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dc.creatorStevanović, Boško D.
dc.description.abstractU okviru ove disertacije prikazana su teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja u oblasti spregnutih nosača od drveta i betona. Eksperimentalnim istraživanjima obuhvaćene su tri međusobno povezane grupe ispitivanja: - ispitivanje fizičkih i mehaničkih karakteristika materijala ugrađenih u spregnute nosače drvo-beton (drvo, beton, sredstva za sprezanje); - određivanje modula pomerljivosti između drveta i betona za različite tipove veza, odnosno sprezanja; - ispitiyanje spregnutih nosača drvo-beton izvedenih različitim tipovima mehaničkih spojnih sredstava. Cilj ispitivanja bio je praćenje ponašanja spregnutih nosača pri eksploatacionom i graničnom opterećenju, odnosno, utvrđivanje njihovog naponskog i deformacijskog stanja za različite faze opterećenja sve do loma. U tu svrhu ispitano je osam spregnutih nosača sistema proste grede, raspona 4,0 m, sa armiranobetonskom pločom (b/d=60/7 cm) i gredom od lepljenog lameliranog drveta (b/h= 10/20 cm). Međusobna veza betonske ploče i drvene grede ostvarena je mehaničkim spojnim sredstvima (ekserima E50/150 i zavrtnjima фЮ/150) sa četiri načina (tipa) veze drvo-beton. Ispitivanje je izvršeno u posebnom čeličnom ramu, opterećenje je nanošeno hidrauličkom presom, a deformacije su merene ugibomerima i memim trakama. Prikazano je i eksperimentalno određivanje modula pomerljivosti za primenjene tipove veza i dat predlog modela za njegovo ispitivanje. Pored eksperimentalnog istraživanja data je i analitička metoda proračuna po teoriji elastičnog sprezanja, kao i numerička analiza nosača primenom metode konačnih elemenata i poređenje dobijenih rezultata. Prikazan je pregled dosadašnjih teorijsko-eksperimentalnih istraživanja u oblasti sprezanja drveta i betona, kao i primena spregnutih nosača u konstrukcijama mostova, stambenih i drugih objekata. Rad rezultira preporukama za osavremenjavanje važeće tehničke regulative iz oblasti drvenih i spregnutih konstrukcija, a saglasno izrazitoj aktuelnosti i strucnoj opravdanosti tematike, prezentirani su i mogući pravci za dalji naučno-istraživački rad u ovoj
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation presents theoretical and experimental research of composite wood and concrete beams. Experimental study comprise three inter-related groups of investigation: - physical and mechanical characteristics of built-in materials in composite wood-concrete beams (wood, concrete, fasteners for composite action); - estimation of slip modulus between wood and concrete for different types of connectors in composite action; - experimental testing of composite wood-concrete beams with different types of connections. _ The goal of the study was the investigation of the behaviour of composite beams under service and ultimate load, with evaluation of stresses and deformations for different phases under the load up to the complete failure. Therefore, eight simple-supported composite beams, with the span of 4.0 m with reinforced concrete slab (b/d = 60/7 cm) and glulam beam (b/h = 10/20 cm) were tested. The composite action was achieved with mechanical fasteners (nails E50/150 and bolts ф10/150), with four different types of a wood-concrete connection. Testing was performed in a separate steel frame, loading was accomplished with a hydraulic press, while deformations were measured with dial-gauges and strain- gauges. Also, experimental evaluation of slip modulus was performed for all types of connections, resulting in a proposal of a model for its experimental determination. Beside the experimental results presented, analytical method for design according to the elastic theory is given, as well as numerical analysis of a composite beam with the use of Finite Element Analysis, together with the comparison of the results. Literature review covers up-to-date theoretical and experimental research studies-as-welbas applications of composite beams in bridges, residential and other structures. Research study results in recommendations for innovation of current standards for wooden and composite structures. In accordance with distinct relevance of the topic and huge potential for the structural application, possible avenues for further research studies for composite wood-concrete beams are given.en
dc.subjectcomposite beamsr
dc.subjectshear connectorssr
dc.subjectslip modulussr
dc.titlePonašanje spregnutih nosača tipa drvo-beton izvedenih mehaničkim spojnim sredstvima pri eksploatacionom i graničnom opterećenjusr

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