Research on condition assessment and improvement methods of civil engineering structures in view of their serviceability, load-bearing capacity, cost effectiveness and maintenance

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Research on condition assessment and improvement methods of civil engineering structures in view of their serviceability, load-bearing capacity, cost effectiveness and maintenance (en)
Истраживање стања и метода унапређења грађевинских конструкција са аспекта употребљивости, носивости, економичности и одржавања (sr)
Istraživanje stanja i metoda unapređenja građevinskih konstrukcija sa aspekta upotrebljivosti, nosivosti, ekonomičnosti i održavanja (sr_RS)


Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska

Filipović, Aljoša

(Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински факултет, 2021-07-12)

AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
PY  - 2021-07-12
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AB  - Primena nerđajućeg čelika u savremenom građevinarstvu vezuje se za period inovacija itehnološkog napretka u industriji čelika tokom poslednjih decenija prošlog i početkom ovog veka.Iako se u osnovi klasifikuje kao legirani čelik, strukturne performanse ovog materijala bitno serazlikuju od onih kod ugljeničnih čelika. Atraktivan površinski izgled koji ne zahteva primenuzaštitnih premaza, visoka otpornost na koroziju, značajan kapacitet plastifikacije, izrazita duktilnosti visoke vrednosti granice razvlačenja i čvrstoće pri zatezanju daju prednost u primeni nerđajućegčelika u nosećim konstrukcijama ofšor platformi, industrijskih objekata u agresivnim sredinama imostogradnji. Nerđajući čelik spada u grupu čistih materijala pa se često koristi u nosećimkonstrukcijama rezervoara i silosa za skladištenje hrane, tečnosti i medicinskih preparata. Preduslovza širu primenu nerđajućeg čelika u građevinarstvu predstavlja razvoj nove i poboljšanje postojećetehničke regulative za projektovanje konstrukcija od ove vrste čelika. U tom kontekstu, potreba zastalnim istraživanjima i analizama ponašanja elemenata od nerđajućeg čelika je imperativ.Štapasti čelični proizvodi izrađeni od ugaonika imaju široku primenu u nosećim elementimakoji su dominantno opterećeni aksijalnim naprezanjima kao što su: elementi ispune rešetkastihnosača, horizontalnih i vertikalnih spregova objekata u zgradarstvu, pojasni štapovi i štapovi ispunetelekomunikacionih stubova i stubova dalekovoda.Važeći međunarodni standardi za projektovanje konstrukcija od nerđajućeg čelika ne dajueksplicitna pravila za dimenzionisanje centrično pritisnutih štapova izrađenih od ugaonika. Razloziza ovo leže u nedovoljnom broju relevantnih istraživanja koja bi trebalo da pruže činjenice neophodneza dobijanje odgovora na brojne nepoznanice u pogledu graničnih nosivosti i oblika loma ovog tipakonstruktivnog elementa u zavisnosti od niza uticajnih parametara. U kontekstu navedenog, ovadoktorska disertacija prikazuje naučno istraživanje na centrično pritisnutim, obostrano zglobnooslonjenim, ugaonicima koje je sprovedeno na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Građevinskom fakultetu. Dabi se utvrdio uticaj tehnologije proizvodnje na početne strukturne imperfekcije elementa,istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni elementi proizvedeni hladnim oblikovanjem, vrućim valjanjem ilaserskim zavarivanjem. Razmatrane su dve legure nerđajućeg čelika, nisko legirani dupleks čelik EN1.4162 i austenitni nerđajući čelik EN 1.4301. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se kroz nizeksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza dobiju relevantni i pouzdani podaci koji će omogućitidefinisanje smernica i pravila za proračun centrično pritisnutih štapova izrađenih od ugaonika,sagledavajući njihove različitosti u kontekstu načina proizvodnje. Eksperimentalnim programom suobuhvaćeni svi ključni testovi sa ciljem utvrđivanja mehaničkih svojstava osnovnog materijala,kapaciteta nosivosti poprečnog preseka, početnih geometrijskih imperfekcija, intenziteta i raspodelezaostalih napona i utvrđivanja globalnih oblika nestabilnosti i graničnih nosivosti na fleksiono itorziono-fleksiono izvijanje. Simulacija eksperimenata kroz razvoj numeričkih modela, njihovakalibracija i validacija sprovedena je primenom metode konačnih elemenata u programskom paketuAbaqus na osnovu dobijenih eksperimentalnih rezultata. Ovako kalibrisani numerički modeliobezbedili su osnovu za sprovođenje opsežnih parametarskih numeričkih studija u okviru kojih susagledavani i analizirani uticaji globalne vitkosti i vitkosti poprečnog preseka na odgovorrazmatranog elementa u stanju granične nosivosti. Na ovaj način formirana je opsežna i pouzdanabaza podataka koja je omogućila (1) proveru tačnosti međunarodnih standardizovanih metoda zadimenzionisanje centrično pritisnutih elemenata od nerđajućeg čelika i (2) osnovu za matematičkuinterpretaciju nosivosti elemenata i definisanje odgovarajućih preporuka za njihovo dimenzionisanjesledeći implementirane procedure evropskih standarda za čelične noseće konstrukcije u zgradarstvu.Dobijeni rezultati omogućili su razvoj novih krivih izvijanja za svaki tip profila – hladnooblikovanih,vrućevaljanih i laserski zavarenih za niskolegiranu dupleks leguru i austenitnu leguru nerđajućegčelika.
AB  - Application of stainless steel in modern structural engineering is related to innovation periodand technological progress in steel industry during the last decades of previous century and at thebeginning of this century. Although it is classified as alloy steel, structural behaviour of this materialdiffers significantly from that of carbon steels. Attractive surface appearance that does not requireprotective coatings, high corrosion resistance, significant plastification capacity, pronounced ductilityand high values of yield and tensile strength give advantage to stainless steel application in offshoreplatforms, industrial facilities in aggressive environments and bridge structures. Since stainless steelbelongs to a group of clean materials, it is often used for load-bearing structures of tanks and silos forfood, liquids and medical remedies storage. Requirements for a wider application of stainless steelare development of new and improvement of existing technical regulations for the design of stainlesssteel structures. Therefore, constant research and analysis of stainless steel elements behaviour is ofoutmost importance.Steel angle bars have a wide application in structural members that are predominantly loadedby axial forces such as: webs of trusses, elements of horizontal or vertical bracings in buildings andas members of telecommunication towers and transmission line poles.Current international standards for the design of stainless steel structures do not provide explicitrules for axially compressed angles. Explanation for this is insufficient number of relevant studiesthat should provide knowledge necessary for obtaining the answers to numerous unknowns regardingultimate bearing capacity and fracture modes of this type of structural elements, depending on anumber of parameters. In the context of the above, this thesis presents a scientific research on axiallycompressed pinned angle columns conducted at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering.In order to determine influences of production technology on initial structural imperfections ofelements, this research included angles produced by cold forming, hot rolling and laser welding. Twostainless steel alloys, low alloy duplex steel EN 1.4162 and austenitic stainless steel EN 1.4301 wereconsidered. The main goal was to obtain relevant and reliable data through experiments and numericalanalyses that will define guidelines and rules for the design of axially compressed angle columns,considering differences caused by production methods. The experimental program included all keytests with the aim of determining mechanical properties, bearing capacity, initial geometricimperfections, values and distribution of residual stresses and determining global forms of instabilityand flexural and flexural-torsional buckling capacity. Simulation of the experiments throughdevelopment of numerical models, their calibration and validation were performed using finiteelement method in Abaqus software package based on the obtained experimental results. Calibratednumerical models provided a basis for extensive parametric numerical studies in which effects ofglobal slenderness and cross-sectional slenderness on the response of the considered element in astate of ultimate bearing capacity were considered and analysed. In this way, a comprehensive andreliable database was formed which enabled (1) verification of international standardized methodsfor the design of axially compressed stainless steel elements and (2) basis for mathematicalinterpretation of the elements load-bearing capacity and defining appropriate recommendations fortheir design in accordance with the implemented procedures of European standards for steel loadbearing structures. The obtained results enabled a development of new buckling curves for each typeof angles – cold-formed, hot-rolled and laser-welded for lean-duplex alloy and austenitic stainlesssteel alloy.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska
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author = "Filipović, Aljoša",
year = "2021-07-12",
abstract = "Primena nerđajućeg čelika u savremenom građevinarstvu vezuje se za period inovacija itehnološkog napretka u industriji čelika tokom poslednjih decenija prošlog i početkom ovog veka.Iako se u osnovi klasifikuje kao legirani čelik, strukturne performanse ovog materijala bitno serazlikuju od onih kod ugljeničnih čelika. Atraktivan površinski izgled koji ne zahteva primenuzaštitnih premaza, visoka otpornost na koroziju, značajan kapacitet plastifikacije, izrazita duktilnosti visoke vrednosti granice razvlačenja i čvrstoće pri zatezanju daju prednost u primeni nerđajućegčelika u nosećim konstrukcijama ofšor platformi, industrijskih objekata u agresivnim sredinama imostogradnji. Nerđajući čelik spada u grupu čistih materijala pa se često koristi u nosećimkonstrukcijama rezervoara i silosa za skladištenje hrane, tečnosti i medicinskih preparata. Preduslovza širu primenu nerđajućeg čelika u građevinarstvu predstavlja razvoj nove i poboljšanje postojećetehničke regulative za projektovanje konstrukcija od ove vrste čelika. U tom kontekstu, potreba zastalnim istraživanjima i analizama ponašanja elemenata od nerđajućeg čelika je imperativ.Štapasti čelični proizvodi izrađeni od ugaonika imaju široku primenu u nosećim elementimakoji su dominantno opterećeni aksijalnim naprezanjima kao što su: elementi ispune rešetkastihnosača, horizontalnih i vertikalnih spregova objekata u zgradarstvu, pojasni štapovi i štapovi ispunetelekomunikacionih stubova i stubova dalekovoda.Važeći međunarodni standardi za projektovanje konstrukcija od nerđajućeg čelika ne dajueksplicitna pravila za dimenzionisanje centrično pritisnutih štapova izrađenih od ugaonika. Razloziza ovo leže u nedovoljnom broju relevantnih istraživanja koja bi trebalo da pruže činjenice neophodneza dobijanje odgovora na brojne nepoznanice u pogledu graničnih nosivosti i oblika loma ovog tipakonstruktivnog elementa u zavisnosti od niza uticajnih parametara. U kontekstu navedenog, ovadoktorska disertacija prikazuje naučno istraživanje na centrično pritisnutim, obostrano zglobnooslonjenim, ugaonicima koje je sprovedeno na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Građevinskom fakultetu. Dabi se utvrdio uticaj tehnologije proizvodnje na početne strukturne imperfekcije elementa,istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni elementi proizvedeni hladnim oblikovanjem, vrućim valjanjem ilaserskim zavarivanjem. Razmatrane su dve legure nerđajućeg čelika, nisko legirani dupleks čelik EN1.4162 i austenitni nerđajući čelik EN 1.4301. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se kroz nizeksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza dobiju relevantni i pouzdani podaci koji će omogućitidefinisanje smernica i pravila za proračun centrično pritisnutih štapova izrađenih od ugaonika,sagledavajući njihove različitosti u kontekstu načina proizvodnje. Eksperimentalnim programom suobuhvaćeni svi ključni testovi sa ciljem utvrđivanja mehaničkih svojstava osnovnog materijala,kapaciteta nosivosti poprečnog preseka, početnih geometrijskih imperfekcija, intenziteta i raspodelezaostalih napona i utvrđivanja globalnih oblika nestabilnosti i graničnih nosivosti na fleksiono itorziono-fleksiono izvijanje. Simulacija eksperimenata kroz razvoj numeričkih modela, njihovakalibracija i validacija sprovedena je primenom metode konačnih elemenata u programskom paketuAbaqus na osnovu dobijenih eksperimentalnih rezultata. Ovako kalibrisani numerički modeliobezbedili su osnovu za sprovođenje opsežnih parametarskih numeričkih studija u okviru kojih susagledavani i analizirani uticaji globalne vitkosti i vitkosti poprečnog preseka na odgovorrazmatranog elementa u stanju granične nosivosti. Na ovaj način formirana je opsežna i pouzdanabaza podataka koja je omogućila (1) proveru tačnosti međunarodnih standardizovanih metoda zadimenzionisanje centrično pritisnutih elemenata od nerđajućeg čelika i (2) osnovu za matematičkuinterpretaciju nosivosti elemenata i definisanje odgovarajućih preporuka za njihovo dimenzionisanjesledeći implementirane procedure evropskih standarda za čelične noseće konstrukcije u zgradarstvu.Dobijeni rezultati omogućili su razvoj novih krivih izvijanja za svaki tip profila – hladnooblikovanih,vrućevaljanih i laserski zavarenih za niskolegiranu dupleks leguru i austenitnu leguru nerđajućegčelika., Application of stainless steel in modern structural engineering is related to innovation periodand technological progress in steel industry during the last decades of previous century and at thebeginning of this century. Although it is classified as alloy steel, structural behaviour of this materialdiffers significantly from that of carbon steels. Attractive surface appearance that does not requireprotective coatings, high corrosion resistance, significant plastification capacity, pronounced ductilityand high values of yield and tensile strength give advantage to stainless steel application in offshoreplatforms, industrial facilities in aggressive environments and bridge structures. Since stainless steelbelongs to a group of clean materials, it is often used for load-bearing structures of tanks and silos forfood, liquids and medical remedies storage. Requirements for a wider application of stainless steelare development of new and improvement of existing technical regulations for the design of stainlesssteel structures. Therefore, constant research and analysis of stainless steel elements behaviour is ofoutmost importance.Steel angle bars have a wide application in structural members that are predominantly loadedby axial forces such as: webs of trusses, elements of horizontal or vertical bracings in buildings andas members of telecommunication towers and transmission line poles.Current international standards for the design of stainless steel structures do not provide explicitrules for axially compressed angles. Explanation for this is insufficient number of relevant studiesthat should provide knowledge necessary for obtaining the answers to numerous unknowns regardingultimate bearing capacity and fracture modes of this type of structural elements, depending on anumber of parameters. In the context of the above, this thesis presents a scientific research on axiallycompressed pinned angle columns conducted at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering.In order to determine influences of production technology on initial structural imperfections ofelements, this research included angles produced by cold forming, hot rolling and laser welding. Twostainless steel alloys, low alloy duplex steel EN 1.4162 and austenitic stainless steel EN 1.4301 wereconsidered. The main goal was to obtain relevant and reliable data through experiments and numericalanalyses that will define guidelines and rules for the design of axially compressed angle columns,considering differences caused by production methods. The experimental program included all keytests with the aim of determining mechanical properties, bearing capacity, initial geometricimperfections, values and distribution of residual stresses and determining global forms of instabilityand flexural and flexural-torsional buckling capacity. Simulation of the experiments throughdevelopment of numerical models, their calibration and validation were performed using finiteelement method in Abaqus software package based on the obtained experimental results. Calibratednumerical models provided a basis for extensive parametric numerical studies in which effects ofglobal slenderness and cross-sectional slenderness on the response of the considered element in astate of ultimate bearing capacity were considered and analysed. In this way, a comprehensive andreliable database was formed which enabled (1) verification of international standardized methodsfor the design of axially compressed stainless steel elements and (2) basis for mathematicalinterpretation of the elements load-bearing capacity and defining appropriate recommendations fortheir design in accordance with the implemented procedures of European standards for steel loadbearing structures. The obtained results enabled a development of new buckling curves for each typeof angles – cold-formed, hot-rolled and laser-welded for lean-duplex alloy and austenitic stainlesssteel alloy.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska",
url = ""
Filipović, A.. (2021-07-12). Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Грађевински факултет..
Filipović A. Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska. in Универзитет у Београду. 2021;. .
Filipović, Aljoša, "Nosivost različitih tipova ravnokrakih ugaonika od nerđajućeg čelika pri dejstvu centričnog pritiska" in Универзитет у Београду (2021-07-12), .

Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns

Filipović, Aljoša; Dobrić, Jelena; Marković, Zlatko; Baddoo, Nancy

(Ernst&Sohn, 2021)

AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Stainless  steel  sections  are  used  for  structures  in  aggressive  environments  where  the  greater material cost can often be justified in return for longer maintenance-free periods, for example in the water treatment, nuclear, petrochemical and food and beverage sectors. This paper presents a  comparative  imperfection  sensitivity  study  of  hot-rolled  and  laser-welded  pin-ended  equal angle  columns  made  of  austenitic  stainless  steel  grade  1.4301.  Although  the  initial  geometric imperfections  in  these  structural  elements  are  similar,  there  is  a  difference  in  the  initial  stress state  due  to  the  different  manufacturing  processes.  The  study  includes  three-dimensional  geometric imperfection measurements conducted by a laser scanner, and, in parallel residual stress measurements  performed  by  the  sectioning  method  using  water  jet  cutting.  The  overall  bow, camber,  and  twist  imperfections  are  determined  from  the  scanned  specimens.  In  addition,  the shapes of the residual stress patterns through the thickness of the angle leg are shown. Based on the findings related to imperfection distributions and amplitudes, a FE analysis is performed both on hot-rolled and laser-welded angles to study the influence of the variability of initial imperfections  on  compression  resistance.  The  separate  and  combined  effects  of  the  measured  residual stresses  and  initial  out-of-straightness  are  considered  and  the  reduction  in  the  buckling  resistances of initially straight angle columns is determined. The structural responses of hot-rolled and laser-welded columns are compared and discussed.
PB  - Ernst&Sohn
C3  - CE/Papers
T1  - Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Aljoša and Dobrić, Jelena and Marković, Zlatko and Baddoo, Nancy",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Stainless  steel  sections  are  used  for  structures  in  aggressive  environments  where  the  greater material cost can often be justified in return for longer maintenance-free periods, for example in the water treatment, nuclear, petrochemical and food and beverage sectors. This paper presents a  comparative  imperfection  sensitivity  study  of  hot-rolled  and  laser-welded  pin-ended  equal angle  columns  made  of  austenitic  stainless  steel  grade  1.4301.  Although  the  initial  geometric imperfections  in  these  structural  elements  are  similar,  there  is  a  difference  in  the  initial  stress state  due  to  the  different  manufacturing  processes.  The  study  includes  three-dimensional  geometric imperfection measurements conducted by a laser scanner, and, in parallel residual stress measurements  performed  by  the  sectioning  method  using  water  jet  cutting.  The  overall  bow, camber,  and  twist  imperfections  are  determined  from  the  scanned  specimens.  In  addition,  the shapes of the residual stress patterns through the thickness of the angle leg are shown. Based on the findings related to imperfection distributions and amplitudes, a FE analysis is performed both on hot-rolled and laser-welded angles to study the influence of the variability of initial imperfections  on  compression  resistance.  The  separate  and  combined  effects  of  the  measured  residual stresses  and  initial  out-of-straightness  are  considered  and  the  reduction  in  the  buckling  resistances of initially straight angle columns is determined. The structural responses of hot-rolled and laser-welded columns are compared and discussed.",
publisher = "Ernst&Sohn",
journal = "CE/Papers",
title = "Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns",
url = ""
Filipović, A., Dobrić, J., Marković, Z.,& Baddoo, N.. (2021). Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns. in CE/Papers
Filipović A, Dobrić J, Marković Z, Baddoo N. Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns. in CE/Papers. 2021;. .
Filipović, Aljoša, Dobrić, Jelena, Marković, Zlatko, Baddoo, Nancy, "Imperfection sensitivity study of hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel angle columns" in CE/Papers (2021), .

The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Filipović, Aljoša; Baddoo, Nancy; Marković, Zlatko; Buđevac, Dragan

