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Jesenje cvetanje potencijalno toksične cijanobakterije Planktothrix rubescens u višenamenskoj akumulaciji Vrutci

dc.creatorKostić, Dušan
dc.creatorBlagojević, Ana
dc.creatorSubakov-Simić, Gordana
dc.creatorIvetić, Marko
dc.creatorNaunović, Zorana
dc.description.abstractIn December 2013th, the multipurpose Vrutci reservoir was the scene of potentially toxic cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens bloom. This paper presents the results of water quality field measurements that were conducted during the bloom on December 28th. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll a, pH, specific conductivity and total dissolved solids were measured in more than 150 evenly distributed points using a multi-parameter probe. The paper provides some visual observations and information collected during private communication with the representatives of Uzice Water Supply PUC. The Vrutci reservoir is the main source of the raw water for the Uzice water supply system. More than 60 thousand consumers from the City of Uzice and the surrounding settlements suffered from a potable water shortage. A ban on using the water for potable water purposes such as drinking and food preparation was announced on December 26th. Interestingly enough, despite the obvious red-purple colour of the water caused by the bloom, the measured water quality indicators did not exhibit significant anomalies, except that chlorophyll a was registered in significant concentrations at depths greater than 30 meters. This indicates that the intrusion of cyanobacteria cells could not be avoided by only changing the height on selective withdrawal. It is also interesting that neither the Vrutci reservoir nor its tributaries had regular water quality monitoring, so the causes and the exact time of the appearance of the cyanobacteria may only be the subject of speculation. It is clear enough that there is an urgent need for the establishment of continuous and detailed water quality monitoring that will track changes in chemical and microbiological parameters. The ban on water use that lasted for 43 days was lifted on February 7th, after the newly built water intake structure ‘Susicka Vrela’ on the River Susica was connected to the raw water pipeline.en
dc.description.abstractU decembru 2013. godine, u višenamenskoj akumulaciji Vrutci, na reci Đetinji procvetala je populacija potencijalno toksične cijanobakterije Planktothrix rubescens (DeCandolle ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komarek. U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja osnovnih pokazatelja kvaliteta vode, u toku cvetanja koja je 28. decembra, obavio Građevinski fakultet iz Beograda. Multiparametarskom sondom u preko 150 tačaka, izmereni su: temperatura vode, koncentracija rastvorenog kiseonika, stepen saturacije rastvorenim kiseonikom, hlorofil a, pH vrednost, specifična elektroprovodljivost i ukupna mineralizacija. U radu su date informacije i zapažanja, do kojih se došlo osmatranjem akumulacije i u neformalnim razgovorima sa predstavnicima JKP Vodovod Užice u ponovnom obilasku akumulacije 2. januara. Akumulacija Vrutci predstavlja glavno izvorište užičkog vodovoda, pa je preko 60 hiljada korisnika iz Užica i okoline ostalo bez vode za piće i pripremu hrane. I pored evidentne purpurno-crvene boje vode, rezultati merenja nisu ukazali na značajne anomalije u merenim parametrima, izuzev što je hlorofil a registrovan u značajnim koncentracijama i na dubinama od 30 metara, što znači da su cijanobakterije nastanile i duboke delove vodene kolone, pa ih je bilo nemoguće izbeći promenom visinske kote na selektivnom vodozahvatu. Interesantno je da ni akumulacija ni njene pritoke nisu imale redovan monitoring, pa se o uzrocima i vremenu pojave cijanobakterija danas samo nagađa. Sada je jasno da postoji potreba za uspostavljanjem kontinualnog monitoringa koji bi obuhvatio veći broj hemijskih i mikrobioloških parametara. Zabrana korišćenja vode, koja je stupila na snagu 26. decembra, ukinuta je 7. februara, tek kada je na cevovod sirove vode povezano izvorište “Sušička vrela”.sr
dc.publisherUdruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37009/RS//
dc.sourceVoda i sanitarna tehnika
dc.subjectmultipurpose water reservoiren
dc.subjectcyanobacterial bloomen
dc.subjectfield measurementsen
dc.subjectvišenamenska akumulacijasr
dc.subjectcijanobakterijsko cvetanjesr
dc.subjectterenska merenja kvaliteta vodesr
dc.titleLate autmn bloom of potentialy toxic cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens in the multipurpose Vrutci reservoiren
dc.titleJesenje cvetanje potencijalno toksične cijanobakterije Planktothrix rubescens u višenamenskoj akumulaciji Vrutcisr
dc.citation.other44(1): 5-12

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