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dc.creatorJovanović, Miodrag B.
dc.description.abstractKnjiga “Regulacija reka - radovi i građevine”, koja predstavlja nastavak autorove prethodne knjige “Regulacija reka - rečna hidraulika i morfologija”, namenjena je prvenstveno inženjerima hidrotehnike koji se bave uređenjem vodotoka, ali i studentima građevinskih fakulteta. Sa oko 500 strana teksta, velikim brojem fotografija i dijagrama, kao i peko 70 računskih primera, knjiga je podeljena u 7 poglavlja, koje se odnose na: složenost regulacije reka kao hidrotehničke discipline, principe projektovanja regulisanih vodotoka, metode proračuna i izgradnje raznih tipova regulacionih građevina, osnovne principe tzv. “naturalnog uređenja” vodotoka, kao i razne investicione i neinvesticione mere zaštite od poplava. Dat je i pregled dosadašnjeg uređenja vodotoka i Srbiji i opis njenih velikih hidrotehničkih sistema (HEPS Đerdap I i II, Sistem DTD).
dc.description.abstractThe book "River Engineering - works and structures", which is a continuation of the author's previous book "River Engineering - river hydraulics and morphology", is intended primarily for hydrotechnical engineers who deal with the river training, but also for students of civil engineering. With about 500 pages of text, a large number of photographs and diagrams, as well as more than 70 calculation examples, the book is divided into 7 chapters, which relate to: the complexity of river regulation as a hydrotechnical discipline, design principles of river training, methods of calculation and construction of various types of river structures, the basic principles of the so-called "natural river training", as well as various investment and non-investment flood protection measures. An overview of the acomplished river training works in Serbia, and a description of its large hydrotechnical systems (HEPS Đerdap I and II, System DTD) is also given.
dc.subjectregulacija rekasr
dc.subjectrečne regulacione građevinesr
dc.subjectradovi u regulaciji rekasr
dc.subjectriver engineeringsr
dc.subjectriver training workssr
dc.subjectriver training structuressr
dc.titleRegulacija reka - radovi i građevinesr



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