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Pravila  za  proračun  centrično  pritisnutih  elemenata  ravnokrakog  L  poprečnog  preseka  od 
nerđajućeg čelika nisu eksplicitno definisana u važećem evropskom standardu SRPS EN 1993-
1-4.  Ovaj  rad  ukratko  prikazuje  rezultate  opsežnog  istraživanja  sprovedenog  na  ovom  tipu 
konstruktivnih  elemenata  sa  ciljem  definisanja  preporuka  za  njihov  proračun.  Na  osnovu 
sistematičnog  eksperimentalnog  istraživanja,  sprovedena  je  detaljna  numerička  analiza  i 
definisana  baza  podataka  graničnih  nosivosti  stubova.  Materijalna  i  geometrijska  nelinerana 
analiza obuhvatila je tri ključne legure nerđajućeg čelika, austenitnu, feritnu i dupleks leguru. 
Preporučene su krive izvijanja za kontrolu stabilnosti na fleksiono i fleksiono-torziono izvijanje 
u skladu sa evropskim proračunskim procedurama.
AB  - The  design  rules  for  centrically  compressed  stainless  steel  equal-leg  angle  members  are  not 
explicitly stated in the current European standard SRPS EN 1993-1-4. This paper summarizes 
the results of extensive research conducted on this type of structural elements aiming to define 
recommendations for their design. Based on a systematic experimental investigation, a detailed 
numerical analysis was performed, and a database of columns’ resistances were defined. Material 
and geometric nonlinear analysis included three key stainless steel alloys, austenitic, ferritic and 
duplex. The design curves for flexural and flexural–torsional buckling check have been proposed 
in accordance with European codified procedures.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress
T1  - The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns
EP  - 510
SP  - 501
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Filipović, Aljoša and Baddoo, Nancy and Marković, Zlatko and Buđevac, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Pravila  za  proračun  centrično  pritisnutih  elemenata  ravnokrakog  L  poprečnog  preseka  od 
nerđajućeg čelika nisu eksplicitno definisana u važećem evropskom standardu SRPS EN 1993-
1-4.  Ovaj  rad  ukratko  prikazuje  rezultate  opsežnog  istraživanja  sprovedenog  na  ovom  tipu 
konstruktivnih  elemenata  sa  ciljem  definisanja  preporuka  za  njihov  proračun.  Na  osnovu 
sistematičnog  eksperimentalnog  istraživanja,  sprovedena  je  detaljna  numerička  analiza  i 
definisana  baza  podataka  graničnih  nosivosti  stubova.  Materijalna  i  geometrijska  nelinerana 
analiza obuhvatila je tri ključne legure nerđajućeg čelika, austenitnu, feritnu i dupleks leguru. 
Preporučene su krive izvijanja za kontrolu stabilnosti na fleksiono i fleksiono-torziono izvijanje 
u skladu sa evropskim proračunskim procedurama., The  design  rules  for  centrically  compressed  stainless  steel  equal-leg  angle  members  are  not 
explicitly stated in the current European standard SRPS EN 1993-1-4. This paper summarizes 
the results of extensive research conducted on this type of structural elements aiming to define 
recommendations for their design. Based on a systematic experimental investigation, a detailed 
numerical analysis was performed, and a database of columns’ resistances were defined. Material 
and geometric nonlinear analysis included three key stainless steel alloys, austenitic, ferritic and 
duplex. The design curves for flexural and flexural–torsional buckling check have been proposed 
in accordance with European codified procedures.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress",
title = "The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns",
pages = "510-501",
url = ""
Dobrić, J., Filipović, A., Baddoo, N., Marković, Z.,& Buđevac, D.. (2021). The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 501-510.
Dobrić J, Filipović A, Baddoo N, Marković Z, Buđevac D. The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress. 2021;:501-510. .
Dobrić, Jelena, Filipović, Aljoša, Baddoo, Nancy, Marković, Zlatko, Buđevac, Dragan, "The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns" in ASES International congress proceedings / Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 16th Congress (2021):501-510, .

The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Filipović, Aljoša; Baddoo, Nancy; Marković, Zlatko; Buđevac, Dragan


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The  design  rules  for  centrically  compressed  stainless  steel  equal-leg  angle 
members are not explicitly stated in the current European standard SRPS EN 1993-
1-4. This paper summarizes the results of extensive research conducted on this type 
of structural elements aiming to define recommendations for their design. Based on 
a  systematic  experimental  investigation,  a  detailed  numerical  analysis  was 
performed,  and  a  database  of  columns’  resistances  were  defined.  Material  and 
geometric nonlinear analysis included three key stainless steel alloys, austenitic, 
ferritic  and duplex.  The  design  curves  for  flexural  and  flexural–torsional  buckling 
check have been proposed in accordance with European codified procedures.
T2  - Building Materials and Structures
T1  - The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns
IS  - 64
DO  - 10.5937/GRMK2103171D
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Filipović, Aljoša and Baddoo, Nancy and Marković, Zlatko and Buđevac, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The  design  rules  for  centrically  compressed  stainless  steel  equal-leg  angle 
members are not explicitly stated in the current European standard SRPS EN 1993-
1-4. This paper summarizes the results of extensive research conducted on this type 
of structural elements aiming to define recommendations for their design. Based on 
a  systematic  experimental  investigation,  a  detailed  numerical  analysis  was 
performed,  and  a  database  of  columns’  resistances  were  defined.  Material  and 
geometric nonlinear analysis included three key stainless steel alloys, austenitic, 
ferritic  and duplex.  The  design  curves  for  flexural  and  flexural–torsional  buckling 
check have been proposed in accordance with European codified procedures.",
journal = "Building Materials and Structures",
title = "The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns",
number = "64",
doi = "10.5937/GRMK2103171D"
Dobrić, J., Filipović, A., Baddoo, N., Marković, Z.,& Buđevac, D.. (2021). The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Building Materials and Structures(64).
Dobrić J, Filipović A, Baddoo N, Marković Z, Buđevac D. The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Building Materials and Structures. 2021;(64).
doi:10.5937/GRMK2103171D .
Dobrić, Jelena, Filipović, Aljoša, Baddoo, Nancy, Marković, Zlatko, Buđevac, Dragan, "The new buckling curves for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns" in Building Materials and Structures, no. 64 (2021), . .

Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns

Filipović, Aljoša; Dobrić, Jelena; Buđevac, Dragan; Fric, Nenad; Baddoo, Nancy


AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
AU  - Fric, Nenad
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Substantial research has been conducted in the last years into the structural responses of cold-formed and hot-rolled stainless steel equal-leg angle columns, whereas there is no experimental data on laser-welded stainless steel angle columns despite these sections being increasingly used in the modern construction industry. To fill this gap and provide benchmarks for design, a comprehensive experimental investigation into the structural strength and stability of laser-welded austenitic stainless steel equal-leg angle columns under pure axial compression was performed and described in this paper. A series of laboratory tests, performing on two test groups of specimens with nominal dimensions of 60 × 60 × 6 mm and 100 × 100 × 10 mm and different lengths, involved 6 stub column tests and 20 global buckling tests together with measurements on material properties, initial local geometric imperfections and residual stresses. The experimental observations reveal that the column ultimate capacity and prevalent failure mode — major-axis flexural-torsional buckling and minor-axis flexural buckling — are highly dependent on the column slenderness and initial imperfections. The full load-lateral displacement, load-torsional rotation and load-axial strain responses of the specimens were fully reported and discussed. The results were employed to evaluate the accuracy of the current European and North American stainless steel design standards. The evaluation results revealed that the codified design procedures yield conservative resistance predictions of laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns, showing a prospective for their modification and improvement by providing more optimized and realistic results in design considering the actual residual stress distributions, material nonlinearity and strain hardening.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns
IS  - 164
DO  - 10.1016/j.tws.2021.107777
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Aljoša and Dobrić, Jelena and Buđevac, Dragan and Fric, Nenad and Baddoo, Nancy",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Substantial research has been conducted in the last years into the structural responses of cold-formed and hot-rolled stainless steel equal-leg angle columns, whereas there is no experimental data on laser-welded stainless steel angle columns despite these sections being increasingly used in the modern construction industry. To fill this gap and provide benchmarks for design, a comprehensive experimental investigation into the structural strength and stability of laser-welded austenitic stainless steel equal-leg angle columns under pure axial compression was performed and described in this paper. A series of laboratory tests, performing on two test groups of specimens with nominal dimensions of 60 × 60 × 6 mm and 100 × 100 × 10 mm and different lengths, involved 6 stub column tests and 20 global buckling tests together with measurements on material properties, initial local geometric imperfections and residual stresses. The experimental observations reveal that the column ultimate capacity and prevalent failure mode — major-axis flexural-torsional buckling and minor-axis flexural buckling — are highly dependent on the column slenderness and initial imperfections. The full load-lateral displacement, load-torsional rotation and load-axial strain responses of the specimens were fully reported and discussed. The results were employed to evaluate the accuracy of the current European and North American stainless steel design standards. The evaluation results revealed that the codified design procedures yield conservative resistance predictions of laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns, showing a prospective for their modification and improvement by providing more optimized and realistic results in design considering the actual residual stress distributions, material nonlinearity and strain hardening.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns",
number = "164",
doi = "10.1016/j.tws.2021.107777"
Filipović, A., Dobrić, J., Buđevac, D., Fric, N.,& Baddoo, N.. (2021). Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures(164).
Filipović A, Dobrić J, Buđevac D, Fric N, Baddoo N. Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2021;(164).
doi:10.1016/j.tws.2021.107777 .
Filipović, Aljoša, Dobrić, Jelena, Buđevac, Dragan, Fric, Nenad, Baddoo, Nancy, "Experimental study of laser-welded stainless steel angle columns" in Thin-Walled Structures, no. 164 (2021), . .

Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns

Filipović, Aljoša; Dobrić, Jelena; Baddoo, Nancy; Primož, Može


AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
AU  - Primož, Može
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper reports on experiments addressing the buckling and collapse behaviour of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel equal-leg angle columns under pure axial compression, aiming to provide reliable experimental data needed to develop explicit design guidelines for hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns currently absent in European standard. The systematic experimental programme included two test groups of specimens with nominal dimensions of 60 × 60 × 6 mm and 100 × 100 × 10 mm produced from austenitic grade EN 1.4301, and involved tensile material tests, geometric imperfection measurements, residual stress measurements, 6 stub column tests and 20 global compression tests. A wide range of column slenderness ratios was carefully selected to account for both elastic and inelastic failure characteristics including flexural and flexural-torsional modes and the influence of the legs’ width-to-thickness ratios. The test setup and procedure together with the key experimental results and characterised failure modes, were fully reported and discussed. The test results were compared with those predicted using the design methods for compressed stainless steel angle columns provided in European and North American standards. It was observed that the specifications offer conservative strength predictions of the tested columns, primarily due to the lower distribution of initial geometric imperfections of tested columns in comparison with the permissible fabrication tolerances that are usually used as the basis of stability checks in codified design.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns
IS  - 163
DO  - 10.1016/j.tws.2021.107659
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Aljoša and Dobrić, Jelena and Baddoo, Nancy and Primož, Može",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper reports on experiments addressing the buckling and collapse behaviour of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel equal-leg angle columns under pure axial compression, aiming to provide reliable experimental data needed to develop explicit design guidelines for hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns currently absent in European standard. The systematic experimental programme included two test groups of specimens with nominal dimensions of 60 × 60 × 6 mm and 100 × 100 × 10 mm produced from austenitic grade EN 1.4301, and involved tensile material tests, geometric imperfection measurements, residual stress measurements, 6 stub column tests and 20 global compression tests. A wide range of column slenderness ratios was carefully selected to account for both elastic and inelastic failure characteristics including flexural and flexural-torsional modes and the influence of the legs’ width-to-thickness ratios. The test setup and procedure together with the key experimental results and characterised failure modes, were fully reported and discussed. The test results were compared with those predicted using the design methods for compressed stainless steel angle columns provided in European and North American standards. It was observed that the specifications offer conservative strength predictions of the tested columns, primarily due to the lower distribution of initial geometric imperfections of tested columns in comparison with the permissible fabrication tolerances that are usually used as the basis of stability checks in codified design.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns",
number = "163",
doi = "10.1016/j.tws.2021.107659"
Filipović, A., Dobrić, J., Baddoo, N.,& Primož, M.. (2021). Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures(163).
Filipović A, Dobrić J, Baddoo N, Primož M. Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2021;(163).
doi:10.1016/j.tws.2021.107659 .
Filipović, Aljoša, Dobrić, Jelena, Baddoo, Nancy, Primož, Može, "Experimental response of hot-rolled stainless steel angle columns" in Thin-Walled Structures, no. 163 (2021), . .

Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika

Filipović, Aljoša; Dobrić, Jelena; Blagojević, Dragan; Samardžić - Petrović, Mileva; Buđevac, Dragan; Marković, Zlatko

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Blagojević, Dragan
AU  - Samardžić - Petrović, Mileva
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Rad  prikazuje  merenje  početnih  geometrijskih  imperfekcija  i  zaostalih  napona  u  okviru 
istraživanja nosivosti centrično pritisnutih elemenata L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika. 
Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri različita tipa L profila – hladnooblikovani, vrućevaljani i laserski 
zavareni. Postupak i rezultati merenja početnih geometrijskih imperfekcija primenom sistema za 
lasersko merenje prezentovani su u radu. Merenje zaostalih napona metodom sečenja sprovedeno 
je  na  vrućevaljanom  i  laserski  zavarenom  uzorku  nominalnih  dimenzija  100  ×  100  ×  10, 
napraveljenih od austenitnog nerđajućeg čelika EN 1.4301. Postupak merenja zaostalih napona 
i rezultati u formi rasporeda zaostalih napona i ekstremnih vrednosti prikazni su u radu.
AB  - The paper presents initial geometric imperfections and residual stresses measurment as a part of 
a research on ultimate capacity of axially compressed angle columns made from stainless steel. 
The research covers three different angle types – cold-formed, hot-rolled and laser-welded. The 
procedure and results of initial geometric imperfections measurments using a laser measurement 
system are presented. Measurement of residual stresses using a sectioning method was performed 
on hot-rolled and laser-welded samples with nominal dimensions of 100 × 100 × 10, made of 
austenitic  stainless  steel  EN  1.4301.  The  procedure  of  residual  stresses  measurement  and 
obtained results in form of residual stresses distribution and extreme values are presented.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020
T1  - Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika
EP  - 521
SP  - 513
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Aljoša and Dobrić, Jelena and Blagojević, Dragan and Samardžić - Petrović, Mileva and Buđevac, Dragan and Marković, Zlatko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Rad  prikazuje  merenje  početnih  geometrijskih  imperfekcija  i  zaostalih  napona  u  okviru 
istraživanja nosivosti centrično pritisnutih elemenata L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika. 
Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena tri različita tipa L profila – hladnooblikovani, vrućevaljani i laserski 
zavareni. Postupak i rezultati merenja početnih geometrijskih imperfekcija primenom sistema za 
lasersko merenje prezentovani su u radu. Merenje zaostalih napona metodom sečenja sprovedeno 
je  na  vrućevaljanom  i  laserski  zavarenom  uzorku  nominalnih  dimenzija  100  ×  100  ×  10, 
napraveljenih od austenitnog nerđajućeg čelika EN 1.4301. Postupak merenja zaostalih napona 
i rezultati u formi rasporeda zaostalih napona i ekstremnih vrednosti prikazni su u radu., The paper presents initial geometric imperfections and residual stresses measurment as a part of 
a research on ultimate capacity of axially compressed angle columns made from stainless steel. 
The research covers three different angle types – cold-formed, hot-rolled and laser-welded. The 
procedure and results of initial geometric imperfections measurments using a laser measurement 
system are presented. Measurement of residual stresses using a sectioning method was performed 
on hot-rolled and laser-welded samples with nominal dimensions of 100 × 100 × 10, made of 
austenitic  stainless  steel  EN  1.4301.  The  procedure  of  residual  stresses  measurement  and 
obtained results in form of residual stresses distribution and extreme values are presented.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020",
title = "Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika",
pages = "521-513",
url = ""
Filipović, A., Dobrić, J., Blagojević, D., Samardžić - Petrović, M., Buđevac, D.,& Marković, Z.. (2021). Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika. in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 513-521.
Filipović A, Dobrić J, Blagojević D, Samardžić - Petrović M, Buđevac D, Marković Z. Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika. in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020. 2021;:513-521. .
Filipović, Aljoša, Dobrić, Jelena, Blagojević, Dragan, Samardžić - Petrović, Mileva, Buđevac, Dragan, Marković, Zlatko, "Početne imperfekcije stubova ravnokrakog L poprečnog preseka od nerđajućeg čelika" in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020 (2021):513-521, .

Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Filipović, Aljoša; Baddoo, Nancy; Buđevac, Dragan; Rossi, Barbara


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
AU  - Rossi, Barbara
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This paper explores an attempt to investigate the structural behaviour and design of equal-leg stainless steel angle columns fabricated by the laser-welding of individual hot-rolled plates and by hot-rolling process. The studies cover columns with pin-ended boundary conditions exposed to pure axial compression. An advanced and realistic finite element model able to replicate the buckling features of stainless steel angle columns is developed and validated against available experiments collected in the literature. Employing the validated finite element model, quantitative numerical parametric studies, considering minor-axis flexural buckling, as well as flexural-torsional buckling, are performed. Based on comprehensive benchmark data, the accuracy, safety and applicability of the existing column design procedures provided in the European and North American structural stainless steel codes are assessed. The evaluation results reveal that the North American codified design procedures lead to conservative and scattered resistance predictions, thereby demonstrating a need for their improvement. As a result of conducted studies, the new criteria for design of pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns are proposed. Their suitability for inclusion in the European structural stainless steel design code is confirmed by statistical reliability analyses in accordance with EN 1990.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns
IS  - 167
DO  - 10.1016/j.tws.2021.108175
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Filipović, Aljoša and Baddoo, Nancy and Buđevac, Dragan and Rossi, Barbara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This paper explores an attempt to investigate the structural behaviour and design of equal-leg stainless steel angle columns fabricated by the laser-welding of individual hot-rolled plates and by hot-rolling process. The studies cover columns with pin-ended boundary conditions exposed to pure axial compression. An advanced and realistic finite element model able to replicate the buckling features of stainless steel angle columns is developed and validated against available experiments collected in the literature. Employing the validated finite element model, quantitative numerical parametric studies, considering minor-axis flexural buckling, as well as flexural-torsional buckling, are performed. Based on comprehensive benchmark data, the accuracy, safety and applicability of the existing column design procedures provided in the European and North American structural stainless steel codes are assessed. The evaluation results reveal that the North American codified design procedures lead to conservative and scattered resistance predictions, thereby demonstrating a need for their improvement. As a result of conducted studies, the new criteria for design of pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns are proposed. Their suitability for inclusion in the European structural stainless steel design code is confirmed by statistical reliability analyses in accordance with EN 1990.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns",
number = "167",
doi = "10.1016/j.tws.2021.108175"
Dobrić, J., Filipović, A., Baddoo, N., Buđevac, D.,& Rossi, B.. (2021). Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures(167).
Dobrić J, Filipović A, Baddoo N, Buđevac D, Rossi B. Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2021;(167).
doi:10.1016/j.tws.2021.108175 .
Dobrić, Jelena, Filipović, Aljoša, Baddoo, Nancy, Buđevac, Dragan, Rossi, Barbara, "Design criteria for pin-ended hot-rolled and laser-welded stainless steel equal-leg angle columns" in Thin-Walled Structures, no. 167 (2021), . .

Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures

Mišković, Zoran; Popović, Marko; Pecić, Nenad; Savatović, Siniša; Latinović, Marina


AU  - Mišković, Zoran
AU  - Popović, Marko
AU  - Pecić, Nenad
AU  - Savatović, Siniša
AU  - Latinović, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents study of modal parameters identification of two turbine supporting structures of unit-A1 and unit-A2 in Power Plant Nikola Tesla – A in Obrenovac – Republic of Serbia, based on ambient vibration measurements. Vibration response measurements of structures were carried out in two measurement campaigns under ambient excitation, each time on unit which was out of operation. Modal frequencies and mode shapes were extracted using Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) technique according to recorded acceleration data. The performed numerical analysis established the dynamic characteristics of the analysed table-top foundation structure adequate to the experimentally determined ones.
C3  - Association of Sructural Engineering of Serbia - Symposium 2020
T1  - Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures
VL  - 511-518
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mišković, Zoran and Popović, Marko and Pecić, Nenad and Savatović, Siniša and Latinović, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The paper presents study of modal parameters identification of two turbine supporting structures of unit-A1 and unit-A2 in Power Plant Nikola Tesla – A in Obrenovac – Republic of Serbia, based on ambient vibration measurements. Vibration response measurements of structures were carried out in two measurement campaigns under ambient excitation, each time on unit which was out of operation. Modal frequencies and mode shapes were extracted using Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) technique according to recorded acceleration data. The performed numerical analysis established the dynamic characteristics of the analysed table-top foundation structure adequate to the experimentally determined ones.",
journal = "Association of Sructural Engineering of Serbia - Symposium 2020",
title = "Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures",
volume = "511-518",
url = ""
Mišković, Z., Popović, M., Pecić, N., Savatović, S.,& Latinović, M.. (2021). Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures. in Association of Sructural Engineering of Serbia - Symposium 2020, 511-518.
Mišković Z, Popović M, Pecić N, Savatović S, Latinović M. Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures. in Association of Sructural Engineering of Serbia - Symposium 2020. 2021;511-518. .
Mišković, Zoran, Popović, Marko, Pecić, Nenad, Savatović, Siniša, Latinović, Marina, "Analysis of modal properties of two nominaly identical turbine supporting structures" in Association of Sructural Engineering of Serbia - Symposium 2020, 511-518 (2021), .

Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije

Mišković, Zoran; Savatović, Siniša; Popović, Marko; Latinović, Marina


AU  - Mišković, Zoran
AU  - Savatović, Siniša
AU  - Popović, Marko
AU  - Latinović, Marina
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U radu je prikazano eksperimentalno određivanje prigušenja i frekventnih karakteristika modela čelične grede statičkog sistema grede sa dva prepusta. Izvršeno je merenje vertikalnih ubrzanja u tačkama u osi nosača sa odgovarajućom analizom registrovanih zapisa ubrzanja primenom Wavelet transformacije sa ciljem određivanja prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela grede.
C3  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije - Simpozijum 2020
T1  - Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije
VL  - 523-531
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mišković, Zoran and Savatović, Siniša and Popović, Marko and Latinović, Marina",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu je prikazano eksperimentalno određivanje prigušenja i frekventnih karakteristika modela čelične grede statičkog sistema grede sa dva prepusta. Izvršeno je merenje vertikalnih ubrzanja u tačkama u osi nosača sa odgovarajućom analizom registrovanih zapisa ubrzanja primenom Wavelet transformacije sa ciljem određivanja prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela grede.",
journal = "Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije - Simpozijum 2020",
title = "Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije",
volume = "523-531",
url = ""
Mišković, Z., Savatović, S., Popović, M.,& Latinović, M.. (2021). Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije. in Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije - Simpozijum 2020, 523-531.
Mišković Z, Savatović S, Popović M, Latinović M. Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije. in Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije - Simpozijum 2020. 2021;523-531. .
Mišković, Zoran, Savatović, Siniša, Popović, Marko, Latinović, Marina, "Određivanje prigušenja i modalnih karakteristika modela nodača primenom Wavelet transformacije" in Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije - Simpozijum 2020, 523-531 (2021), .

Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale

Đokić, Đorđe; Filipović, Aljoša; Fric, Nenad

(Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Đokić, Đorđe
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Fric, Nenad
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Rad prikazuje parametarsku analizu izvijanja uklještenih stubova industrijske hale uzimajući u 
obzir  i  postojanje  podužnog  krovnog  sprega.  Primenom  LBA  (Linear  Buckling  Analysis)  u 
prostornom  modelu  čelične  konstrukcije  određena  je  najpre  kritična  sila  izvijanja,  a  zatim  i 
koeficijent dužine izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale. Analizom je obuhvaćeno osam 
različitih dispozicionih rešenja industrijske hale u smislu položaja podužnog krovnog sprega i 
vertikalnog sprega u kalkanu. U okviru svakog dispozicionog rešenja varirana je dužina hale. 
Razmatran je slučaj kada se spregovi projektuju tako da njihova ispuna može da prihvati  pritisak 
i zatazanje, kao i slučaj kada spreg čini ispuna koja prihvata samo sile zatezanja. Prikazana je 
vrednost  koeficijenta  dužine  izvijanja  glavnih  stubova  industrijske  hale  u  funkciji  uticajnih 
AB  - This paper presents a parametric analysis of flexural buckling of cantilever columns of industrial 
hall with longitudinal roof bracing. Linear Buckling Analysis - LBA was performed in 3D hall 
model to determine critical buckling load and buckling coefficient of the main columns. The 
analysis included eight different industrial hall layouts in terms of longitudinal roof bracing and 
gable end bracing positions. Within each layout, the hall length was varied. Two cases of bracing 
structural behaviour were considered: bracing diagonals that can be loaded both in tension and 
compression and diagonals that can only be loaded in tension. Buckling coefficient values of the 
main columns of the industrial hall are presented in function of influencing parameters.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet
PB  - Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije
C3  - Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020
T1  - Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale
EP  - 396
SP  - 389
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đokić, Đorđe and Filipović, Aljoša and Fric, Nenad",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Rad prikazuje parametarsku analizu izvijanja uklještenih stubova industrijske hale uzimajući u 
obzir  i  postojanje  podužnog  krovnog  sprega.  Primenom  LBA  (Linear  Buckling  Analysis)  u 
prostornom  modelu  čelične  konstrukcije  određena  je  najpre  kritična  sila  izvijanja,  a  zatim  i 
koeficijent dužine izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale. Analizom je obuhvaćeno osam 
različitih dispozicionih rešenja industrijske hale u smislu položaja podužnog krovnog sprega i 
vertikalnog sprega u kalkanu. U okviru svakog dispozicionog rešenja varirana je dužina hale. 
Razmatran je slučaj kada se spregovi projektuju tako da njihova ispuna može da prihvati  pritisak 
i zatazanje, kao i slučaj kada spreg čini ispuna koja prihvata samo sile zatezanja. Prikazana je 
vrednost  koeficijenta  dužine  izvijanja  glavnih  stubova  industrijske  hale  u  funkciji  uticajnih 
parametara., This paper presents a parametric analysis of flexural buckling of cantilever columns of industrial 
hall with longitudinal roof bracing. Linear Buckling Analysis - LBA was performed in 3D hall 
model to determine critical buckling load and buckling coefficient of the main columns. The 
analysis included eight different industrial hall layouts in terms of longitudinal roof bracing and 
gable end bracing positions. Within each layout, the hall length was varied. Two cases of bracing 
structural behaviour were considered: bracing diagonals that can be loaded both in tension and 
compression and diagonals that can only be loaded in tension. Buckling coefficient values of the 
main columns of the industrial hall are presented in function of influencing parameters.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet, Društvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020",
title = "Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale",
pages = "396-389",
url = ""
Đokić, Đ., Filipović, A.,& Fric, N.. (2021). Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale. in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020
Univerzitet u Beogradu Građevinski fakultet., 389-396.
Đokić Đ, Filipović A, Fric N. Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale. in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020. 2021;:389-396. .
Đokić, Đorđe, Filipović, Aljoša, Fric, Nenad, "Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale" in Zbornik radova sa Nacionalnog simpozijuma DGKS  / Društvо  građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, Simpozijum 2020 (2021):389-396, .

Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels

Marjanović, Miroslav; Meschke, Günther; Damnjanović, Emilija

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Meschke, Günther
AU  - Damnjanović, Emilija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - In the paper, the main steps involved in the development of an object-oriented computational framework for the 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates are presented. The mathematical formulation for layered finite elements is based on Reddy’s plate theory for laminated composites. The analysis model has been implemented into Matlab, and the pre- and post-processing phases are performed using GiD. The proposed solver is characterized by a fast assembly procedure of sparse matrices using matrix vectorization, and a novel algorithm for the evaluation of interlaminar stresses satisfying continuity at layer interfaces. The performance, efficiency and accuracy of the computational framework are demonstrated through a number of validation examples by comparing the obtained results against the exact solution. Results from both static and dynamic analyses of multilayer panels are shown.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Composite Structures
T1  - Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels
SP  - 112859
VL  - 255
DO  - 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112859
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović, Miroslav and Meschke, Günther and Damnjanović, Emilija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In the paper, the main steps involved in the development of an object-oriented computational framework for the 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates are presented. The mathematical formulation for layered finite elements is based on Reddy’s plate theory for laminated composites. The analysis model has been implemented into Matlab, and the pre- and post-processing phases are performed using GiD. The proposed solver is characterized by a fast assembly procedure of sparse matrices using matrix vectorization, and a novel algorithm for the evaluation of interlaminar stresses satisfying continuity at layer interfaces. The performance, efficiency and accuracy of the computational framework are demonstrated through a number of validation examples by comparing the obtained results against the exact solution. Results from both static and dynamic analyses of multilayer panels are shown.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Composite Structures",
title = "Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels",
pages = "112859",
volume = "255",
doi = "10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112859"
Marjanović, M., Meschke, G.,& Damnjanović, E.. (2021). Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels. in Composite Structures
Elsevier., 255, 112859.
Marjanović M, Meschke G, Damnjanović E. Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels. in Composite Structures. 2021;255:112859.
doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112859 .
Marjanović, Miroslav, Meschke, Günther, Damnjanović, Emilija, "Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels" in Composite Structures, 255 (2021):112859, . .

The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction

Radević, Aleksandar; Isailović, Ivan; Wistuba, Michael; Zakić, Dimitrije; Orešković, Marko; Mladenović, Goran

(MDPI, 2020)

AU  - Radević, Aleksandar
AU  - Isailović, Ivan
AU  - Wistuba, Michael
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
AU  - Orešković, Marko
AU  - Mladenović, Goran
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The need for road (re)construction materials is constantly growing. At the same time, there
is a limited quantity of new, high-quality materials available and a buildup of secondary/recycled
construction materials. One possible solution may be the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in asphalt mixtures instead of natural aggregate (NA), which also promotes economic and environmental sustainability. The potential use of fine and coarse RCA in road asphalt mixtures is analyzed in this work. Nine asphalt mixtures were tested for base course layers, where RCA was used as a NA substitute. The impact of the quantity of RCA (up to 45% by mass) on the resulting physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures was investigated, and consequently compared with the properties of a reference control mixture produced with NA only. Results reveal that the addition of RCA requires higher bitumen in comparison to the control mixture (up to 1%). Consequently, mixtures with RCA had 15-20% lower stiffness and up to 26% higher critical fatigue strain value (E6). Although RCA mixtures contained more bitumen, their low-temperature resistance was slightly inferior compared with the control mixture (failure temperatures were up to 4.3 C higher). In conclusion, asphalt mixtures with up to 45% RCA can be used without substantially reducing performance.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.3390/su12103949
ER  - 
author = "Radević, Aleksandar and Isailović, Ivan and Wistuba, Michael and Zakić, Dimitrije and Orešković, Marko and Mladenović, Goran",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The need for road (re)construction materials is constantly growing. At the same time, there
is a limited quantity of new, high-quality materials available and a buildup of secondary/recycled
construction materials. One possible solution may be the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in asphalt mixtures instead of natural aggregate (NA), which also promotes economic and environmental sustainability. The potential use of fine and coarse RCA in road asphalt mixtures is analyzed in this work. Nine asphalt mixtures were tested for base course layers, where RCA was used as a NA substitute. The impact of the quantity of RCA (up to 45% by mass) on the resulting physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures was investigated, and consequently compared with the properties of a reference control mixture produced with NA only. Results reveal that the addition of RCA requires higher bitumen in comparison to the control mixture (up to 1%). Consequently, mixtures with RCA had 15-20% lower stiffness and up to 26% higher critical fatigue strain value (E6). Although RCA mixtures contained more bitumen, their low-temperature resistance was slightly inferior compared with the control mixture (failure temperatures were up to 4.3 C higher). In conclusion, asphalt mixtures with up to 45% RCA can be used without substantially reducing performance.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.3390/su12103949"
Radević, A., Isailović, I., Wistuba, M., Zakić, D., Orešković, M.,& Mladenović, G.. (2020). The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction. in Sustainability
MDPI., 12.
Radević A, Isailović I, Wistuba M, Zakić D, Orešković M, Mladenović G. The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction. in Sustainability. 2020;12.
doi:10.3390/su12103949 .
Radević, Aleksandar, Isailović, Ivan, Wistuba, Michael, Zakić, Dimitrije, Orešković, Marko, Mladenović, Goran, "The Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on the Stiffness, Fatigue, and Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures for Road Construction" in Sustainability, 12 (2020), . .

