, Wu B, Huet B, Andrade C, Medina Martinez C, Thiel C, Gruyaert E, Vanoutrive H, F. Sae ´z del Bosque I, Ignjatović I, Elsen J, L. Provis J, Scrivener K, Thienel K, Sideris K, Zajac M, Alderete N, Cizer O, Van den Heede P, Douglas Hooton R, Kamali-Bernard S, A. Bernal S, Zhao Z, Shi Z, De Belie N. Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC. in Materials and Structures. 2020;53(136).
doi:10.1617/s11527-020-01558-w .
von Greve-Dierfeld, Stefanie, Lothenbach, Barbara, Vollpracht, Anya, Wu, Bei, Huet, Bruno, Andrade, Carmen, Medina Martinez, Cesar, Thiel, Charlotte, Gruyaert, Elke, Vanoutrive, Hanne, F. Sae ´z del Bosque, Isabel, Ignjatović, Ivan, Elsen, Jan, L. Provis, John, Scrivener, Karen, Thienel, Karl-Christian, Sideris, Kosmas, Zajac, Maciej, Alderete, Natalia, Cizer, Ozlem, Van den Heede, Philip, Douglas Hooton, Robert, Kamali-Bernard, Siham, A. Bernal, Susan, Zhao, Zengfeng, Shi, Zhenguo, De Belie, Nele, "Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC" in Materials and Structures, 53, no. 136 (2020),
https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-020-01558-w . .

Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама

Драгаш, Јелена; Маринковић, Снежана; Игњатовић, Иван; Царевић, Ведран


AU  - Драгаш, Јелена
AU  - Маринковић, Снежана
AU  - Игњатовић, Иван
AU  - Царевић, Ведран
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3218
T1  - Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3218
ER  - 
author = "Драгаш, Јелена and Маринковић, Снежана and Игњатовић, Иван and Царевић, Ведран",
year = "2020",
title = "Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3218"
Драгаш, Ј., Маринковић, С., Игњатовић, И.,& Царевић, В.. (2020). Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама. .
Драгаш Ј, Маринковић С, Игњатовић И, Царевић В. Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама. 2020;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3218 .
Драгаш, Јелена, Маринковић, Снежана, Игњатовић, Иван, Царевић, Ведран, "Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама" (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3218 .

Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције

Игњатовић, Иван; Маринковић, Снежана; Тошић, Никола; Драгаш, Јелена


AU  - Игњатовић, Иван
AU  - Маринковић, Снежана
AU  - Тошић, Никола
AU  - Драгаш, Јелена
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3216
T1  - Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3216
ER  - 
author = "Игњатовић, Иван and Маринковић, Снежана and Тошић, Никола and Драгаш, Јелена",
year = "2020",
title = "Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3216"
Игњатовић, И., Маринковић, С., Тошић, Н.,& Драгаш, Ј.. (2020). Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције. .
Игњатовић И, Маринковић С, Тошић Н, Драгаш Ј. Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције. 2020;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3216 .
Игњатовић, Иван, Маринковић, Снежана, Тошић, Никола, Драгаш, Јелена, "Армиранобетонски конструкцијски елементи од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције" (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3216 .

Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja

Ignjatović, Ivan; Ostojić, Drago; Muravljov, Nikola

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet i Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 2020)

AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Ostojić, Drago
AU  - Muravljov, Nikola
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3155
AB  - U ovom stručnom radu prikazana su oštećenja konstrukcije objekta usled dejstva požara, predlog 
mera sanacije i realizovano rešenje. Konstrukcija desetospratnog objekta je armiranobetonska, 
sa montažnim prethodnonapregnutim tavanicama sistema IMS i kvadratnim stubovima u 
pravilnom rasteru. Veza između kasetiranih tavanica i stubova je ostvarena pomoću užadi za 
prednaprezanje u oba pravca. Usled požara, tavanice su pretrpele lokalna vidna oštećenja, koja 
se ogledaju u degradaciji pojedinih ploča i rebara kasetirane tavanice. Izvršen je makroskopski 
pregled, proračunom potvrđena nosivost tavanica i kontrolisana sila prednaprezanja u kablovima 
merenjem frekvencije oscilovanja žica u kablu. Na bazi klasifikacije tipičnih oštećenja date su 
mere sanacije pojedinih elemenata konstrukcije i prikazano izvedeno rešenje.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet i Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - Simpozijum Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
T1  - Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja
EP  - 286
SP  - 279
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3155
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Ivan and Ostojić, Drago and Muravljov, Nikola",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U ovom stručnom radu prikazana su oštećenja konstrukcije objekta usled dejstva požara, predlog 
mera sanacije i realizovano rešenje. Konstrukcija desetospratnog objekta je armiranobetonska, 
sa montažnim prethodnonapregnutim tavanicama sistema IMS i kvadratnim stubovima u 
pravilnom rasteru. Veza između kasetiranih tavanica i stubova je ostvarena pomoću užadi za 
prednaprezanje u oba pravca. Usled požara, tavanice su pretrpele lokalna vidna oštećenja, koja 
se ogledaju u degradaciji pojedinih ploča i rebara kasetirane tavanice. Izvršen je makroskopski 
pregled, proračunom potvrđena nosivost tavanica i kontrolisana sila prednaprezanja u kablovima 
merenjem frekvencije oscilovanja žica u kablu. Na bazi klasifikacije tipičnih oštećenja date su 
mere sanacije pojedinih elemenata konstrukcije i prikazano izvedeno rešenje.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet i Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "Simpozijum Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
title = "Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja",
pages = "286-279",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3155"
Ignjatović, I., Ostojić, D.,& Muravljov, N.. (2020). Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja. in Simpozijum Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet i Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije., 279-286.
Ignjatović I, Ostojić D, Muravljov N. Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja. in Simpozijum Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije. 2020;:279-286.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3155 .
Ignjatović, Ivan, Ostojić, Drago, Muravljov, Nikola, "Procena stanja konstrukcije nakon požara sa merama sanacije i realizacija rešenja" in Simpozijum Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije (2020):279-286,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_3155 .

Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars

Poletanović, Bojan; Dragaš, Jelena; Ignjatović, Ivan; Komljenović, Miroslav; Merta, Ildiko

(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)

AU  - Poletanović, Bojan
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
AU  - Komljenović, Miroslav
AU  - Merta, Ildiko
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2172
AB  - Two alkali-activated mortars with different solid prime materials were analysed. The first mortar contained fly ash, had lower density, higher water absorption, lower compactness, lower compressive strength, similar flexural strength and was less brittle than the second one with fly ash + slag.
The addition of hemp fibres slightly changed the mortars’ density, water absorption, compressive and flexural strength, however significantly increased its energy absorption capacity.
The initially more brittle matrix exhibited significantly higher relative toughness increase. The smoother and less porous fibre/matrix interface assured through numerous fibre/matrix contact points a more optimal fibre/matrix interfacial bond- and frictional stress transfer.
PB  - Elsevier Ltd.
T2  - Construction and Building Materials
T1  - Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars
SP  - 119677
VL  - 259
DO  - 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119677
ER  - 
author = "Poletanović, Bojan and Dragaš, Jelena and Ignjatović, Ivan and Komljenović, Miroslav and Merta, Ildiko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Two alkali-activated mortars with different solid prime materials were analysed. The first mortar contained fly ash, had lower density, higher water absorption, lower compactness, lower compressive strength, similar flexural strength and was less brittle than the second one with fly ash + slag.
The addition of hemp fibres slightly changed the mortars’ density, water absorption, compressive and flexural strength, however significantly increased its energy absorption capacity.
The initially more brittle matrix exhibited significantly higher relative toughness increase. The smoother and less porous fibre/matrix interface assured through numerous fibre/matrix contact points a more optimal fibre/matrix interfacial bond- and frictional stress transfer.",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd.",
journal = "Construction and Building Materials",
title = "Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars",
pages = "119677",
volume = "259",
doi = "10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119677"
Poletanović, B., Dragaš, J., Ignjatović, I., Komljenović, M.,& Merta, I.. (2020). Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars. in Construction and Building Materials
Elsevier Ltd.., 259, 119677.
Poletanović B, Dragaš J, Ignjatović I, Komljenović M, Merta I. Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars. in Construction and Building Materials. 2020;259:119677.
doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119677 .
Poletanović, Bojan, Dragaš, Jelena, Ignjatović, Ivan, Komljenović, Miroslav, Merta, Ildiko, "Physical and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated fly ash and fly ash/slag mortars" in Construction and Building Materials, 259 (2020):119677,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119677 . .

Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance

Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan

(University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2020)

AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2178
AB  - In reinforced concrete (RC) structures carbonation induced corrosion is one of the biggest durability issue. There are many factors that affect carbonation process (CO2 concentration, relative humidity, temperature, curing conditions and concrete porosity). Probably, the most important factor that affects carbonation process is the appearance of cracks on RC structures. With relatively low concrete tensile strength, cracks are almost inevitable. According to the current state of the art, the cracks have not yet been considered as a parameter in carbonation depth prediction model which is used for defining the service life of concrete structures. The main objective of this research is to analyse the influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance using own experimental results and the application of available prediction models regarding carbonation depth. For that purpose, prismatic RC samples without cracks and with different crack width (0.05 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm) were made and subjected to accelerated carbonation. The accelerated carbonation tests were performed during 28 days at a CO2 concentration of 2%, relative humidity (RH) of 65±5% and a temperature of 20±2°C. The conducted analysis showed that even with low crack widths (0.05 mm) the maximum carbonation depth was significantly higher compared with the uncracked samples. In all cases, the cracks behaved as an additional exposed surface through which the CO2 molecules were diffused perpendicularly to the crack wall. The crack impact area was approximately the same regardless of the crack width. Further than 10 mm, the carbonation depths remained constant. Also, with decreasing the length at which the average value of the carbonation depth was calculated (averaging length), the mean carbonation depth increased. Finaly, the ratio between the calculated carbonation depths (according to fib-Model Code 2010) of cracked and uncracked samples was up to three times.
PB  - University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering
C3  - The 7th international conference "Civil engineering - science and practice"
T1  - Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2178
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In reinforced concrete (RC) structures carbonation induced corrosion is one of the biggest durability issue. There are many factors that affect carbonation process (CO2 concentration, relative humidity, temperature, curing conditions and concrete porosity). Probably, the most important factor that affects carbonation process is the appearance of cracks on RC structures. With relatively low concrete tensile strength, cracks are almost inevitable. According to the current state of the art, the cracks have not yet been considered as a parameter in carbonation depth prediction model which is used for defining the service life of concrete structures. The main objective of this research is to analyse the influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance using own experimental results and the application of available prediction models regarding carbonation depth. For that purpose, prismatic RC samples without cracks and with different crack width (0.05 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm and 0.30 mm) were made and subjected to accelerated carbonation. The accelerated carbonation tests were performed during 28 days at a CO2 concentration of 2%, relative humidity (RH) of 65±5% and a temperature of 20±2°C. The conducted analysis showed that even with low crack widths (0.05 mm) the maximum carbonation depth was significantly higher compared with the uncracked samples. In all cases, the cracks behaved as an additional exposed surface through which the CO2 molecules were diffused perpendicularly to the crack wall. The crack impact area was approximately the same regardless of the crack width. Further than 10 mm, the carbonation depths remained constant. Also, with decreasing the length at which the average value of the carbonation depth was calculated (averaging length), the mean carbonation depth increased. Finaly, the ratio between the calculated carbonation depths (according to fib-Model Code 2010) of cracked and uncracked samples was up to three times.",
publisher = "University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering",
journal = "The 7th international conference "Civil engineering - science and practice"",
title = "Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2178"
Carević, V.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2020). Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance. in The 7th international conference "Civil engineering - science and practice"
University of Montenegro Faculty of Civil Engineering..
Carević V, Ignjatović I. Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance. in The 7th international conference "Civil engineering - science and practice". 2020;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2178 .
Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Influence of cracks on concrete carbonation resistance" in The 7th international conference "Civil engineering - science and practice" (2020),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_grafar_2178 .

Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation

Carević, Vedran; Ignjatović, Ivan

(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020)

AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Ignjatović, Ivan
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://grafar.grf.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2095
AB  - Carbonation resistance of fly ash concrete (FAC) and recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has been extensively tested in the past decade, but there are still no recommendations for their application in codes of practice. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the minimum concrete cover depth of RAC and FAC exposed to carbonation to satisfy the required service life. In this study the relationship between concrete compressive strength at 28 days (fcm) and inverse effective carbonation resistance (R–1ACC) was established. The analysis was carried out on all data available in the literature in order to establish this relationship for FAC and RAC made with different replacement percentages. After establishing a relationship between R–1ACC and fcm, a prediction of the service life was made using the fib-Bulletin 34 (2006) prediction model for all exposure classes to carbonation. For same concrete class, it can be concluded that in the case of RAC there was no significant difference in the duration of the service life compared with natural aggregate concrete, even at 100% replacement of natural aggregate with recycled ones. For concrete up to 35% of fly ash in total cementitious materials, concrete cover for satisfying the required service life of 50 years was 40% higher compared with Portland cement concrete, and more than two times higher in case of concrete with 40–70% fly ash.
PB  - John Wiley & Sons Ltd
T2  - Structural Concrete
T1  - Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation
EP  - 1021
SP  - 1009
VL  - Vol 22 (S1)
DO  - 10.1002/suco.202000086
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Vedran and Ignjatović, Ivan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Carbonation resistance of fly ash concrete (FAC) and recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has been extensively tested in the past decade, but there are still no recommendations for their application in codes of practice. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the minimum concrete cover depth of RAC and FAC exposed to carbonation to satisfy the required service life. In this study the relationship between concrete compressive strength at 28 days (fcm) and inverse effective carbonation resistance (R–1ACC) was established. The analysis was carried out on all data available in the literature in order to establish this relationship for FAC and RAC made with different replacement percentages. After establishing a relationship between R–1ACC and fcm, a prediction of the service life was made using the fib-Bulletin 34 (2006) prediction model for all exposure classes to carbonation. For same concrete class, it can be concluded that in the case of RAC there was no significant difference in the duration of the service life compared with natural aggregate concrete, even at 100% replacement of natural aggregate with recycled ones. For concrete up to 35% of fly ash in total cementitious materials, concrete cover for satisfying the required service life of 50 years was 40% higher compared with Portland cement concrete, and more than two times higher in case of concrete with 40–70% fly ash.",
publisher = "John Wiley & Sons Ltd",
journal = "Structural Concrete",
title = "Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation",
pages = "1021-1009",
volume = "Vol 22 (S1)",
doi = "10.1002/suco.202000086"
Carević, V.,& Ignjatović, I.. (2020). Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation. in Structural Concrete
John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Vol 22 (S1), 1009-1021.
Carević V, Ignjatović I. Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation. in Structural Concrete. 2020;Vol 22 (S1):1009-1021.
doi:10.1002/suco.202000086 .
Carević, Vedran, Ignjatović, Ivan, "Evaluation of Concrete Cover Depth for Green Concretes Exposed to Carbonation" in Structural Concrete, Vol 22 (S1) (2020):1009-1021,
https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.202000086 . .