Now showing items 1804-1823 of 4220

      Kvalitativna analiza rizika sa mogućim uticajem na finansijsku, ekonomsku, društvenu i ekološku održivost projekta studija slučaja izgradnje autoputa E-80, Niš-Dimitrovgrad [1]
      Kvalitet geometrije koloseka [1]
      Kvalitet vode u akumulacijama (modeliranje, ocenjivanje, praćenje) [1]
      Kvantifikacija inženjerskogeoloških činilaca za izbor najpovoljnije trase saobraćajnice primenom GIS tehnologije [1]
      Kvantifikacija rizika u javno-privatnim partnerstvima za puteve sa naplatom putarine [1]
      Kvaziraspodele od interesa u obradi signala [1]
      L'Acquedotto Istriano - Piano generale dell'acquedotto e stato dei lavori al 24 maggio 1935-XIII [1]
      La figure de la terre, determinée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, de lʼAcadémie Royale des Sciences, & de M. lʼAbbé Outhier, Correspondant de la même Académie, Accompagnés de M. Celsius, Professeur dʼAstronomie à Upsal: faites par ordre du roi au Cercle Polaire [1]
      Laboratorijsko ispitivanje magnetnog polja ravnih elektromagnetnih senzora [1]
      Laboratorijsko određivanje merne neodređenosti ravnih EM senzora [1]
      Laboratory assessment of the flat electromagnetic meter’s magnetic field [1]
      Laboratory for development of open source geospatial technologies: Role in education and research [1]
      Laboratory investigation of hydraulic characteristics of fly ash as a fill material from the aspects of pollutant transport [1]
      Laminar composite materials damage monitoring by embedded optical fibers [1]
      Land use regimes of agricultural soils in mountainous areas of southwest Serbia [1]
      Land-use suitability analysis of Belgrade city suburbs using machine learning algorithm [1]
      Landslide assessment of the Starca basin (Croatia) using machine learning algorithms [1]
      Landslide events in Serbia in May 2014: An Overview [1]
      Landslide inventorying in the area of Belgrade, after heavy rainfall in May 2014 [1]
      Landslide stabilization in cut zone number 6 from km 28 + 478,00 to km 28 + 643,00 [1]