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Optimization of technology of concrete works on low and high temperatures

dc.creatorArizanović, Dragan B.
dc.description.abstractBrzi razvoj proizvodnih procesa u građevinarstvu vodi ka sve većoj industrijalizaciji ali se betonski radovi u najveéoj meri joS uvek izvode pod uticajem surovih klimatskih uticaja. Za betoniranje pod posebnim ambijentalnim uslovima izvođači radova koriste različite metode rada. Kako je izbor tehnologije strateška odluka do koje se mora doći u trenutku kada o klimatskom režimu posîoje samo procene a ne postoji ni jedinstven stav Izvodaca o prioritetnim zahlevima koje nova îehnologija mora zadovoljiti, to selekcija alternativnih metoda rada i njihovo rangiranje predstavljaju '/rio složen problem višekriterijumske optimizacije. lako između metoda za betoniranje u zimskim ili letnjim mes e cima postoje suštinske razlike nesumnjiv je i značajan stepen siičnosti pa je to dopustìlo isti metodoloski pristup problema. Polazeéi od potrebe da nam savremena tehnologija gadovoljava niz zahteva formiran je skup kriterija najrazličitijih priroda (tehničke, tehnološke, mehaničke, ekološke, sociološke) na koje je projektovan set metoda rada. Stepen zadovoljenja odredenih kriterija je meren primenom skala ocena a samim kriterijima su pod odredenim uslovima priđruženi ponderi koji odražavaju specifičnu i za ođiuku neophodnu stmkturu preference donosioca odluke. Osnova numeričkog postupka selekcije i rangiranja alternativnih metoda je metoda ELECTRE koja je modifikovana za potrebe grupnog odlučivanja a ostavljena je mogućnost selektivnog isključivanja kako kriterija tako i metoda da bi se testirao njihov uticaj na rang selektiranih metoda. Postupak je prilagoden formiranju savetodavnog sistema za donošenje odluka i dopuSta analizu kako za razne klimatske uslove tako i razne konstruktivne sisteme a otvoren je za uvođenje novih kriterija i formiranje preciznijih skala za ocenu tehnologija rada.sr
dc.description.abstractFast developement of construction industry processes led to the wider industrialization, but a greate part of concrete is still placing in situ under sewer climatic conditions, For concrete works under special ambientai circumstances (hot weather, cold weather) concrete technologist use a lot of different methods. Selection and ranking between alternative concreting methods is dificult multi criteri al optimization problem. There are substantial differences beetween the cold weather and hot weather concreting, but there is a significant degree of similarity to which allowed us to use the same methodological approach. Sets of different nature criterias (technical, technological, mechanical, ecologhical, sociological) where proposed on the base that nowadays technology has to satisfy various human needs. These sets and criterias where used on a set of concreting methods (alternatives). Degree to which different criterias where satisfied where measured by a set of scales and every criteron, under certain circumstances, got its own weight. Weighing system where constructed to corespond to decision-maker’s preferences. Framework for ranking was ELECTRE method that ware modified in accordance with need to satisfy group decision-making and to obtain possibility of eliminating certain criterias or methods, which provides a way of testing of their influence on ranking of selected methods. The proposed method of ranking is open for implementation of new criterias and more precise scales for technology performance’s measurement and valuation, and can be used in an expert system that could bring a more comfortable way of decision making.en
dc.subjectCold weather concretingsr
dc.subjectHot weather concretingsr
dc.subjectRelative humiditysr
dc.subjectCross sectional modulussr
dc.subjectMulticriterial optimizationsr
dc.titleOptimizacija tehnologije betonskih radova na niskim i visokim temperaturamasr
dc.titleOptimization of technology of concrete works on low and high temperaturesen



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