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The time has come when survival and development cannot be achieved without water storage reservoirs

dc.creatorDašić, Tina
dc.creatorStanić, Miloš
dc.creatorTopalović, Žana
dc.creatorSudar, Nedeljko
dc.creatorĐorđević, Branislav
dc.description.abstractKlimatske promene nisu stvar neke dalje budućnosti. To su procesi koji se već dešavaju i najnepovoljnije se odražavaju upravo na sektor voda u Srbiji, ali i u svim zemljama u regionu. Nepovoljne posledice su posebno izražene u Srbiji, jer je ona i ranije imala vodne režime među najnepovoljnijim u Evropi - sa gledišta vremenske neravnomernosti tokom godine, kao i sa gledišta prostorne raspodele vode po teritoriji. Kao posledica klimatskih promena već se uočavaju pogoršanja vodnih režima: sušni periodi postaju sve duži, male vode su sve manje i sa sve dužim trajanjem, velike vode postaju sve veće, bujičnije, sa sve razornijim posledicama, smanjuje se intenzitet obnavljanja podzemnih voda i postaju sve ranjivija izvorišta podzemnih voda. Posebno je loše to što su najveća pogoršanja vodnih režima upravo u delovima Srbije (istok, jugistok, jug), gde su i sada vodni režimi najnepovoljniji. Sadašnje planirane akcije u svetu svode se samo na napore da se uspore emisije gasova staklene bašte (GSB). Te akcije nisu dovoljno operativne za sektor voda. Ostvarivanje potrebne izdržljivosti (resiliency) vodoprivrednih sistema može se ostvariti samo novim akumulacijama i ojačanjem linijskih sistema zaštite od poplava. Akumulacije dobijaju sve veću ulogu i u aktivnoj zaštiti od poplava - ublažavanjem poplavnih talasa. U takvim uslovima apsolutni prioritet ima prostorno planiranje koje će zaštititi sve neophodne prostore za razvoj vodoprivredne infrastrukture u novim, pogoršanim uslovima. To podrazumeva plansku zaštitu prostora neophodnih za izgradnju novih akumulacija i retenzija, zaštitu svih izvorišta podzemnih i površinskih voda, i prostora za ojačavanje linijskih sistema zaštite od poplava. U članku se na bazi studija urađenih za Prostorni plan Republike Srbije, i Studije uticaja klimatskih promena na upravljanje vodama sliva Vrbasa, analizira neophodnost izgradnje novih akumulacija, kako bi se vodoprivredni sistemi učinili dovoljno pouzdanim i izdržljivim i u novim uslovima. Na primeru Vrbasa i njegove pritoke Vrbanje pokazuje se da se izgradnjom i manjih akumulacija, umesto velike, čija je realizacija onemogućena neplanskim zaposedanjem dolinskog prostora, može značajno povećati pouzdanost funkcionisanja sistema za navodnjavanje. Navode se i iskustva iz Srbije, koja mora novim akumulacijama obezbediti neophodnu pouzdanost vodoprivrednih sistema u uslovima izazvanim klimatskim
dc.description.abstractClimate change is not a matter of the future. These are processes that are already happening and have the most unfavorable impact on the water sector in Serbia, but also in all countries in the region. Unfavorable consequences are especially pronounced in Serbia, because it has previously had water regimes among the most unfavorable in Europe - from the point of view of time unevenness during the year, as well as from the point of view of spatial distribution of water on the territory. As a consequence of climate change, deterioration of water regimes is already being registered: dry periods are getting longer, small waters are getting smaller and with longer duration, big waters are getting bigger, more torrential, with more and more devastating consequences, groundwater renewal intensity is decreasing and becoming more more vulnerable groundwater sources. It is especially bad that the biggest deteriorations of water regimes are in parts of Serbia (east, southeast, south), where water regimes are still the most unfavorable. The current planned actions in the world are limited to efforts to slow down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These actions are not operational enough for the water sector. Achieving the necessary resilience of water management systems can only be achieved through new accumulation and strengthening of line flood protection systems. Reservoirs are gaining an increasing role in active flood protection - by mitigating flood waves. In such conditions, the absolute priority is spatial planning, which will protect all the necessary spaces for the development of water management infrastructure in the new, worsened conditions. This includes planned protection of the space necessary for the construction of new reservoirs and retentions, protection of all groundwater and surface water sources, and space for strengthening line flood protection systems. Based on studies done for the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia and the Study of the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Management of the Vrbas Basin, the article analyzes the need to build new reservoirs in order to make water management systems sufficiently reliable and resilient and in new conditions. The example of the Vrbas and its tributaries the Vrbanja shows that the construction of smaller reservoirs, instead of large ones, the realization of which is prevented by unplanned occupation of the valley area, can significantly increase the reliability of the irrigation system. Experiences from Serbia are also cited, which must provide the new reservoirs with the necessary reliability of water management systems in the new, worsened conditions caused by climate
dc.publisherSrpsko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanjesr
dc.publisherAkademija inženjerskih nauka Srbijesr
dc.sourceČasopis Vodoprivredasr
dc.subjectklimatske promenesr
dc.subjectpouzdanost isporuke vodesr
dc.subjectizdržljivost (resilency) vodoprivrednih sistemasr
dc.subjectclimate changesr
dc.subjectreliability of water supplysr
dc.subjectresilience of water resources systemssr
dc.titleNastupilo je vreme kada se bez akumulacija ne mogu obezbediti uslovi za opstanak i razvojsr
dc.titleThe time has come when survival and development cannot be achieved without water storage reservoirssr

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