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The possibility of the application of copper slag in asphalt mixtures

dc.creatorĐorđević, Jelena
dc.creatorOrešković, Marko
dc.creatorMladenović, Goran
dc.description.abstractBrz industrijski razvoj tokom poslednjih decenija doveo je do stvaranja raznovrsnog industrijskog otpada koji nameće ozbiljne ekološke probleme. U više navrata su vršeni pokušaji da se poveća ponovna upotreba otpadnih i alternativnih materijala za izgradnju građevinskih objekata. Jedan od tih materijala je i bakarna zgura koja nastaje topljenjem i preradom rude bakra. Cilj ovog rada je istraživanje mogućnosti primene bakarne zgure iz RTB–a Bor u asfaltnim mešavinama za habajuće slojeve kolovoznih konstrukcija. U tu svrhu izvršeno je ispitivanje dve grupe asfaltnih mešavina AB11s sa različitim procentom sadržaja bakarne zgure, kao delimične zamene prirodnog agregata. Procentualno učešće bakarne zgure u mešavinama je 25% i 50% frakcija 2/4, 4/8 i 8/11,2 mm. Dobijeni rezultati su upoređivani sa kontrolnom mešavinom. Pored fizičko – mehaničkih karakteristika zgure (zapreminske mase, upijanja vode, drobljivosti materijala, prionljivosti zrna za bitumen, oblika zrna), predmet ovog istražvanja je projektovanje asfaltnih mešavina po metodi Maršala i ispitivanje otpornosti mešavina na dejstvo vode, krutosti mešavina i otpornosti na trajnu deformaciju. Rezultati ovih ispitivanja pokazuju da asfaltne mešavine sa zgurom imaju veću otpornost na dejstvo vode, ali i smanjenu otpornost na trajnu defromaciju, manju krutost na niskim frekvencijama (visokim temeraturama) i veću krutosti pri visokim frekvencijama (niskim temperaturama).sr
dc.description.abstractRapid industrial development over the last decades has led to the creation of a diversified industrial waste that poses serious environmental problems. On several occasions attempts have been made to increase the reuse of waste and alternative materials for the construction of civil engineering structures. One of these materials is the copper slag that is byproduct of melting and processing of copper ore. The objective of this paper is to investigate the possibility of using copper slag from RTB Bor in asphalt mixtures for wearing courses of pavement structures. For this purpose, the testing of two asphalt mixtures AB11s with different percentages of the content of copper slag, as a partial replacement of the natural aggregate, was carried out. The replacement percentage of copper slag was 25% and 50% of fractions 2/4, 4/8 and 8/11.2 mm. The obtained results were compared with the control mixture. In addition to the physico - mechanical characteristics of the slag (density, water absorption, toughness and abrasion characteristics, affinity between slag and bitumen, particle shape), the subject of this research is the design of asphalt mixtures according to the Marshall method and testing of the water resistance, stiffness and resistance to permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures with slag. The results of these tests show that asphalt mixtures with cooper slag have better water resistance, but lower resistance to permanent deformation, lower stiffness at low frequencies (high temperatures) and higher stiffness at high temperatures (low frequencies).en
dc.publisherSrpsko društvo za puteve VIA VITAsr
dc.publisherSerbian society for roads VIA VITAsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/36017/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37001/RS//
dc.sourcePut i saobraćajsr
dc.subjectbakarna šljakasr
dc.subjectasfaltne mešavinesr
dc.subjectotpornost na dejstvo vodesr
dc.subjectotpornost na trajnu deformacijusr
dc.subjectcooper slagsr
dc.subjectasphalt mixturessr
dc.subjectwater resistancesr
dc.subjectrutting resistancesr
dc.titleMogućnost primene bakarne zgure u asfaltnim mešavinamasr
dc.titleThe possibility of the application of copper slag in asphalt mixturesen
dc.rights.holderPut i saobraćajsr



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