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Discharge measurements at the tubular turbine intakes with EM current meters: Assessment of the discharge measurement uncertainty

dc.creatorIvetić, Damjan
dc.creatorProdanović, Dušan
dc.creatorVojt, Predrag
dc.description.abstractOdređivanje hidrauličke efikasnosti turbina se zasniva na pouzdanom poznavanju nekoliko osnovnih hidrauličkih, mašinskih i elektro veličina. Iz ove grupe, protok vode kroz turbinu je veličina koju je najteže pouzdano izmeriti. Merna nesigurnost je uobičajeno veća nego kod merenja ostalih osnovnih veličina. Pored toga, i sama procedura određivanja merne nesigurnosti je složenija, prvenstveno usled kompleksnosti samog mernog procesa ali i zbog specifičnosti hidrauličkih uslova na mernim mestima. U okviru plana revitalizacije cevnih agregata na HE Đerdap 2, sa ciljem bolje procene hidrauličke efikasnosti turbina, projektovan je i primenjen inovativni sistem za posredno merenje protoka. Merni sistem koristi metodu Brzina – Proticajni presek i može se postaviti na ulazu u turbinu, uzvodno od grube rešetke. Pomoću 15 komada 3D elektromagnetnih senzora brzine, horizontalno postavljenih na čelični ram, koji se podiže po celoj visini proticajnog preseka, snima se polje brzina. Pored EM senzora, na ram su postavljena i dva redudantna akustična Dopler senzora, merači položaja rama i dubine vode. Sva merenja su sinhronizovana sa lokalnim SCADA sistemom, tako da se u konačnom obračunu protoka, koriste i odgovarajući podaci o radu turbine. Imajući u vidu specifičnosti dva moguća režima rada tokom merenja (inkrementalni i kontinualni), samog mernog sistema sa novorazvijenim EM senzorima, kao i hidrauličkih uslova (koso dostrujavanje), razvijena je posebna procedura za procenu nesigurnosti izmerenog protoka. Analizirani su doprinosi svih uticajnih veličina na samo merenje kao i na postupak interpolacije u toku obračuna protoka. U ovom radu je predstavljena navedena procedura i detaljno su opisane komponente merne nesigurnosti koje utiču na konačnu nesigurnost izmerenog protoka. Takođe, prikazani su rezultati primene na delu dosadašnjih merenja na agregatima HE Đerdap 2.sr
dc.description.abstractThe assessment of the turbine hydraulic efficiency is based upon the reliable information on several hydraulic, mechanical and electric quantities. Out of these, discharge, or the flow rate, is the quantity which is most difficult to accurately measure. Measurement uncertainty is typically higher than in rest of the cases. Furthermore, the procedure for the measurement uncertainty assessment is more complex, mainly due to the complexity of the measurement process and the specific flow conditions at the measurement site. As a part of the tubular turbine revitalization plans for the HPP Iron Gate 2, with a goal of improved assessment of the turbine hydraulic efficiency, a novel discharge measurement system was designed and applied. The system is using the Velocity – Area approach for the discharge measurements, and can be installed at the turbine intakes, upstream of the trash rack. The core of the measurement system are 15 novel 3D electromagnetic velocity meters, mounted on steel frame spanning across the width of the flow area. The steel frame is traversed across the height of the flow area to allow for the velocity field mapping using the EM sensors and 2 redundant acoustic Doppler velocimeters. The position of the frame is monitored via 2 position transducers, while 2 pressure transducers are used for the water depth measurements. The measurements are synchronized with local SCADA system, thus in the post processing – and in the final discharge evaluation, additional turbine data are used. Two operating modes of the system can be used: incremental and continuous. Due to the specifics of the operating modes, actual measurement system with novel EM sensors, and hydraulic conditions, a detailed measurement uncertainty assessment was performed. Contributions from each uncertainty component and the procedure for the interpolation of the measured velocities, on the measurement results, are incorporated. In this paper, the above-mentioned procedure is presented, while the components of the final discharge measurement uncertainty are described in detail. Additionally, the results of the procedure application on the conducted measurements, are shown.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Građevinski fakultet, Beogradsr
dc.sourceZbornik radova 19. naučnog savetovanja Srpskog društva za hidraulička istraživanja i Srpskog društva za hidrologijusr
dc.subjectMerna nesigurnost, Merenja protoka, Merenje brzine tečenja, Merni sistemi, Elektromagnetni senzori, Hidroelektranesr
dc.subjectMeasurement uncertainty, Discharge measurements, Velocity measurements, Measurement systems, Electromagnetic sensors, Hydropower plantssr
dc.titleOdređivanje protoka na prilazima cevnih turbina uz pomoć EM senzora brzine: Određivanje nesigurnosti izmerenog protokasr
dc.titleDischarge measurements at the tubular turbine intakes with EM current meters: Assessment of the discharge measurement uncertaintysr



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