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Establishment of a Quality Control Plan - WG3

dc.creatorHajdin, Rade
dc.creatorKušar, Matej
dc.creatorMašović, Snežana
dc.creatorLinneberg, Poul
dc.creatorAmado, João Luís
dc.creatorTanasić, Nikola
dc.description.abstractThere is a broad consensus that the benefits of road infrastructure for the society cannot be overestimated. The investments in road infrastructure raise the growth potential of a national economy, which can be fully exploited by efficient utilization of the road infrastructure. It is difficult to quantify the economic benefit of road infrastructure but its lower bound is estimated to be between 4% (U.S. DOT, 2015) and 10% (Kurte & Esser, 2008), (ARE, ASTRA, 2006) of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Apart from purely economic benefit, the road infrastructure enables road users to be involved in various activities that yield private, public and social benefits (Frischmann, 2012). Maintaining these benefits on the long run in economically efficient, environmentally responsible and socially reconcilable manner, is the fundamental task of road authorities. They are bound to provide fast, safe, comfortable, and affordable travel. The quality control plan here presented specifies all activities and tools, needed to ensure quality. In case of road infrastructure, the quality control plan defines the extent and the interval of inspections or investigations and data necessary to estimate key performance indicators (KPI) and forecast their future development. Quality control plan also includes decision model that suggest maintenance action based on the forecast of key performance indicators.sr
dc.description.abstractPostoji širok konsenzus da se društvena dobit od drumske infrastrukture ne sme potceniti. Ulaganja u putnu infrastrukturu povećavaju potencijal rasta nacionalne ekonomije, koji se može u potpunosti iskoristiti efikasnim korišćenjem putne infrastrukture. Teško je kvantifikovati ekonomsku korist putne infrastrukture, ali procenjuje se da je njena donja granica između 4% (US DOT, 2015) i 10% (Kurte & Esser, 2008), (ARE, ASTRA, 2006) bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP). Osim čisto ekonomske koristi, putna infrastruktura omogućava učesnicima u saobraćaju da budu uključeni u različite aktivnosti koje donose privatnu, javnu i društvenu korist (Frischmann, 2012). Održavanje ovih beneficija na dugi rok na ekonomski efikasan, ekološki odgovoran i društveno pomiran način, osnovni je zadatak putnih vlasti. Oni su dužni da obezbede brzo, sigurno, udobno i pristupačno putovanje. Ovdje predstavljeni plan kontrole kvaliteta specificira sve aktivnosti i alate potrebne za osiguranje kvaliteta. U slučaju putne infrastrukture, plan kontrole kvaliteta definiše obim i interval inspekcija ili istraživanja i podatke neophodne za procenu ključnih pokazatelja učinka (KPI) i predviđanje njihovog budućeg razvoja. Plan kontrole kvaliteta takođe uključuje model odlučivanja koji predlaže akcije održavanja na osnovu predviđanja ključnih pokazatelja učinka.sr
dc.relationCOST TU 1406sr
dc.sourceTU1406 - Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec)sr
dc.subjectKontrola kvaliteta, pokazatelji učinka, procesi propadanja, zahtevi i ograničenja, pregledi, održavanjsr
dc.subjectQuality control planssr
dc.subjectperformance indicatorssr
dc.subjectdeterioration processessr
dc.subjectdemand processessr
dc.titleEstablishment of a Quality Control Plan - WG3sr
dc.titleEstablishment of a Quality Control Plan - WG3sr



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