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Effects of the application of modern systems for the reduction of rain runoff on the example of the settlement Vojlovica, Pančevo

dc.creatorAnđelić, Lazar
dc.creatorProdanović, Dušan
dc.creatorJaćimović, Nenad
dc.creatorIvetić, Damjan
dc.description.abstractUbrzani razvoj gradova i urbanizacija ruralnih područja predstavlaju realnost već nekoliko desetina godina u nazad, a taj trend će se neminovno nastaviti i u budućnosti. Urbanizacija utiče na povećanje onog dela urbanog oticaja koji potiče od padavina. Tradicionalni sistemi koji su ranije projektovani za odvođenje urbanog oticaja imali su za cilj da što brže taj oticaj odvedu do recipijenta. U poslednjih petnaest, dvadeset godina javila se potreba za razvojem sistema koji će se baviti kako kontrolom i smanjnjem količine urbanog oticaja, tako i poboljšanjem njegovog kvaliteta uz minimalno narušavanje životne sredine i ekosistema. Tema ovog rada je ispitivanje mogućnosti za implementaciju savremenih sistema za smanjenje kišnog oticaja na teritoriji naselja Vojlovica u Pančevu, korišćenjem modela oticaja u programu EPA SWMM. U radu je izvršeno poređenje rezultata modela oticaja u postojećim uslovima i modela sa korišćenjem savremenih sistema za smanjenje oticaja kao što su zemljani kanali, propusne staze, rezervoari.sr
dc.description.abstractThe accelerated development of cities and the urbanization of rural areas present the reality for several decades now, and this trend will continue inevitably in the future. Urbanization influences the increase of that part of the urban runoff from the precipitation. Traditional systems that were previously designed for the removal of urban runoff were intended to take the runoff to the recipient as quickly as possible. In the last fifteen, twenty years there has been a need for the development of a system that will deal with controlling and reducing the amount of urban runoff, as well as improving its quality with minimal environmental and ecosystem degradation. The topic of this paper is to examine the possibilities for implementation of modern systems for reducing the runoff in the territory of Vojlovica settlement in Pančevo, using the model of runoff in the software EPA SWMM. In this paper, is made comparison of the results of the runoff model in the existing conditions and models with implementation of modern systems for the reduction of the runoff, such as channels, permeable pavements, reservoirs.sr
dc.publisherSrpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja i Srpsko društvo za hidrologijusr
dc.source18. Savetovanje SDHI i SDH, Niš, Srbijasr
dc.subjecturbani slivovi, smanjenje oticaja, kontrola oticaja, SWMMsr
dc.subjecturban runoffsr
dc.subjectstorm runoff reductionsr
dc.subjectrunoff controlsr
dc.titleEfekti primene savremenih sistema za smanjenje kišnog oticaja na primeru naselja Vojlovica, Pančevosr
dc.titleEffects of the application of modern systems for the reduction of rain runoff on the example of the settlement Vojlovica, Pančevosr



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