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dc.creatorБосиочић, Станислава
dc.creatorБосиочић, Небојша
dc.creatorPetković, Dušan
dc.creatorКостић, Миодраг
dc.description.abstractSa razvojem raþunara i softvera za obradu rasterskih slika zemljine površi, danas sve više dobijaju na znaþaju postupci automatske klasifikacije zemljišnih oblika. U radu su uporeÿeni rezultati automatske i TPI klasifikacije zemljišnih oblika u GIS okruženju. Danas se automatska klasifikacija þesto koristi u analizi reljefnih formi podruþja od interesa. Metoda se bazira na digitalnom modelu terena (DMT) i geomorfološkim parametrima koji se mogu izvesti iz matematiþkog modela površi. U ovom radu opisana je metoda automatske klasifikacije zemljišnih oblika (unsuperevised landform classification) i puluautomatske klasifikacije zemljišnih oblika (superevised landform classification). Za primenu metode osim DMT u radu su korišüeni parametri: nagib zemljišta, planarna i profilna zakrivljenost i topografski pozicioni indeks (TPI) sa modelima susedstva. Rezultati su pokazali da se na podruþju od interesa nalaze razliþite morfografske kategorije reljefa. Rezultati klasifikacije raÿeni za test podruþje dela opštine Novi Pazar potvrÿuju da se automatske metode mogu koristiti u postupku klasifikacije reljefa.sr
dc.description.abstractWith the development of computers and software for processing raster images of the earth's surface, the procedures of automatic classification of landforms are becoming more and more important today. The paper compares the results of GIS based automatic and TPI classification of landforms.Today, automatic classification is often used in the analysis of relief forms of areas of interest. The method is based on a digital terrain model (DMT) and geomorphological parameters that can be derived from a mathematical surface model. This paper describes the method of automatic landform classification and superevised landform classification. For the application of the method, apart from DMT, the following parameters were used: slope, planar and profile curvature and topographic position index (TPI) with neighborhood models. The results showed that there are different morphographic categories of relief in the area of interest. The classification results made for the test area of the part of the municipality of Novi Pazar confirm that automatic methods can be used in the relief classification procedure.sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineeringsr
dc.subjectGeografski informacioni sistemi (GIS)sr
dc.subjectgeomorfometrijski parametrisr
dc.subjectklasifikacija reljefasr
dc.subjectGeographical Information Systems (GIS)sr
dc.subjectgeomorphometric parameterssr
dc.subjectrelief classificationsr
dc.titleApplication of GIS based digital terrain models in the procedure of automatic classification of landformssr



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