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dc.creatorHajdin, Georgije
dc.description.abstractOva knjiga predstavlja uvod u Mehaniku fluida - fundamentalnu oblast hidrotehnike. Knjiga se sastoji od šest delova. Prvi deo se bavi predmetom, načinom i uslovima proučavanja Mehanike fluida; objašnjavaju se osnovne i izvedene veličine, dimenzionalni sistemi, skalarne, vektorske i tenzorske veličine, materijalni izvod, osobenosti (ne)stišljivih fluida, početni i granični uslovi, karakteristike ustaljenog i neustaljenog strujanja. Drugi deo daje objašnjenje osnovnih pojmova, kao što su: brzina, trajektorija, strujnica, protok, naponi, brzina deformacija, zapreminske i površinske sile. U trećem delu se izvode osnovne jednačine nepromenljivosti mase, količine kretanja i održanja energije. U četvrtom delu autor definiše veze između napona i deformacija i formuliše jednačine koje su posledice tih veza. Peti deo se odnosi na osnove turbulencije, počev od osrednjavanja uticaja i opisa dejstva fluktuacija na glavno strujanje, preko jednačina koje su prilagođene turbulentnom strujanju, do statističkih pokazatelja turbulencije. U poslednjem, šestom delu, razmatraju se: dimenzonalna analiza, primena bezdimenzionalnih veličina u opisivanju strujanja, korišćenje fizičkih (hidrauličkih) modela uz uslove sličnosti, kao i mogućnosti primene modelisanja u
dc.description.abstractThis book gives an introduction to Fluid Mechanics - the fundamental field of hydraulic engineering. The book consists of six parts. The first part deals with the subject matter, manner and conditions of studying Fluid Mechanics; it considers the basic and derived quantities, dimensional systems, scalar, vector and tensor quantities, material derivative, features of (non) compressible fluids, initial and boundary conditions, and characteristics of steady and unsteady flows. The second part provides an explanation of basic concepts, such as: velocity, pathline, streamline, flow rate, stresses, strain rate, surface and body forces. In the third part, the basic equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy are derived. In the fourth part, the author defines the stress-strain relationships, and formulates the corresponding equations. The fifth part deals with the basics of turbulence, starting from the time averaging and effects of fluctuations on the main flow, through equations that are adapted to turbulent flow, to statistical indicators of turbulence. In the last, sixth part, the following are considered: dimensional analysis, application of dimensionless quantities for describing flows, use of physical (hydraulic) models with conditions of similarity, as well as possibilities of application of modelling in
dc.subjectmehanika fluidasr
dc.subjectosnovni pojmovi i principisr
dc.subjectjednačine strujanja fluidasr
dc.subjectdimenzionalna analizasr
dc.subjectfizički modelisr
dc.subjectfluid mechanicssr
dc.subjectbasic notions and principlessr
dc.subjectequations for fluid flowsr
dc.subjectdimensional analysissr
dc.subjecthydraulic modelssr
dc.titleMehanika fluida / knjiga prva: Osnovesr

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