GraFar - Repository of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
GraFaR, ie Gradjevinski Fakultet - Repozitorijum is a joint digital repository of the all departments in Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. GraFaR provides open access to the publications, as well as to other outputs of the research projects implemented in this institution.
The software platform meets the current requirements that apply to the dissemination of scholarly publications and it is compatible with relevant international infrastructures.
You may use the external application Authors, Projects, Publications (APP) to browse and search authors and funding information. APP also enables metadata export and displays Altmetric scores and Dimensions, Scopus and Web of Science citation counts.
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Recently Added
An efficient model for 3D analysis of steel frames exposed to fire
(Elsevier, 2024) -
Dinamičke toplotne karakteristike homogenih građevinskih pregrada
(The Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computing, Automatics and Nuclear engineering, 2024) -
Problematika vođenja biciklističkih kretanja u gradskim uslovima
(Srpsko drustvo za puteve "Via Vita", 2024) -
Surface drainage and aquaplaning risk in road inflection zones
(University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Transportation, 2024) -
Optimisation aspects towards higher industrial floor construction joint efficiency / Mogućnosti optimizacije dilatacione spojnice industrijskih podova u cilju povećanja efikasnosti
(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ASES - Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, Belgrade, 2024) -
Mogućnosti primene insar tehnologije za daljinsku detekciju deformacije geometrije puta
(Srpsko drustvo za puteve "Via Vita", 2024) -
A Note on the Nonlocal Controllability of Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations via Measure of Noncompactness
(The Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics (KSCAM), 2024) -
Failure modes of steel beams with web openings / Modeli loma čeličnih grednih nosača sa otvorima u rebru
(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, 2024) -
Demontažni spojevi čeličnih i armiranobetonskih elemenata sa mehaničkim spojnicama pri interakciji smicanja i zatezanja / Demountable connections between steel and reinforced concrete elements with mechanical couplers under combined shear and tension loads
(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Građevinski fakultet, 2024, 2024) -
Merenje protoka na prilazima cevnih turbina uz pomoć EM senzora brzine: Unapređenje metodologije proračuna merne nesigurnosti / Discharge measurements at the tubular turbine intakes with EM current meters: Improvements of the procedure for the measurement uncertainty assessment
(Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja i Srpsko društvo za hidrologiju, 2024) -
Nonlinear Modeling and Machine Learning for Interstorey Damage State Classification in 10-Story RC Frame Building
(The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), 2024) -
An Introduction to the Management of Complex Software Projects
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024) -
Kombinovanje metoda za merenje protoka u kanalizacionim sistemima u cilju smanjenja merne nesigurnosti usled lokalnih uslova strujanja / Combining sewer discharge measurement methods for the reduction of in-situ measurement uncertainty
(Srpsko društvo za hidraulička istraživanja i Srpsko društvo za hidrologiju, 2024)