The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties

Carević, Vedran; Dragaš, Jelena; Radević, Aleksandar; Jevtić, Dragica; Zakić, Dimitrije

(University of Banja Luka, 2020)

AU  - Carević, Vedran
AU  - Dragaš, Jelena
AU  - Radević, Aleksandar
AU  - Jevtić, Dragica
AU  - Zakić, Dimitrije
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This research was conducted in order to evaluate the influence of different curing conditions on rheological and mechanical properties of high volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC) in comparison with the ordinary Portland cement concrete (OPC). Four types of concrete were made: two HVFAC and two OPC designed to have the same consistency and 28-day compressive strength for samples cured in water. Also, three different curing regimes were chosen: standard water curing (W), standard laboratory air curing (L) and curing in standard laboratory conditions using curing compound based on the polyolefin emulsion (C). The main objectives were to evaluate the influence of these curing regimes on the compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, modulus of elasticity development over time, water permeability of concrete and concrete shrinkage. The use of curing compound improved previously mentioned properties in some extent compared with the samples cured in standard air conditions.
PB  - University of Banja Luka
C3  - Proceedings of international conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction XIV
T1  - The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties
EP  - 31
SP  - 20
DO  - 10.7251/STP2014020C
ER  - 
author = "Carević, Vedran and Dragaš, Jelena and Radević, Aleksandar and Jevtić, Dragica and Zakić, Dimitrije",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This research was conducted in order to evaluate the influence of different curing conditions on rheological and mechanical properties of high volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC) in comparison with the ordinary Portland cement concrete (OPC). Four types of concrete were made: two HVFAC and two OPC designed to have the same consistency and 28-day compressive strength for samples cured in water. Also, three different curing regimes were chosen: standard water curing (W), standard laboratory air curing (L) and curing in standard laboratory conditions using curing compound based on the polyolefin emulsion (C). The main objectives were to evaluate the influence of these curing regimes on the compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, modulus of elasticity development over time, water permeability of concrete and concrete shrinkage. The use of curing compound improved previously mentioned properties in some extent compared with the samples cured in standard air conditions.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka",
journal = "Proceedings of international conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction XIV",
title = "The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties",
pages = "31-20",
doi = "10.7251/STP2014020C"
Carević, V., Dragaš, J., Radević, A., Jevtić, D.,& Zakić, D.. (2020). The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties. in Proceedings of international conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction XIV
University of Banja Luka., 20-31.
Carević V, Dragaš J, Radević A, Jevtić D, Zakić D. The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties. in Proceedings of international conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction XIV. 2020;:20-31.
doi:10.7251/STP2014020C .
Carević, Vedran, Dragaš, Jelena, Radević, Aleksandar, Jevtić, Dragica, Zakić, Dimitrije, "The influence of different curing conditions on hvfac rheological and mechanical properties" in Proceedings of international conference on contemporary theory and practice in construction XIV (2020):20-31, . .

Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Ivanović, Jovana; Rossi, Barbara


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Ivanović, Jovana
AU  - Rossi, Barbara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In  this  paper,  the  structural  stability  of  cold-formed  stainless  steel  plain  channel  columns  under  axial compression is investigated. Reliable finite element models for channel section columns are first developed and validated  against  experiments  conducted  on  stainless  steel  lipped  channel  specimens.  This  is  followed  by  a parametric  study  in  which  columns  made  of  austenitic,  ferritic  and  duplex  stainless  steel  are  assessed.  The considered cross-section classes and column lengths cover the entire range of global slenderness. The effects of 
material and geometrical nonlinearity are considered in the numerical analysis. The numerically generated data are then employed to evaluate the accuracy of the current European and Australian design codes EN 1993-1-4 and AS/NZS  4673  respectively, for predicting the flexural and flexural-torsional column buckling resistance. The results show a necessity to improve the current buckling curve used to predict the flexural buckling resistance of plain channel section columns, currently adopted in EN 1993-1-4, whose use may lead to unsafe predictions, especially for the austenitic grade.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns
VL  - 148
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Ivanović, Jovana and Rossi, Barbara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In  this  paper,  the  structural  stability  of  cold-formed  stainless  steel  plain  channel  columns  under  axial compression is investigated. Reliable finite element models for channel section columns are first developed and validated  against  experiments  conducted  on  stainless  steel  lipped  channel  specimens.  This  is  followed  by  a parametric  study  in  which  columns  made  of  austenitic,  ferritic  and  duplex  stainless  steel  are  assessed.  The considered cross-section classes and column lengths cover the entire range of global slenderness. The effects of 
material and geometrical nonlinearity are considered in the numerical analysis. The numerically generated data are then employed to evaluate the accuracy of the current European and Australian design codes EN 1993-1-4 and AS/NZS  4673  respectively, for predicting the flexural and flexural-torsional column buckling resistance. The results show a necessity to improve the current buckling curve used to predict the flexural buckling resistance of plain channel section columns, currently adopted in EN 1993-1-4, whose use may lead to unsafe predictions, especially for the austenitic grade.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns",
volume = "148",
doi = ""
Dobrić, J., Ivanović, J.,& Rossi, B.. (2020). Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns. in Thin-Walled Structures, 148.
Dobrić J, Ivanović J, Rossi B. Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2020;148.
doi: .
Dobrić, Jelena, Ivanović, Jovana, Rossi, Barbara, "Behaviour of stainless steel plain channel section columns" in Thin-Walled Structures, 148 (2020), . .

Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections

Dobrić, Jelena; Rossi, Barbara


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Rossi, Barbara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The strength of thin-walled stainless steel columns has been investigated extensively over the last few years. The present paper presents the results of an extensive computational study of the buckling strength of lipped–channel section columns made of austenitic, duplex, and ferritic grades. The numerically computed strengths together with the available experimental data collected in the literature are compared to the current European and Australian/New Zealand standard (AS/NZS) codified predictions over the whole slenderness range. Minor and major axis buckling as well as flexural-torsional buckling are considered. A reliability assessment in the sense of both standards is then performed. The safety factor γm and resistance factor ϕc are computed per family of stainless steel. In conclusion, we advise the use of different European buckling column curves rather than the one currently adopted in the code and to make a distinction between the families of stainless steel. Besides, seeing the very good agreement found against the AS/NZS guidance, we propose that the factor η, currently being a linear expression in the European standard, be replaced by the AS/NZS expression with the proposed parameters for each stainless steel family.
T2  - Journal  of  Structural  Engineering
T1  - Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections
VL  - 146
DO  - 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002708
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Rossi, Barbara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The strength of thin-walled stainless steel columns has been investigated extensively over the last few years. The present paper presents the results of an extensive computational study of the buckling strength of lipped–channel section columns made of austenitic, duplex, and ferritic grades. The numerically computed strengths together with the available experimental data collected in the literature are compared to the current European and Australian/New Zealand standard (AS/NZS) codified predictions over the whole slenderness range. Minor and major axis buckling as well as flexural-torsional buckling are considered. A reliability assessment in the sense of both standards is then performed. The safety factor γm and resistance factor ϕc are computed per family of stainless steel. In conclusion, we advise the use of different European buckling column curves rather than the one currently adopted in the code and to make a distinction between the families of stainless steel. Besides, seeing the very good agreement found against the AS/NZS guidance, we propose that the factor η, currently being a linear expression in the European standard, be replaced by the AS/NZS expression with the proposed parameters for each stainless steel family.",
journal = "Journal  of  Structural  Engineering",
title = "Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections",
volume = "146",
doi = "10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002708"
Dobrić, J.,& Rossi, B.. (2020). Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections. in Journal  of  Structural  Engineering, 146.
Dobrić J, Rossi B. Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections. in Journal  of  Structural  Engineering. 2020;146.
doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002708 .
Dobrić, Jelena, Rossi, Barbara, "Column Curves for Stainless Steel Lipped–Channel Sections" in Journal  of  Structural  Engineering, 146 (2020), . .

Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Filipović, Aljoša; Marković, Zlatko; Baddoo, Nancy


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the structural stability and compressive capacity of pin-ended cold-formed stainless steel angle columns with different slenderness were experimentally investigated. The experimental programme was performed on press-braked lean duplex stainless steel equal-leg angle sections with nominal dimensions of 80 × 80 × 4 mm, and involved material testing, initial imperfection measurements and 11 column tests. The test setup and procedure, together with the key experimental results, axial load vs. lateral deflections, axial load vs. torsional rotations and characterised failure modes, were fully reported and analysed. The experimental observations reveal that the failure mode type, including local/torsional, flexural-torsional and flexural effects, is highly dependent on the column's slenderness and initial imperfections. The measured compressive strengths were compared with the resistance predictions determined according to European and Australia/New Zealand codified design procedures. It was found that experimentally obtained ultimate capacities are significantly higher than those calculated according to the specifications. However, the database of test results is still quite limited, and a further research is needed to amplify the data needed to enable a more precise assessment of the codified procedures.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns
VL  - 156
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Filipović, Aljoša and Marković, Zlatko and Baddoo, Nancy",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In this paper, the structural stability and compressive capacity of pin-ended cold-formed stainless steel angle columns with different slenderness were experimentally investigated. The experimental programme was performed on press-braked lean duplex stainless steel equal-leg angle sections with nominal dimensions of 80 × 80 × 4 mm, and involved material testing, initial imperfection measurements and 11 column tests. The test setup and procedure, together with the key experimental results, axial load vs. lateral deflections, axial load vs. torsional rotations and characterised failure modes, were fully reported and analysed. The experimental observations reveal that the failure mode type, including local/torsional, flexural-torsional and flexural effects, is highly dependent on the column's slenderness and initial imperfections. The measured compressive strengths were compared with the resistance predictions determined according to European and Australia/New Zealand codified design procedures. It was found that experimentally obtained ultimate capacities are significantly higher than those calculated according to the specifications. However, the database of test results is still quite limited, and a further research is needed to amplify the data needed to enable a more precise assessment of the codified procedures.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns",
volume = "156",
doi = ""
Dobrić, J., Filipović, A., Marković, Z.,& Baddoo, N.. (2020). Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures, 156.
Dobrić J, Filipović A, Marković Z, Baddoo N. Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2020;156.
doi: .
Dobrić, Jelena, Filipović, Aljoša, Marković, Zlatko, Baddoo, Nancy, "Structural response to axial testing of cold-formed stainless steel angle columns" in Thin-Walled Structures, 156 (2020), . .

Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns

Dobrić, Jelena; Filipović, Aljoša; Baddoo, Nancy; Marković, Zlatko; Buđevac, Dragan


AU  - Dobrić, Jelena
AU  - Filipović, Aljoša
AU  - Baddoo, Nancy
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Buđevac, Dragan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Currently, there is still no explicit design approach for cold-formed stainless steel columns with equal-leg angle sections in Europe. A comprehensive numerical investigation, validated by the available experiments collected in the literature, has therefore been undertaken to provide benchmark data for the assessment of design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel angle columns currently adopted in European and Australian codes. Minor-axis flexural buckling, as well as flexural-torsional buckling have been considered. In total, 27 different cross-section sizes covering both slender and non-slender sections, and a wide range of column slenderness values have been examined including austenitic, duplex and ferritic grades. On the basis of the experimental and numerical results, new design recommendations for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns have been made per family of stainless steel. The suitability of the proposals was confirmed by means of a reliability analysis.
T2  - Thin-Walled Structures
T1  - Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns
DO  -
ER  - 
author = "Dobrić, Jelena and Filipović, Aljoša and Baddoo, Nancy and Marković, Zlatko and Buđevac, Dragan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Currently, there is still no explicit design approach for cold-formed stainless steel columns with equal-leg angle sections in Europe. A comprehensive numerical investigation, validated by the available experiments collected in the literature, has therefore been undertaken to provide benchmark data for the assessment of design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel angle columns currently adopted in European and Australian codes. Minor-axis flexural buckling, as well as flexural-torsional buckling have been considered. In total, 27 different cross-section sizes covering both slender and non-slender sections, and a wide range of column slenderness values have been examined including austenitic, duplex and ferritic grades. On the basis of the experimental and numerical results, new design recommendations for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns have been made per family of stainless steel. The suitability of the proposals was confirmed by means of a reliability analysis.",
journal = "Thin-Walled Structures",
title = "Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns",
doi = ""
Dobrić, J., Filipović, A., Baddoo, N., Marković, Z.,& Buđevac, D.. (2020). Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures.
Dobrić J, Filipović A, Baddoo N, Marković Z, Buđevac D. Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns. in Thin-Walled Structures. 2020;.
doi: .
Dobrić, Jelena, Filipović, Aljoša, Baddoo, Nancy, Marković, Zlatko, Buđevac, Dragan, "Design procedures for cold-formed stainless steel equal-leg angle columns" in Thin-Walled Structures (2020), . .

Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije

Mitrović, Stefan; Mladenovic, Goran; Hajdin, Rade; Mašović, Snežana

(Srpsko društvo za puteve, 2020)

AU  - Mitrović, Stefan
AU  - Mladenovic, Goran
AU  - Hajdin, Rade
AU  - Mašović, Snežana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U radu je dat prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. Razmatrane su dozvole za vanredni prevoz koje izdaje javno preduzeće Putevi Srbije za dva reprezentativna meseca april i septembar u 2019. godini. Analizirani su sledeći podaci: dimenzije vozila, broj osovina, ukupna masa vozila, kao i preopterećenje po osovinama. U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak pregled dosadašnje analize vanrednog prevoza u Evropi i svetu tokom prethodnih 20 godina. kao i tendencije i očekivanja u narednom periodu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja statističku obradu i analizu podataka iz razmatranih dozvola za vanredni prevoz na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na kraju su dati diskusija i zaključci na osnovu urađene analize podataka iz dozvola.
PB  - Srpsko društvo za puteve
T2  - Put i saobraćaj
T1  - Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije
EP  - 48
IS  - 3
SP  - 41
VL  - 66
DO  - 10.31075/PIS.66.03.06
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Stefan and Mladenovic, Goran and Hajdin, Rade and Mašović, Snežana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu je dat prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. Razmatrane su dozvole za vanredni prevoz koje izdaje javno preduzeće Putevi Srbije za dva reprezentativna meseca april i septembar u 2019. godini. Analizirani su sledeći podaci: dimenzije vozila, broj osovina, ukupna masa vozila, kao i preopterećenje po osovinama. U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak pregled dosadašnje analize vanrednog prevoza u Evropi i svetu tokom prethodnih 20 godina. kao i tendencije i očekivanja u narednom periodu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja statističku obradu i analizu podataka iz razmatranih dozvola za vanredni prevoz na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na kraju su dati diskusija i zaključci na osnovu urađene analize podataka iz dozvola.",
publisher = "Srpsko društvo za puteve",
journal = "Put i saobraćaj",
title = "Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije",
pages = "48-41",
number = "3",
volume = "66",
doi = "10.31075/PIS.66.03.06"
Mitrović, S., Mladenovic, G., Hajdin, R.,& Mašović, S.. (2020). Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. in Put i saobraćaj
Srpsko društvo za puteve., 66(3), 41-48.
Mitrović S, Mladenovic G, Hajdin R, Mašović S. Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. in Put i saobraćaj. 2020;66(3):41-48.
doi:10.31075/PIS.66.03.06 .
Mitrović, Stefan, Mladenovic, Goran, Hajdin, Rade, Mašović, Snežana, "Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije" in Put i saobraćaj, 66, no. 3 (2020):41-48, . .

A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint

Mijatović, Ognjen; Mišković, Zoran; Salatić, Ratko; Rastislav, Mandić; Golubović-Bugarski, Valentina


AU  - Mijatović, Ognjen
AU  - Mišković, Zoran
AU  - Salatić, Ratko
AU  - Rastislav, Mandić
AU  - Golubović-Bugarski, Valentina
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper is to discuss numerical analysis and verification of experimentally tested bolted and weld splice connections in the commercial Abaqus software. The first step in verifying a numerical model with an experimental one is to compare the modal frequencies. The problems that arise when modeling multiple bodies in a contact interaction, such as in the case of bolted splice connection joint, arise from the behavior of the contact itself [2] and [1]. In order for the numerical model to be stable and without calculations convergence issue, it is necessary to: define an adequate type and size of finite elements, determine the master and slave surfaces, and properly define the constraints and connections of the separate parts of the bolted welded connection structure. Tests with a modal hammer were performed in order to find the oscillation tones of the cantilever beam under consideration, which would be compared with the numerical model. Based on a comparison of numerical and experimental results, it is discussed whether the experimental beam is adequately designed and constructed and the effects of the support and splice connections on the frequencies are considered.
T1  - A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint
EP  - 148
SP  - 141
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mijatović, Ognjen and Mišković, Zoran and Salatić, Ratko and Rastislav, Mandić and Golubović-Bugarski, Valentina",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The aim of this paper is to discuss numerical analysis and verification of experimentally tested bolted and weld splice connections in the commercial Abaqus software. The first step in verifying a numerical model with an experimental one is to compare the modal frequencies. The problems that arise when modeling multiple bodies in a contact interaction, such as in the case of bolted splice connection joint, arise from the behavior of the contact itself [2] and [1]. In order for the numerical model to be stable and without calculations convergence issue, it is necessary to: define an adequate type and size of finite elements, determine the master and slave surfaces, and properly define the constraints and connections of the separate parts of the bolted welded connection structure. Tests with a modal hammer were performed in order to find the oscillation tones of the cantilever beam under consideration, which would be compared with the numerical model. Based on a comparison of numerical and experimental results, it is discussed whether the experimental beam is adequately designed and constructed and the effects of the support and splice connections on the frequencies are considered.",
title = "A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint",
pages = "148-141",
url = ""
Mijatović, O., Mišković, Z., Salatić, R., Rastislav, M.,& Golubović-Bugarski, V.. (2020). A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint. in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro, 141-148.
Mijatović O, Mišković Z, Salatić R, Rastislav M, Golubović-Bugarski V. A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint. in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro. 2020;:141-148. .
Mijatović, Ognjen, Mišković, Zoran, Salatić, Ratko, Rastislav, Mandić, Golubović-Bugarski, Valentina, "A numerical verification of IPE-80 steel cantilever beam with bolted and welded splice connection joint" in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro (2020):141-148, .

Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka

Latinović, Marina; Mišković, Zoran; Popović, Marko

(University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2020)

AU  - Latinović, Marina
AU  - Mišković, Zoran
AU  - Popović, Marko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents a dynamic behavior analysis of an old cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka. Identification of modal parameters, of this prone to vibrations footbridge structure, was performed using Operational Modal Analysis with Frequency Domain Decomposition method. Experimental test setups and obtained results, compared to the numerical values obtained by FE model updating, are shown. Modal Assurance Criterion was used for the confirmation of the uniqueness of experimentally obtained mode shapes, and also for the comparison of FE model mode shapes to the experimentally obtained ones, in the locations of measurement.
PB  - University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
C3  - International conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV
T1  - Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka
EP  - 399
SP  - 388
DO  - 10.7251/STP2014388L
ER  - 
author = "Latinović, Marina and Mišković, Zoran and Popović, Marko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This paper presents a dynamic behavior analysis of an old cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka. Identification of modal parameters, of this prone to vibrations footbridge structure, was performed using Operational Modal Analysis with Frequency Domain Decomposition method. Experimental test setups and obtained results, compared to the numerical values obtained by FE model updating, are shown. Modal Assurance Criterion was used for the confirmation of the uniqueness of experimentally obtained mode shapes, and also for the comparison of FE model mode shapes to the experimentally obtained ones, in the locations of measurement.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy",
journal = "International conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV",
title = "Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka",
pages = "399-388",
doi = "10.7251/STP2014388L"
Latinović, M., Mišković, Z.,& Popović, M.. (2020). Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka. in International conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV
University of Banja Luka Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy., 388-399.
Latinović M, Mišković Z, Popović M. Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka. in International conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV. 2020;:388-399.
doi:10.7251/STP2014388L .
Latinović, Marina, Mišković, Zoran, Popović, Marko, "Dynamic behavior of a cable-stayed footbridge over river Vrbas in Banja Luka" in International conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV (2020):388-399, . .

Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements

Mišković, Zoran; Latinović, Marina; Popović, Marko; Savatović, Siniša


AU  - Mišković, Zoran
AU  - Latinović, Marina
AU  - Popović, Marko
AU  - Savatović, Siniša
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents study of dynamic properties estimation based on ambient vibration measurements of the old suspension footbridge over the river Vrbas in Banja Luka (in Šeher sub-area), Serbian Republic in Bosnia. Prone to uncomfortable vibrations under pedestrian excitation, so-called lively footbridge, was tested and few first modes of vibrations were identified by Frequency Domain Decomposition method. Measurement technique and layout of ambient vibration are presented. Analysis of estimated of modal parameters, modal frequencies and mode shapes, of the footbridge under everyday pedestrian traffic was carried out as a part of dynamic response analysis.
T1  - Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mišković, Zoran and Latinović, Marina and Popović, Marko and Savatović, Siniša",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The paper presents study of dynamic properties estimation based on ambient vibration measurements of the old suspension footbridge over the river Vrbas in Banja Luka (in Šeher sub-area), Serbian Republic in Bosnia. Prone to uncomfortable vibrations under pedestrian excitation, so-called lively footbridge, was tested and few first modes of vibrations were identified by Frequency Domain Decomposition method. Measurement technique and layout of ambient vibration are presented. Analysis of estimated of modal parameters, modal frequencies and mode shapes, of the footbridge under everyday pedestrian traffic was carried out as a part of dynamic response analysis.",
title = "Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements",
url = ""
Mišković, Z., Latinović, M., Popović, M.,& Savatović, S.. (2020). Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements. in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro.
Mišković Z, Latinović M, Popović M, Savatović S. Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements. in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro. 2020;. .
Mišković, Zoran, Latinović, Marina, Popović, Marko, Savatović, Siniša, "Modal properties of the old suspension footbridge based on ambient vibration measurements" in THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CIVIL ENGINEERING - SCIENCE AND PRACTICE" GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro (2020), .

Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load

Milićević, Ivan; Milosavljević, Branko; Pavlovic, Marko; Spremic, Milan

(Techno Press, 2020)

AU  - Milićević, Ivan
AU  - Milosavljević, Branko
AU  - Pavlovic, Marko
AU  - Spremic, Milan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Contemporary design and construction of steel-concrete composite structures employs the use of prefabricated concrete elements and demountable shear connectors in order to reduce the construction time and costs and enable dismantling of elements for their potential reuse at the end of life of buildings. Bolted shear connector with mechanical coupler is presented in this paper. The connector is assembled from mechanical coupler and rebar anchor, embedded in concrete, and steel bolt, used for connecting steel to concrete members. The behaviour and ultimate resistance of bolted connector with mechanical coupler in wide and narrow members were analysed based on push-out tests and FE analyses conducted in Abaqus software, with focus on concrete edge breakout and bolt shear failure modes. The effect of concrete strength, concrete edge distance and diameter and strength of bolts on failure modes and shear resistance was analysed. It was demonstrated that premature failure by breakout of concrete edge occurs when connectors are located 100 mm or closer from the edge in low-strength and normal-strength reinforced concrete. Furthermore, the paper presents a relatively simple model for hand calculation of concrete edge breakout resistance when bolted connectors with mechanical coupler are used. The model is based on the modification of prediction model used for cast-in and post-installed anchors loaded parallel to the edge, by implementing equivalent influence length of connector with variable diameter. Good agreement with test and FE results was obtained, thus confirming the validity of the proposed method.
PB  - Techno Press
T2  - Steel and Composite Structures
T1  - Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load
EP  - 337
IS  - 3
SP  - 321
VL  - 36
DO  - 10.12989/scs.2020.36.3.321
ER  - 
author = "Milićević, Ivan and Milosavljević, Branko and Pavlovic, Marko and Spremic, Milan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Contemporary design and construction of steel-concrete composite structures employs the use of prefabricated concrete elements and demountable shear connectors in order to reduce the construction time and costs and enable dismantling of elements for their potential reuse at the end of life of buildings. Bolted shear connector with mechanical coupler is presented in this paper. The connector is assembled from mechanical coupler and rebar anchor, embedded in concrete, and steel bolt, used for connecting steel to concrete members. The behaviour and ultimate resistance of bolted connector with mechanical coupler in wide and narrow members were analysed based on push-out tests and FE analyses conducted in Abaqus software, with focus on concrete edge breakout and bolt shear failure modes. The effect of concrete strength, concrete edge distance and diameter and strength of bolts on failure modes and shear resistance was analysed. It was demonstrated that premature failure by breakout of concrete edge occurs when connectors are located 100 mm or closer from the edge in low-strength and normal-strength reinforced concrete. Furthermore, the paper presents a relatively simple model for hand calculation of concrete edge breakout resistance when bolted connectors with mechanical coupler are used. The model is based on the modification of prediction model used for cast-in and post-installed anchors loaded parallel to the edge, by implementing equivalent influence length of connector with variable diameter. Good agreement with test and FE results was obtained, thus confirming the validity of the proposed method.",
publisher = "Techno Press",
journal = "Steel and Composite Structures",
title = "Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load",
pages = "337-321",
number = "3",
volume = "36",
doi = "10.12989/scs.2020.36.3.321"
Milićević, I., Milosavljević, B., Pavlovic, M.,& Spremic, M.. (2020). Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load. in Steel and Composite Structures
Techno Press., 36(3), 321-337.
Milićević I, Milosavljević B, Pavlovic M, Spremic M. Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load. in Steel and Composite Structures. 2020;36(3):321-337.
doi:10.12989/scs.2020.36.3.321 .
Milićević, Ivan, Milosavljević, Branko, Pavlovic, Marko, Spremic, Milan, "Bolted connectors with mechanical coupler embedded in concrete: Shear resistance under static load" in Steel and Composite Structures, 36, no. 3 (2020):321-337, . .

Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions

Obradović, Nikola; Todorović, Marija; Marjanović, Miroslav; Damnjanović, Emilija

(University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2020)

AU  - Obradović, Nikola
AU  - Todorović, Marija
AU  - Marjanović, Miroslav
AU  - Damnjanović, Emilija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Invention of cross-laminated timber (CLT) was a big milestone for building with wood. Due to novelty of CLT and timber’s complex mechanical behavior, the existing design codes cover only rectangular CLT panels, simply supported along 2 parallel or all 4 edges, making numerical methods necessary in other cases. This paper presents a practical engineering tool for stress and deflection prediction of CLT panels with non-classical boundary conditions, based on the software for the computational analysis of laminar composites, previously developed by the authors. Diagrams applicable in engineering practice are developed for some common cases. The presented methodology could be a basis for more detailed design handbooks and guidelines for various layouts of CLT panels and different types of loadings.
AB  - Појава унакрсно-ламелираног дрвета (CLT) представља прекретницу у градњи дрветом. Како је CLT нов материјал са сложеним механичким понашањем, постојећи стандарди за прорачун покривају само слободно ослоњене правоугаоне панеле. Стога су нумеричке методе неопходне у осталим случајевима. У овом раду је представљен практичан инжењерски алат за прорачун напона и угиба CLT панела са нестандарним условима ослањања, базиран на (од стране аутора) раније развијеном програму за прорачун ламинатних композита. Дати су дијаграми за поједине случајеве који су примењиви у инжењерској пракси. Ова методологија може бити основа за детаљније смернице при прорачуну CLT панела различитих облика, услова ослањања и оптерећења.
PB  - University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
C3  - International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV
T1  - Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions
EP  - 62
SP  - 55
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Obradović, Nikola and Todorović, Marija and Marjanović, Miroslav and Damnjanović, Emilija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Invention of cross-laminated timber (CLT) was a big milestone for building with wood. Due to novelty of CLT and timber’s complex mechanical behavior, the existing design codes cover only rectangular CLT panels, simply supported along 2 parallel or all 4 edges, making numerical methods necessary in other cases. This paper presents a practical engineering tool for stress and deflection prediction of CLT panels with non-classical boundary conditions, based on the software for the computational analysis of laminar composites, previously developed by the authors. Diagrams applicable in engineering practice are developed for some common cases. The presented methodology could be a basis for more detailed design handbooks and guidelines for various layouts of CLT panels and different types of loadings., Појава унакрсно-ламелираног дрвета (CLT) представља прекретницу у градњи дрветом. Како је CLT нов материјал са сложеним механичким понашањем, постојећи стандарди за прорачун покривају само слободно ослоњене правоугаоне панеле. Стога су нумеричке методе неопходне у осталим случајевима. У овом раду је представљен практичан инжењерски алат за прорачун напона и угиба CLT панела са нестандарним условима ослањања, базиран на (од стране аутора) раније развијеном програму за прорачун ламинатних композита. Дати су дијаграми за поједине случајеве који су примењиви у инжењерској пракси. Ова методологија може бити основа за детаљније смернице при прорачуну CLT панела различитих облика, услова ослањања и оптерећења.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy",
journal = "International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV",
title = "Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions",
pages = "62-55",
url = ""
Obradović, N., Todorović, M., Marjanović, M.,& Damnjanović, E.. (2020). Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions. in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy., 55-62.
Obradović N, Todorović M, Marjanović M, Damnjanović E. Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions. in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV. 2020;:55-62. .
Obradović, Nikola, Todorović, Marija, Marjanović, Miroslav, Damnjanović, Emilija, "Diagrams for stress and deflection prediction in cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels with non-classical boundary conditions" in International Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice in Construction XIV (2020):55-62, .

Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis

Gluhović, Nina; Marković, Zlatko; Spremić, Milan; Pavlović, Marko

(Techno Press, 2020)

AU  - Gluhović, Nina
AU  - Marković, Zlatko
AU  - Spremić, Milan
AU  - Pavlović, Marko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Nowadays, in prefabricated composite construction, composite action between steel beam and concrete slab is often achieved with positioning of shear connectors in envisaged openings of concrete slabs. Prefabricated concrete slabs are used for composite steel-concrete buildings and bridges, both for the construction of new structures and for renovation of existing ones, significantly reducing construction time. Development of different types of shear connectors represent alternative solution to the traditionally used headed studs, considering their shear resistance, stiffness and ductility. New types of shear connectors tend to reduce the construction time and overall construction cost. Mechanically fastened shear connectors represent a viable alternative to headed studs, considering their fast installation process and shear resistance. X-HVB shear connectors are attached to the steel beam with two cartridge fired pins. The first step towards extensive implementation of X-HVB shear connectors in composite construction is to understand their behaviour through experimental investigation. Results of the push-out tests, in accordance to
Eurocode 4, with X-HVB 110 shear connectors positioned in envisaged openings of prefabricated concrete slabs are presented in this paper. The experimental investigation comprised three different specimen’s layout. Group arrangement of X-HVB shear connectors in envisaged openings included specimens with minimal recommended distances and specimens with reduced distances between connectors in both directions. Influence of different installation procedures on overall behaviour of the connection is presented, as well as the orientation of shear connectors relative to the shear force direction. Influence of variations is characterized in terms of failure mechanisms, shear resistance and ductility.
PB  - Techno Press
T2  - Steel and Composite Structures
T1  - Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis
VL  - 36
DO  - 10.12989/scs.2020.36.4.369
ER  - 
author = "Gluhović, Nina and Marković, Zlatko and Spremić, Milan and Pavlović, Marko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Nowadays, in prefabricated composite construction, composite action between steel beam and concrete slab is often achieved with positioning of shear connectors in envisaged openings of concrete slabs. Prefabricated concrete slabs are used for composite steel-concrete buildings and bridges, both for the construction of new structures and for renovation of existing ones, significantly reducing construction time. Development of different types of shear connectors represent alternative solution to the traditionally used headed studs, considering their shear resistance, stiffness and ductility. New types of shear connectors tend to reduce the construction time and overall construction cost. Mechanically fastened shear connectors represent a viable alternative to headed studs, considering their fast installation process and shear resistance. X-HVB shear connectors are attached to the steel beam with two cartridge fired pins. The first step towards extensive implementation of X-HVB shear connectors in composite construction is to understand their behaviour through experimental investigation. Results of the push-out tests, in accordance to
Eurocode 4, with X-HVB 110 shear connectors positioned in envisaged openings of prefabricated concrete slabs are presented in this paper. The experimental investigation comprised three different specimen’s layout. Group arrangement of X-HVB shear connectors in envisaged openings included specimens with minimal recommended distances and specimens with reduced distances between connectors in both directions. Influence of different installation procedures on overall behaviour of the connection is presented, as well as the orientation of shear connectors relative to the shear force direction. Influence of variations is characterized in terms of failure mechanisms, shear resistance and ductility.",
publisher = "Techno Press",
journal = "Steel and Composite Structures",
title = "Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis",
volume = "36",
doi = "10.12989/scs.2020.36.4.369"
Gluhović, N., Marković, Z., Spremić, M.,& Pavlović, M.. (2020). Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis. in Steel and Composite Structures
Techno Press., 36.
Gluhović N, Marković Z, Spremić M, Pavlović M. Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis. in Steel and Composite Structures. 2020;36.
doi:10.12989/scs.2020.36.4.369 .
Gluhović, Nina, Marković, Zlatko, Spremić, Milan, Pavlović, Marko, "Mechanically fastened shear connectors in prefabricated concrete slabs – experimental analysis" in Steel and Composite Structures, 36 (2020), . .