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Konačni element zasnovan na Opštoj laminatnoj teoriji ploča

dc.creatorVuksanović, Đorđe
dc.creatorĆetković, Marina
dc.description.abstractIn this paper a plate bending element based on Generalized layerwise plate theory (GLPT) is formulated. The finite element accounts for transverse shear deformationa and layer-wise description of in-plane displacement components and a constant transverse displacement through the thickness. Mathematical model allows indenpendent in-plane and through the thickness interpolations, thus requiring less numerical operations than conventional 3D elasticity model. Basic element equations are derived using displacement-based finite element formulation. Starting from assumed displacement field, shear stresses are computed by satisfying constitutive equations of laminae, traction free boundary conditions and 3D equilibrium equations of laminate. Deformation and stresses are analyzed in simply supported statically loaded plate. The obtained results had shown excellent agreement with closed form solution of GLPT.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu formulisan je konačni element zasnovan na opštoj laminatnoj teoriji ploča. Pomenutim modelom uzima se u obzir smičuća deformacija i realna raspodela komponenata pomeranja kao i konstantno pomeranje po debljini ploče. Matematički model dopušta nezavisnu interpolaciju polja pomeranja u ravni i po debljini ploče, što značajno smanuje računski obim posla u odnosu na uobičajeni 3D model teorije elastičnosti. Osnovne jednačine konačnog elementa formulisane su po metodi deformacije. Polazeći od pretpostavljenog polja pomeranja, polje smičućih napona sračunato je iz uslova da zadovolji konstitutivne jednačine lamine, granične uslove po naponima i 3D uslove ravnoteže laminata. Analizirano je stanje deformacija i naprezanja u slobodno oslonjenoj ploči pri statičkom opterećenju. Dobijena rešenja pokazala su izuzetno slaganje sa tačnim rešenjem opšte laminatne teorije ploča.sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Niš─Civil Engineering and Architectural Faculty of Nišsr
dc.relationContemporary problems of mechanics of deformable bodies/ IO 1749//RSsr
dc.sourceTheoretical and Experimental Research of Elasto─Plastic Behaviour of Engineering Structures─Monograph Dedicated to Professor Milić Milićevićsr
dc.subjectlaminated platessr
dc.subjectstatic analysissr
dc.subjectfinite elementsr
dc.subjectMATLAB programsr
dc.subjectlayerwise plate theorysr
dc.titleA Finite Element based on a Generalized Laminated Plate Theoryen
dc.titleKonačni element zasnovan na Opštoj laminatnoj teoriji pločasr



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